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Posts posted by QabiilDiid

  1. I have my beef with this radio and ina Garaad. I have been listening to it since the arrival of radio broadcast message on the internet. I do not recall a single program in which they had explained in simple plain language, to the Somali people the positions of U.N., A.U., the League Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Conferences, the E.U., the Russian Federation, and other pertinent World bodies and governments, in regard to the national unity and territorial integrity of the Somali Republic. A lot of people in the Northwestern regions of Somalia who occasionally sympathize with the few secessionists in power, are not aware of the World stand on Somalia. Ina Garaad and his crew neither keep the average Somali informed about the international community’s unprepared ness in tampering with the national borders of the Somali Republic nor ask the secessionist leaders the hard questions when it comes to have a dialogue about the restoration of the Somali Republic.

    The issue of the Somali unity is always on the back burner in their programs. I have never heard a single debate aired by the BBC Somali Service taking place between the Somaliweyn believers in Hargeisa and the flag wavers of the secessionists. Their correspondent in the city, because of partiality and hidden agenda, never bother to seek opinions diagonally opposed to that of the armed few. I mean it is the job description of the modern journalist to see conflicts from different angles. Ina Cige is paid by by Ina Garaad. Can you recall Ina Cige going to Laascaanood or even to Boorama to check the political beliefs of the ordinary persons in the street of these cities? I doubt you can! Mind you Ina Cige has been in North Somalia for more than 4 years employed by the BBC’s Ina Garaad! That is one of the reasons I am saying that he has a hidden agenda. He is in bed with the secessionists and tacitly is approved by his masters in London.

    Without prejudice, when you look at the disintegration of the Somalia and the suffering of the ordinary Somalis caused by the few, one can say that the BBC and ina Garaad are not doing their full potential to keep the ordinary Somalis (especially those in the country side) timely informed in fair and equitable manner. There is one more point supporting this assertion. How many of you can tell me what does Security Council Resolution 1587 stand for? :confused:

  2. How fair is Oogle’s assessment of the BBC’s Chief Somali editor?


    Most of us speak Somali and most of us listen to the BBC Somali Service most of the time to get daily update on what is happening back home. Occasionally, we encounter in the cyber space opinions criticizing the journalist performance of Yusuf Garaad, the service's chief editor. The following piece is the lengthiest one critical on Garaad that I have ever encountered. In your opinion do you agree, partially agree or disagree to Ooggle’s assessment? Please, keep our disease (tribal inclination) in check while attempting to put in your 2 cent on this one…



    Beware the BBC Somali Service


    By Mohamoud Oogle - UK


    The fledgling government of Somalia does not only have to contend with the well-armed and well-funded warlords of Mogadishu but also has to face another mightier weapon at the disposal of the warlords: that is the regular propaganda support they receive from the BBC Somali Service sadly headed by someone by the name of Yussuf Garaad. For those who do not know, the name Garaad is a nickname which would normally evoke qualities such as wisdom and fairness. In Yussuf’s case, it is a misnomer. He is simply a warlord collaborator masquerading as a respectable BBC employee. From the time he took ov er the BBC Somali Section, the service has changed from an icon among the Somali broadcasting stations inside and outside the country to a mediocre service pandering to the personal agenda of the head of the Section


    Those who are old enough will no doubt recall with nostalgia those golden old days of the BBC Somali Service. A broadcasting service is of course as good as the quality of its broadcasters and those who manage it. The BBC Somali Service has been very fortunate in the past in both these respects- until unfortunately Mr. Yussuf Garaad came on the scene some years ago. Its first broadcaster, seconded in 1957 from Radio Hargeisa, was the well-known and highly respected Haji Abdi Dualeh, the father of Somali broadcasting. A stream of distinguished announcers came after him: men like Aden Farah, Mohamed Abokor Haji Farah, Mohamed Abshir Yussuf, Mustafa Haji Nur, Ismail Haji Abdi, Hussein Mohamed Bullaleh, Osman Suguleh, Ahmed Ismail Samater, Idris Hassan Deria-just to name a few. It has been headed for many years by the late. C.J Martin who will always be remembered for his dee p attachment to Somalia and its people. After his retirement, he was succeeded by Hugh Walker, AbdiRahman Abby Farah, Patrick Gilks and Mohamoud Abdullahi, all of whom had maintained the highest standards and integrity of the Service that its listeners had came to cherish.


