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Everything posted by DoctorKenney

  1. CidanSultan you can't compare the Islamic Courts to Al Shabab. The Islamic Courts were fairly moderate (there were several different branches) while Al Shabab are extremist Takfiris. Al Shabab's methodology as well as their ideology is something foreign to us as Somalis. Just because they hide behind the Nationalist slogan doesn't make them so. The Somali people in Koonfur are sick of Al Shabab and their games, and even if the Somalis hate the AMISOM forces, it doesn't automatically mean that it'll lead them to start supporting Al Shabab. There is a 3rd option niiyow.
  2. If there was a way I could legally ban Alpha from ever leaving Britain, then I would ban him. I don't wanna see this nutcase anywhere near the Horn of Africa. He'll infect the Horn with his dhaqan-xumo, qabiilism and blatant polytheism.
  3. CidanSultan, I've been saying over and over that this stupid President Hassan Sheikh should spend his time lobbying the European Union and the United States to supply his Army directly with body-armor and weapons and helicopters, etc. We don't need these Africans fighting on behalf of Somalia. Somalis can do it themselves, we just need the funding and the equipment and the training. These xayawan AU Soldiers hide behind their tanks while the Somali soldiers do most of the real fighting. Why not just cut out the middle-man and supply Somalia with the funding and equipment directly. That's something this idiotic President should have focused on. Rebuilding the Army....Instead of wasting his time attending Sisi's inauguration in Egypt or staying at 5 Star Hotels in Qatar.
  4. You're just repeating yourself here. There's nothing you said right now, that you haven't said in the previous post. So my response is gonna be exactly the same either way. You are a proponent of Liberalism, and it shows your utter hypocrisy when you so blatantly pick-and-choose which portions of Liberalism you would like to enforce. Had the Christian Baker refused to serve this gay couple altogether, then yes I would be against this behavior. The Baker was willing to serve them, just on his own terms, and not on their terms. But once the gay couple expect him to go out of his way, to cater to their personal lifestyle which is a direct affront to his religious beliefs, then that oversteps the so-called "boundaries" of Liberalism and it crosses into new territory. It's the same as forcing an Imam or Priest to perform a marriage between a man and his sister, or between a man and another man. Or forcing a Catholic painter to paint a painting glorifying the Ku Klux Klan. Or forcing a Jewish-owned Grocery Store to start serving non-Kosher meat. This directly contradicts the 1993 Federal Religious Freedom Act, which was put into place to protect anyone's religious freedoms from being infringed upon. But you're full of contradictions. You say you believe in "Religious Freedom"....but only until it crosses the line that you yourself drew. And the lines keep shifting year-by-year. In the 1990's, it was "live and let live", but in the 2010's, it is "You either serve me on my terms, or else I'm going to report you to the authorities." If you can't see for yourself what this will inevitably lead to in the coming years, then I have no use in even talking to you. If the Baker finds his customer's order to be distasteful, then he can refuse to make that design, and that's his private right to do so. I myself have experienced it before when I visited bakeries, and I see nothing wrong with it. I'm done with this discussion. I've said what I needed to say and anything I say more than this would be repetition.
  5. That's very true. We have Centralists vs Federalists. Secessionists vs Unionists. Seculars vs Islamists. Socialists vs Free Market types. And then we have Tribalism thrown in the mix. The divisions are very real and I hope we can overcome this.
  6. You'll have to excuse Alpha. He's going through another one of his mental tirades.
  7. Well it depends. Are we capable of being the bigger man and learn how to resolve our conflicts like adults? Somalis are the worst when it comes to conflict resolution. If we can learn how to do that, then I don't see why not.
  8. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> you get what you deserve when you have leaders like qoslaye. selling our sea, stealing people's money and destroying our country. AMISOM bantus will do anything because they know they are not accountable to anyone and there is no leadership niyoow. Do you think there's a way for Parliament to use their powers to render this President a "lame duck" ?? Sometimes when a Leader is so bad at his job, Parliament uses their power to strip him of his powers that he becomes President in name only. I know that's what happened to the Mayor of Toronto Rob Ford. He kept smoking drugs on the job so the City Council removed him of his power
  9. Deep divisions? LOL have you been to other countries ...Its not even comparable to the divisions we have on this forum. If we had leaders with just an ounce of integrity, we would be far better off as a society. I understand the Somali people are corrupt (with tribalism, hatred, etc.), but a semi-honest leader could at least lead Somalia in the right direction. But our leaders are the worst of us. And yes there are forum members here who are sick in the head (ie. "smartlander" and "Alpha Blondy").
