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Everything posted by xabad

  1. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> I would have been even okay if 300 well-trained Waceysle boys guarded the villa . If Xasan was sincere, a Somali force would be providing the security for Xamar today. You like the blue flag so much, then fight for it instead of expecting foreigners to bail you out. Che has a point here.
  2. <cite> @Asad Ahmed said:</cite> so far,my bro who works a junior clerk in the ministry tells me 20,000 have applied that is a massive number,but it is limited,every year ,2000 women will get job there and send and improve the lives of their families. You must be rich, your family has a hand in the proverbial cookie jar Asadow.
  3. <cite> @Asad Ahmed said:</cite> what is preventing alshabab from buying weapons from say north korea,if the gov has enough funds they can buy weapons through a third party,alas,it is the cash trapping that is letting it down Your a joke. I have sneaky suspicion you may even be a clandestine supporter. Arms embargo should never be lifted in my opinion even if peace is restored.
  4. <cite> @Maakhiri1 said:</cite> Mooge, and Xabad. Have you been to these countries, Did you remove the shades when you been there,and witnessed what is happening to poor Somalis? or just lived in nice hotels? Have you been to Jeddah? Dubai? UAE or Yemen, KSA? Marna waa faan iyo is yeel yeel, marna waa run. Kumaan kun baa jooga soomali ah oo ku dhiban, Meel walba bay ka shaqeeeyan, rag u dumar, from domistic workers to car washers, Soomalida ma ku dhibantahay meesha , Haa Soomaali weli ma ku qulquleeysaa , meel kastana ma u maraan, hAA Soomali, sharaftoodii ma ku dhimatey, haa Lug, doonyo, iyo halaag ku taga! Culusow proposal, Getting there through legitimate process, by plane, and waa hubaa in 50K qouta will be filled in days. You guys have no clue and understanding of what is going there. Also, it is not always negative, Saudis or Gulf countries have very poor human rights record, laakin lax walba waa meesha ay is dhigtaa, Do you know that countries, from Bangaledish, to Philippines to Indonesia is fighting to get this deal? War ma haysaan, walaahi, Somalis destroyed their country, and poorest nation on earth, and yet you talk about false pride. This is a hard currency, and am also certain these women will improve the lives of their families, will be able to afford /send their kids to school. Kibirka meel iska dhigoo, hadaad rabtaan in sharaf la helo, soo noqoto, Somalia loo soo shaqo tago, Wadankeena hala hagaajo. Well done Hassan Culusow for this one. Qashin inaa tahay way is ka cadahay. Ma uganda ka liitadaa wakaas maids ka mamnucay sacuudiga. dayuus.
  5. <cite> @Gheelle.T said:</cite> Muslimiintii inay responsibility qashinka ay qasaan qaadtaan laga waa! Wax kasta koofiyad yar baa ka dambeysa bay ku leeyihiin. AS iyakaa sameeyay oo Amxaaro u soo maray, IS iyakaa ka dambeeya, daaro la qarxiyay iyakaa ka dambeeya, dagaalada ka socda waddamada muslinka of course iyakaa ka dembeeya..iyaka iyaka..!! Do we enjoy indulging these freaking conspiracies or are we too fcking lazy to even think simple logic? How could an entire ummah of different races and ethnicity be duped like that? Weyba fiicanyaha Soomaalida xaga jews-capegoating. In Malaysia, they blame virtually everything on Jewish plots and conspiracies, so nauseating and imbecilic. La yaab maleh runti, markaad eegtid diintooda dadkaan waxa Yahooda ku eedayso. Islamic Judeophobia is so virulent it would make Hitler blush.
  6. Even throwing our sisters under the bus has become a clan issue. dadkaan waa finish runti.
  7. <cite> @Maakhiri1 said:</cite> false pride, It is like somali women don't work there as khadaamo now. Thousands work there, in very horrible condition, with no records, some are burried in deserts, after getting pregnant by rape, if Culusow is improving and legalizing the process , so be it! Qashin dheh. I bet you won't allow your sister to work there.
  8. ^ it not even that. There is no stable central government to give weapons to, and the condition on the ground is volatile.
  9. ^ Your obsessive hatred for a certain clan is noted. Hutu militias waa cayaal suuqa somalinet kalimad aad ka soo xaday. Wax isku fal.
  10. <cite> @gooni said:</cite> Intuusan soo bandhigin baa ka badan ilaa fircoon ilaa wakhtiga la joogo takhdiidkoodu isma badelin haday doonaan masaajidkay kugu tujin ayagoo hadaf kale wata? Are you accusing Jews of masterminding Al shabaab terror ?