    What Yussuf Garad has done to the BBC Somali Service is a mirror image of what his alter egos, the warlords, had done to Mogadishu. Just as the warlords unleashed a systematic and savage ethnic cleansing in Mogadishu soon after the fall of the Siyad Barre government and thereafter turned their guns on one another thereby reducing the once beautiful and historical city of Mogadishu into ashes and ruins to the detriment of future Somali generations if not mankind, so has Mr. Garaad eviscerated, some would say vandalised, the BBC Somali Service soon after his appointment as its Chief Editor. In one swoop, he got rid of more than half of the staff of the service only to replace them with inexperienced novices from his clan. Those victims were highly experienced and popular announcers w hose only misfortune was to serve as sacrificial lamps to give place to Yusuf Garad’s nominees.


    Parallel to his in-house revolution at the Somali Service in London, he also recruited correspondents inside and outside Somalia, most of them from his clan. This brutal restructuring of the Service has given Mr. Yussuf Garaad almost total domination of the service which he now uses in pursuit of his personal whims but above all in support to the warlords. Those who know him close enough would diagnose his tribalism as typical of that mindless strain that would see anyone not from his tribe (****** ) as an enemy, and within the ****** anyone who is not from his sub-clan ***** as an outsider and in the end anyone who does not belong to his sub-sub clan ******** as no kinsman. This is the worst form of tribalism. It afflicts not only ordinary folks back home in Somalia whose defensive psyche may have been shaped by their security and basic needs in the absence of government. But its carriers also include so-called sophisticated individuals among the Diaspora who peddle in this primitive evil from their safe distance abroad but in the end ensure that the ordinary people back home are the victims irrespective of their tribe or clan


    Those who regularly follow the programmes of the Somali Services can doubtless point to numerous occasions when the Section under Yussuf Garad’s supervision has been flagrantly one-sided and partisan. You only have to compare the different treatments meted to President Abdulqasim Salaad Hassan and President Abullahi Yussuf at the time of their election. In a nutshell, Yussuf Garaad’s BBC Somali Service gave full backing to President Abdulqasim, his cousin. Much as this smacks of nepotism, I would still continue to support such a stand which did not only benefit Abdulqasim but could also have served as the necessary catalyst for the revival and restoration of the Somali State. Has he treated Pre sident Abdullahi Yussuf and his government in a in a similar manner or at least remained impartial?. As it is, the BBC Somali Service has spared no effort to derail the government of Abdullahi Yussuf well before it sets its foot in the country. This is the same objective as that of the warlords and their backers. Full publicity had been given to the wayward speaker of the national Parliament, to dissident MPs, and above all to the warlords, all of whom are united in their opposition to the deployment of peacekeeping forces from neighbouring countries.


    The worst examples of the use of the BBC Somali Service for propaganda purposes are the coverage given to demonstrations organized and orchestrated by the warlords in Mogadishu, Marca and other places. On a number of occasions, the BBC correspondent in Mogadishu, Farxiya Cali, would devote her entire daily dispatch to the BBC to the mantra of well selected individuals almost all saying the same thing as if the whole show has been rehearsed in advance. This should not be surprising as the demonstrators may be the militia of the warlords or their hangers-on. I cannot recall a single individual interviewed who said anything different. This is reminiscent of Siyad Barre’s days when pro-governmen t demonstrators would predictably chant the same slogans with no discordant voice.


    How did the BBC come to be used in this sordid manner? That is the one-million dollar question. What is certainly true is that the BBC would have heeded listeners’ concerns if they were to mobilise them selves and complain to the top echelons of the organization. This is essential not only to defend the new Somali government from Yussuf Garaad but no less importantly to save our beloved BBC Somali Service from his mischievous machinations. There will come a time in the near future, we hope, when Somalia will have an ambassador in Britain who naturally will look after our interest and ensure that Yussuf Garad is defanged and can no longer visit any harm on Somalia or on the Somali Service. In the meantime, protests through all possible channels, including email messages, would serve an important role. Silence is the worst option.


    Mohamoud Oogle





    [ April 06, 2005, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Libaax-Sankataabte ]

  3. Originally posted by macalimuu:

    I suggest Somalis in DC area to congregate in front of the Saudi Embassy in DC and re-enact a protest skit depicting the barbaric slaughter of these unfortunate poor somali immigrants as a protest to shame the inhumanity and savagery of saudi cutting throat punishment and sentence.

