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Everything posted by galbeedi

  1. Good riddance, rather than build alliances , Illey decided to serve the Tigray and gave away as much Somali territory. we hope the new leader to repair the damage and rebuild the unity of the Somali people
  2. Over hundred non Somali ethnic victims are buried today in Jijiga. Most of them were shot Saturday by the Liyu police. Cabdi Illey went to the mass funeral and gave apologies. Tens of thousands mostly women and children had left Jijiga to the surrounding towns like Lafaciise all the way to Awbare and Wajaale.i did not report here but , over 80 people were liked in Jijiga for the first hour of the fighting . Since a third of the population is non Somali , expect more clashes even in Jijiga. There are credible reports that he may resign soon. Both his deputies and the parliament speaker might not replace him. After the clashes , they to the airwaves and called for war rather than calming the riots. If this despot stays another minute, things could get worse for both the Oromo and Somalis.
  3. OO, do not address me like the regular people. Tolow ma shacabka ayuu Imoodayaa. The parliament just convicted last week and voted on motions by Cabdi Illey doubling the size of districts from 90 to 180 making every village or well a district. few moths ago he fired his cabinet and the Vice President and nominated his sister in law as vice presidential, whom I was willing to accept in order to avoid chaos. Again stop the propaganda and start acting before things got from bad to worse.
  4. By the way, Ahmed Shide , former member of Illey cabinet and confidentl from Moyale could be the next leader.
  5. Look , the Liyu Police is the target of many people, but on the issue of media, it is just a Tv that praises Illey 24/7, there are no independent media in the Kilil. It remained separate because most of Somalis do not belong to the Abssynian project. In fact 40 years ago there were no Amhara other than the government workers and few Oromo in Jijiga.
  6. By the way , it was the Somalis who rioted and attacked business not he Oromia.
  7. OO, If that is the case , no Somali will accept a forced change or parachuting someone from outside. When EPRDF wanted to change leadership they chose among themselves, they did not bring an outsider. The Somali regional government have the right to chose its next leaders. As I said before, the Dire Dawa conference has no teeth at all , and they have zero mandate. Neither Abiy nor Oromo can bring them in. If you are right , let Cabdi Illey speakout and tell us . He could simply convey that his intention is to resign and the Somali parliament will decide the next leader . In the meantime, he could transfer the power to his deputy which could make a smooth transition. The ball is in his hand, let him stop the false “ laba Kaclayn “ or what he calls “ Dib u Curasho “ to hold on power. Those of us who are old enough had seen the so called “ Laba Kaclayntii Kacaanka” of 1981 by late president Siyad Barre. And please drop the so called TPLF who put ten years of blockade in the region.hundred of millions are poured to build few symbolic reasons while the rest of the land starved. Who is going to fly to Qabridhahre while Jijiga itself has few flights a week. Any way, stop arguing and do the changes within the government as soon as possible.
