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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Xaaji sawdigii odhan jiray Xabashida walaalo ayaanu nahay. Maxaad Cali iyo Cumar Oromo ku diidi.
  2. Qalbi-Dhagax should lead Somali Galbeed. We will support him 100%.
  3. Af Xumada iyo dhaqan xumadu waa caadadtaa ee ceebtaa ma ahan. I guess insulting people makes you proud.
  4. Happy Somali independence day and Happy Canada day. We have double holiday here in Canada.
  5. They could have just prohibited the use of the smartphones inside the class , like rest of the world. Hawada laga saaray si qishka loo joojiyo. Maalinba wax cusub ayaad ku arki They are probably making some money asking some help from one of those NGO's based in hargeisa. Other than money , i do not see reasons.
  6. It is good gesture for ONLF but not for Mogadishu government. They shouldn't be claiming this.
  7. By the way, this man is the same one who facilitated the abduction of C/kariim Qalbi Dhagax. If this government had any influence, they would have asked his release long ago. It is just pure political move from Abiy guy who want to show us his games. Right in the heart of Mogadishu, he is telling us how to behave and accept EU style integration while their tanks are in Baydhabo, Hiiraan and Gedo. This only happens in Somalia. First , you gain your territorial integrity and sovereignty , and then you negotiate with others about trade and movements of the people and goods. I have never seen any government who miss leads and lies like the Farmaajo one.
  8. Toggle menu Skip to content The Somali People Can’t and Shouldn’t Be An After-Thought Any More! Mohamed Olad Jun 22, 2018 Ethiopia / Home / Opinion / Opinion/Articles / Politics0 Comments The Somali Region is rife with gross human rights violations, corruption, nepotism and is in a dire economic conditions. The Somali Region, in some respect, still feels like a military garrison even after the ushering of a new ‘ethnic federalism’ that has shown some gains in self-rule and guaranteed constitutional rights. However, compared to the progress made by other regions in terms of respect for both human and constitutional rights as well gains in economic development, the Somali Region seems like it is frozen time. It feels like like we are still in the year nineteen hundred ninety one! Killing, indiscriminate arrests and lack of accountability is too common in the Somali Region. It is part of live for the for the ruled, and it is lifestyle for it is rulers. It became too normal that people became numb to it. Though, there is gusty winds of change that has been plowing for some time now that led to a relative expansion of the political as space and modest gains in terms of dismantling of the ‘terror state’, human rights situation and personal freedoms of the Somali people took a dramatic to the wrong direction. In short, the changes spearhead by the reformist faction of the EPRDF coalition resulted a short reprieve and renewed hope for the other Ethiopians while at the same time, the Somali people has been led to a dark path of increased brutality, killings, mass arrests and far limited exercise of human and democratic rights. What also notable is that the Somali people Somali people finally woke up and descended to the streets to demand the same political and democratic freedoms other Ethiopians were marching for more than three years now. What is also commendable is how the Somali elders, intellectuals, diaspora groups and politicians formed a common front to say ‘enough is enough’ and denounce Abdi Iley brutality and misrule and demand a new political dispensation for their people. To affect a lasting change, it seems we have the all – well, all most all the right organic ingredients. there are grass roots movements in the name form of ‘Dulmidid’ movement, on the ground protest groups in the form #Barbaarta, political organizations in the name of SRAJ and boundless social and political activism to mention a few of those. However, what is glaringly missing is the federal government support in-terms guarantying the Somali people’s basic human and constitutional rights as well as ensuring the safety and welfare of those who dared to oppose Abdi Iley’s reign of terror. This position of ignoring the plight of the Somali people is an untenable. Hence, it’s incumbent on PM Abiy’s government to intervene and arrest the widespread human rights abuses that became the way of life in the Somali Region. Why federal intervention and why now? For starters, this is neither something new nor something un usual. There has been federal government intervention in the affairs of the regional administrations since the invention of the current political dispensation. Though most of these interventions were not in the best of interest of people in those regions that were the subject of these interventions, there is a legal regime to just do that as provided in the federal constitution and obviously for a good reason. One of those eligible