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Everything posted by DoctorKenney

  1. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> These so called Bollywood princesses are hairier than your average faarax. they shave their mustaches in the morning just like men. i was shocked when i found out Nothing that a few body-waxes and laser-hair surgeries can't fix
  2. <cite> @burahadeer said:</cite> But as you have the right to propagate that so do others have the right to enjoy as they see fit.These things were common before fundamentalism and is back now; just don't go there if you not at ease with it. sorry your self respect might be alien to the Somali nomad woman who neva had niqab! When did I insist that women in Somalia wear niqaabs? Every single society has some limits when it comes to public decency. So should Somalia, and this is not extremism. If you wanna behave like this, (and every society WILL have people who are inclined to behave like this)....then restrict it to your own private residence. But you want Somalia to be like New York City, where these public displays of indecency are very common
  3. <cite> @burahadeer said:</cite> diasporas should know they the ones talk too much about religion in every situation and fly ova seas to fight for extremists.People inside the country are coming back to their senses after a long tortuous journey.Let thm enjoy. Saaxib, there's a limit and balance to everything. You and I both know that. There's extremism when it comes to being conservative, but there's also extremism when it comes to liberalism. You should take the middle road, you should be moderate and walk the straight path. But these displays of "raunchiness" are completely unacceptable. If Somalis want to behave like this, then they should restrict it to their own private residence, but they shouldn't display this nonsense in public or on the internet. We're better than that. Have some self-respect
  4. <cite> @ElPunto said:</cite> Mike is a convicted rapist. He will always be. Bringing it up in a particular context will happen. He needs to learn how to address it not act like a foul mouthed buffoon. This video only serves to reconfirm how little actual growth he has done as a person. It's weird how he is getting all this support from Solers. Generally, when someone commits a crime and he's been dealt with accordingly, and he pays the price for his crime and he attempts to change his ways, then we try to forget about his past sins. Just let it go dude... How would you feel if you did something wrong back in 1991 and people constantly attempt to bring it up and use it against you? And this was supposed to be a light-hearted interview. It wasn't supposed to be a serious interview about Mike Tyson's life, and he was only there to promote his new TV Show. There's a time and place for everything. And this news reporter was VERY unprofessional for what he did here.
  5. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> DK, have you gotten yourself an indian mail bride ?? LOL I've seriously contemplated about bringing home a Bollywood Princess :D She gets extra points if she wears a sari around the house
  6. <cite> @Che -Guevara said:</cite> This ranking has subconscious, European induced racist undertone. Che, a lot of the features we find "appealing" in Somalis are also found in Arab women, Persian women, as well as Indian women. Indian women have aesthetically pleasing faces. I don't think it's a European thing saaxib, I think it's just a subjective definition of beauty which we Somalis have developed over the years. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder after all.
  7. <cite> @Mooge said:</cite> ethiopian girls aren't bad too, but wa timo adag yihin I think we have to divide "Ethiopian" into Amharic, Oromo, and Tigray I find that Tigrays have some of the best looking women in the region
  8. **********************Allyourbase is banned from Somalia Online for insulting other nomads. **************************
  9. <cite> @Nin-Yaaban said:</cite> That's exactly what's happening. I remember reading this post here couple of yrs ago, about how Indian males were sharing wife's between themselves. For example, 2 or 3 brothers would be sharing one wifey. LoL I guess it never occurred to them that aborting females would lead to something like that. And India still leads the world in the rape and mistreatment of women. Not a day goes by without having to read a poor Indian chick from the villages being raped and murdered somewhere in India. And China has like 10's of millions of men that would have no chance of ever finding a spouse. That's why the number of African + Chinese marriages are on the rise. This is what happens when you mess with nature. Maybe these countries need a war to balance things out and get rid of surplus men. In China right now, you have an explosion of prostitution as many young men are coming to the realization that they're unlikely to ever find a wife. Some of them are going to Taiwan or Vietnam or Cambodia to find brides and bring them back to China. And this entire disaster was of their own making. They were inhumane and barbaric enough to kill their infant daughters, and now they want to export their problems to the rest of the world. But the gender imbalance in India is with the Hindus. The Muslims of India don't have that problem But all of those Somali men who go to India to find themselves a nice Indian wife aren't really helping with the gender imbalances ...It just adds to the problem and makes things a lot more complicated
  10. This was really funny You gotta love Mike Tyson loool The reporter was a bit of a jerk, there was no use in mentioning Mike Tyson's past rape conviction, which happened all the way back in 1991. This had nothing to do with Rob Ford, or with Mike's new TV show. This was supposed to be a "fluff piece", a light-hearted interview....and mentioning the rape was unnecessary. He paid his dues, he served several years in prison, he lost most of his fortune and he's still paying for his crime even today. It would be the same as interviewing Bill Clinton about his "Clinton Global Initiative" and then randomly deciding to bring up Monica Lewinsky and his adulterous affair with her. That would be unnecessary and extremely disrespectful.
  11. <cite> @Alpha Blondy said:</cite> disgusting, for lack of better words. is it any wonder these people are being punished here on earth. this epicentre of the world's first failed state ought to be nuked. they need a biblical plague to wipe them out. something like ebola would suffice. Xamaris and Palestinians deserve their punishment. they are renegades. Wallahi Alpha deserves to be banned for his constant displays of hatred towards Koonfurians and Muslims on this forum
  12. <cite> @Holac said:</cite> Making a parallel between the old marrying the young and marrying a dog is intriguing. For your information, marrying off young girls to older men is cross-cultural and goes beyond one particular religion. Holac, this topic has already been exhausted in AT LEAST 3 separate threads just in the last year. This godless troll just wants to repeat the same arguments over and over again, even though he's been refuted. He knows very well what he's doing. He has a pathological obsession with Islam. It's almost amusing to watch.
