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Everything posted by Dalmar1

  1. This Dr is right, sneaky kheire or any politicians children is a fair game in the political world, so as the saying goes "all is fair in love and war (Politics)".
  2. @galbeedi ignore this ignorant gooni, he just like his clans-men that were raised on the xaraam booli qaran/Nepotism see farmaajo as their messiah afweyne 2.0 that will bring back their booli qaran status, which is why they are so eager in defending him from all critics, and by the way their Booli Qaran status will never return again. As for farmaajo failing politically its all because of his arrogance in assuming that he a non native Mogadishu that hails from the poorest starved region GEDO in Somalia and his PM Kheyre a langaab from a tiny district Dayniile in outskirt of Mogadishu (and btw Kheyre's clan are so tiny that from all of Somalia they only have Dayniile and nothing else) can rule Mogadishu from those that have actual influence like Reer Galmudug who rule whole of Galmudug/S-Hoose and Half of Banaadir. Somalia is still very much tribal, and there will be cold in hell before someone from langaab people that hail from one of the poorest region Gedo in Somalia will rule the Rich Native Mogadishu, so long Reer Galmudug are breathing they will forever make sure Afweynes orphans will never rule or struggle ruling Somalia inshallahi.
  3. Its very stupid and gullible to trust the same person (Farmaajo) who so willingly and obediently gave up his own blood brother (Somali, Qalbi Dhagax) to his family's arch enemy (Xabashis) to be tortured and worse, so that the arch enemy may stroke his back as an loyal dog, a dirty loyal dog at that. Allah knows what faraajo signed for the Kenyans, there are so many rumors flying around, so only time will tell, and i wouldn't be surprised if farmaajo did sell Kenya's something, just as he sold Ethiopia a Somali Citizen.
  4. From 4:25, you can listen the President farmaajo confessing as he says that he didnt pay his Army in the front-line against the Al-shabaab for over 3 Months, while the habitual liar PM Kheyre said before in Public that they have paid the Army every Months consistently and those soldiers protesting about not being paid their salaries are Criminals.
  5. President triple chin deni is as clannist as his predecessors in defending his fellow clans-men from justices taking course on them.
  6. DHAGEYSO:Caasho ilyaas Wiilashii Kufsaday oo Yurub loo Dhuufiya !! Qoyska Caasha Ilyaas oo ahayd gabadhii 12-jirka ahayd ee la kufsaday kadibna lagu dilay magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa dhaliilay qaabka loo wado baadhitaanka lagu sameynayo dadkii ka danbeeyey danbiga gabadhooda lagula kacay. Aabaha gabadhan dhalay oo lagu magacaabo Ilyaas Aadan ayaa VOA u sheegay inuu dareensan yahay in wadadii laga leexiyay baadhitaanka kiiskan Listen to her Father speak below in VOA interview DHAGEYSO:Caasho ilyaas Wiilashii Kufsaday oo Yurub loo Dhuufiya !! | xushmo.com XUSHMO.COM
  7. No offence Suldaanow but are you talking out of your arse? HG and reer Kuwait being allies against unaka leh crew is absurd. The biggest opposition against this N&N government since day 1 has been HG. As for the Army's declared war that's being going on Farmaajo government it's Hiraab (HG S/Hoose and Abgaal S/Dhexe). In short HG doesn't need a Langaab weak clan like beesha Kuwait for an ally when it has always carried itself unchallenged.
  8. Kudos and well done to the Beesha Barekeysan Somalilanders for setting an example to us in Galmudug, on how to liberate your lands from the illegal occupation of Puntland. Of all the States in South Somalia non is advancing faster then Galmudug in terms of Military and State Power, Galmudug is Somaliland in progression! Watch This Video, and you will realize the foreseeable problems Puntland will face for occupying Northern Mudug Illegally, without shadow of a a doubt Galmudug is a rising Military State..
  9. Farmaajo has humiliated Somalia by caving in Uhuru's brutish threat, it looks like ICJ Court Case will be abandon in favor of Kenya. Because of Farmaajo Treachery Kenya has WON in taken illegally Somalia's Ocean.
  10. Kenya and Somalia agreed to resolve Maritime Row out of Court According to Ethiopean State Television, Kenya and Somalia agree to resolve border row diplomatically “Kenya and Somalia have agreed to resolve the recent maritime boundary dispute through diplomatic way”, state-owned Ethiopian Television reported today. “The leaders of Kenya and Somalia during a face to face meeting under the mediation of Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed, chairman of Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), have agreed to resolve their recent maritime boundary dispute through diplomatic way only and avoid costly legal system,” Ethiopian TV reported. PM Abiy And President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo are in Nairobi., They met this morning with President Uhurur and agreed to settle the dispute between Kenya and Somalia diplomatically. Kenya and Somalia both claim a 100,000 square-kilometre triangle in the Indian Ocean that is rumoured to be rich in oil and gas reserves. The row escalated when Somalia allegedly auctioned oil blocks from the area during an oil and gas conference in London on 7 February. Somalia denied the allegations.