    Macalimuu, I can not stop thinking what would other Muslim Diaspora in the free world do if half dozen of their nationals are beheaded by a kangaroo court in KSA? As you suggested, would they protest against this inhumane act in front of the Saudi Embassies to show the World that the kingdom has no international accountability? Would they stand up in mosques and speak against the royal Saudi mafia family? Would they organize legal minds and take their case to world court and other international human rights entities? Would they engage in letter writing and signature collection activities demanding their legislative representatives to pressure the governments of the respective democracies they live in that Saudi Arabia should give full public disclosure of the legal process that led to the killing of their nationals? Would they use international media effectively to discredit the immoral royal family? Would they demand the Saudi internal security minister to be brought to the international criminal court? Would they collectively incite the Muslims in the Bilaad Xijaaz and other Islamic lands to over throw the criminals in Riyadh?


    This needs an answer. It personally affects every one. If you are Somali and do not take action, forget going to Mecca for your pilgrimage unless you are prepared to hand your wallet to the taxi drivers who would, if you do not give to them whatever they demand of you, probably accuse you of hostage taking by a can opener or a nail cutter, the consequences of which is death by sword in public. No question asked. On top of that, if you remain silent about this criminal act, your Islamic faith is surely compromised.


    Imagine the magnitude of Somali Diaspora if they unite on this one....


    Dad sharaftoodii, magacoodii, dadnimadoodii iyo dalkoodii iyo diintoodii intuu qabiil kala qaybiyey meel walba si aan insaaka kale loo galin, loogu galayo!!!


    :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

  4. Originally posted by OG_Girl:

    Nayruus, this is a good news but can you give me the source please?

    Sister, someone had emailed me that arabic piece. he did not mention the source. I have writed him back to give me the source. AS i get a reply, i will post it in this thread.

    but the the word "ONLY" is yours only. Thie amount is only for immediate release. When the soamli goverment settles homee, more financial assistance for rebuilding public institutions will be forthcoming.



  5. ^^^^

    Final declaration of Arab Summit


    البيان الختامي لقمة الجزائر


    دعم جمهورية الصومال


    يرحب القادة بالتطورات الإيجابية والإنجازات التي حققها مؤتمر المصالحة الصومالية ÙÙŠ نيروبي برعاية الإيجاد ومشاركة الجامعة العربية، وخاصة انتخاب الرئيس/ عبد الله يوس٠أحمد رئيسًا للصومال، وتشكيل البرلمان الصومالي الانتقالي والحكومة الانتقالية ويدعون الدول الأعضاء إلى تقديم الدعم الÙوري اللازم لتمكين مؤسسات الدولة الصومالية الوليدة من أداء مهامها وخاصة ÙÙŠ مجال إعمال النظام والقانون وإعادة إعمار البلاد ويطلبون من الأمين العام مواصلة التنسيق مع Ù…Ùوضية الاتحاد الأÙريقي ومنظمة الإيجاد والمنظمات الدولية والإقليمية المعنية للإعداد وتنÙيذ برنامج مشترك لنزع أسلحة الميليشيات الصومالية وإعادة دمج Ø£Ùرادها ÙÙŠ مؤسسات المجتمع والدولة الصومالية بالتعاون مع الحكومة الصومالية. كما يرحبون بطلب الحكومة الصومالية إرسال قوات عربية وتجهيزات لوجيستية لدعم السلام ÙÙŠ الصومال، ويدعون الدول الأعضاء إلى المشاركة ÙÙŠ تنÙيذ وتمويل برامج لتوطيد الأمن والاستقرار ÙÙŠ ربوع الصومال، وقيام الدول الأعضاء والأمانة العامة بالتحرك لدى مجلس الأمن لتأمين مشاركة قوات الأمم المتحدة ÙÙŠ دعم السلام ÙÙŠ الصومال، ويحثون كاÙØ© الÙصائل والÙعاليات وجميع قطاعات الشعب الصومالي العمل بكل صدق وإخلاص، وتعاون إيجابي مع الرئيس الصومالي المنتخب والمؤسسات الشرعية الصومالية من أجل إرساء دعائم الأمن والاستقرار والحÙاظ على وحدة الأراضي الصومالية واستعادة الصومال لموقعه ضمن أسرته العربية ومحيطه الإقليمي والدولي. ويÙقررون تقديم دعم مالي عاجل قدره 26 مليون دولار للحكومة الصومالية عن طريق صندوق دعم الصومال بالأمانة العامة ÙˆÙقاً لحصص الدول ÙÙŠ موازنة الجامعة لمواجهة الاحتياجات العاجلة للحكومة الصومالية بما ÙÙŠ ذلك Ù†Ùقات انتقالها إلى داخل الصومال.


