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Posts posted by QabiilDiid

  1. ^^^^^^^





    Guys.. give us a break .the slide presentation from the motherland is shadowed by the slurs and innuendo you are casting on each other. Comment on the richness and fertility of our Somalia. Comment on the best ways to extract or purge the clannish genes out of our mentality and psyche. The time of lamentation and finger pointing is over. It is high time and way overdue to collectively bring our resource in saving the posterity.

  2. Why Mr I.M.Lewis advocates for the dismemberment of Somalia

    Mohamed Ali Mirreh


    November 5 , 2005


    “There is no greater sorrow than to recall a time

    of happiness in misery.â€

    Dante Alighieri


    Since the unilateral declaration of “ Somaliland †in 1991 by a secessionist faction in Northwest of Somalia, there have been few non-Somali elements, who are tirelessly campaigning for the recognition of this one clan-based entity.


    Some of these elements are greedy mercenaries who camouflage themselves in the devious NGO: s, in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi . They often exploit the fluid situation of Somalia by ostensibly creating chaos and impeding any stability in Somalia and thus utilise the international donor's money into their own benefit. There are also, globe-tottering journalists that are deceitfully confined in Hargeisa, the second city of Somalia , where they readily accept at face value whatever told to them.


    But the most dangerous and evil of these “international supporters†is the retired British anthropologist, Mr I.M Lewis who relentlessly advocates for the recognition of “ Somaliland â€


    The following note, sent not long ago to Saturday review by I.M Lewis is typical of Lewis´s role as “spokesman†for the secessionists in the international fora :


    “It was good to read Kevin Rushby's article ("Unbroken chain", October 15) about the visit to Britain of leading poets from Sudan , Afghanistan and Somaliland . Your timing was also excellent. This is an especially significant moment for Gaarriye's home country, Somaliland . This former British protectorate, which separated from Somalia more than a decade ago , has just successfully held its first full parliamentary elections…â€


    These overblown statements of Mr I.M Lewis which are purposefully released to the international media outlets are nothing but grist for the secessionist's propaganda mill. Strangely enough, this unwavering support from I.M. Lewis to the secessionist's campaign to secede from Somalia is in fact a world away from the close working relationship; he had with all the previous Somali governments.


    Again, prior to the parliamentary election in â€Somaliland†which took place on 2005-10-29, I.M.Lewis stated that he would be the happiest person if parliamentary elections took place in Sool, Sanaag and Cayn regions.


    Such rhetoric is a manifestation of Lewis´s animus towards the people of these regions who are clearly out of phase with the wishful thinking of Mr Lewis and the secessionists and one wonders why on earth this old Briton wishes to see one clan under the rule of another.


    Another mind-boggling question for many Somalis is why Mr I.M Lewis being an expert on Somali history and culture and who knows that the Somalis are the most homogenous people on earth, would prefer one clan to another and campaign for the dismemberment of such nation along clannish lines.


    Is it true that his abhorrence and animosity towards the people of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn can be attributed to the fact that these regions were the hub of anti-British during the British rule in Somaliland and as these were no-go area for people like I.M. Lewis, he had a rough time in nineteen-fifties, in Lascanood, widwidh and Bohoodle while he was writing his book, the pastoral democracy ?


    Or may be he is a kind of imperialist-minded who is in a misery and who still hankers for his former colonial ties with what used to be British Protectorate. In another words, he is longing for the past days where he had jole de vivre in British Somaliland Protectorate.


    Whatever the reason, Mr I.M Lewis has opted for dismembering our country by promoting the wish of some buffoons in the north-west of Somalia under the claim of illegal boundaries set by the British. But he should realise that as long as the sons and daughters of Dervish cradle are around, history can repeat itself and, the option of “ Somaliland â€, the reinstated version of British Somaliland will never be delivered .


    Eng. Mohamed Ali Mirreh



    Copyright © 2005


    But he should realise that as long as the sons and daughters of Dervish cradle are around, history can repeat itself and, the option of “ Somaliland â€, the reinstated version of British Somaliland will never be delivered .

    Over my dead body....

  3. Hypnotized Messrs…..nobody can deny the SNS-turned-SNM swindlers have been keeping people like you under their spell over 15 years, lying to you that Hargeisa can become a city-state that will gain international recognition and that a multitude of Somali nations cities will each have their own seat in the U.N General Assembly and in other relevant world bodies (dee maxaa nagagalay qoladii la doonno ha la citiraafee!!).


