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Posts posted by QabiilDiid

  1. Originally posted by Ducaqabe:

    Nayruus, sxb, nin carooday laga badi. Xey tahay tirsiga.


    Saaxiib, xaqiiqada ha dul marin. Mowduuca SNM iyo Suldaanka toona ma aha ee hadaad aragti dheeraad ah heysid ragga la wadaag hadii kale sheeko laga tagay ha soo celin. Rag waa is qabtaa waana laga gudbaa. Cid kuu tashatay amaba is taqaan ayaaba iska yar ee ninyahoow maskaxda ka shaqeysii.


    Adeer, hadaad bog cusub furto ood si xigmad iyo mudnaan leh aad SNM iyo seccessionist supporterska ku falaqeyso bal arag in lagu bursado.

    Xusuus qorka ku xariig waa dhaqan ay lee yihiin marka aad fekrad uga badisid oo ay meel ay ka baxaan waayaa in SNM iyo seccessionist supporterska cay la yimaadaan oo ay shaksiyadaa weeraraaan; imikana adminka gacan bayba ka haystaan... :(


    Haddii aanan anaylysis ka bixinkarin tool ay waligoodba ku soo shaqaysan jireen oo aan dadka aanan u soo bandhigi karin, ma waxyaale kale oo iska fudfudud baan isku maaweelonnaa!!! marka aad cudurka taabato meesha uu ku jiro baad dawalada heshaa...

  2. Originally posted by Castro:

    ^ Give it up dude. It's over and done with. Move on.

    sorry man let the seccessionist supporters celebrate because the admin has decide to keep their insults live and kill the questions of a Somali nationalist! SNM and their supporters will not shay away to bribe even a web adminstrator. it looks that to me..or utilize their other workable tools.. :confused:

  3. Originally posted by Admin:

    Please respect the rules of the website.


    This is a warning to the individuals trading childish insults on this thread. SOL Is not a forum for useless vulgarity and ciyaalnimo talk. If you don't respect the rules of the site, we would have no choice but to block your usernames..


    No open insults will be tolerated. Period. We made that very clear.


    Please respect the rules of the site.

    now i am understanding your postion. just you have the control, you do not want answer my legitimate questions and if you do not like them you erase them. this is the second time i am telling you. read the thread again. suldaakiisa personnalized the debate by insult me fisrt.. and you want to keep his insults on the screen while erasing my questions to him and you. is this a successionist somalionline forum? my last entry you just erased is a quotations from suldaakiisa that is just being kept posted by you :mad:

  4. Originally posted by nuune:

    dood wadaagu waa lagu kala adkaadaa ama lagu kala badiyaa, balse doodii in ay isku badasho dhubuq dhubuq iyo dhooqeeyn ceey aflagaado waa laga fiicanyahey.

    nuune.. anigu ma bilaabin wax dhubuq dhubuq ah.. u fiirso pageka 3 meesha u ku bilaabay suldaankiisu "laugh at your drools or simply feel sorry for you a$$"


    Anigu su'aal un baan wediiyey "Yaa labadeena afka ka xunbaynaya?"


    Haddana waxa uu iigu jawaabay " Sxb waa isku xaartay

    For all we care, Ingriiska aad ku waalatay - futada iska gali. Anagaa wax aragnay."


    Su'aal uun baa weydiiyey " Ma barooratay..."


    EE had isku kaayo wada xanbaarin....



  5. Carabta meel baad kaga dhacday. Miyaadan ogeen in calankeenna lagu sameeyee Jedda oo waliba ka sacuudiga lagu dabaqay??? Ma sidaas baa dadka muslimka ah loogu abaalgidaa....


    Did u say u secessionists used corrugated steel sheet to build your fancy sovereignty? I say that is a whitewash iyo afka ku macaanee. These national materials are too expensive for you. You can not afford and you will never .


    still you have not anwsered the question? Did your kindred present their credential to Guule Riyaale? icon_razz.gif

  6. Originally posted by Nayruus:

    quote:Originally posted by Xarago:

    Nayrus, no we dont want you to answer this. Go
    and answer in there. We have been waiting all day for u to come back, and see how different you are than Moxamed Dheere himself....

    Yes, Xarago.. I am a nationalist. I am a slave to Somalia and only to Somalia. I do not believe in tribalism and if my father comes against the interest of Somalia, I would probably even kill him if I have the chance and the means. I support Cabdulaahi Yuusuf TFG not because I personally like him but because I am using him as a stepping stone for higher objectives. As my mentor Abdi Ismail Samater said, “TFG must function in order for us to have a starting point of Somalia re-institutionalizationâ€.

    Yes. I said something nice about Maxamed Dheere because of what he said and did that time. At the time no one could read his inner motives. Now he has proven that he is worst than other warlords when it comes to Somalia’s national interests. He has shown us his true colors. The guy only cares to fill up his bottomless pocket with greenbacks.