    Our Arab brothers are waking up and taking their responsibilities to Somalia after many years of neglect.





  6. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *******HA


    02/28/05****18******25**********large #********MOG******HA/DNC/SBC


    03/05/05****n/a*******1**********large #********MOG*********RSH

    03/05/05****19********large #****large #********HOB******HAF/HOB/ALP

    03/07/05*****3********4*********large #*******RAK/QAR******HAF/SBC

    03/10/05****17******n/a*********n/a******RED Sea******HAF/GED/BBC

    03/10/05****94******n/a*********n/a******RED Sea******HAF/GED/BBC


    03/11/05****1*******3***********large #******MOG*******RSH







    For 03/07/05, HAF says 3 are killed and 5 are wounded. SBC says 2 are killed and 4 are wounded.

    For 03/05/05, 19 killed is the best estimate. Here is why. HAF says up to now it is known that 15 are killed; HOB says more than 17 are killed; ALP says at least 25 are killed. Hence, 15/3+17/3+25/3=19


    WEB SITES:,,, RSH=radio Shabelle,



    MOG=Mogadisho, G/H=GarbaHaarlay, RAK/QAR=Rako/Qardho



    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarmament?

  7. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *******HA


    02/28/05****18******25**********large #********MOG******HA/DNC/SBC


    03/05/05****n/a*******1**********large #********MOG*********RSH

    03/05/05****19********large #****large #********HOB******HAF/HOB/ALP

    03/07/05*****3********4*********large #*******RAK/QAR******HAF/SBC



    For 03/07/05, HAF says 3 are killed and 5 are wounded. SBC says 2 are killed and 4 are wounded.

    For 03/05/05, 19 killed is the best estimate. Here is why. HAF says up to now it is known that 15 are killed; HOB says more than 17 are killed; ALP says at least 25 are killed. Hence, 15/3+17/3+25/3=19


    WEB SITES:,,, RSH=radio Shabelle,



    MOG=Mogadisho, G/H=GarbaHaarlay, RAK/QAR=Rako/Qardho



    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarmament?

  8. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *******HA


    02/28/05****18******25**********large #********MOG******HA/DNC/SBC


    03/05/05****n/a*******1**********large #********MOG*********RSH

    03/05/05****19********large #****large #********HOB******HAF/HOB/ALP


    For 03/05/05, 19 killed is the best estimate. Here is why. HAF says up to now it is known that 15 are killed; HOB says more than 17 are killed; ALP says at least 25 are killed. Hence, 15/3+17/3+25/3=19

 ,,, RSH=radio Shabelle,



    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarmament?

  9. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *******HA


    02/28/05****18******25**********large #********MOG******HA/DNC/SBC


    03/05/05****n/a*******1**********large #********MOG*********RSH


 ,,, RSH=radio Shabelle


    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarmament?

  10. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *******HA


    02/28/05****18******25**********large #********MOG******HA/DNC/SBC





    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarmament?

  11. Dadka Muqdisho oo soo dhaweyey godoominta la sheegay in la godoominya magaaladasi


    Dadka Muqdisho oo ah dad ka soo daalay qilaafyo aan xal laheyn ayaa soo dhaweyey in wadanka laga qabta nimanka Isbaarada u dhigtay aan dooneyn in uu soo noqda kala danbeentii kuna naxay isbaarada iyo dhiiga dadka kuwas oo la doonaya in wadanka laga qabta si kasta oo lagu qaban karo.



    Nidaam la´´aanta iyo foodada ka jirta Konfurta Soomaliya ayaa ah mid ay ka war wareygeysa DFKMG taasoo loo jeeda dadka konfurta ku nool in aysan diyaar u aheyn dowlad ay iska rabaan oo kaliya in ay iska socota foodada iyo kala danbeen la´´aanata ay ku naxayaan inta yar ee dowlad diidka ah, kuwaasoo dadka ku laxaawsado in wadanka cadow qabsanaya marka waxaa isweydiin mudan wax ay isdhamaan kuwa cadawga ah iyo ayaga nidaam diidka ah .


