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Posts posted by QabiilDiid

  1. b10.jpg


    BeLieVe your eyes. Geelle's strategy is working. You see caato's face behind Shariif Xasan. The picture was taken today in Baydhaba. Qanyare is relaxing in Nairobi in the courtesy of the PM. Soon we will see Suudi getting out from the sorrowful situation of no peace no war. Ka soo hoyo horurka iyo waraabaha. SOOMAALIYA HA NOOLAATO.

  2. Geedi iyo Shariif Xasan oo ku sii jeeda Mag. Galkacyo


    Galkacyo 06 Feb. 06 ( Sh.M.Network) Labo wafdi oo ay kala hogaaminayaan Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka FS Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan iyo Ra'isulwasaaraha Somalia Prof. Cali Max'ed Geedi ayaa lagu wadaa in berri ama saad dambe ay gaaraan magaalada Galkacyo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug, halkaasi oo uu ku sugan yahay Madaxweynaha dowladda FS. C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed sida laga soo xigtey Gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug ee dhinaca Puntland. Sheekh Daahir Jaamac.



    Gudoomiye Shariif Xasan iyo Ra'isulwasaare Geedi

    Gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug ee dhinaca Puntland Sheekh Daahir Jamac oo suxufiyiinta kula hadlay magaalada Galkacyo ayaa ku wargaliyay qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan halkaasi in ay muujiyaan diyaar garow ay ku soo dhaweynayaan wafdiga ay kala hogaaminayaan Gudoomiyaha BFS oo ka soo kictmaya magaalada Nairobi iyo waliba wafdiga Ra'isulwasaaraha oo ka duuli doona magaalada Jowhar ee xarunta gobolka Sh/dhexe.


    Sidoo kale Sheekh Daahir Jaamac ayaa waxa uu la hadlay ciidamada Booliska Puntland ee W/ Magaalada Galkacyo oo uu ku wargaliyay in ay xoojiyaan amaanka magaalada si looga fogaado in qalqal la galiyo imaanshiyaha wafuudaas.


    Ujeedada socdaalka labadani wafdi ay ku imaanayaan magaalada Galkacyo ayaan la shaacin, inkastoo la sheegayo in socdaalkooda uu la xiriiri sii dhameystirida iyo waliba u diyaargarowga kulanka BFS ee lagu wado in 26 ka bishaan uu ka dhaco magaalada Baydhabo.


    Gudoomiyaha BFS ayaa ah markii ugu horeeysay uu u socdaalayo magaalada Galkacyo, tan iyo Markii loo doortay xilka Gudoomiyenimo sanadkii 2004 ta, iyadoo Ra'isulwasaare Geedi uu horey halkaasi ugu socdaalay dhowr mar.


    Dhowaan ayay aheyd markii Gudoomiyaha BFS uu kaga dhawaaqay magaalada Nairobi in kulanka uu ka dhaco magaalada Baydhabo,26 ka bishaan, iyadoo arinkaasi uu si weyn uga soo horjeestay Ra'isulwasaare Geedi, inkastoo Ra'isulwasaaraha shalay shir jaraa'id uu ku qabtey magaalada Jowhar uu ku aqbalay in uu tagayo magaalada Baydhabo isla markaana uu ka qeybgalayo kulanka BFS.


    C/laahi Cabdi


    Shabelle Media Network, Mudug


    Historical. The three highest officials of TFG on Somali soil in a same room at a same city at same time. Quraanjo should get more desperate and will likely give up...

  3. Geedd “Anigu kama soo caroon qado iyo hotel, waana tegayaa Baydhabo, mana jiro khilaaf u dhaxeeya aniga iyo madaxweynaha



    Ra’iisal wasaaraha dowladda federaalka Prof. Cali Max’ed Geeddi ayaa sheegay inuu ku dhamaaday guul iyo is garad kulankii uu shalay la qaatay xubno ka socday beesha caalamka, IGAD, J/carabta iyo Q/Midoobay oo uu ka mid ahaa wakiilka xoghaha guud ee Q/Midoobay Ambassador Fransious Fall, wuxuuna xusay in xubnahaasi ay u balan qaadeen dowladda federaalka inay ka caawiyaan dib u dhiska dalka iyo sugida amniga iyo weliba howlaha dib u heshiisiinta.



    “Anigu maahi nin ka soo carooday qado iyo hotel ee waxaan Jowhar u imid si aan u sii ambaqaado howlihii dowladda†ayuu yiri Geeddi oo shaaca ka qaaday inuu tegayo Baydhabo, isagoo tilmaamay in Baydhabo ay ka mid tahay 18-ka gobol ee uu ra’iisal wasaaraha ka yahay.



    Wuxuu sheegay Geedd in xukuumadiisu sanad ka hor ay ku baaqday in Baydhabo si kumeel gaar ah loogu sii shaqeeyo balse ay ka hor yimaadeen fad qalalo, sida uu hadalka u dhigay isla markaana haatan uu ku furaxsan yahay in mar kale la sheego in Baydhabo lagu kulmayo “Aniga iyo madaxweynaha wax khilaaf ah oo horey nooga dhaxeeyey iyo mid cusub oo haatan naga dhaxeeya ma jirto, waxaana wararkaasi qod qodaya saxaafada oo aan ka cadsanayo in aysan buun buunin wax aan jirin†ayuu yiri Geeddi oo ku nuux nuuxsaday inay ka go’antay inuu Baydhabo tago.



    Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan,Dayniile,Muqdisho


    Ku noqo beejka






  4. Geeddi oo aqbalay shirka baarlamaanka ee Baydhabo


    Muqdishu, Feb 1, 2006 ( WDN) - Ra'iisul wasaaraha, DFKMG Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa maanta faahfaahin dheeraad ah ka bixiyay waxyaabihii ay isla soo qaadeen wafdigii beesha caalamka ka socday ee Jowhar soo booqday. Wefdigaas oo uu hogaaminayey Farancio Fall oo ah ergeyga Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya.

    Ra'iisul wasaaraha oo warbaahinta kula hadlayey magaalada Jowhar ayaa sheegay in wefdiga beesha caalamka ay ka wada hadleen arrimo dhowr ah oo ay ugu horeeyeen taageeridda dowladda iyo dib u heshiisiinta.


    Waxa wararku intaas ku darayaan in ra’iisul wasaare Cali maxamed Geeddi iyo wefdiga beesha caalamku ay isku afgrateen in laga wada qayb galo shirka barlamaanka kmg ah ee lagu qaban doono Baydhabo bishan 26 deeda. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo arrintaas ka hadlay ayaa isna xaqiijiyay in ay isku afgarteen isaga iyo wefdigaasu dhammaan waxyaabihii ay isla soo qaadeen.


    Wararka Jowhar laga helayo ayaa sheegaya in ra'iisul wasaaraha laga dhaadhiciyey in uu ka noqdo go’aanka uu ku diidan yahay shirka ka dhici doona Baydhabo. Taas oo ay soo dhaweeyen wafdigii beesha caalamka ee ka koobnaa Jaamacada Carabta, Midowga Yurub, Midowga Afrika iyo Urur goboleedka Igad.


    Wafdiga uu horkacayey F. Fall ayaa galabnimadii maanta ka ambabaxay magaalada Jowhar ayagoo dib ugu laabtay magaalada Nairobi . Halkaas oo markii hore ay ka soo kicitimeen.


    Maxamed Cumar

    WardheerNews, Muqdishu

  5. Wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ku sugan Jowhar oo sheegay in ay ka qayb galayaan kulanka Baydhaba


    Muqdishu, Feb 1, 2006 ( WDN) - Wasiiro dhowr ah oo ka mid ah kuwa ku sugan magaalada Jowhar, ayaa maanta si aan ka leexasho lahayn waxa ay shaaca uga qaadeen in ay diyaar u yihiin tegitaanka magaalada Baydhabo ayna soo dhaweynayaan go'aankii gudoomiyaha uu shalay ku gaaray magaalada Nairobi.


    Wasiiradan ayaa sheegay in go'aankaasi uu ahaa mid muujinayey dhexdhexaadnimada gudoomiyaha barlamaanka, wasiirka dhulka iyo deegaanka DFKMG ayaa ka mid ahaa wasiiradii ku dhiiraday in Baydhabo ay tagayaan, siagoo sheegay in uu ka qeyb qaadanayo kulanka barlamaanka ee lagu wado in 26-ka bisha uu ka dhaco Baydhabo.


    Sidoo kale waxaa ka mid ah wasiiradii ku dhawaaqday tegitaanka Baydhabo, wasiirka waxbarshada Cali C/laahi Cosoble oo sheegay in Baydhabo aanu jirin wax lagu takooro, isagoo xusay in amaakeeda uu yahay mid iska caadi ah.


    Dhanica kale waxaa jira xildhibaano aad u fara badan oo ku sugan Jowhar oo sidaasi oo kale ugu dhawaaqay, ayagoo sheegay in wax walba ay ka muhiimsan yihiin midnimada iyo wada jirka ah.

    Waxaa magaalada Baydhabo ka soconaya dadaalo aad u ballaaran oo amaanka iyo bilcida magaalada lagu celinayo, waxaa magaalada Muqdisho, Jowhar iyo Nairobi qaban qaabo ka wada wasiiro iyo xildhibaano ku sugan degaanadaasi. kuwaasi oo u diyaar garoobaya tagitaanka Baydhabo si sugida amaanka iyo soo celinta bilicda magaalada ay qeyb uga qaataan.


    Wasiirada ku hawlan aramiamah ayaa ah kuwo ka soo jeedah degaan ahaan Bay iyo Bakool, waxaana ka mid ah wasiirka beeraha Shaati Gaduud iyo wasiirada haweenka iyo arimaha qoyska Fowsiyo Maxamed Shiikh.



    Waxaa sidoo kale magaalada Baydhabo ka soconaya olole ballaaran oo ay wadaan saraakiisha RRA-da ee Baydhabo ku sugan, kuwaasi oo haatan bilaabay in maleeshiyooyinka ay magaalada ka saaraan, isla markaana beelaha ka dalbadaan in maleeshiyooyin ay keenaan si amaanka magaalada uu u noqdo mid dadka gobolka oo idil ka wada dhaxeeye.

