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Everything posted by xabad

  1. An Italian pilot allegedly threatened to crash his passenger jet if his wife left him, but was stopped minutes before taking off by police. The unnamed 40-year-old received a text from his wife before his flight from Rome to Japan, saying that she would leave him. In his response to this, he sent her a text threatening he would kill himself along with the 200 passengers on board, The Times reported. http://tribune.com.pk/story/1061559/airline-pilot-threatened-to-kill-200-passengers-if-wife-left-him/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Crazy ! Makes you wonder how many planes were deliberately downed.
  2. A US drone strike has killed more than 150 al-Shabab militants in Somalia, the Pentagon says. Spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said the strike hit a training camp where a "large-scale" attack was being planned. "We know they were going to be departing the camp and they posed an imminent threat to US and [African Union] forces," Captain Davis said. "Initial assessments are that more than 150 terrorist fighters were eliminated," he added. Captain Davis said the strike, on Saturday, targeted a camp about 120 miles (195km) north of the capital, Mogadishu. Al-Shabab, an affiliate of al-Qaeda, was pushed out of Mogadishu by African Union peacekeeping forces in 2011 but has continued to launch frequent attacks in its bid to overthrow the Western-backed government. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-35748986 Wow! So many UGUS have bitten the dust at once, mashallah. Xasuuqi Liido iyo Kenyaati wa laga aarguday eyda. I hope the drones keep up a relentess surveillance till they lose all sleep.
  3. @Dhagax-Tuur said: ^war waa gaajada iyo dacdarada. You would look exactly the same had you been in their situation. EurAsian my backside, waar African beynu nahay. Lol@hideously ugly. You ain't lied bruv, i would look the same.
  4. ^ Gosh, Maryooley are hideously ugly. They are reverting to back to their Nilotic roots, the Eurasian part wuu sii milmayaa.
  5. ^ i was laughing blue because i always hijack threads and no one even figures out, your the only one to notice it. Kudos to you.
  6. and to compare those masaakin docile xoolo alle to bloodthirsty good for nothing somali geeljire is a travesty. night and day really.
  7. Blue, I had juiced cabbage is a cure for gastric ulcer, are you aware of this ?
  8. @Che -Guevara said: Dead serious! How are these Somali herders different from Oromo economic migrants who settled in Hargeysa and Bosaso, I don't forget anything, a while back i said these people should be returned to their land and you were defending them saying they are like us and running from persecution. what's up xaaji ?
  9. @Che -Guevara said: ^Who hasn't invaded who? This hardly qualifies as invasion. I don't see you condemning the Oromo "invasion" of Diridhaba or soon Jigjiga, and their unchecked migration to Somali lands? Their entire human experience is based on invasion and mass displacement driven by search for resources. Ever heard the great Bantu expansion? LOL you are not serious.
  10. @Che -Guevara said: This is not self critique, it is outright insult. "Xoolo daqato esp Geeljire are absolute scum who create nothing, parasites who roam aimlessly, encroaching on the people’s lands leading to conflicts and insecurity. They create nothing of value only destroy the vitality of the land." Your words! You can't condemn (or in this case insult) people for a lifestyle that they simply inherited. Somali expansionism in the Horn was in part driven by searching for resources, those herders are in search of the same resources, A search for resources and the protection of their only valuable possession is a matter of survival. Is their way of living outdated, indeed, it is. But why gardaro ? why are they invading other people's lands and destroying farms that have been planted ? sow xaqdaro ma'aha.
  11. @Bluelicious said: Xabad this is all your fault, you opened the floodgate! get out ? Note to all of you: This is a health thread so stop hijacking with your political litter! You guys open another thread and discuss your African politics over there ? Haye, Blue, my bad :D
  12. Ta kale, I bash everyone and everything, without fear or favor. its my style. I hate Islam, Somalis, Gaalo, Arab, Africans no one escapes my wrath.
  13. @Che -Guevara said: Xabad. What have Somalis exactly done to you? In every instance, you either insult us or side with those who we are in conflict with? I assume you are a Somali and so considers yourself to be one, how are you any different from those you criticize beyond considering yourself that you are no longer in stone age? What exactly is contribution to the betterment of our people? It seems like many "educated" Somalis, your contribution to the Somali people is that you have mastered the art of Somali bashing and with out any hint of irony. Either get up and do something for your people despite what you think of them or just leave them alone. Xaaji Che, don't be thin skinned, every peoples criticize themselves amongst themselves, go to Kenyan sites, diirka kenyaatiga kale kafiiqiyaan, the same with Ugandans, Americans, Brits etc see its natural and nothing serious, so calm down. In this case, i have right to be angry, I am fair person and tbh Somalis are the perfect villains everywhere you look and deserve their bad rep. I have done a lot for our people, i just don't publicize it. Even this bashing is a service, self critique is good, we need to point out faults and remedy them.