reasons for a legal intervention being to arrest a an already deteriorating human rights situation that region in point is not able amend as provided in Article 51 (14) or Article 55 (16) of the constitution and as detailed by Proclamation No. 359/2000, ‘The System for the Intervention of the Federal Government in the Regional States’. In a case of a living example, most of our current political and social ills stem from the unwarranted and often excessive intrusiveness in the way of TPLFites who were handling the entire Somali Region political class as though they were their own little pets. The current Regional President, Abdi Mohamoud Omer, aka Abdi Iley, is not an exception. He is the biggest political tool they have ever acquired to rampage and exploit the Somali people and their resources. He is the best thing that ever happened to the them and obviously the worst thing that ever happened to the Somali people bar none. He has been compromised like no other. In return, he rewarded the Tigrayan puppet masters and their families handsomely with giant contracts, land deals and kickbacks. They also have in indirect control over the entire region’s security budget which can sometimes run up to a third of the Region’s budget. It is usually spent in the name of procurement deals for arms and other supplies for the Liyou police. The Somali people cannot afford another 27 years of being a military garrison where killing, abductions, indiscriminate arrests, grotesque level of corruption, nepotism, and impunity is the norm. It cannot also afford to be the the breeding ground for ‘daytime hyenas’ anymore. Share with About Mohamed
  9. I have met many members of the ONLF throughout the years, and one thing you appreciate about them is their level of political maturity explaining and understanding the Somali Galbeed issue. Even if you meet the least educated ONLF members, you will be surprised how well versed they are on the issues of independence. The local ONLF in this province are as firm as they have been for the last ten years. That is why they deserve to lead all of us this moment. Waaad isleedahay in qof kasta oo xubin ka ah la siiyey casaro ku saabsan Gumeysiga , xoriyada iyo mu'aamarada Ethiopia. Many of these men and their families has suffered and paid the ultimate price. Despite our minor disagreement about names and other issues, today they are the legitimate voices of the Somali Galbeed people and they must led any changes in the Zone. All Somalis in the Zone must unite under the banner of ONLF and take charge of their land. THis Abiy guy must know that Somalis are not after thought
  10. Xaaji, If the mess in Tukaraq is the genius work of Muuse Biixi, then you are out of touch.If someone have to take out someone, for peace sake , why not take out Muuse so we can all live in peace. Siilaanyo played games until the end. He had no intension of making peace and deal with Khaatumo. He waited until last minute because his clansmen wanted some kind of understanding with the Garaad community before he departure. .They didn't want to be blamed for what he did to Garaad people. Waar inta aadan aadan tegin colaada naga deji oo wax nabad u eeg deriska noo teg. Suldaan Wabar community stretches from Boon all the way to Borama. They are one of the largest community in Borama. He have people from both sides of the border, and will be easy to get men from the Kilil. Two days ago Muuse was asked about the GX shir in Gacan Libaax and he said, " Shirkaas afar qodob baa ka soo baxaya , oo kala ah sida iyo sidaa. Dadkii shirka joogay ayaa waxay yidhaahdeen, waar ma Muusaa inoo yeedhinaya qodobada. It created friction and people decided the comunique of the Shir to be different than what Muuse said. Xaaji Shir beeleed cusub ayaa loo baahan yahay in aynu qabano. Qabiil kastana meeshiisa maamusho, haddii wax la isku darsanayana dib looga wada hadlo. Haddi aad leedahay xoog baan ku qabsadayna, adna xoog baa lagaaga kicin mar ay noqotaba.
  11. Oil and soldiers , you get the picture. This picture must be sent to the world to see. Chinese using soldiers to oppress locals to extract oil.
  12. With Muuse Biixi at the helm, you got an easy target from everyone. Didn't I say it is going from Sool to Sanaag and eventually in Awdal. Markaad Dagaal ooge iska soo hormariso ee aad tidhaahdo waa kii noogu wanaagsanaa wax kast filo. He has been plotting , but this time he need only 100 men in the mountains.
  13. Suldaan Wabar is in Jijiga . I do not know about the video, but he was In Jijiga few weeks ago. Give me some time and will find out quickly exactly where he is. Here , the governor of Awdal jumped from his seat when they asked him About Wabar.
  14. Xaaji waad riyoonaysa. Millions of Ahmara and others will flood the land and take over Somali galbeed. The best option is for Somalia to demand either independence or autonomy for Somalis in the region. We can't give them our oil and money to our oppressors. Somalilanders Sal fududa. Ma lacag ayuun baad weligaa raadin.
