Cambuulo iyo bun

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Everything posted by Cambuulo iyo bun

  1. In Anbar, Iraq by ISIS. They were asking them if they were Sunni, then asked them how many rakahs in Fajr. They answered 3 and they executed them.
  2. well we have kickz who can confirm this marka meel inaga fariista sxbayaal ninkii intaas abaal dadkeena uu galay baad kaso horjeedaan. smh
  3. Yusuf Omar Al-Azari knows about food stealing. He served Siad Barre in a dozen posts and did eight years in one of Barre's prisons. He now lives in Ethiopia but is in Mogadishu seeing friends and checking on some of his business interests. "The stealing was very systematic," he says. "Lets just take the example of Mogadishu. The city was divided into 14 orientation centers, sort of districts, and each was headed by a person close to Siad Barre. They were the pillars of the revolution. The government handed the food to the heads of these centers. The head takes half of it for himself, and the other half was divided into three parts. One -third was given free to the commercial people in the district, powerful businessmen whose support was crucial to the government. One third went to the security services, such as the NSS and the Hangash. Barre was always coming up with new security agencies and putting one of them over the other in order to protect himself. And then one third went to the Red Berets, the presidential security details in the districts. Maybe one thousandth of the food went to refugees, and that went to the elderly ladies who clapped the loudest when the name of Siad Barre was mentioned. I'm not kidding. It went to those who clapped the loudest. Literally. People became millionaires from this food, many of them relatives of Siad Barre." Aidid's militiamen, many of them unpaid for years, were rewarded with everything they could confiscate when they captured the city -- homes, cars, women. Aidids sub clan, generally considered country bumpkins by other clans, are now in charge of most of south Mogadishu. They're driving around in nice cars, looted or abandoned, and living in big houses, many taken from members of Siad Barre's clan. Any foreigner who lives and works in south Mogadishu -- journalists, aid workers, UN officials -- probably employs gunmen and drivers and guards from Aidid's sub clan, in effect paying the salaries of Aidid's militia, supplying the spoils of war
  4. interesting article written in 1993
  5. Hobbesian_Brute;974692 wrote: why ?. and did you support mubarak also ? between the FSA and the other terrorist organisations and with assad, assad is the lesser evil thus why im supportin him besides syria was the only country where somalis had sharaf they got citizenship was able to study at uni's ask any somali who lived in syria they will only tell positive things. as for egypt mubaarak was an stooge for the west however i supported men like Ghadaffi,Saddam Xusayn etc.
  6. Coofle;974669 wrote: wax aanad waxba ka ogayn ha ka hadlin.....Everybody knows that Bashar al Assad is brutal dictator, the death tolls is hundreds of thousands, who is killing HAG (not this time my friend)..... sometimes you need to sit down and read about the realities or visit the neighboring to syria and see the Million refugees maxaa dalkooda keenay (not famine).... Trust me syria will never be as good as it was during assad's rule.
  7. Apophis;974631 wrote: What sort of idi0t spends 30k on moryaan pu&&? which has been at the service of Ugandan grunts. A special kind runti. :mad: isku xishood inaar
  8. LOL sxb im not a fool like that i actually got a puntland script ee sidaa ula sooco, just be careful what you say in the Pms Looooooool
  9. nuune;974603 wrote: lool Tallaabo , this is my favourite country as I have being there 4 times in the past 30 years, the most recent trip was 1993gii. MMA , linekaas ay fureen waxaaba ka sii cajiibsan midka Indonesia la tagaayo(to get their visa is like looking for a single hair inside a computer), kadib looga sii gudbaayo East Timor, maalin dhaweed ka maqley Nairobi, illaa 10 kun ay diyaar la yihiin by arranging them to bring to Indonesia alone, other maryooleey ayaa ku sugooyo East Timor oo lacag intaas oo kale dhan ka sii qaadanaayo, most of them been loo sheegaa oo waxaa lagu tuuraa Fiji iyo FarankaNasia LOL xaaji dhool is doing this mashruuc sow maaha?