    Maxamed Cumar

    WardheerNews, Muqdishu

  6. Prof. Geeddi “Baydhabo wan tagayaa Dalka Soomaaliya oo dhan ayaan Ra’iisul Wasaare u ahay hal gobol ama Magaalo

    Ra’iisul Wasaare uma ihiâ€â€¦.


    Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Max’ed Geeddi ayaa ka dhawaajiyay fikradiisa ku aadan tagitaanka Magaalada Baydhabo oo ah meeshii uu Barlamaanka uu ku kulmi lahaa.


    Ra’iisul Wasaare Geeddi ayaa hadalkan jeediyay kadib markii uu kulan la qaatay Wafdigii uu hogaaminayay Amp. Fall oo kulan gaar ah Magaalada Jowhar ku yeeshay manta.


    Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo saxaafada la hadlay markii uu dhamaaday Kulankii dhex maray Wafdiga Beesha Caalamka iyo Q.M. ayaa uga waramay waxyaabihii ay ka wada hadleen kulankoodii.


    “manta waxaan Magaalada Jowhar kula kulanay Wafdiga uu hogaaminayay Amp. Fall oo ay socdaalka kula wehliyeen Midowga Yurub,Midowga Afrika,Jaamacada Carabta iyo safiiro ka socday Dowladaha Talyaaniga iyo Kenya,waxeyna u yimaadeen Taageerida arimaha Nabadeynta,dib u dhiska Soomaaliya iyo horumarintiisa.


    Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa tibaaxay in Wafdiga ay sidoo kale u yimaadeen sidii ay u geesinimo geli lahaayeen Dowladda hawlaha hor yaala.


    Ra’iisul Wasaaraha waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in wafdigan kasocday Beesha Caalamka ay u yimaadeen oo kaliya sidii ay usii wadi lahaayeen taageerida ay ugu tala gashay Beesha Caalamka Dalka Soomaaliya.


    Mar wax laga weydiiyay Ra’iisul Wasaare Geeddi in uu Baydhabo uu tagayo iyo in kale ayaa waxa uu yiri.


    “Baydhabo wan tagayaa Dalka Soomaaliya oo dhan ayaan Ra’iisul Wasaare u ahay hal gobol ama Magaalo Ra’iisul Wasaare uma ihiâ€.


    Ra’iisul Wasaare Geeddi oo maalinimadii shalay ku dhawaaqay in Magaalada Baydhabo uusan tageyn ayaan ilaa iyo hada wax tafaasiil laga bixin Karin sida uu uga laabtay mowqifkiisii shalay ee ahaa in Baydhabo aysan u cuntami Karin.


    C/casiis Xasan Max’ed (GOLF), Midnimo

    Xafiiska Midnimo ee Jowhar, Soomaaliya

    Midnimo Information Center




    Midnimo Information Center

    mic 31 - 01 - 2006 - Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee arrimaha Soomaaliya


    Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi iyo Xubnaha Labada Gole ee Jowhar oo soo dhaweeyay Go’aankii Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka


    Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa soo dhaweeyay go’aankii shalay Magaalada Nairobi kaga dhawaaqeen Madaxweynaha iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ee ahaa in kala fadhiga Baarlamaanka ka dhaco magaalada Baydhabo.


    “Markii hore anaga waxaan go’aansanay in Baydhabo iyo Jowhar la tago, Raggii diidanaa oo uu ka mid ahaa Qanyare ayaa maanta ogolaaday Baydhabo, aniga waxaan diidayaa inaan ka daba qaato, sidaas darted dhamaanteena waxaan tagaynaa Baydhaboâ€ayuu yiri Ra’iisal Wasaare Geeddi oo la hadlayay xubnaha Labada gole ee ku sugan Magaalada Jowhar isagoo kulan gaar ah la yeeshay.


    Prof. Geeddi waxaa uu sheegay in dhawaan magaalada Jowhar imaan doono Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf, “Madaxweynaha ayaa noo imaanaya, kadib Baydhabo ayaa aadayna anagoo wada soconoâ€ayuu yiri Geeddi.


    Xildhibaan Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed oo ka qeybgalay kulanka Saaka ka dhacay Jowhar ayaa ii sheegay in Ra’iisal Wasaaraha meesha ka saaray shakigii jiray ee ahaa inuu ka hor imaan doono kulanka Baydhabo†Ra’iisal Wasaare Prof. Geeddi waxaa uu nagu yiri ma doonayno mar kale in burbur nagu yimaadoâ€ayuu sheegay Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed.


    Xubnaha Labada Gole ee jowhar ayaa markii ay maqleen hadalka Ra’iisal Wasaaraha farxad ku soo dhaweeyay sida uu sheegayo Madoobe Nuunow Maxamed.


    Is bedelkan sida baalasha Buug isu rog rogayo ma aha wax lagu kalsoonaan karo, intaasna Shacabka Soomaaliyed ma rumaysan, heshiis, go’aan,Baaq iyo codsi ay sameeyaan hoggaamiyeyaasha marna ma ku soo dhaweeyan farxad, waayo waxay og yihiin daqiiqad kadib in la maqli doono dhawaaq ka duwan midkii saacad ka hor aad maqasho.