    But you know what? Mr. President Clinton, a heavy-weight in world politics said, back in 1990 during his reign, that the world can not put up with every African village having it’s nation-state.


    I agree with you the ingenuity of the SNM Mafia occupying the seats of the municipal council in Hargeisa headed by no other than the SNS-trained interrogator and plotter Mr. Riyaale. They have been successful in perpetuating the flames of war and killings in Mogadishu. As I said before, they use the armed warlords and networks of hired spies whose main occupation is to take out whoever they think his reservoir of Somalinimo is overflowing and, at the same time, has the passion, the talent and the energy to pacify the warring sectarian entities. In their myopic calculations, if they are successful in untying every node that could lead to the reinstitutionalization of the Somali Republic, they believe the world will look at their fantasy cause with sympathy. Imagine the phony lady foreign minister arguing with front security desks of departments of foreign affairs of various world governments: “ If I can not have access to the minister’s secretary tell her to tell the minister that the Somalis in south are unable to reconcile and are killing each other every day, why will we be hostage to them?â€. Because she is hungry of power like her superiors, she can not anticipate the answer of the each minister she visits. And what is the answer? “It is your responsibility to pacify your people. We see the civil war in Somalia simply as a family feudâ€.


    Riyaal’s warlord boy is Cismaan Caato who stole the heavy construction equipment of the Somali Republic at beginning of the civil war. He sold some of the stolen machinery to Addis Ababa and the rest is employed in Hargeisa. From Egal’s time up to now he has a personal relationship with the key leaders of the council. More..later about Caat’s business enterprises in Hargeisa…

  4. The last hope for the senseless secessionists in Hargeisa has always been the seemingly never ending fighting and conflict among the Somali politicians and opinion leaders in their quest to reinstitute a functioning national government for Somali Republic, and it is not even far fetched to envision that they finance many killings in Mogadishu through a network of spies and hardened criminals who can be hired for a couple of hundred dollars or less.


    Now signals are coming from everywhere that the disagreements among the members of the Somali parliament will be resolved soon and the federal government will receive undivided support from the world community both in terms of diplomacy and finance. The speaker of the house Mudane Sharif Hassan is meeting with Somali Diasporas and realizing that Somalis can resolve their political disagreements without any more input from foreigner mediators. The majority of PMs in Mogadishu are coming to Jowhar, the transitional seat of the federal government, to meet with the president Yeey. The prime minister is returning from Nairobi with 10 PMs from the opposition in a same airplane.


    Whenever where are signs of hope for Somali people, depression clouds in the minds of the secessionists and, Insha Alla, this time they will come back from their pointless dream or perish for good!




    Xildhibaano kasoo go’ay Qaybta Muqdisho

    oo Jowhar Soo Gaaray


    Waxaa Magaalada Jowhar oo xarun kmg u ah Dowladda Soomaaliya Xildhibaanada shalay soo gaaray Magaalada Jowhar ayaa waxaa hogaaminayay Ing. Xuseen Caraale.


    Xildhibaanada soo gaaray Magaalada Jowhar ayaa waxaa si diiran u soo dhoweeyay Xubnaha Labada Gole ee ku sugan Jowhar.


    Xildhibaanadan ayaa noqday kuwii ugu horeeyay ee kasoo Go’ay Qaybta Muqdisho oo iyagu xaga fikirka isku mid ka ahaa,Xildhaabanada Jowhar yimid ayaa la ogeyn inta ay gaaraya wallow la shaaciyay Xildhibaanada maalmaha soo socda Jowhar imaan doona in ay Gaarayaan 36 xildhibaan oo la sheegay in ay imaanayaan Gobolada Dalka iyo Dibadaba.


    Xubnaha ee iyagu xaga fikirka ah ku kala tagsan ayaa la sheegay in qaarkood ay daneynayaan in ay khilaafka xaliyaan,isla markaan ay bilaabaan in wada hadal fool ka fool isugu keenaan Xubnaha Sar Sare ee Dowladda.


    Magaalada Nairobi ayaa waxaa ka socda dadaalo la doonayo in la isugu soo fariisiyo Xubnaha Dowladda,kuwaasoo ay wadaan Xubno ay ka mid yihiin Mr Xaaf iyo Xildhibaano Kale.