  11. <cite> @Asad Ahmed said:</cite> she was probably a khadaamad her self. Foolish man. She is fighting a good fight for Somali girls. Stop your negativity.
  12. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> haha. this must be the joke of the century. lifting the arms embargo is like giving Alshabab backdoor to everything . damjadiid is alshabab and alshabab is damjadid. I second this.
  13. <cite> @Saalax said:</cite> Xaaji Xundjuf's community are trying to steal Lughaya. ^ The seeds of conflict are being sown all over the north and the worst is to come unfortunately.
  14. Not yet! There is still a lot of collusion with AS, gotta sort that out. Not to mention the army right now is drawn from a single clan.
  15. <cite> @Haatu said:</cite> Arintan waa arin annaga naga weyn. Maalin dhoweyd waxaan الجزيرة ka akhrinaayey maqaal ku saabsan qoraal nin yahuudi oo sihyooni ah uu tobaneeyo sano ka hor qorey. Waxyaabo badan oo la yaab leh ayuu yahuudigaas xusey, waxyaabo badan oo suhyuuniyah al caalamiyah u qorsheysanna wuu soo bandhigey. Waxaa ka mid ahaa تقسيم الصومال . Ciddii maqaalkaas heli karto ha akhirsato. Can you hit us with the link ?
  16. <cite> @Haatu said:</cite> Jimca waraa jiraa, sabtiyaa ka daran baa la yiri. Xabad, ma anaa maanta lahjadda reer NFD i bari? Anyway, lets just enjoy this nice saar. You should see Garissa on the night election results are released. Intii geel la qalo ayaa habeenkii oo idil saar la tuntaa. Of course the losing clan doesn't take part Sometimes, dadka qaarkood intey bururaan (jibboodaan) oo xamaasadda la tagto ayey bilaawad isku jarjaraan! Saxiib, you have another agenda Me and you both know lahjadda NFD, so let's leave it at that.
  17. <cite> @Miyir said:</cite> Add other South Somali dialects spoken in the South only Jiidu, Tuni, Gare, Dabare. Gare speaks a Somali dialect, hard to understand dialect but not Borana . Have You heard Dabare or Jiidu dialects? Af Maay speakers wouldn't understand. Standard Somali is spoken mainly in the Centre of Somalia, I meant the BBC Somali as you Call it lol, North, east and South Somalis speak Standard Somali with a tinge of local dialects. Once again, Miyir speaks on things he has no knowledge of. Those that reside in Kenya and Ethiopia - i.e the majority of Garres - speak Afaan Oromo/Borana.
  18. Hutu, are you majoring in linguistics ? Afaan Booran is spoken by Garre's only. All the Somali clans in NFD speak a peculiar accent, not Southern, not Waamo, waa wax iyaga ugaar ah. I have noticed an improvement in their Somali since Qaxootis came over. The presence of their brethren has done them a world of good, they've become assertive politically and economically. Waxay heleen confidence. Wajir folk particularly have taken to Somalis.
  19. <cite> @Miyir said:</cite> Siin = Telephone pole in Somalia, not actual telephone. surprised to learn NFD Siin= telephone!! Siin = Tall tree without branches? Wrong, Somali language started in the South Somalia, some communities in NFD and the south speak northern dialect . Miyir, you don't make any sense.