    Tusaale Shalay markii Madaxweynaha iyo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ka qeybgalayeen dhawaaqi Guddoonka Baarlamaanka ee ahaa in Baydhabo noqoto Magaalada Baarlamaanka ku shirayo ayuu Madaxweynuhu ka sheegay inuusan garanaynin sababta uu garabkiisa ugu waayay Ra’iisal Wasaaraha oo ay ku ballan sanaayeen inay wada joogan Xafladda, taasi ayaa tusaale u ah is bedelada Siyaasadeed ay sameeyaan Siyaasiyiinta Maanta, ama ha ahaadeen kuwii sagaashameeyada ama kuwa hadda cusub ee 2000.


    Nuuradin Macalin Mukhtaar (Dinow)

    Xafiiska Midnimo ee Muqdisho Soomaaliya

    Midnimo Information Center


  8. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.

    Day14 01/18/06 Let it be noted that the Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have put a stop to the peace process of putting Somalia back to the tracks of the family of nations without further bloodshed. In my opinion they showed today their true colors. What special gifts wrapped up in the Aden Agreement’s fragile paper were they expecting the Speaker to give them? Whatever presents Sharif Hassan had brought with him from Aden were distributed to the rest of MPs in Mog today and the three armed Warlords never showed up to receive their share as anyone else.

    Let’s face the reality. The Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have metamorphosed into callous rebels determined to keep the status quo of holding the city hostage. It is not their intention or in their interest to disrupt the streams of cash flows from the roadblocks, airports, seaports, protection of individual business owners, drug plantations, scrap industry etc. Their hearts have solidified into stones of immorality and despair and death of Somali people have no effect on them.

    Day15 01/19/06 Half of the 30 days has elapsed. So far no date and city have yet been announced for a full house of parliament sitting. Mr. Hassan, the Speaker dinned with warlords for a couple of hours. In the later half of the day, the Warlords met in private to try to come up a clear-cut unified position on the agreement. Nothing came out from their get-together.

    On the other hand the president arrived in Jowhar.

    Day16 01/20/06 The Present gave full report of the agreement to the MPs in Jowhar. They unanimously endorsed the agreement. No word from the armed ministers in Mog. Some web sites are predicting that they will express their objections to the agreement tomorrow at the Saturday sitting of the MPs in Mog.

    Day17 01/21/06 O.K. The three warlords came to the meeting of the Shariif’s group today. They accepted the legitimacy of the Aden Agreement and promised along with other members, to go along with the agreement. Mudane Shariif Xasan’s efforts to persuade them to come on broad, seems successful. But what is amusing as well as puzzling is their refusal to speak to media and publicly declare their support of the agreement and their willingness to go whichever city the Speaker chooses to hold full house assemble of the parliament. Soon after the end of the assemble, when a female journalist from Horn Afrik News Network approached Warlord Qanyare and asked him why he had so far failed to comment on the Aden Agreement in public, he leashed all his anger and frustration on her and swore that he would never speak to them. He prohibited them to use his natural voice over their Radio. But then, puzzlingly, Radio Horn Afrik programs are unavailable on the net. With breakthrough in Somali politics today in Mog., I don’t think HornAfrik would have deviated from its traditional role of interviewing Somali opinion leaders on the issues of the day. I believe they have been intimidated and threatened.

    Day18 01/22/06 The President en route to a two-day AU summit in Khartoum on transit arrived at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Surprisingly, he met the Speaker, Mudane Shariif Xasan there behind close doors for approximately a good hour. When they finished their one-to-one discussion, they selected Shaati Guduud from a pool of FTG MPs and Ministers who apparently came to the airport with the Speaker to welcome the President, to join them. After a while, the three officials came out holding hands, smiling and joking. It is obvious that Mudane Shariif Xasan is given full mandate to make decision on naming the location (city) and the timing for the full house of FTG parliament to meet. Mudane Shaati Guud is a Minister and former strongman Warlord from Baidhaba The question is will the Speaker choose Baidhaba for that noble task? Will he be given financial support for the logistics of transporting 275 MPS some of whom are not even in Somalia to the location he will choose? La arki doonee!

    Day19 01/19/06 Are the pieces coming together? The Speaker is engaged in talks in Nairobi with UND and representatives of the donor communities. He is asking them to release the salaries of the FTG MPs. The Somali Parliamentary Donated Fund was frozen because of the disagreement and quarrel between the Mog. and Jowhar groups. As soon as Mudane Shariif nails down financial support from donor countries or more importantly given access to funds, he will probably announce the PLACE and TIME for the first full session of the Parliament at home. By all means, that must happen no later than tomorrow. Insha Allah…

    To be fair and objective, we have to look at what the President is doing in Khartoum. He is soliciting the African heads of states to send foreigner troops to Somalia to help the FTG to restore peace and order. The contention of the Mog. Group has been that Somalia is not ready to welcome troops from frontline states to her soil, especially if the majority of them are coming from Ethiopia, a historical arch enemy of Somali people. The question is if the Mog. Warlords suspect of troop coming from the frontline states, will they backtrack from their support of the Aden Agreement? Is the President rushing? It is explicit in The Aden Agreement that Somalis should voluntarily disarm themselves and work towards peace and security,like the northwestern regions. Why is the President scratching the old wounds? To ask the A.U. to pressure the U.N. Security Council to lift the arm embargo against Somalia in order to empower the FTG is one thing but to ask for foreigner troops spoils the spirit of The Aden Agreement.