    C/casiis Xasan Max’ed (GOLF), Midnimo

    Midnimo Information Center




    Xildhibaannada jooga Nayroobi ee isu xil saaray in ay dhex dhexaadiyaan labada garab oo sheegay in ay dhammatood aadi doonnaan Jowhar si ay ugu war geliyaan madaxweynaha iyo Qanyare oo ku tilmaamay dhilibaannadaasi kuwo naq raac ah iyo warar kale. Ruunkinet 24/10/05


    Xildhibaannada ku sugan magaalada Nayroobi ee isu xilsaaray in ay dhex dhexaadiyaan labada garab ee dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa la sheegay in ay dhammaantood dhawaan u kicitimi doonaan magaalada Jowhar si ay ula kulmaan madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Col. Cabdullahi Yuusuf.


    Xildhibaannada oo horay ula kulmay ra'isul wasaare Geeddi iyo Guddomiye Shariif kana helay ogolaasho ay howshooda ku wadaan ayaa goostay haatan in ay magaalada Jowhar kula kulmaan Col. Yuusuf iyo xildhibaannada kale ee jooga Jowhar.


    Warar lagu kalsoon yahay ayaa sheegaya in Prof. Geeddi uu horay u raaci doono xildhibaannada oo ka badan 10 xildhibaan si markaasi ay wada tashi dhab ah ula yeeshaan Col. Yuusuf.


    Sidoo kale, xildhibaannada oo uu la socdo ra'iwul wasaare Geeddi ayaa la sheegay in u gudbi doonaan magaalada Muqdisho si ay wadahadallo rasmi ah ula yeeshaan xildhibaannada ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho.


    Mar aan wareysannay qaar ka tirsan xildhibaannadaasi ayaa noo sheegay in ay runta u caddeyn doonaan mas'uul kasta oo ka tirsan dowladda kana hadli doonaan in Soomaalida ay dhammeysato khilaafkeeda inta ay dhowrayaan beesha caalamka oo xal u keenta Soomaaliya.


    "Cidda diidda xaqa isla markaana dulmiga ku wadda qaranka waan sheegi doonno si cabsi la'aan ah haddii eebe idmo kadib markii aan la kulanno mas'uuliyiinta sare ee dowladda", ayuu yiri xildhibaan Cabdullahi Faax oo ka tirsan xildhibaannada u ol oleynaya in ay arrinta hirgasho.


    Xildhibaan Faax oo ka mid ah xildhibaannada fara ku tirisika ah ee weli ka madax bannaan laba garab ee Jowhar iyo Xamar kala jooga ayaa sheegay in xildhibaannada ay wax ka tari karaan soo afjaridda khilaafka dowladda haddi ay daacad ka noqdaan howshooda.


    Dhinaca kale, wasiirka ammina qaranka ayaa si weyn u diiday howsha ay Nayroobi ka wadaan xildhibaannadan isu xilsaaray dhex dhexaadinta labada garab.


    Xildhibaan Maxamed Qanyare Afrax oo ka mid ah wasiiradda ku hubeysan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku tilmaamay xildhibaannadan kuwo naq raac ah oo lacag raadis ah mar uu ka jawaabayay hadal uu xildhibaan Axmed Ducaale Xaaf ka sheegay idaacadda HornAfriq shalay. (Click)


    Xildhibaan Xaaf ayaa HornAfrika ka sheegay in xildhibaannada uu ka mid yahay asaga ay isu xilsaareen howshan ayna jirin cid soo magacaawday basle ay si weyn u doonayaan in labada garab ee dowladda la heshiisiiyo. (Click)


    Warar xog ogaal ah oo aan ka helnay dad ku dhow dhow Xildhibaan Qanyare ayaa sheegaya in Guddomiyaha baarlamaanka oo horay u ogolaaday howshan ay xildhibaannada wadaan haatan is bedelo mar haddii uu ka soo horjeestay mudane Maxamed Qanyare Afrax.


    Guddoomiye Shariif oo lagu xanto in uu si weyn u aamin sanyahay fikradha Qanyare ayaa la sheegay in ay tijaabo weyn u noqoneysa haddii uu haatan ka hor yimaado howshan inta aysan billabin safarka xildhibaannada.


    Sidoo kale, xildhibaannada ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho oo si weyn ay u sii wiiqeyso wadajirooda ayadoo ay soo baxayaan xildhibaano ku xiran Jowhar oo marki hore si weyn uga soo horjeeday ayaa waxaa laga yaabaa in ay si weyn ugu sii qeybsamaan haddii Qanyare ku adkeysto in aysan suurtagal ahayn in ay wada xaajoodaan labada garab ee dowadda federaalka ah ee iska soo horjeeda.