  20. I’ve noticed more and more northerners using the -r sound instead of the usual northern -dh variant. I’ve also noticed Somalis from all over (North, South, East and West) using the reer Mudug -haya prefix on their verbs more often (e.g. sameynihaya, doonihaya). I disagree with you here, never seen it. Practically impossible to change midlife anyway while using one speech pattern. Neither have i seen anyone apart from Mudugawis use the -hayaa suffix not prefix and even they use it sometimes and usage is going down. Instead i see the standard suffix used eg Samaynayaa, doonayaa. Kulanti wacan and Assalaamu calaykum are the bane of Somali meetings, just go to the message. That is the modern way
  21. <cite> @Haatu said:</cite> Standardization of Somali I remember listening to a lecture a few years ago on the future of the Somali language. The linguist was refuting those who claim Somali is on the verge of extinction and were criticizing the language for lack of standardization. He mentioned at the time that the Somali language is in fact undergoing a process of standardization and that's it's something that occurs naturally and can't be enforced. Ever since then I've been trying to spot whether the professor's assertion was correct. I've come to the conclusion that he's probably correct. I've noticed more and more northerners using the -r sound instead of the usual northern -dh variant. I've also noticed Somalis from all over (North, South, East and West) using the reer Mudug -haya prefix on their verbs more often (e.g. sameynihaya, doonihaya). I've also noticed that when people give speeches in formal gatherings their normal accents automatically change to a BBC Somali/news reader type of accent (e.e. kulanti wacan oo wanaagsan dhageystayaal idil ahaantiinba... ). To conclude, in my opinion standardization is happening and it's probably being influenced by the news. ^^ Waraa Hutu, kormaa macalin lughad noqotay waa yaabe ! You went AWOL for a year and now your lecturing us on the intricacies of Somali language. Somali language was in the early stages of splitting into two mutually unintelligible tongues, this was checked by 20th century mass travel and communication. Somali language started in the North just like all Somali clans originated from there, travelling south the language deformed and changed till you get to NFD: where people speak a very weird accent. for example, Cambiira - means Kubad/banooni Siin - means telephone. Waas akhrisan - (literal Swahili translation of anasoma ), to mean someone in schooling.
  22. ^ Good development. Mooge, i watched the clip, wacyo gelinta caafimaadka should include contraception and family planning not just vaccination. Wallaahi, Somalis are avoiding this elephant in the room, health and nutrition is improving but there is unchecked population explosion. Their is no employment and many jobless youths is a recipe for disaster. In NFD, clan clashes are increasingly becoming frequent as result of overpopulation; waxay keentay isku qabsashada daaqa. All Somali inhabited areas are currently experiencing unprecedented population pressures. Family planning and contraception is still taboo among maryooley, war dadkaan runti ha loo sheego, masaakintana hala wacyi geliyo.
  23. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> OMG niyoow I thought I was the only one who noticed the Russian trolls everywhere. lol. they are flooding the internet are all speaking the same fuKing conspiracy bs by the west and Erdogan is this and that. lol. walahi Putin is a master troll niyoow. thanks for pointing this out. i will search if there are any news articles talking about this great deception by Putin trolls. Turkey is a great country niyoow. i have a friend from london who came back to nairobi 2 years ago who told me about kurds in london. he said the ones he met in london are the worst people when it comes to looking down on people of darker skin. he said they all have low selfesteem and believe that in order to feel good they have to protect aryan whiteness and must not associate with people of darker skin. he used to argue with them that they are not white and they would just get high blood pressure. when he told me that story i was shocked and couldn't believe it walaahi. Kurds will send suicide bomber to blow up civilians in order to die for a kurdish nationalism. not much different from the terrorist ISIS which is dying for another nonsense. Waa ku khaldantahay sxb, Kurds have been oppressed by the Turks for a long time. Self defense in your own land is different from gardaro terrorism of ISIS, who come from the ends of the earth to blow up and destroy cities that aren't their own. Turks are committing atrocities in the south east now.
  24. <cite> @galbeedi said:</cite> When I say Turkey and Saudi Arabia intervene, it does not mean I am clamoring for war, No, what I mean is the threat of real war should force Putin to rethink twice. He already changed his tactics. Besides, This might be a propaganda piece by A Sunni Muslim , but it is our propaganda, and it is directed against the evil Russians. Just like communists , they are flooding the internet with thousands of trolls spewing pro Russian propaganda, and you could be one of those useful idiots working for them without knowing. Xabad, I have no beef with you or those who worship caws. I know you care about caws, Indian untouchables, Kurd and so many other host of things, unless they are Arabs or Muslims. I hope the Kurds find harmony and peace. Since you worry about those minorities, just give little care about the Crimean Tatars annexed illegally by the Russians. This land was a Tartar land for 500 years. Stalin deported 300,000 of them to Siberia in 1941. Many returned in late eighties and early nineties. They are 25% of the people now , and they wish to be free or in Ukraine. Again I have nothing to debate with you in these issues, you have different value than most of us. I care about Canada and Somalia first, and then those who accommodated the Somalis ,like westerners countries, especially the U>SAA and the Arab Muslims. It is all about culture and citizenship. I do not have any connection with the Chinese, The Indian, The Brazilian or the South African. It is all about culture, citizenship, and relationship. Finally, I do not have time or space for another Russian troll with Somali name. What is good for the Turks is Good for the Somalis. Rag baan iska dhicinaynaaye saaxiibow faraha naga qaad. Magaratay. Wow! I thought it was all in good spirit debate, you taking in it so personal.