  15. People In Somali Galbeed are oppressed and denied any basic freedom to live and trade. There are check points in every 20km from Jijiga to Awbare. The landlocked Somalis can not trade with the other Somalis they share culture language and geography. Their region is on of the poorest in Ethiopia. Of course the prison warden Cabdi Illey have thrown few millions in some regions to show off , but the real freedom to move and trade are restricted every where. This region is different than any where in the world. Any peaceful protest is met with burning of the villages, rape and murder of the local people. Thousands are starved and denied to make a living. If this new prime ministers thinks that Somalis will be kept in shekels for ever he is mistaken. Eritrea is opened, Oromo, Amhara and others are giver freedom to assemble and protest, while Somalis are under constant emergency situations. This Abiy guy should know that we were freedom fighters before him, and we will never allow oil extraction or the theft of our resources by the evil EPRDF who crowned him to prolong the old system. Mr Abiy , do not put the cart before the horse. Somalis must get self rule , autonomy and freedom before any resource extraction that will enrich the corrupt EPRDF in Addis. You must sit down with ONLF and others to find solutions for the Somali problems in the zone before you celebrate for this new found gold. It is more important than ever before for Somalis to fight for the libration of Somali Galbeed. If you thing the Mogadishu ruling government will transfer the land and rights of Somali Galbeed, for their own survival ,you are mistaken. ONLF, the only legitimate Somali movement who could organize the Somalis must consult other like minded Somalis and face this new threat from Abyssinia.The so called Chinese company must be warned to avoid drilling any thing in conflict zone. First and foremost, like other zones, Somalis must find their own leaders who are independent from the EPRDF or leaders who are willing to speak for them. Lemma Magrase of Oromia , while been loyal Ethiopian, has mobilized his nation to stand up to the TPLF ruling class. When they asked him to resign along with Illey to reduce tensions , he refused and told them to fire him if they can,. They did not.
  16. Is cafin is great. I want to know which NGO is sponsoring this.
  17. Khadaffi, You are the only one in this forum who really understood the revolving door of Ethiopian system. I do not expect freedom and dignity for Somalis in Ethiopia.
  18. Definitely this is the work of our friend Oodweyne. He is probably in Hargeisa and if my prediction is right , he will join the next cabinet shuffle of Ina Biixi . If rule of law comes back to any Somali territory and people are given equal opportunity to succeed and work hard, every Somali town in the North West, North East and central Somalia will be dominated by those who work hard. Also if fair election is held many tribes will cry foul by losing seats to others.
  19. galbeedi

    World Cup

    I agree. The Germans used to cross to the box and crush the goalkeeper. If you keep them out from the penalty box. They do not have creativity or technical ability to drible. MMA, Let me tell you about the world cup of 1990. In 1987/91, the Italian serie A was one of the most exciting leagues in the world. Lothar Matthäus , Klinsmann and Brehme, were playing for Inter Milan; Ruud Gullit , Rijkaard and Van Basten were playing for Milan while Maradona and two Brazilians Careca and Alamoe were with Napoli. During the quarter finals England was facing a Cameron led by the old man, Roger Milla. Me and couple of my friend were sipping late at the train station in Rome where of Somalis congregated in those days. Suddenly a huge bus commandeered by the Cameroonian embassy showed up near the station around the bus terminal. A lady and a guy from the embassy came and asked if anyone is interested to go to Napoli to watch the game between them and England. In other words, they were looking African fans to cheer for their team. About ten of us mostly Somali, Ethiopian and Eritreans boarded the bus and departed to Napoli which was 2 hour and half away from Rome. We were Football fans who were eager to watch a world cup match at the stands for first time in our lives. When we reached at the Napoli stadium the British hooligans were circling around and the Italian Carabinieri were all over the place. We waited in one of the main gates to get tickets, but the Cameroonians gave most of the tickets to their compatriots, Nigeria's and the Ganinans. A Djiboutian guy protested and pushed one of the ladies out of anger, and suddenly, those of us from east Africa have witnessed an open African racism directed at us , and we were left outside without tickets while the drank British hooligans were all around the stadium. The game started and we found ourselves outside the gates. We told the Italians about our case and how those embassy people brought us here all the way from Rome. Fortunately, they let us in after few minutes and we decided not to sit with Cameroonians. We watched the game as neutral fans while some Somalis and Ethiopians were rooting for the English team. To make story short, the Cameroonians were leading 2:1,. But, at the 85th minute, they committed an necessary foul in the penalty box which gave England the equalizer. After the end of the 90th minute, and added time, the Africans pushed even more all the way and left their defensive positions. The English counter attacked, and the ball was passed to unmarked English striker. In order to stop him , the defence committed another clear foul in the penalty box at 105th minute. That striker who was fouled and scored both the penalty goals was a sticker named Gary Lineker. These days he is BBC sports host. The worst of all was, we had to ride the bus back to Rome with angry and disappointed Cameroonian whom we fought at the stadium gates. . Luckily we made save to Rome and went home. It was an exciting game but the way the west Africans treated us left us with a bad taste. Anyway, at the end the Germans won the cup against Argentina of Maradona with false Penalty. I never liked the Germans in those games. I supported the Dutch of Ruud Gullit and Maradona in those years.