  11. Professor Samatar " Farmaajo suurtagal uma ahan inuu gorgortan ka galo kiiska yaalo Maxkamadda" | Caasimada Online WWW.CAASIMADA.NET Nairobi (Caasimadda Online) – Professor Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar oo cilmiga Juqraafiga ka dhiga Jaamacadda Minnesota ee dalka ee Mareykanka ayaa BBC-da u sheegay inaanay u muuqan in Soomaaliya… Professor Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar oo cilmiga Juqraafiga ka dhiga Jaamacadda Minnesota ee dalka ee Mareykanka ayaa BBC-da u sheegay inaanay u muuqan in Soomaaliya ay wax gorgortan ah ka geli doonto arinta badda. “Anigu waxaan isleeyahay arinta ceynkaas ah suuragal u noqon mayso madaxweynaha Soomaaliya, waayo dadka Soomaaliyeed oo dhan waxay ogyihiin xaqoodu meesha uu yaallo, gorgortanna kama geli karaan arinta ceynkaas ah,” ayuu yiri professorka. Kenya ayaa la rumaysan yahay inay doonayso in arinta muranka xuduud badeedka lagu xalliyo qaab hoose, halka Soomaaliyana ay ku adkeysanayso in laga warsugo go’aanka Maxkamadda Caddaaladda Adduunka ee loo gudbiyay kiiskan. Professor Cabdi Ismaaciil Samatar ayaa sheegay in haddii ay dhacdo in Soomaaliya ay gorgortan ka gasho kiiska yaalla maxkamadda, ay taasi noqon doonto “shil weyn oo siyaasadeed oo soo gaari doona wadanka Soomaaliya.” Weli Soomaaliya iyo Kenya ayaan dib isugu celin safiiraddii u kala fadhiyay caasimadahooda, waxaana la tilmaamayaa in arintaasi ay ku xiran tahay horumarka laga gaaro kulanka Arbaca dhici doona. Xiisadda diblomaasiyadeed ee u dhaxeysa labada ayaa meel xun gaartay, kadib markii dowladda Kenya ay Soomaaliya ku eedeesay in London ay ku “xaraashtay” ceelal shidaal oo ku yaal xuduud badeedka lagu mursan yahay. Soomaaliya ayaa sheegtay in shirkii London ka dhacay 7-dii Febraayo lagu soo bandhigay xog sahmin oo keliya isla markaana aanay xaraashin ceelal shidaal lagu tuhunsan yahay. Caasimada Online Xafiiska Muqdisho Caasimada@live.com
  12. What a shame on fudeydkii Farmaajo! Nin ku gardaraysay miyaa gurigiisa loogu tegaa, waa siyaasad xumo taasi. In uu Uhuru Muqdisho yimaado ayay ahayd
  13. Its still not making sense, why is Farmaajo in Kenya after all that humiliating acts Kenya/Uhuru have done to Somalia, the only reason is that Farmaajo has accepted the Talks between Kenya under Ethiopia inter-mediate outside the ICJ court. This is by far a treacherous and a weak move done by Farmaajo, Allah ceeb badanaa.
  14. Knowing your treacherous folks, i am willing to bet just anything at this moment of how big of a Treasonous act Farmaajo is doing.
  15. Farmaajo after Uhuru brutish threat and Abiy ahmed the Oromo's ''wine and dine'' strategy finally caves in to Kenya's claim to the Somalia's Ocean and will soon pull out of the ICJ court case, thereby Kenya winning a decisive Victory. Abiy ahmed the Oromo's ''wine and dine'' strategy
  16. (Deg Deg) MW Farmaajo oo ogolaaday in kiiska Badda lagu dhameeyo wadahadal (Xog Muhiim ah) Ilo wareedyo ka mid ah wafdiga Madaxweyne Farmaajo ayaa xaqiijiyay in MW Farmaajo loo sheegay in dowladda Kenya oo cabasho ah aay timid magaalada Addis Ababa. RW Abiye Axmed ayaa u sheegay MW Farmaajo in MW Kenyatta uu ku eedeeyay in isaga iyo kooxdiisa aay siyaasadeeyeen heshiis dhex maray dowladda Kenya iyo RW Soomaaliya Xasan Cali Kheyre. RW Abiye ayaa sheegay in Soomaaliya aanay hadda dhaqaale ahaan iyo ciidan ahaanba aanay u diyaarsaneyn in aay dagaal la gasho dowladda Kenya wuxuuna ku taliyay Abiye Axmed in MW Farmaajo uu ogolaado heshiiska dhex maray RW Kheyre iyo Dowladda Kenya, kiiska Badda laga soo celiyo maxkamadda laguna dhameeyo wadahal aay garwadeen ka noqoneyso urur goboleedka IGAD. MW Farmaajo ayaa ogolaaday talada uu soo jeediyay RW Itoobiya, wuxuuna yiri “Aniga waan ku kalsoonahay talada aad na siisaan. Qaar ka mid ah wafdiga MW Farmaajo oo ka gaabsaday in la sheego magacooda ayaa MOL u sheegay in markii uu soo dhammaaday shirka uu MW Farmaajo furka tuurtay, kuna eedeeyay RW Kheyre in uu galay QIYAANO QARAN. Mid ka mid wafdiga ayaa kula taliyay MW Farmaajo in aanu ku degdegin ballanta uu qaaday, uuna ka fekero caqabadda ka dhalan karta haddii uu si sahal ah ku ogolaado hanka Kenya ee ah in kiiska BADDA laga soo celiyo Maxkamadda. Maanta oo ah maalin Talaado ah, waxaa aay galeysaa taariikhda baal MADOW, waxaa maanta masuuliyiintii ugu sarreeysay dalka aay ogolaadeen in si qasab iyo handadaad ah lagu xalaaleysto BADDA iyo xuduudaha Soomaaliya Haddaba, waxaan sugnaa waa falcelinta shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo haddii aay jiraan xildhibaano leh damiir dadnimo iyo mid Soomaalinimo oo ka dagaalama debinka uu Farmaajo u dhigay geyiga Soomaaliyeed.