  10. <cite> @Tallaabo said:</cite> Actually you are the one who is going in circles :-D I know. I hate repeating myself
  11. Its almost as if he's not human. I never thought I'd say this, but I really wish Sheikh Shariif was in charge rather than Qoslaaye
  12. The First Amendment in America protects you from the Government infringing on your freedom of speech and freedom of religion, which means it technically gives you the freedom to not participate in any action which you think might violate your religion or personal beliefs. So therefore, no one can step in and force a Muslim woman to take off her hijab. And no one can force a Baker to bake a gay-wedding cake if his religious beliefs go against that. Discrimination is one thing, and if the Baker refused to actually serve the gay couple, then yes he would be doing something illegal. This Business Owner refusing to allow his Muslim employees to pray at work is an invalid comparison, and you got it completely backwards, because all he's obligated to do (legally) is not prevent his own employees from practicing their 1st Amendment Rights, so long as it doesn't place any significant burden on the business itself.
  13. <cite> @Oceans1 said:</cite> You yourself supplied a glaring example of discriminatory business practices. When that Colorado baker refused to supply the gay couple with a wedding cake, despite providing that service to straight couples, his actions stepped out out the bounds of "personal opposition" and entered the realm of discrimination. This should be apparent to any sensible person. Unfortunately, I am afraid you do not meet this criterion. You're repeating the exact same argument that Tallaabo made, and I already made a response to that. you want me to copy/paste my posts again, or would you prefer to just scroll up and read what I already posted? Would that be too difficult for you?
  14. Quran 6:79 "Indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth, inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate partners with Allah." Tallaabo; Alpha is an empty vessel. I've said it before. He allows others to define his own viewpoint on life. He has no original thoughts in his own mind, because he's incapable of thinking for himself. His baffling ignorance on Islamic Aqeedah was just displayed on this forum, and I actually wonder who raised him. Who allowed him to grow up without having any basic knowledge on Islam? He doesn't even understand Tawheed, so I'm not obligated to take him seriously.
  15. WRONG Abdul There is not a single McDonald's or Macy's that refuses to serve gay people in this country. There are no laws or "discriminatory business practices" that currently exist on the books here i America. So there goes your argument out the window What gay people in America are trying to eliminate is any sort of personal opposition to their unnatural and perverted lifestyle.
  16. I know better than to allow myself to be addressed like that by a xayawaan polytheist such as you Alpha. You know absolutely nothing and you contribute nothing of value. All you really do is chime in with your retarded remarks and then you attempt to sound witty and clever. You harass some of the female members on this forum and your extremely Qabiilist views are well-documented here. Wallahi if it was up to me, you would be banned from this forum. And I know plenty of members here who feel the exact same way, so spare me your verbal diarrhea. And now you want to propagate your pagan and polytheistic beliefs, with absolutely no justification and no logic behind it. Using your backwards logic, we should also worship "Zeus" (ancient Greek god) or "Mars" (ancient Roman god) or "Fir'awn" (ancient Egyptian Pharaoh who was mentioned in the Quran and who actually had the arrogance to command his citizens to worship him). Allah has been worshiped in every society, and Allah has sent Prophets and Messengers to every single country, including Somalia. Only 25 Prophets were mentioned in the Quran, but there were thousands of more Prophets who were never mentioned and we don't know their names. But every single Prophet commanded his people to worship Allah Alone, to be conscious of your Lord, to prepare for your inevitable Meeting with your Lord, and to have a righteous character and to obey Him. This is without exception, and even the earliest archaeological records prove the Islamic belief that Allah has sent Prophets to every nation and society on Earth, at some point in time. Everywhere from Australia to Somalia to Mexico to Russia, etc. So if our ancient forefathers were monotheists who worshiped "Waaq", or whatever they wanted to call Him, then so be it. Good for them, mashaAllah. The Hebrews refer to Allah as "Elohim". The Christians refer to Allah as "Jehovah". I'm sure the Turks and the Pakis and the French also have their own unique word to refer to God, based on their language. What "name" you call God is irrelevant (as it varies based on the language), as long as you're referring to the same Creator, the same God who you worship Alone with no partners. This is basic Islamic theology and you're actually brain-dead if you're not aware of this at the age of 30 Your parents should be ashamed of themselves. Quran 12:40 "You worship not besides Him except [mere] names you have named them, you and your fathers, for which Allah has sent down no authority. Legislation is not but for Allah . He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know." Quran 6:161 "Say, "Indeed, my Lord has guided me to a straight path - a correct religion - the way of Abraham, inclining toward truth. And he was not among those who associated others with Allah." On one hand you claim I support AMISOM and their plundering of the Somali people. And then on the other hand, you are claiming that I support Al Shabab and those who are allied to them. You can't even see how this is a blatant contradiction. Wallahi you are a bahaal, you're like a child throwing a tantrum and then you wonder why I'm so rude to you on this forum. Get the fuck out of my face. You post-modern secularists are the worst thing to have ever happened to Somalia. Ever since the accursed Italians came to our shores, self-hating losers such as yourself with a deep inferiority complex have been attempting to remake Somalia in the image of European foreigners. And then you claim that I'm the one who's importing foreign ideas to my country. Take a look at Egypt and Bangladesh. They have been ruled by secular authorities for decades, and all you see in those countries is poverty, corruption, violence, the lack of social mobility. I mean, I could go on and on. You're disgusting, what you believe in is disgusting. And you take your cues from godless secularists while you ignore your innate nature as well as who you are and where you came from. I really couldn't give a damn what you do in your private life, but you are worthless and your opinions are worthless.