    Cabdullahi Xuseen, Ruunkinet, London

  5. The following is my opinion I posted on in April, 2005.



    I have my beef with BBC Somali Service and its Chief Somali editor Ina Garaad. I have been listening to it since the arrival of radio broadcast message on the internet. I do not recall a single program in which they had explained in simple plain language, to the Somali people the positions of U.N., A.U., the League Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Conferences, the E.U., the Russian Federation, People's Republic of China, and other pertinent world bodies and governments, in regard to the national unity and territorial integrity of the Somali Republic. A lot of people in the Northwestern regions of Somalia, who occasionally sympathize with the few secessionists in power, are not aware of the World stand on Somalia. Ina Garaad and his crew neither keep the average Somali informed about the international community’s unpreparedness in tampering with the national borders of the Somali Republic nor ask the secessionist leaders the hard relevant questions when it comes to have a dialogue about the restoration of the Somali Republic.

    The issue of the Somali unity is always on the back burner in their programs. I have never heard a single debate aired by the BBC Somali Service taking place between the Somaliweyn believers in Hargeisa and the flag wavers of the secessionists. Their correspondent in the city, because of partiality and hidden agenda, never bother to seek opinions diagonally opposed to that of the armed few. I mean it is the job description of the modern journalist to see conflicts from different angles. Ina Cige is paid by Ina Garaad. Can you recall Ina Cige going to LaasCaanood, LaasQoray or even to Boorama to check the political beliefs of the ordinary persons in the street of these cities? I doubt you can! Mind you Ina Cige has been in North Somalia for more than 4 years employed by the BBC’s Ina Garaad! That is one of the reasons I am saying that he has a hidden agenda. He is in bed with the secessionists and tacitly is approved by his masters in London.

    Without prejudice, when you look at the disintegration of Somalia and the suffering of the ordinary Somalis caused by the few, one can say that the BBC and ina Garaad are not doing their full potential to keep the ordinary Somalis (especially those in the countryside) timely informed in fair and equitable manner. If one asks a common Palestinian Joe or Jane the main resolutions of U.N. on Palestinian-Israeli conflict, chances are that he or she will recite them without hesitation because the Arab media constantly remind us the importance of the world stand on the occupied territories. The ever-on-going reminders keep the Palestinian people realistically united in their struggle. Unfortunately, the world stand on the fractured Somalia drafts from our memories day after day. Here is where Somali media fails. They do not structure programs or what I call reality checks that frequently keep the common Somali person aware of the importance of the U.N. resolutions on the sovereignty, national unity and territorial integrity of the Somali Republic and their implications on him or her or on other nation-states in the universe. How many of you can tell me what does Security Council Resolution 1587 stand for?


    Examples are countless but what happened on April 12th of the current will shed light on the unfairness of Ina Garaad’s radio to Somalia. On that day, F. Waraabe was given a scope of air time to spread his waraabiisim (cannibalism) and nonsensical reasoning for his suicidal attempt to dismember Somali Republic. Worst than that he did not call Ina Garaad’s radio as it is normal for Somali pseudo politicians to phone BBC for addressing accusations made against them by others. But examine this carefully. He was contacted and interviewed by one of Ina Garaad's staff. Several times he stressed that the Somali people in Sool and Sanaag regions and the few secessionists in Hargeisa share an exclusive umbilical cord of brotherhood and that they together have common enemies who are no other but the other Somalis who he described as the black evil hand separating them. He said he wanted to capture their hearts and minds for his blind and unrealistic cause.


    The straw that broke the camel's back is that Mr. Waraabe insulted and labeled radio Laascaanood a liar and propagandist.


    Where is Ina Garaad’s journalist impartiality? Wasn’t it the right time to ask Mr. Waraabe if he believed the principle of self-determination and whether he was prepared to accept the judgment of the people of Sool and Sanaag if they are polled through ballot box to go with the secessionists and dismember Somali Republic or preserve Somali unity and stay with the bigger family??? Wasn't it the right time to remind him of the world stand for the sovereignty, political freedom and territorial integrity of Somalia and recite to him Security Council Resolution 1587? (Adduunku waxa uu idiiin arkaa in aad kuligii walaalo tihiin)…


    On the other hand Ina Garaad did not bother to call radio Laascaanood journalists and reporters and asked them about what they had been accused of! Radio Laascaanood is a respectful Somali local radio and has large numbers of listeners. The only thing they propagandize is the Somali unity….but the question is why Ina Garaad is always putting the issue of Somali unity on the backburner and at the same time loosen the rob for the few secessionists by giving them free air time? How many Somali people can the likes of Mr. Waraabe speak for? Sadly, British taxpayers’ money is being wasted.