  8. Moore, Despite my antipathy to Illey I said he must finish his term or transfer power to his deputy for the sake of continuity. Regardless of his crimes , it is Somali issue and people were willing to stick with him, but he want out of his way and said “ it was TPLF who orchestrated the Oromo—Somali conflict and I was carrying orders” In order to maintain the Unity of the Somali people and avoid a long civil war between Somalia and the Oromo, a change of guard was logical . He could no longer defend Somalis 20 miles from east of Jijiga like Tulli Guuleed where Oromo is clashing with the Geri community. He became a great liability for the Somalis. I for one want him to retire like any other dictator in Ethiopia. Xaaji , I agree . The Shawa Gala were always the backbone of king Haile Salasie. Most of the generals and pilots were Ahmarized Oromo, they believe in Ethiopia more than the Amara.. The Sourhern and the Southeast Oromo are the masses that who have rebelled. There were no mass protests in Wellega or Jima where Abiyot is from, the epicentre of the Oromo revolution wee between Dire Dawa and Addis corridor that blocked traffic and movements . No army or security can crush the 20 million Muslims of that region
  9. Xaaji Ciyaalkan aad nagu soo dayseen ee cay iyo afxumo nala daba taagan miyaad naga qabatid . If we want to separate in the future The Oromo should be our alliance. There is no reason to fight them. As soon as the change came , I said that Somalis should get a new leader and mend fences with the Oromo, instead Illey went to Addis and they tricked him and told him to confess your crimes and ask for forgiveness. As soon as he did , they said “you can’t rule since you have blood in your hands “ The battle in Jijiga is that Mr.Illey want a have a save passage like every other leader no matter what he did , but the Amhara are acting like their usual colonial way and want to keep the emergency situation they created in the Somali Galbeed since 1954. It was prime ministers Bevin of Britain who said that Somalis can’t be allowed to control that vast land and he gave the example of the Darwish and others. just like us Oromo want freedom and we must take advantage of that freedom as much as we kind. We can’t depict our future as an struggle against Oromo, but we must see it as a chance to throw out the Abyssinian colonial yoke.
  10. I never met or spoken to Jawsr , but I know people in Minnesota who know him and they told me that he is close to Somalis in so many ways .The puppet who is using the Oromo name while he is technically Amhara is Mr. Abiyot,, as Amhara call him. Why we Somalis are carrying the water for others like Tigray, who will not lose one single person in any conflict in the Oromo -Somali neighbourhood. Everyone is saying “Oromo ayaa na soo weerartay “. It is Somalis who are burning Oromo business in Jijiga. Hundreds of thousands of Oromo had been displaced and left the Somali region for fear of retaliation. The Oromo doesn’t not believe in a centralized Ethiopia, it is the Amhara inside Abiy that want to crush Somalia and remake Ethiopia. Despite losing power, the TPLF has a unique geography that can’t be be dominated or subdued. They are using us. Jawar Migamed want a separate Oromo Zone. Rather than oppose the Ethiopian power that want to dominate us we are constantly bombard with Oromo.
  11. OO, You are saying that Somalis have a replacement. What are you waiting. You had months for Illey to resign and appoint his deputy case closed. He is just a despot with zero intelligence. He could have helped the new leader behind the scene. I thought you were better than this. But since you serve the TPLF chaos is what you were seeking. The Dire Dawa conference is useless pressure group by elders that is used by few disgrantled former Illey party members maquarding as agents of change. For once stop blaming others and do something right . They defeated Illey already when they told him to confess publicly both in Amharic and Somali and used against him.the man is “Dead man walking “.
  12. The Amhara are pushing to abolish the federal system while everyone else opened. By allying the old order of centralized Ethiopia with no ethnic federalism he is angering everyone. besides, the Oromo public might like the crushing of Illey by the federal forces , yet many are aware that this could be their fate if they try to separate. Who knows this Abiy guy might eventually finish of the old empire who should have been abolished long ago.
  13. Holac, not yet. Bear with me I am writing with an I phone. The Iromo and the Amhara had agreed early to depose the TPLF and divide the power. As soon as he took power he appointed Oromo foreign, finance and other big minstries. Plus he appointed an Oromo mayor of Addis which is a city dominated by Amhara and Gurage . After that both the leaders of the Amhara and Tigray Kilil come to gather for alliance to oppose him . In order to confront the regional powers of these two groups he needed an alliance and he chose the banned opposition. He allied himself with Amhara intellegensia that was arrested and exiled outside for back up. That was the main reason he emptied jails. He sought to revive the order including the disbandment Ethiopian Orthodox Church that was exiled in America. Furthermore, he went to Aritrea to surround the Tigray. Even his ally and former prime minister Desalegn went all the way to Zimbabwe to meet former dictator Mengistu. On the eyes of Tigray, current Amhara zone leaders and Oromo Liberation Front, Abiy is reviving the old Ethiopian order, while others are saying that he had no Choice but to ally himself with Somalis and Iromo. A Somali Hunan right expert in the region told me that Abiy is looking outsiders to confront the Tigrai and Amhara order that is slowly opposing him within the Kilil. The OLF is demanding a referendum before any agreement. Folks no one is trusting the 500 years old Amhara order including the Oromo, Somali, Tigray and others. That is why many are trying to undermine while he is weak. I wish we had a strong Somali leadership who could have taken advantage of the current situation. Ethiopia could disintegrate if the right policies are implemented.