  10. these qurbo joogs are messing the game runtii, that amount of money is okay in the west but in somalia? damn ragga meesha jooga waan uu naxey Lmao suuqa laga xirey this is a crazy trend im hearing people marrying for 20-30 k back home sheeko waalan dheh
  11. someone should tell this somalis to GTFO PNG before the cannibal tribes capture them. :eek: :eek:
  12. Wada hadalo u dhaxeeya dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Kismaayo ayaa ka socda magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Itoobiya, iyadoo labadii maalmood ee u dambeeyay ay wada hadalada ahaayeen kuwo marba marxalad soo gaarayay. Inkastoo warar kala duwan ay ka soo baxayeen wada hadalada ayaa hadana waxaa jira qodobo qaar oo la isku mari waayay, kaasoo natiijada wada hadalka la filayay in maalin ka hor ka soo baxaan dib u dhigay. Wada hadalada ayaa dhinaca dowladda Soomaaliya waxaa hogaaminayay Wasiiru dowlaha Madaxtooyada Faarax Sheekh C/qaadir, waxaana xubno ka ah Agaasimaha Madaxtooyada Kamaal Gutaale, Sanbaloolsha oo ah Safiirka UK dowladda u magacawday, La taliyaha Madaxweynaha Nuur Diinaari, Xildhibaan C/raxmaan Xoosh Jibriil iyo xubno kale. Sidoo kale waxaa dhinaca Maamulka Kismaayo hogaaminayay Axmed Madoobe oo hogaamiya garab ka mid ah Maamulka Jubaland, xubnaha maamulkiisa iyo siyaasiyiin horay xukuumadihii KMG ahaa xilal uga soo qabtay. Warar ay heleyso ayaa sheegaya in qodobada ugu culus maanta laga doodayo, iyadoo ilaa iyo hada qodobo qaar la isla meel dhigay, hase ahaatee aanan la saxiixin. Qodobada markii hore la isku hayay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa dowladda ay aqoonsato Jubaland, Calankeeda, iyo dastuurkeeda, hase ahaatee la isku khilaafay, balse dowladda ay cadeysay in Jubaland arrinteeda meel la dhigo, laguna dhawaaqo Maamulka Jubooyinka iyo Gedo. Waxaa kaloo qodobada ku jira in Ciidamada la dagaalamay Axmed Madoobe iyo saraakiisha laga qeyb geliyo maamulka, isla markaana la isku dhafo ciidamada, waxaa kaloo arrinta ugu adag ka taagan tahay aqoonsiga Maamulka, inkastoo xubnaha ergada dowladda ku adkeysanayaan in taas dib loo dhigo. Warar soo baxaya ayaa sheegaya in dowladda Soomaaliya ay ogolaatay in Axmed Madoobe si KMG ahaan u hogaamiyo Maamulka Jubooyinka iyo Gedo, ugu yaraan muddo labo sano ah, sidoo kale Madaxweyne kuxigeenkana lagu badalo mid ka mid ah dhinacyadii isku hayay magaalada, waxaana la saadaalinayay wiil uu adeer u yahay Barre Hiiraale. Inkastoo wali aanay wax natiijo ah ka soo bixin, wada hadaladuna ay yihiin kuwo sii dheeraanaya ayaa mar waxaa la sheegay inuu ku sigtay in lagu kala tago, hase ahaatee dadaalo ay sameeyeen IGAD oo garwadeen ka ah shirka lagu guuleystay in la sii wado. Wada hadalada ayaa kama dambeys la filayaa inay ka soo baxaan war murtiyeed labada dhinac ay saxiixaan, waxaana hadba heshiiska yahay sida ay labada dhinac isku raacaan qodobada adag ee hor-yaala wada hadalada.
  13. Chinese restaurant in MOG source:
  14. Cambuulo iyo bun;974411 wrote: horta dadkiinan using the term federalism marka hore define federalism, every state having their own army controlling the asset such as ports,airports, every state having a president war ma noqde ilma adeerayaloow somalia needs to get balkanized xaalku sidaas buu ku jiraa im freaking tired of this bullshyt. :mad: this still stands yo..
  15. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;974485 wrote: Yaabane, labadoodaba dad meesha u dhashay ama ku dhashay ma'aha. Kaaga sii daranee shisheeye u adeegaan. Eebbe ka baryaa in uu Barbaarta kusoo celiyo Kismaayo . Edeb, kala dambeyn iyo sinnaan lagu deganaa markee kooxdaas maamuleysay. Isqabqabsi ma jirin. Shisheeyana warkooda daa. arooy maa ka joogtidoo. No such thing as edeb,sinaan iyo kala dambeyn Barbaarta used force cidii diida madaxiisa la gooyay ayaa tabeeloyinka la suri jiray. Btw are you saying barbaarta iney shisheeye uu shaqeeynin? isnt Al-qaida an shisheeye organisation which shabaab are part of?