    Day20 01/24/ 06 The Speaker is still in Nairobi and the President is expected to arrive there tomorrow from Khartoum. With the closeness and mutual understanding they showed the world yesterday in our minds, it is not far-fetched to imagine, as the ruunkinet website is predicting, the two of them traveling in the same plane destined to Jowhar. They have only 10 days to a rendezvous city.


    *************************Remaining Days: 30-20=10

  9. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.

    Day14 01/18/06 Let it be noted that the Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have put a stop to the peace process of putting Somalia back to the tracks of the family of nations without further bloodshed. In my opinion they showed today their true colors. What special gifts wrapped up in the Aden Agreement’s fragile paper were they expecting the Speaker to give them? Whatever presents Sharif Hassan had brought with him from Aden were distributed to the rest of MPs in Mog today and the three armed Warlords never showed up to receive their share as anyone else.

    Let’s face the reality. The Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have metamorphosed into callous rebels determined to keep the status quo of holding the city hostage. It is not their intention or in their interest to disrupt the streams of cash flows from the roadblocks, airports, seaports, protection of individual business owners, drug plantations, scrap industry etc. Their hearts have solidified into stones of immorality and despair and death of Somali people have no effect on them.

    Day15 01/19/06 Half of the 30 days has elapsed. So far no date and city have yet been announced for a full house of parliament sitting. Mr. Hassan, the Speaker dinned with warlords for a couple of hours. In the later half of the day, the Warlords met in private to try to come up a clear-cut unified position on the agreement. Nothing came out from their get-together.

    On the other hand the president arrived in Jowhar.

    Day16 01/20/06 The Present gave full report of the agreement to the MPs in Jowhar. They unanimously endorsed the agreement. No word from the armed ministers in Mog. Some web sites are predicting that they will express their objections to the agreement tomorrow at the Saturday sitting of the MPs in Mog.

    Day17 01/21/06 O.K. The three warlords came to the meeting of the Shariif’s group today. They accepted the legitimacy of the Aden Agreement and promised along with other members, to go along with the agreement. Mudane Shariif Xasan’s efforts to persuade them to come on broad, seems successful. But what is amusing as well as puzzling is their refusal to speak to media and publicly declare their support of the agreement and their willingness to go whichever city the Speaker chooses to hold full house assemble of the parliament. Soon after the end of the assemble, when a female journalist from Horn Afrik News Network approached Warlord Qanyare and asked him why he had so far failed to comment on the Aden Agreement in public, he leashed all his anger and frustration on her and swore that he would never speak to them. He prohibited them to use his natural voice over their Radio. But then, puzzlingly, Radio Horn Afrik programs are unavailable on the net. With breakthrough in Somali politics today in Mog., I don’t think HornAfrik would have deviated from its traditional role of interviewing Somali opinion leaders on the issues of the day. I believe they have been intimidated and threatened.

    Day18 01/22/06 The President en route to a two-day AU summit in Khartoum on transit arrived at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Surprisingly, he met the Speaker, Mudane Shariif Xasan there behind close doors for approximately a good hour. When they finished their one-to-one discussion, they selected Shaati Guduud from a pool of FTG MPs and Ministers who apparently came to the airport with the Speaker to welcome the President, to join them. After a while, the three officials came out holding hands, smiling and joking. It is obvious that Mudane Shariif Xasan is given full mandate to make decision on naming the location (city) and the timing for the full house of FTG parliament to meet. Mudane Shaati Guud is a Minister and former strongman Warlord from Baidhaba The question is will the Speaker choose Baidhaba for that noble task? Will he be given financial support for the logistics of transporting 275 MPS some of whom are not even in Somalia to the location he will choose? La arki doonee!

    Day19 01/19/06 Are the pieces coming together? The Speaker is engaged in talks in Nairobi with UND and representatives of the donor communities. He is asking them to release the salaries of the FTG MPs. The Somali Parliamentary Donated Fund was frozen because of the disagreement and quarrel between the Mog. and Jowhar groups. As soon as Mudane Shariif nails down financial support from donor countries or more importantly given access to funds, he will probably announce the PLACE and TIME for the first full session of the Parliament at home. By all means, that must happen no later than tomorrow. Insha Allah…

    To be fair and objective, we have to look at what the President is doing in Khartoum. He is soliciting the African heads of states to send foreigner troops to Somalia to help the FTG to restore peace and order. The contention of the Mog. Group has been that Somalia is not ready to welcome troops from frontline states to her soil, especially if the majority of them are coming from Ethiopia, a historical arch enemy of Somali people. The question is if the Mog. Warlords suspect of troop coming from the frontline states, will they backtrack from their support of the Aden Agreement? Is the President rushing? It is explicit in The Aden Agreement that Somalis should voluntarily disarm themselves and work towards peace and security,like the northwestern regions. Why is the President scratching the old wounds? To ask the A.U. to pressure the U.N. Security Council to lift the arm embargo against Somalia in order to empower the FTG is one thing but to ask for foreigner troops spoils the spirit of The Aden Agreement.