  14. I think the TPLF was pushing the Somali region to use article 39 and declare independence. The Somali zone became the litmus test. As we speak 400 federal army is surrounded by 10,000 Liyu police. More helicopters and mechanized army is arriving and will be clashes soon. Afar state might follow soon. according to TPLF Abiy is empowering the old Amhara order and even the Oromo liberation Front want to add a referendum with their negotiations. Even Jawar Mohamed said that they will be out within five years. As I said, this Abiy guy might not survive this year. The bad news is the TPLF is using Somalis as a dry run
  15. By the way, our OO was advising Illey to stick until last man and then blame Oromo on every thing. If he listened to us, we could all had a peaceful transfer.
  16. There was looting of banks and businesses, and also the burning of a church in Jijiga, the Somali regional capital. The Federal army is occupying the city while Illey is holed up at the Liyuu Police headquarters with thousands of loyal armed men. The main question is how did we get here. . In order for smooth transition, the Abiy government was supposed to remove Illey quietly and transfer power orderly until an inclusive election takes place. There are two reports that is coming from Jijiga. On the first view, A human right campaigner who fought with the Illey government and recorded his atrocities told me this morning that Illey was summoned to appear in Addis tribunal investigating the crimes he committed with the help of TPLF security apparatus. Illey refused and claimed that every thing he did was coordinated with the TPLF military and intelligence. Just like America used to use dictators for their benefit and then throwing him to the wolfs at the end. Saddam Huseen, Shah of Iran and others are examples. As usual, the TPLF who used him for over a decade have decided to make him the only culprit or they do not want to allow him to spill the beans and tell the world how the TPLF operated. Mengistu Hailemaruim who murdered more people than anyone in Africa was exiled for the benefit of the Ethiopian peaceful and orderly transition in 1991.The question is why Abiy is destabilizing the Somali region at this time while he had a lot of options to use?. Why wait until the last minute?. It is either the weakness of the current political order or the usual suspects---America, UAE and others ---advising him to visit chaos another region inhabited by Somalis. Some people believe that the new gas deposits worth 30 trillion cubic of natural gas could trigger the gulf boys to delay another ten years and fuel another civil in yet another Somali state. We are all tired of the usual blame Oromo first of the Somalis while failing to adjust the new order. Cabdi Illey had murdered thousands of Oromo throughout the years and they would wish his disappearance , but the issue is squarely on Illey and the Addis power who want to weaken the Somali order. Almost all Hydrocarbon deposits (Natural gas and oil) in Ethiopia are in the Somali region. On the second report, it is all about a despot who failed to create a leadership that could have created a peaceful transition. Like most depots , Illey had only surrounded himself with followers who can't comprehend the seriousness of the matter. He had plenty of time to realize the wave of change and transfer the power peacefully. Invoking article 39 as the Titanic goes down is useless. In this scenario, Illey were told to vacate the power and come to Addis. So far, we do not know who is supposed to replace him while his parliament and government was preparing to invoke article 39. AS soon as the parliament tried to use article 39, Abiy and the army had moved in and Illey tried to use his LIyuu police to confront them. Illey is also causing instability in the heart land which might became a full fledged insurgency. In order to keep the peace and order, the Abiy government must keep the Liyuu police , the local security and order that exists and transfer power to one of the cabinet members until an election or an inclusive parliament is convened. Any other option to give power like Ahmed Chalebi of Iraq style will lead to civil war and chaos. The disbanding of the Iraqi army destroyed the change of peace in that country after the American neocons disbanded 400,000 Iraqi force. The same thing happened in 1991, when Cumar Carte disbanded the Somali army and transferred authority to tribal rebels. A similar scenario could take place if Abiy disbands the security and local orders in the Somali region. The unrealistic idea of disbanding the 50,000 strong Liyuu police will create instant instability and Somali tribes vying to control their territory while Ethiopia is in disarray. WE must all celebratory the demise of the despot, but we must also watch the new developments. A quick power transfer is a must while keeping the current order in it's place. In 1991, Cali Mahdi was elected in Djibouti while the rebel leader Mohamed F. Caydiid was chasing Siyad Barre. That quick move to install a non rebel man triggered the MOgadishu civil war. Crowning a no body from the conference of the elders in Dire Dawa will cause more or worst case scenario.