  17. The sheer ineptness of the cowardly pirates is indeed an entertainment for us rest of the Somalis, seeing them run tail after forceful eviction and their previous checkpoint seized by S/land army was indeed a sight to be laughed at for the cowardice of the Puntiti pirates has no bound.
  18. Everyone knows that Beesha Iljeex always had the most Fighters in terms of manpower and weapons, now imagine Beesha Iljeex becoming a state (Galmudug), this thoughts alone scares the living hell out of some people such as Puntland, they had difficulties beating sub-sub-sub clan of Son of Siciid in Galkacyo while using the unified clans of Puntlands Harti and state's resources yet came always on the losing end, now that same Son of Siciid is now a state power and has incorporated many clans unto its state Galmudug. Without shadow of a doubt Galmudug is a rising state. These are Galmudug's Forces in Training;
  19. Wasiirka Arimaha Dibada iyo Iskaashiga caalamiga ee Soomaaliya Mudane Axmed Ciise Cawadoo caawa khadka taleefanka kula hadlay qaar ka mida Diblomaasiyiinta reer Galbeedka ee u fadhida Soomaaliya oo wado da’daalo lagu xakameynayo colaada siyaasadeed ee soo kala dhexgashay labada dal ee Kenya iyo Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in Dowlada Kenya ay ku qaldan tahay talaabada ay qaaday sadaxdii maalin ee la soo dhaafay. Wasiirka ayaa dhanka kale eed dusha kala kordhacay RW Kheyre waxa uu yiri “waxaa iska cad in Xassan Cali Kheyre uu heshiis hoose uu la galay dowlada Kenya ama uu balan uu u sameeyay laakiin aanan shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo aniga oo wasiirkii ah aanan war u haynin”. Waxa uu intaas ku daray “ilaa iyo hadda RW Kheyre uma uusan sheegin aniga iyo guud ahaanba golaha Wasiirada arimihii uu kala soo hadlay MW Uhuru, sidee baan xal u keeni karaa hadii aananba war u haynin arimihii labad dhibac ka wada hadleen”. Waxaan shaki ku jirin in hadalka wasiirka uu sii adkeyn doono in Dowlada Soomaaliya qaadato argati mideysan oo ku aadan xaalada cakiran ee u dhaxeeyso labada dowladood.
  20. Abdishakur is no doubt a tuug, but the bigger tuugo were his superiour like the PM Cumar Cabdirashid that instructed him and the gullible amateur President Sheikh Shariif, anyway read carefully (the document below) and see that its written with ''I Undersigned Omar Abdirashid (PM) authorize and empower'', meaning he ordered Abdishakur (the employee) to sign the ocean away!
  21. Brother MMA i must say without bearing any grudges, that you are a real Wadani, not once did i see you talking about your folks but always its the collective Somalis interest that you talk about and for that i salute you my fellow compatriot. and as for the tuugada, reveal their faces and shame them into hiding, the hand of the Law should never be lenient on these treacherous tuugo, if i had any powers i would have long hanged the likes of Abdishakur, Cumar Cabdirahsid and Ahmed Madobe just to name a few for the crimes against the Country and its Citizens..
  22. ''Kenya Embarrasses Itself In Border Dispute As Somalia Responds To Threats With Class'' Kenya Embarrasses Itself In Border Dispute As Somalia Responds To Threats With Class | The African Exponent WWW.AFRICANEXPONENT.COM Kenya issued a harshly worded statement and expelled the Somali envoy over a border row. Somalia, however, responded with exemplary diplomacy, leaving Kenya with an egg on its face.
  23. Kenya’s demands to Somalia to end crisis : The Standard WWW.STANDARDMEDIA.CO.KE Ambassador says best option is for both countries to sit and talk.
  24. Why wait for the court case when the Somalia Republic under the current SFG can take actions against Kenya Today?...........Finally the Somali government expels the KDF-Amisom from Somalia.