  13. <cite> @Nin-Yaaban said:</cite> Indians are just weird. It's one of 2 countries (China being 2nd) that practice female infanticide. They abort female babies before they are even born. Probably something to do with either culture or their religion. I read about how China and India have a gender imbalance, where there are "too few women" for the available bachelors, due to the extensive infanticide which exists in those 2 countries. This is not to mention the stigma and the marginalization much of the women go through during their lives. It's a sad story all around I think in China, it's largely because of government policy (1 child policy). But in India, it may have to do with culture/extreme poverty.
  14. LOL Mooge Ninkaana somali ma ahan. Beentiisa ha aaminin. He already told us once on this forum. I know several ajnaabis personally who have a working-knowledge of Somali. Some of them grew up amongst Somali friends and some of them are married to Somalis, so they picked up the language. You'd be surprised at how many Ajnaabis can speak af-Somali, or at least understand it
  15. Mooge, as soon as Puntland gets the necessary resources, it will start (inshaAllah) a massive tree-planting project, where thousands of youths would be sent to plant trees across Puntland, which can help against erosion and desertification. Puntland can be transformed from a dusty settlement to a place that's green and full of trees. It was the charcoal traders that chopped down millions of trees in Somalia since 1991, and then didn't have the foresight to plant new trees. So now the place is a desert But that can be reversed, and Puntland can be transformed inshaAllah. I would hope the diaspora just does a little more to help Puntland reach it's goals
  16. <cite> @Freedom78 said:</cite> ^^^ puntland aka dustland has nothing to say Puntland can be dusty loool, so what? You don't need grass to be powerful and prosperous Puntland can always get artificial grass What would you say then?? :D
  17. Mooge, the Prophet warned us in at least 10 separate Hadiths about groups like ISIS, Boko Haram, Al Shabab, etc. He warned that in the future, groups like this will arise and to be wary of them. They're called "Khawaarij" for a reason. They claim to follow Islam but they are the FURTHEST from Islam wallahi. Had these people been men of truth, then nothing could possibly stop them. The masses of people in the Middle East, Nigeria, and Somalia would rally to their cause and they could establish Islam in the land, fearing no one except Allah. Quran 3:110 "You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah"
  18. Mooge I find it very strange how Malistar is crediting Qoslaye with all of the construction that's going on in Mogadishu. Niiyow, this has been going on since Sheikh Shariif was President loool In 2012, when Qoslaaye was elected, I was hoping that ALL this President should focus on is building a professional Army for Somalia and securing the country against Al Shabab. He couldn't do this ONE job, even though the African Union, the European Union, Turkey, and the USA was assisting in this project. He's not qualified for the job. And now Malister wants to give this President another 4 years. Somalia has FAR better-quality leaders in it's community. We don't need someone like Hassan Sheikh.
  19. ISIS is nothing like Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda is a shadowy group full of secret operatives and they're never really out in the open. ISIS has a different method. ISIS is an actual terrorist army. They have tanks, armored vehicles and heavy artillery. They're visible. So waging a direct war on ISIS would be far easier than it would be to wage a direct war against Al Qaeda. You can't actually see Al Qaeda. They operate in secrecy so they're practically invisible. But you can see ISIS. ISIS is out in the open, so they would be easy to kill. Turkey and all the rest of the Middle Eastern countries should directly go in and fight ISIS. It would be just like the Gulf War in 1991. The Kurds have been fighting ISIS for a while now and they're gaining ground, winning several battles, but the Kurds have extremely little resources. Imagine a country like Turkey with it's immense firepower and huge number of troops fighting against ISIS. ISIS would be driven back and maybe even go underground. In the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein's army in 1991 was destroyed in Kuwait, because of the immense firepower the Americans and their allies. So I don't see why it can't happen again.
  20. Qoslaaye is squandering a golden opportunity to consolidate his power and unite the country under common interests, and he's ruining it through his corruption, pettiness, and lack of vision. He's the worst possible leader Somalia can have at this critical time. Malistar can point to all these superficial developments in Mogadishu, which are absolutely meaningless. PRIVATE companies are doing all of this, private patriotic Somali individuals are investing in their homeland. Qoslaye has one job, and he's failing at it
  21. <cite> @Mahiigaan said:</cite> I feel sympathy for the Somali girlls brain washed by those Arabs. Their country needs them more than Syria or any Middle Eastern country. I always wonder how the mind of the radicals works!. These girls don't even have 1/10th of the integrity and character as those 2 Canadian sisters who volunteered to join the Somali military.
  22. <cite> @xabad said:</cite> Stop the calaacal, go for independence if things are so bad and leave the HAG alone. PL will still be bird poop without HAG bogeyman i assure you. DrK is slightly deranged, that is why i have gone slow on debating, nin fiyow maba aha, he is wind up debate machine LOL. LOL :D
  23. Tallaabo, I would suggest that soldiers from Puntland, Somaliland, and Central State go to the South and assist in pacifying the South from all rogue elements, criminals, and terrorists. And the project would be funded directly by Somali Diaspora folks who would contribute a portion of their paycheque to help fund this operation. This would be a project for Somalis, by Somalis, and funded from Somali sources. But that would be a far too ideal option, extremely unrealistic, and it would require Somalis actually *gasp*.....cooperating I don't think Somali cooperation is something very realistic
  24. CidanSultan, they don't implement Shariah in the least. Speak to the Somalis who actually lived under Al Shabab's rule, and it was anything but Shariah. Al Shabab controlled half of Somalia for several years, so we already have direct experience of their rule. Their oppression of the Somali people, their pimping out young Somali females to foreign Arab and Pakistani "visitors", their forcefully shutting down all dissent. There was nothing Islamic about Al Shabab.