  17. Put it simply, the ONLF are the proud Somalis of our time that refused to surrender. I have met their members and they are anti colonials of our fathers.
  18. The headline talks about a future election in Ethiopia and the Kilil which is not due until 2020. Whenever elections take place the ONLF will be one of the contestants. They the ONLF and others know that the name of the Somali Galbred will be the “ the Somali regional government “ within Ethiopia or Somali Galbeed if it becomes independent. The Dire Dawa conference is organized by former members of the Cabdi Illey party , elders controlled by politicians and others who will not have any effect on the short term outcome of the zone. At the moment ,the ONLF or others can’t take the power as outsiders , just like the armed Ethiopian opposition ,The Gimbot 7 , Oromo Liberation Front and others. They are allowed to participate the process democratically and ONLF is not different. The best option in this transition time will be for Cabdi Illey to finish his term which ends with one and half year or his Vice President to finish the term and prepare for the elections while keeping the institutions and the security apparatus intact. If things disintegrated, the Somali fiasco of 1991 will be child’s play , because the Somali Zone is diverse and difficult to keep to gather. Also few tribes hasve an exclusive zone to make their own region like Puntland, Somaliland or other tribal homelands of Somalia. There are a lot of unknown. In terms of ONLF, there is no otherSomali group or entity that has any plans for the future questions of the Somali Galbred. Last weekend I did participate a conference by the Local branch including a delegation that just came back from Asmara and their minimum requirement was a future referendum and total control of their government before that date. Their first priority is total independence. the biggest advantage for the Somalis is that the region had never mixed with the larger Ethiopian system. Other than the name which could be changed , the ONLF by far represent the distinction of the Somalis refused to bow down and quit. Despite the hardships and oppression they suffered , they never gave up. Somalis from Hargrisa, Garoowe, Kismaayo and Mudug had surrounded to the Ethiopian pressure. Even Farmaajo joined in August of 2017, and since that faithful day his star is declining and he might not even recover for ever from the Qalbi Dhagax fiasco. Folks, despite their name , they have taken to themselves the duty of every Somali to join the librarian of their land from the Abyssinian colonial yoke. Unlike other , they were not fighting other Somalis which gives them a place in the table. Hating the OG community will not resolve the issue, they are integral part of Somali Galbeed. I was a fervent opposition of Illey and the system in Jijiga ,but the alternative is a total chaos. The transition period must be implemented like a fragile child that can slip anytime. Further more , all other Kilils in Ethiopia are going slowly to the changes. Mr. Abiy was member of the EPRDF until few months ago, including those who are running the Oromo Kilil where thousands are killed by the TPLF order. The Somali Kilil must be kept intact , and power transfer can only come through elections. No Shir Beeled led by outsiders will fix the Somali problem. Cumar Ghelle was the architect of the failed Somali conferences and the best advisor of Meles Zenawi for 20 years. Folks, the Somali Galbeed issue will be resolved in Jijiga and within the country. Besides, no one can determine the outcome of future elections, and non of you guys have any clue the make up the Somali population in the Kilil.