    It is unacceptable that Somali voices remain silent on the ridiculousness of what Ina Garaad with the help of his right-hand man Ina Cige are doing to the Somali psyche, especially the psyche of the people of North West Somalia. It is given ( let Ina Garaad ask his immediate British supervisor) the objectives of the BBC Somali Service is to help Somali people get relevant information that may, in whatever degree it is, improve their living standards. I mean, basically, all man-made institutions toil to enhance the living conditions of human beings. Whatever role they play in societies, their functions directly or indirectly contribute to the wellbeing of humanity. The air waves of the BBC are not intended to work against the interest of the Somali people.


    It is as clear as the light rays bombarding your retina if you are not blind; the whole world, including the British government has been denying the claim of the few armed militias to break up The Somali Republic. For more than fourteen years, the world has been denying Ina Riyaale and likes forum to convince the universe that Somalis, one of the purest races in time memorial, can not live together under one nation-state. Recognition of the Hargeisa’s municipal council as an independent state is light-years away. As Somalis say, it is like hair strands budding out of a palm.


    It is self-defeating to tally for the few who are suffering from SBS (Siyad Bare Syndrome) the rationales on which the world bodies based their refusal to break up the Somali Republic for many articulate true sons and daughters of Somalia have been doing justice to them and had unaccountable knockouts. Pseudo journalists Ina Garad and Ina Cige must know their ways to these treasures and all other supporting arguments for the unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Somalia. They must stop being submissive to the Riyale’s militia and the other fake so-called political parties that are caged in Hargeisa’s zoo.


    Do not think I am just using superlatives to mud the BBC Somali chief editor’s name. (ninka aan Soomaalinima ku dikriyin waa cadowgeiga koowaad). Ina Garad heads a powerful tool that affects the psyche of many Somalis especially the young and innocent. He is accountable to his actions and his unbalanced editorial piece for it seems his British supervisor gives him a free hand to run the show. In his mind he may be trying to be impartial but he is not. An example illustrates this point. On 26th of April, Ina Garaad gave 12 minutes and 20 seconds of free air time to Riyale’s militia when his right hand man In Cige granted an interview to the head of so called commission of elections, Mr. Cadaani, a hypocrite who claimed that 70% of the bill for the anticipated elections in Hargeisa is footed by European Union along with the British government. For an inattentive person, this interview carries the message that the E.U. perceives Hargeisa’s municipal council head a sovereign African government. Was not it the right moment that Ina Cige ask the interviewee to clarify to the listeners if the E. U. is funding the elections because they see Northwest regions as self governing province of the Federal Republic of Somalia or as a sovereign bankrupt African “democracy†that deserves financial assistance?


    On 30th April, Ina Cige reported that an A. U. fact finding mission arrived in Hargeisa. The delegation met the press and declared their intention to visit different regions of Northern Somalia. If Ina Cige is not partial, wasn’t it the right time to ask them how it would be practical for them to visit the Northeastern regions such as Sool and Sanaag if they had to be escorted by Riyaale’s militia?


    News serving industry works for the people. When Ina Garad and Ina Cige give free air time to Riyale’s militia to spread their misleading propaganda and falsehoods, have they ever thought how the minds of the 9 years olds in Hargeisa are being manipulated and distorted? Are they not preparing him for a war that he will never win?


    This is a wake up call for all Somalis and other peace loving people. We all have to write to the BBC and demand them to structure programs for their Somali listeners that reflect the world stand on Somalia. They have to come up with interviews that challenge the intelligence of the few armed secessionists in Hargeisa.


    Ahmed Abdi


    Midnimadu waa lama huraan.