    Intabadan dadka Muqdisho oo qabo in uu ku saxsanyahay Madaxweyne Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ka war wareegida Magaalada Muqdisho sababtoo ah waxuu cashir ka qaatay kuwii ka horeeyey meeshii ay mareen , marka kuwa leh marnbno nidaam , marabno , cadaalad socon meyso waa in nagala qabtaa ayeey yirahdeen inta badan dadka ku nool magalada Muqdisho oo ah kuwa si aad ugu ooman nidaamka iyo kala danbeenta


    Dadka Muqdisho ayaa soo dhaweeyey si alo sidii uu ku qaban karo magaalada Muqdisho madaxweyne Cabdulaahi yuusuf in uu sameeye haba u adegsadee ciidamo shisheyey sababtoo ah hadii ay dowladan socoweydo in magaca Soomaliyeed uu dhumi doona


    si kasataba ah ahaatee Dadka Muqdisho ku nool Axmaaro diid mahinee ee waa nidaamo diid






    Ku noqo beejka






  12. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *******HA


    02/28/05****18******25**********large #********MOG******HA/DNC/SBC




    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarmament?

  13. Qofwalba oo si qaranima ah u hadla, dhiiggayga ayuu dhaqaajiyaa. I never thought Mr. Dheere has a strong interest in nation building and so brillinatly able to see the big picture....we need strong people to take strong stands. A heroic image on the horizon!!!

  14. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *******Hornafrik



    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarmament?

  15. Home Sweet home


    Cabdullaahi Yuusuf iyo Prof. Geeddi oo ka soo degey garoonka diyaaradaha Garoowe

    Garoowe - 25.February.2005 Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Ra'iisal wasaaraha Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa haatan ka soo degey garoonka diyaaradaha Conoco ee magaalada Garoowe. Madaxweynaha iyo Raiisal wasaaraha ayaa loo gogley roog lagu maamuusayey waxanay haatan salaan ka qaadanayaan ciidammada mabmoyda, waxanay sidoo kale haatan ay salaamayaan mas'uuliyiinta Puntland, suxufiyiinta iyo dadweynaha kale ee halkaasi ku sugan.


    Saddexda diyaaraddood ee haatan ka soo degey garoonka Conoco, Garoowe, ayaa midda hore waxaa la socda wafdiga horudhaca ah, diyaaradda labaad ayaa sidda madaxweynaha halka diyaaradda saddexaad ay iyana ay saarnaayeen ra'iisal wasaaraha iyo wufuud kale.


    Wafdigan ayaa haatan waxay diyaar ku yihiin Garoonka, waxaana si toos ah warkan u soo diraya Mowliid Xaaji Cabdi, tiiyoo idaacadda SBC-na si live ah loogala socdo.


    Madaxweynaha ayaa waxaa uu haatan salaan ka qaadanayaa cutubyo ka tirsan ciidanka bamboyda, waxaana halkaasi ku sugan mas'uuliyiinta maamul goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland oo uu ugu horreeyo Madaxwenaha Puntland, Cadde Muuse Xirsi iyo dhammaan amaba inta badan golayaasha dawladda Puntland.


    Amaanka wafdigan ayaa si weyn loo adkeeyey, waxanu madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf Axmed uu salaamayaa qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada iyo mas'uuliyiinta kale ee halkaasi ku sugan.


    (faahfaan dheeraad ah goor dhow...)


    Maxamuud Faarax Bile


  16. Honorable members of SOL, let us keep a count on how many of us get killed or maimed seriously or dislocated without a notice with tsunami trauma and suffering, before foreign troops arrive to help us disarm the maniacs and gangs roaming in Mogadishu.



    02/21/05*****5*******8**********large # ********MOG *********Hornafrik



    What if,


    What if these murdered were killed in the process of disarming them?

  17. A patient in a coma and on a life-support ventilation system has no choice of which team of M.D’s being requested to operate on him for the last attempt to bring him back to life!

    Waar waxa dawa u ah in la siiyo badhi idaad. Ama wuu ka boodi oo wuu durdurin ama way ka haadi…. As nomads we are high risk takers. Let them come and help us destroy the ugly brutal anarchists running in THE alleys of Mogadishu. Ama waynu dhiman ama waynu noolaan. It is irrelevant who dies who lives. Somali blood is split needlessly every day.