    *************************Remaining Days: 30-19=11

  10. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.

    Day14 01/18/06 Let it be noted that the Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have put a stop to the peace process of putting Somalia back to the tracks of the family of nations without further bloodshed. In my opinion they showed today their true colors. What special gifts wrapped up in the Aden Agreement’s fragile paper were they expecting the Speaker to give them? Whatever presents Sharif Hassan had brought with him from Aden were distributed to the rest of MPs in Mog today and the three armed Warlords never showed up to receive their share as anyone else.

    Let’s face the reality. The Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have metamorphosed into callous rebels determined to keep the status quo of holding the city hostage. It is not their intention or in their interest to disrupt the streams of cash flows from the roadblocks, airports, seaports, protection of individual business owners, drug plantations, scrap industry etc. Their hearts have solidified into stones of immorality and despair and death of Somali people have no effect on them.

    Day15 01/19/06 Half of the 30 days has elapsed. So far no date and city have yet been announced for a full house of parliament sitting. Mr. Hassan, the Speaker dinned with warlords for a couple of hours. In the later half of the day, the Warlords met in private to try to come up a clear-cut unified position on the agreement. Nothing came out from their get-together.

    On the other hand the president arrived in Jowhar.

    Day16 01/20/06 The Present gave full report of the agreement to the MPs in Jowhar. They unanimously endorsed the agreement. No word from the armed ministers in Mog. Some web sites are predicting that they will express their objections to the agreement tomorrow at the Saturday sitting of the MPs in Mog.

    Day17 01/21/06 O.K. The three warlords came to the meeting of the Shariif’s group today. They accepted the legitimacy of the Aden Agreement and promised along with other members, to go along with the agreement. Mudane Shariif Xasan’s efforts to persuade them to come on broad, seems successful. But what is amusing as well as puzzling is their refusal to speak to media and publicly declare their support of the agreement and their willingness to go whichever city the Speaker chooses to hold full house assemble of the parliament. Soon after the end of the assemble, when a female journalist from Horn Afrik News Network approached Warlord Qanyare and asked him why he had so far failed to comment on the Aden Agreement in public, he leashed all his anger and frustration on her and swore that he would never speak to them. He prohibited them to use his natural voice over their Radio. But then, puzzlingly, Radio Horn Afrik programs are unavailable on the net. With breakthrough in Somali politics today in Mog., I don’t think HornAfrik would have deviated from its traditional role of interviewing Somali opinion leaders on the issues of the day. I believe they have been intimidated and threatened.

    Day18 01/22/06 The President en route to a two-day AU summit in Khartoum on transit arrived at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Surprisingly, he met the Speaker, Mudane Shariif Xasan there behind close doors for approximately a good hour. When they finished their one-to-one discussion, they selected Shaati Guduud from a pool of FTG MPs and Ministers who apparently came to the airport with the Speaker to welcome the President, to join them. After a while, the three officials came out holding hands, smiling and joking. It is obvious that Mudane Shariif Xasan is given full mandate to make decision on naming the location (city) and the timing for the full house of FTG parliament to meet. Mudane Shaati Guud is a Minister and former strongman Warlord from Baidhaba The question is will the Speaker choose Baidhaba for that noble task? Will he be given financial support for the logistics of transporting 275 MPS some of whom are not even in Somalia to the location he will choose? La arki doonee!


    *************************Remaining Days: 30-18=12

  11. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.

    Day14 01/18/06 Let it be noted that the Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have put a stop to the peace process of putting Somalia back to the tracks of the family of nations without further bloodshed. In my opinion they showed today their true colors. What special gifts wrapped up in the Aden Agreement’s fragile paper were they expecting the Speaker to give them? Whatever presents Sharif Hassan had brought with him from Aden were distributed to the rest of MPs in Mog today and the three armed Warlords never showed up to receive their share as anyone else.

    Let’s face the reality. The Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have metamorphosed into callous rebels determined to keep the status quo of holding the city hostage. It is not their intention or in their interest to disrupt the streams of cash flows from the roadblocks, airports, seaports, protection of individual business owners, drug plantations, scrap industry etc. Their hearts have solidified into stones of immorality and despair and death of Somali people have no effect on them.

    Day15 01/19/06 Half of the 30 days has elapsed. So far no date and city have yet been announced for a full house of parliament sitting. Mr. Hassan, the Speaker dinned with warlords for a couple of hours. In the later half of the day, the Warlords met in private to try to come up a clear-cut unified position on the agreement. Nothing came out from their get-together.

    On the other hand the president arrived in Jowhar.

    Day16 01/20/06 The Present gave full report of the agreement to the MPs in Jowhar. They unanimously endorsed the agreement. No word from the armed ministers in Mog. Some web sites are predicting that they will express their objections to the agreement tomorrow at the Saturday sitting of the MPs in Mog.