  17. Alpha, don't ever address me with that garbage ever again. I've copied/pasted your quotes and you openly said that you don't give a shit about "Reer Somalia", so stick to your little clan enclave and don't comment on anything that involves anyone who lives east of Burco. You're an empty vessel, you don't know anything or contribute anything, other than your failed attempts at being a Comedian on this forum.
  18. <cite> @Homunculus said:</cite> Why are they letting those terrorist go so easily? They should pay for their crimes and their treason. I expect them to go back to their old ways whenever they get the chance. I don't think prosecuting and chasing down every single Al-Shabab criminal is practical or even feasible. There are far too many bloody hands in Somalia and the government doesn't have the power or ability to punish every single one of them. They need to consolidate their power. Allah will deal with these xayawans in Yawmal Qiyamah, the same way Allah will deal with Abdi Qaybdiid, Indhocade, General Morgan, Qanyare, Hassan Dahir Aweys and all the rest of these criminals.
  19. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> Doctor, you have changed, you have found a new sense of humour. well done You're a funny guy
  20. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> one modern norm is moral relativism, that all cultures are equal or valid, and we just need to understand them, even if one culture's involves child marriage and subjugation of other human beings. another norm is western liberal social cultural economical system is the apogee of virtue and justice the rest of humanity must emulate in entirety. language, education system, political system, economical model etc The fact that you don't believe in a God--and thus you don't believe in an Objective Moral Standard--means you just shot yourself in the foot here. Because you're an Atheist, moral relativism is the ONLY possible way you can look at the world. Your worldview consists of the absence of a Creator, therefore any moral framework that exists is by definition "relative" and not universal. You can't have both at the same time I cannot believe you can't see your utter hypocrisy
  21. Ismahaan, that photograph of Kenya and Ethiopia dividing up Somalia is outdated, and drawn during a time when Somalia was in severe turmoil. This map was drawn around the time of the 2011 famine, but facts on the ground have changed considerably since then. Puntland and Somaliland already have functioning States, so what would be the legal justification for the Ethiopians to annex it? South Somalia is already getting back on it's feet, there is reconciliation going on right now in the South between different clans in Bay province, in Hiiraan, in Jubbaland, and other places. And the Somali Army is expanding it's reach.
  22. Another invalid comparison. This Baker is not "picking and choosing" who to serve. He welcomed them into his shop, he offered to bake them a cake, just not a gay-wedding cake. Plenty of businesses have a dress-code, and it's not discriminatory when they refuse to allow in patrons who dress a certain way. Even in nightclubs, you can't enter the nightclub unless you wear a certain type of outfit. This is common knowledge. Plenty of businesses have rules on dress, whether someone can bring in a dog to the shop, whether someone is allowed to play music loudly, etc. This gay couple, could have gone to ANY OTHER bakery in Colorado, but they chose to pick a fight with a Christian baker who didn't want any trouble. And then you want to claim that this is alright, that this is fine. And you know very well that this is a blatant double-standard.
  23. Khadafi, you misread my post saaxib. I'm not against Government-funded education. The Government SHOULD pay for education, obviously. Many of the poorest people in Somalia won't be able to afford their own education without government funding it. I'm just against the government PROVIDING education. Which is a very big difference. We can easily introduce "school-vouchers", where each family is given a "voucher" of a couple thousand dollars or so, and they can use those funds to enroll their children in any private school they choose. It's kinda like the food-stamp program we have here in the United States. The Government gives "food stamps" to low-income people....and then they use those "food stamps" to go to their local grocery store and buy whatever food they choose. Public funding, private choice. It's an ingenious combination Therefore this creates competition between the schools, because each school wants higher funding and higher enrollment. Therefore each school will be forced to hire the best teachers, have the lowest amount of students per classroom, and this would improve quality. You drive a Toyota or a Chrysler or a Volkswagon, am I correct? Aren't these cars created by private companies? Would you trust yourself to purchase a car built by the Government? And if not, why would you trust your children to be educated by the Government, when we know that there's no incentive nor any sort of competition with government schools? At least if private companies provide education, there would be competition, just like what exists today in Louisiana. That's all I was saying.