  14. ^ Sheikh Atam was in fact given asylum by Qatar. He already flew out.
  15. This is Kenya, Galbeedi, not Somalia. These fockers are hard headed and have very low IQ's, they have been advised umpteen times to get rid of these pests and get proper livelihood but they refuse. Every year NGO's teach them farming skills but to no avail. Waa hal bacaad lagu lisay. See its an attitude problem generally with Somalis, waa madax adaygnimo prestige factor of herd sizes. Maryooley even magaalo are far behind their peers in myriad other ways, they don't pickup trends. In Mandera, the locals took to farming really well but clan clashes made the fields dangerous, so they are all in Nairobi now all running Dukaamo. Your right the priorities of the few educated is wack, they should be out there sensitizing and helping their folk out of the stone age. its a damn shame
  16. Tension has gripped a village in Kitui County after hundreds of camels invaded farms in the area leading to massive destruction of crops. Somali herders are reportedly making a return to Kitui especially in Ukasi, Mwingi East District near the volatile border of Tana River and Kitui counties. http://www.nation.co.ke/counties/Camels-invade-farms-in-Kitui/-/1107872/3105240/-/vtg6pez/-/index.html Xoolo daqato esp Geeljire are absolute scum who create nothing, parasites who roam aimlessly, encroaching on the people's lands leading to conflicts and insecurity. They create nothing of value only destroy the vitality of the land. This is area is hundreds of kilometers from their homes but after destroying all plant life and creating deserts in their localities they are forced to move. This is the perfect lifestyle for losers, which Somalis are.
  17. @Haatu said: ^^Miyaa? Mararka qaar waad iska hadashaa. Your troll instincts are weak, Haatu. I was just pulling your leg niyow. I have san weyn too, not the typical aquiline somali nose, so i am a bantu too don't worry.
  18. @Alpha Blondy said: well im just not convinced. they said they went to the moon in 1969. why havent they gone back since? science has lied to us time and again. we ought to be wary. as for these dinosaur fossils... wax jira maha . Education has failed you.
  19. Western expats, Indian immigrants and now Chinese are thriving in Africa, but locals complain of lack of opportunity. talk about wanting stuff on a silver platter, do for yourself, hustle, think outside the box - no hotel or food shop or mobile shop, make wise decisions - no large families, and use your brains for heaven's sake - infrastructure companies are badly need back home yet no one goes into this lucarative industry.
  20. @Alpha Blondy said: there isnt much in Africa. its a terrible place. its called the dark continent for a reason. No!, its the sunny continent. Stop parroting and regurgitating gaalo huuraale's insults and soundbites against beautiful africa waryaa. its a terrible place its really what you make of it, all the ingredients for success are there, its only your imagination that holds you back. But you have no work ethic, no education and no panache, so whether your in uk, africa, your still a third world flunkie. you forgo the motherland because you want minimum wage non jobs or the welfare and the consumerist culture in the uk. the movies the sneakers the food the cars and tech gadgets I would rather chart my own course in my homeland than be a locked out minority in some one else's homeland. My issue with third world youth is they don't develop themselves while in the west. Learn a trade, graduate and really know your craft not some macmal degree ku sheeg, come back to the motherland with a first world mentality and change it for the better.
  21. Again what is good for the Turks is good for us. Erdogan can come and go but, we care about that nation. Maxaa isku keen galey anaga iyo Turki qab weyn. They are just helping they Damul jadiid branch don't think they care about somalia. Waxaan waa ganacsi.
  22. government did not took over the newspaper. A trust fund appointed by the court order took over. The trust fund will be appointing new editors and managers. Dhuuso by any other name smells just as bad sxb, they are locking up this paper for good. Trust kulaha. Parallel government ?! You really believe that, Galbeedi ? Your just following the government version uncritically They are shutting down all critical media not just this one mind you. The Western governments are coming down heavy on them, Turkey is rapidly becoming rogue under erdogan. What a quick fall from grace, they were being praised for being model islamists and the economy was growing like china now everything is going south, pkk civil war is raging and the end might be breakup of Turkey.
  23. @Bluelicious said: The cause of the rising depression is the modern day diet. The modern diet consists of junk food, fast food, processed foods, alot of sugar and salt etc.. and that affects your gut health. Poor gut health is linked to depression. Your gut controls your mood, brain, health everything it's your second brain. More important than diet is the social cultural conditions, many of these depressed are minorities alienated from the majority culture and who feel lost. qurboojognimo leads to depression. Poor life prospects, the rat race and the gloomy weather all sap the soul of young people. How someone chooses that miserable filthy island over sunny africa is a mystery.
  24. What an ugly eyed ogre, uff! He is very apprehensive of his impending execution, you can tell. Human waste.