  6. Order Qanyare and Suudi to be arrested and placed in a mental institute and to be left there for the rest of their lives, provided that I too am is a warlord but held a leading position in the Somali national armed forces. My strategic and tactical skills in wars are superior to those of the other warlords who had never set a foot in really disciplined and well maintained military camp. :mad:



  7. ^^^^



    maxaan haysanaa oo laynagu xaasidaa oo laynagu ximiyaa? waxaan soomaalida kale dhaannaan oo cuqdad iyo gaalo dabagel ahayn ma jirto, ee innnaka ayaa HINAASNAY oo madaxeedna ka bixi la dahay, dee haddii ay jabuuti dawlad noqotay, maan taariikheedna oo dhan baabi'inno oo INGIRIIS xukunkiis dib ugu noqonno....markaas buu munaafiqnamadeenna xitaa innaga diiday in ay habarta boqorroddu hooyo inoo noqoto...WALAA XOWLA WALAA QOWATA ILAA BILAAH.....

  8. ^^^^

    waxaan soomaalida kale dhaannaan oo cuqdad iyo gaalo dabagel ahayn ma jirto, ee innnaka ayaa HINAASNAY oo madaxeedna ka bixi la dahay, dee haddii ay jabuuti dawlad noqotay, maan taariikheedna oo dhan baabino oo INGIRIIS xukunkiis dib ugu noqonno....markaas buu munaafiqnamadeenna xitaa innaga diiday in ay habarta boqorroddu hooyo inoo noqoto...WALAA XOWLA WALAA QOWATA ILAA BILAAH.....

  9. Suldaankiisa,


    To join the wise, rational and bound to happen Somaliweyn encampment, in your own pen, is “dhareerâ€. What are a hyped and puffed up secessionist you are?


    To argue with someone who lives in fantasy land of “nacnacâ€is self defeating. I will just post you reminders now and then so that may Allah direct you one day to a mirror to see yourself and what you are representing for!! icon_razz.gif

  10. I like the guy because of his name, Qaybdiid, but without prejudice and after properly probing the accused, if the Swedish prosecutors find out that there is irrefutable evidence that he has at least murdered one third of a dozen of Somali youths for sport and not in self defense as the following articles theorizes, I think it is a victory for all of us Somalis including his immediate family members. This could be a well publicized case where a Somali warlord is brought to international justice to face the consequences of his actions.


    I think it is appropriate for some individuals to restrain their emotional clannish outbursts and let the justice take its course. Needless to say, at the end of it, whatever they do or say, will have zero impact on the police investigation and the justice system of such advanced country like Sweden.


    All of us should pray may all Somali warlords including the secessionists perish in a middle of deserted ocean.




    Maxaa Loo Haystaa Coll Cabdi Xasan Xasan Cawaale Qaybdiid

    Mawaxaan u Dhimanyaa Qabiilka Aan ka Dhashay oo Qudha


    ( Gottenberg}18.10-05 Marna Niyadiisa Ma'uu gelin 15 Sano Kadib ayaa lagugu Maxkamadaynayaa Cajal Xasuuq ah oo uu Isagu is lahaa Tolkaa ugu Faan Sidaa Waxaa Widhwidh Online u Sheegay............


    Col Cabdi Xasan Cawale Qaybdiid Waxaa uu ka mid ahaa Horboodayaasha dagaalkii Sokeeye ee lagu Hoobtay, Waxaanu ka Qaybqaatay Isagoo Ku Dagaalamaya Magac Qabiil Waxna u laynaya.


    Waxaase hada Kiiska Loo Haystaa ee laga hayo Ducment Maqal iyo Muuqaal leh uu Cadaynayaa Dagaalkii Sabadkii 1991 ay ku Qaadeen Isaga iyo Jeneral Caydiid Buundada Magaalada Kismaayo ee Araare.


    Cajal Vedio ah ayaa laga Duubay Maalin Maalmaha ka mid ah Isagoo loo Keenay Afar Wiil oo Dhalinyaro ah oo laga Soo Qabtay Buundada Araare, Kornaylka ayaa Waraystay Wiilashii Waxaanay u Sheegeen in ay Yihiin Dhalinyaro Arday ah oo aanay Cidna dagaal kula jirin.


    Coll Qaybiid Isagoo aad u Cadhaysan ayuu Wiilashii Waydiiyay qabiil kooda, waxaanay ugu Sheegeen Cida ay Ahaayeen Dhamaantoodna waxaa ay ka Dhasheen Qabiilka ******* ***** Sadex ka mid ah waxaa ay ahaayeen ********** Midka kalena *********** .