  19. Djibouti and despot Ghelle cannot dictate whom Somalia must make deal. The sanctions weren’t not imposed on Eritre because of Djibouti border disputes, it was about Ethiopia and his opposition to the intervention in Somalia. Asiasas had demanded for years that Somalia to be left alone. The fat dictator is making money from the instability of Somalia and the false war on terror. He brought China, USA. Germany, Japan, Spain, France and other to make money and sell the ports as cash cow. With stable Somalia these navies and other must leave the horn. Peace is coming in the horn and if things go back as before Djibouti will probably cost less in terms of life for its habitants. Do you guys have any idea life in Djibouti for the ordinary people? It is the most expensive island in the world. Couple of hundred oligarchs control everything. Water is scarce , electricity is more than ones salary and a thousand dollars might not be even enough for a middle class family. Djibouti is a colony for the benefit of those who run it not for the people. Farmaajo has big issues, especially the security that is worsening in Mogadishu, but Djibouti is not one of them.
  20. I think that is probably the old Ethiopian flag which Amhara want. The Oromia flag has tree in the middle
  21. If The Liyuu police is a Somali force it is now or never. They must defend the Somalipublic. Cabdi Illey must warm the federal government to stop or will declare articles 39 and remove the Somali region. The Tigray strong man Debrestion held a rally in Mekele and warned of break up if the old guard of Amhara tries to meddle the Kilil Sysco. If Illey can’t defend the people , he must transfer power to his deputy president to chart a new strategy to protect the Somali state borders and people.
  22. This not done for FArmaajo but for the Somali people. It is people to people relationship
  23. OO, you should know better. You do not send 150,000 soldiers to defend a small village " Badame" at the border. No Ethiopian army would allow 80,000 causality to defend a border post. The idea was to overwhelm the Eritrean defense line and take back Eritrea and the ports. It is clear to us. Furthermore, you keep talking about dictatorship. The dictators of the horn were not that much different than Afwork. Djibouti, Sudan Uganda and Ethiopia have and had dictators including Meles who ruled for 21 years with iron fist. Without the war on terror and over 10 billion dollars of aid Ethiopia under Meles could have exploded earlier than many believe. My point is we have a deep connection with Eritrea since we both struggled against a colonial project of Ethiopia, Italy and others. In fact the people of Eritrea know this. You are probably learned recent history in Wikipedia , but the Eritrean war on independence would not have been possible without weapons, training and logistical help from the Somali state of seventies and eighties. That is why the people have lined up in the streets.
  24. Folks, the man was invaded just five years after the independence of 1993. He fought back and defeated Meles and the Ethiopian army. He has survived a twenty years crippling sanctions and isolation. The other option was to surrender to Ethiopia and give up the hard fought independence. THe guy never had a chance to develop and prosper. The Eritrean by far are most ingenious in the Ethiopian region. Before the war , the speed of the development was was strong. They even established truck assembly plants. With the sanctions and isolation, the country barely survived through hard work and the taxation of the diaspora. That is what nations do in tough times..In Eritrea, you work hard or you will not survive. It is not like Somali where 80% are unemployed , yet chew QAt and enjoy life. Life is tough, but they are free unlike us. I had once employed a couple of Somalis who spent time in Eritrea and by far they were the most hard working people compared to those who transited in Kenya ,and the gulf. They were given work permit and must unload ships to live or else.
  25. Circa 2010 before sanctions isolated, I ask an Eritrean acquaintance about life in the country and development. He said , the train from Massawa to Asmara was built and maintained by the people and the biggest transformation is the countryside. He said electricity , roads and water has reached the rural people, but those in the coffeeshops in Asmara were unhappy about freedom. Even the Maxakamado members who were staying there in 2008 were shocked how clean the city and streets were. Compare that to the " Jamuuriyada Faalsada Ah" Ololaha Nadaafadu ma dhamaado tan iyo sideetankii.