    Day17 01/21/06 O.K. The three warlords came to the meeting of the Shariif’s group today. They accepted the legitimacy of the Aden Agreement and promised along with other members, to go along with the agreement. Mudane Shariif Xasan’s efforts to persuade them to come on broad, seems successful. But what is amusing as well as puzzling is their refusal to speak to media and publicly declare their support of the agreement and their willingness to go whichever city the Speaker chooses to hold full house assemble of the parliament. Soon after the end of the assemble, when a female journalist from Horn Afrik News Network approached Warlord Qanyare and asked him why he had so far failed to comment on the Aden Agreement in public, he leashed all his anger and frustration on her and swore that he would never speak to them. He prohibited them to use his natural voice over their Radio. But then, puzzlingly, Radio Horn Afrik programs are unavailable on the net. With breakthrough in Somali politics today in Mog., I don’t think HornAfrik would have deviated from its traditional role of interviewing Somali opinion leaders on the issues of the day. I believe they have been intimidated and threatened.


    *************************Remaining Days: 30-17=13

  12. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.

    Day14 01/18/06 Let it be noted that the Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have put a stop to the peace process of putting Somalia back to the tracks of the family of nations without further bloodshed. In my opinion they showed today their true colors. What special gifts wrapped up in the Aden Agreement’s fragile paper were they expecting the Speaker to give them? Whatever presents Sharif Hassan had brought with him from Aden were distributed to the rest of MPs in Mog today and the three armed Warlords never showed up to receive their share as anyone else.

    Let’s face the reality. The Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have metamorphosed into callous rebels determined to keep the status quo of holding the city hostage. It is not their intention or in their interest to disrupt the streams of cash flows from the roadblocks, airports, seaports, protection of individual business owners, drug plantations, scrap industry etc. Their hearts have solidified into stones of immorality and despair and death of Somali people have no effect on them.

    Day15 01/19/06 Half of the 30 days has elapsed. So far no date and city have yet been announced for a full house of parliament sitting. Mr. Hassan, the Speaker dinned with warlords for a couple of hours. In the later half of the day, the Warlords met in private to try to come up a clear-cut unified position on the agreement. Nothing came out from their get-together.

    On the other hand the president arrived in Jowhar.

    Day16 01/20/06 The Present gave full report of the agreement to the MPs in Jowhar. They unanimously endorsed the agreement. No word from the armed ministers in Mog. Some web sites are predicting that they will express their objections to the agreement tomorrow at the Saturday sitting of the MPs in Mog.


    *************************Remaining Days: 30-16=14

  13. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.

    Day14 01/18/06 Let it be noted that the Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have put a stop to the peace process of putting Somalia back to the tracks of the family of nations without further bloodshed. In my opinion they showed today their true colors. What special gifts wrapped up in the Aden Agreement’s fragile paper were they expecting the Speaker to give them? Whatever presents Sharif Hassan had brought with him from Aden were distributed to the rest of MPs in Mog today and the three armed Warlords never showed up to receive their share as anyone else.

    Let’s face the reality. The Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have metamorphosed into callous rebels determined to keep the status quo of holding the city hostage. It is not their intention or in their interest to disrupt the streams of cash flows from the roadblocks, airports, seaports, protection of individual business owners, drug plantations, scrap industry etc. Their hearts have solidified into stones of immorality and despair and death of Somali people have no effect on them.

    Day15 01/19/06 Half of the 30 days has elapsed. So far no date and city have yet been announced for a full house of parliament sitting. Mr. Hassan, the Speaker dinned with warlords for a couple of hours. In the later half of the day, the Warlords met in private to try to come up a clear-cut unified position on the agreement. Nothing came out from their get-together.

    On the other hand the president arrived in Jowhar.







    *************************Remaining Days: 30-15=15

  14. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.

    Day14 01/18/06 Let it be noted that the Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have put a stop to the peace process of putting Somalia back to the tracks of the family of nations without further bloodshed. In my opinion they showed today their true colors. What special gifts wrapped up in the Aden Agreement’s fragile paper were they expecting the Speaker to give them? Whatever presents Sharif Hassan had brought with him from Aden were distributed to the rest of MPs in Mog today and the three armed Warlords never showed up to receive their share as anyone else.

    Let’s face the reality. The Mog. Warlords turned armed ministers have metamorphosed into callous rebels determined to keep the status quo of holding the city hostage. It is not their intention or in their interest to disrupt the streams of cash flows from the roadblocks, airports, seaports, protection of individual business owners, drug plantations, scrap industry etc. Their hearts have solidified into stones of immorality and despair and death of Somali people have no effect on them.






    *************************Remaining Days: 30-14=16

  15. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.

    Day13 01/17/06 The Speaker is in Mog. He arrived at Hotel Saxafe from Dayniile airport in one piece. The three armed ministers/warlords are signaling to him that he has disappointed them. Warlord Qanyare confiscated the portraits of the President from the public who were lining up in the streets of the city welcoming the Speaker and expressing their support of the agreement. As usual Qanyare and his friends are showing poor political judgment. They seem to be putting all their chips upfront before they have a private meeting with the Speaker to give them an in-depth explanation of the agreement. Political tacticians would have shown the Somali people and the world positive enthusiasm in receiving the Speaker and would have avoided any action that might lead one to conclude that they are against the whole process of reconciliation and rebuilding of state institutions. By usurping the democratic right of the public to carry pictures of the person they perceive as their legitimate head of state and before hearing the message they were waiting for from the horse’s mouth as the prerequisite they required to support the agreement, they reacted in an indecent manner. If the agreement is not implemented and eventually becomes toothless, you know where the Somalis and the international communities will put the blame on: “Kuwaas dawlad ma rabaaâ€.