    Cabdi qaybdiid waxaa uu Amar ku Bixiyay in Lagu Xidho Geed lana Toogto, Mid ka mid ah Dhalinyarii ayaa waxaa uu ku Qayliay (Mawaxaan u dhimanayaa Cida aan ka dhashay oo keliya) Hadalka oo Qof kasta oo ka Daawadaa Cajalkan uu Argagaxayo.


    Ugu Danbayn Sidaas ayaa lagu Qaarajinayaa Wiilashaa, Sidaa Waxaa Widhwidh u Cadeeyay Mas'uul Daawaday Cajalka.


    Hadaba waxaa wax lagu Farxo ah in ay Maanta Umadda Soomaaliyeed ay Heshay Yididiilo ah in Arki Doonaan Cidii Dunuubta ka gashay oo mar uun maxkamad la saarayo, Qabilkuu doono iyo Weliba Darajaduu Doono ha watee.


    Widhwidh Online News Center

  11. Originally posted by Oda_Nobunaga:

    You have misunderstood me.

    I was refering to the comment by Nayruus about the seccesioinsts losing the chance of recieving

    billions of dallars in aid , to use it to impose unity by marching towards moqadishu.

    An interesting if not naive statement which you agreed with.

    Obviously this can only include violence.

    Let us march to Mogadishu singing Soomaaliyeed Toosoo and waving the beautiful blue pure Somali flag …and I guarantee you we will be welcomed with colorful fresh flowers and open hands.

  12. connect the dots....


    Madaxweynaha & ra’isul wasaaraha oo dhoolatus siyaasadeed ka dhigay Jowhar




    Madaxweynaha dowladda KMG ah & ra’isul wasaarihiisa oo uu wehliyo sarkaal sare oo ka tirsan wasaarada arrimaha dibedda ee dalka Talyaaniga ayaa la sheegay ion muddo ku dhow hal saac ay ku dhex-lugeynayeen bartamaha magaalada Jowhar.


    Labada nin ee dowladda federaalka KMG ah ee Jowhar ugu sareeya oo loo qaatay in socdaalkoodu uu ahaa dhoolatus siyaasaseed oo ay u bandhigayeen saaxiibka ugu weyn ee dowladda ee dowladaha caalamka ay ku leeyihiin oo ah dowladda Talyaaniga si ay u tusaan in nabadda taal Jowhar aaney oolin meel kale oo ka tirsan Soomaaliya ama xittaa dalalka waaweyn.


    Labada mas’uul oo uu saddaxeeynayey sarkaal ka tirsan wasaarada arrimaha dibedda Talyaaniga ayaa farriistay maqaayad ka mid ah kuwa ay dadka wax ka cabaan oo ay ka dalbadeen Café, ayna joogeen ilaa 45 daqiiqo iyagoo markaa kadibna dib ugu lugeeyey waddada dheer ee tagta halka madaxtooyada u ah dowladda.


    Lama faahfaahin ujeedada sarkaalkaasi ka socday dalka Talyaaniga & waxa ay kala hadleen midna waxaase cad in si diplomaasiyadeysan ugu muujiyeen in iyagoon la waardiyeyneyn ay mari karaan meel kasta oo ka mid ah magaalada Jowhar & in halka ay degeen ay tahay meel ay doorbidayaan in dowladda oo dhan ay wada degto oo aysan la mid aheyn magaalooyinka kale ee Soomaaliya oo aysan ku qaldaneyn degitaanka ay degeen halkaas.



    Xigasho. Wargeyska Xog-ogaal.



    Ku noqo beejka






  13. Muuse Suudi & Eng. Caddow oo ku sigtay in ay isku gacan qaadaan shirkii maanta ay yeesheen xubnaha labada gole Muqdisho






    Shirkii ay maanta isugu yimaadeen xubnaha labada gole ee Muqdisho ku sugan hotelka Saxafi International ayaa ajendooyinkii lagaga hadli lahaa waxaa dood kulul ka yeeshay qaar ka tirsan xubnihii shirkaasi ka qeybgalay, oo qaarkood ay soo jeediyeen in kulanka maanta uusan qabsoomin, dibna loo dhigo, halka xubno kale ay soo jeediyeen in sin-aba uusan kulankaasi ku baaqan karin, waxeyna mar kale doodu sii adkaatay in wixii shirkaasi la iskula soo qaaday faahfaahin laga siiyo saxaafadda.