    But let us wait what tomorrow will bring.





    *************************Remaining Days: 30-13=17

  16. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.

    Day12 01/16/06 The only reason the President of Kenya invited the three Somali leaders for lunch is to detect possibilities of procuring some dubious schemes for the Kenyan national economy. Yesterday, the speaker confirmed to the press that the international community has pledged to finance all the facilities that would make possible the conference of the parliament to take place within the 30-day time frame. Already, some people are suggesting that the meeting should be held in Nairobi turning a blind eye to the Aden Declaration which binds both camps to meet on Somali Republic soil. The hard foreigner currency that can be sourced for housing, feeding and Qaad drugging 275 MPs and their support staff for at least 14 days is substantial. A Nairobi five star room costs roughly $200 U.S. per night. The Kenyan president is an U.K trained economist and indeed must be resourceful to hold on to any penny that comes his way. If he really has humane feeling for Somalis, there are thousands of them under his rule right now dying of thirst. A meager percentage of the monetary leftover sitting in his national piggybank from the two years the Somali peace reconciliation talks were taking place in his pig homestead (Doofaarlay) could have been used to send water tank truckers to save the lives of the N.F.D drought victims. The sad thing is, even if the meeting is eventually held in our own territory, most of our international affairs would still be tied in the hands of the Kenyans. We are their sweet milk for the foreseeable future.

    The president of the TFG has left to Kuwait city to attend the funeral of the Emir of Kuwait. I think his priorities should have been to return to Somalia immediately after the conference and start implementing the agreement. The Kuwait people would have understood the drastic situation in Somalia and death and despair of innocent Somalis, most of which are ongoing collective national self-mutilations.




    *************************Remaining Days: 30-12=18

  17. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.

    Day11 01/15/06 The president arrived in Nairobi and was received at the airport by the Prime Minister and the Speaker of the parliament jointly. The three leaders briefly met in the president’s residence. Some news media are reporting that they informally agreed to travel together to Jowher, the transitional seat of TFG.



    *************************Remaining Days: 30-11=19

  18. Aden Declaration 01/05/06


    3. That the Transitional Federal Parliament should be convened within 30 days inside the country, with effect from today, to hold its official session in any place that may be agreed upon.


    Let’s maintain a journal of the events that could lead the parliament to meet within 30 days in unison. A tight deadline, eh?


    Day1 O1/05/06 Prime Minister Geelle describes the agreement as historic.

    Day2 01/06/06 The media gives an encouraging picture that every one welcomes the agreement, except no comment position of the three farting fat warlords of Mog.

    Day3 01/07/06 Members of the federal parliament in Mogadisho excluding the three farting fat warlords, convenes and supports the agreement with no reservation whatsoever and in singing Soomaaliyee toosoo; go listen to Radio Shabelle (

    Members of the federal parliament Mohamed Xabsade of Baidoa, welcomes agreement and states that his city will host the parliment meetingif asked.

    The people of Bakool come out and celebrate the agreement in Adan.

    Day4 01/08/06 the parliamentarians in Jowhar have endorsed the agreement without reservation. Axmed Idaawaqaca, BBC Somali Service

    Day5 01/09/06 United States Government, the sole world superpower, heartily endorsed the agreement.

    BBC Somali Service, Radio Shabelle.

    Day6 01/10/06 Minister Of culture Abdi Hashi in Mog., known for his hash critic of the Jowhar camp, welcomes the agreement and assured his total support for it. He confirmed that all the government ministers in Mog. are welcoming all the points of the declaration. This is good news for the president and the speaker of the parliament as the headless dayniile is reporting it:

    Let's keep in mid that today is Ciid Day and ther are no much actitivies except prayers and visitng relatives and friends!

    Day7 01/11/06 The speaker is expected to arrive Nairobi today and then go to Mog. where the newly self-appointed members of Bandir regional parliament have nominated a committee responsible for the reception of Shariif Hassan’s delegate. On the other hand, the president is still vacationing in Aden.

    Day8 01/12/05 the E.U countries endorse the agreement and wishe success for Somali people. Do not know why but the Kenyan government is getting interested in Shariif Hassan. Her foreigner affairs minister held an exceptional feast for him today in Nairobi and fed him like a king. He is now resting in a five star hotel and the bills are beig picked up by the Kenyans.

    Day9 01/13/06 The president is getting his lion’s share of the banquet feast in Add Saba. The nature of the talks he is having with the hegemonic Ethiopia is undisclosed.

    Day10 01/14/06 notwithstanding the absence of both the speaker and president from the country feasting in foreigner countries the third highest officer of TFG, Prime Minister Geedi flew to Nairobi today not necessarily to join the speaker there for discussion but to carry out other minor undertakings. The Somalia media is saying that he may meet the speaker.



    *************************Remaining Days: 30-10=20