    Wasiirka ganacsiga Muuse Suudi Yalaxow & xildhibaan Eng. Max’ed Xuseen Caddow oo hadalo kulul isku dhaafsaday shirkaasi, ayaa ku sigtay in ay isku gacan qaadaan, waxaan xaaladda murankooda qaboojiyey qaar ka tirsan xildhibaanadii kulankaasi goob jooga ka ah.



    Garabka dowladda federaalka ee ku sugan Jowhar ayaa xubno badan oo taageersan ku yeeshay xildhibaanada & wasiirada Muqdisho ku sugan.



    Nasrudiin Ceydiid Salaad (Diini)dayniile,Muqdisho




    Ku noqo beejka




  14. ^^^

    got lost..or u cannot believe it..dayniil newsportal go it, too...


    Xafiiska Prof. Geeddi ee degmada Jowhar oo xubnaha dowladda federaalku ay ka soo qadanayaan warqad qoraal ah haddi ay doonaan in ay tagaan Nairobi



    Wasaarada arrimaha dibada dowlada Kenya ayaa war saxaafadeed ay soo saartay maanta waxay ku sheegtay in looga bahan yahay warqad qoraal ah xubnaha dowlada ee imanaya Nairobi, warqadasna ay ka soo qaadanayaan xafiiska ra’isul waasare Geeddi qofkaan wadana an loo ogolan doonin inuu joogo Nairobi.



    Wasaaradda arrimaha dibedda ee dalka Kenya waxey ku sheegtay tallaabadaasi ay qaaday mid ay ku xoojineyso xiriirka ay la leedahay xukuumadda Cali Maxamed Geeddi, iyadoo war saxafadedkana uu ku saxiixnaa wasiirka iskaashiga caalamiga ah ee dalka Kenya.



    C/shakuur Cilmi Xasan-Dayniile Muqdisho-Soomaaliya


  15. This could be the end of warlord posturing!!!


    Xukuumada Kenya oo ku soo rogtey sharuud xubnaha DFKMG ah ee u safraya dalkeeda.

    Nairobi- 06.October.2005 Wasaarada Arimaha Dibada ee Xukuumada Kenya ayaa shaaca ka qaadey qoraal sharuud ah oo ku jeeda Masuuliyiinta DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya ee doonaya inay u safraan dalka Kenya.


    Kenya waxay sheegtey in madaxda DFKMG ee doonaya inay u safraan dalkeeda looga baahan yahay inay soo qaataan ogolaanshaha ama qoraal cadeyn ah oo ka soo baxa xafiiska Ra’isalwasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi.


    Qoraalka ka soo baxay wasaarada Amuuraha dibada ee Kenya ayaa lagu macneeyey in talaabadani ay tahay mid fududeynaysa sidii Xubnaha DFKMG ah ee Soomaalida ay ugu fududeyn laheyd helitaanka Fiisaha ama dalka ku galka dalka Kenya.


    Sidoo kale wasaaradu waxay ku macneysay amuurtan mid ay ku muujinayso tixgalinta iyo xushmeynta ay u hayo xafiiska Ra’isalwasaaraha DFKMG ah ee Magaalada Jawhar kaasi oo cidii ka socota Dawlada Soomaalida ee aan wadan ogolanshaaha Ra’isalwasaare Geedi aysan u suurtagleyn inay galaan dalka Kenya.


    Dhamaan Xubnaha dawlada sida Wasiirada, Wasiiru kuxigeenada iyo Saraakisiha kale ee Xukuumada ayaa dhamaantood waxaa la farey inay soo qaataan warqada cadeynta ah ee xafiiska Ra’isalwasaare Cali Max’ed Geedi.


    Keyse Caamir

    SBC Nairobi.

  16. ^^^^^

    oo yaa naga xigga in aan harruubka maandeeq dadkoo dhan u qaadno, calanka buluugga ahna isku duuduubno; annakaaba adduunka tusannay in aan sameynkarno wax u eg nidaam dowladdeed? cillad doqonima un baa nahaysa oo xishoodkayaga baa badan eh, ee afrika oo dhan baa afka u dhigan know that greediness is the catalyst of human progress... hungurigayaga baa yar ee waa hore ayaan dad idinka dhiggi lahayn...

  17. ^^^



    that is the best score you can get for the secessionists. i told you long time ago that we must march to mogadisho and bring the whole capital to the beerta xoriyadda...still that opportunity is existing and the donor communities will give us those billion dollars you were talking the other to restore the dignity of the somalis and bring the Somali Republic to the international scene again as a full participant in the world affairs....


    ramadaan kariim