    Now, you Xarago is secessionist sympathizer and you know that you are my arch enemy; but if you come back to the greener pasture of Somaliweyn circles, I am sure you will get from me flowers of unparallel beauty. Remember I am only married to Somali Republic.

  7. Originally posted by Xarago:

    Nayrus, no we dont want you to answer this. Go
    and answer in there. We have been waiting all day for u to come back, and see how different you are than Moxamed Dheere himself....

    Yes, Xarago.. I am a nationalist. I am a slave to Somalia and only to Somalia. I do not believe in tribalism and if my father comes against the interest of Somalia, I would probably even kill him if I have the chance and the means. I support Cabdulaahi Yuusuf TFG not because I personally like him but because I am using him as a stepping stone for higher objectives. As my mentor Abdi Ismail Samater said, “TFG must function in order for us to have a starting point of Somalia re-institutionalizationâ€.

    Yes. I said something nice about Maxamed Dheere because of what he said and did that time. At the time no one could read his inner motives. Now he has proven that he is worst than other warlords when it comes to Somalia’s national interests. He has shown us his true colors. The guy only cares to fill up his bottomless pocket with greenbacks.

    Now, you Xarago is secessionist sympathizer and you know that you are my arch enemy; but if you come back to the greener pasture of Somaliweyn circles, I am sure you will get from me flower of unparallel beauty. Remember I am only married to Somali Republic. ;)

  8. Originally posted by Jaylaani:

    Blind leading the blind… now you know why Somaliland doesn’t wanna have nothing to do with them.

    Boy, if u are so brilliant in nation building and have eyes equipped with high beam lights, why do not come out and lead us? Or is it that you cannot equate yourself with the Tigrean boy that is determined to hold different races with different cultures and language together as national entity. Isn’t he more superior and intellectually farsighted than the ilks like you who want to carve up the purest race Alla created on the plant? Oo anaka maxaa nagaaly intaya haddii aan goosanay….one-tenth of tigrean boy… icon_razz.gif

  9. Originally posted by Suldaaanka:

    What head of state? Ma Odeyga ciyaalasuuqa ah

    Yes. Man. Somalia is no more in dictator’s hands. She is a democracy. Thus, her constituents have the privilege to critique, humiliate, satirize and disagree with any person holding a public office of emolument. Mohamed Dheere and you and in fact any other person for that matter, can come up with, if you want, drawings of wolves and wolverines intermingled in a high tightrope walking circus that caricature President Yeey and the members of legislative council. Speak your mind. Be assured as a Somali citizen the constitution of the Somali Transitional Federal Government (TFG) will protect you whether you are a Hargeisaawi or refugee in the west planning to go back when the dust settles and peace and prosperity return to the motherland.


    But for those who are intoxicated with secession nonsense and are building their glass houses on the hope that Somali Republic will never return to the international scene as long as the warlords are willing to fight against formation of central government that is strong enough to put them out of business, let me say to those that President Yeey’s government will soon be coming a city near you.


    “….maanta waxa ay ahayd markii ugu horeysay tan iyo markii la afgambiyey dowladdii Maxamed Siyaad Bare ee nin madax sre ah ee ka socda Qaramada Midowbay oo loo soo magacaabay Soomaaaliya uu u gudbiyo waraaqihiisa aqoonsiga madaxweyne Soomaaliyeed sida uu sameeyey Eric Lavosh xiriiriyaha cusub ee howlaha bini aadanimada oo beddelay Maxwell Gylard oo hore xilkaas u hayey……†Yuusuf Xasan Mursal BBC, Somali Service 3/14/06 5:18 EAST


    “Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in wafdiga Ingiriiska ahna ay u socdeen taakulaynta dawladda , waxayna maanta sheegeen inay habaynayaan xafiisyada madaxwaynaha, guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka iyo raysulwasaarahaâ€.

    Somalia is coming back stronger and united than before because we have touched the bottom of humiliation and have seen the destructive nature of anarchy.

    Before I let you go, let me say to the mouthpieces of the finger-countable supporters of the secessionists that brag in here that Hargeisa is an international entity carved out from Somalia by British Colonial power whom they consider share with them historical blood and genetic ties. I say to those the British government, for humanitarian reasons only, cares to see a functioning Somali government that can facilitate the speedy recovery of peace in the country. They found that in Cabdulaahi Yuusuf's government. The news wires are reporting the international delegates that came to Baydhaba today, especially the British delegate have promised to give the TFG full support unflinchingly. The British are planning to furnish offices of the President, Speaker and PM. If you still believe Hargeisa is sovereign, let us see if Mr. Eric Lavosh presents his credentials to the head of Hargeisa’s municipal council this afternoon when the international delegates arrive in that northwest city of Somalia. :D

  10. Originally posted by Duufaan:



    do you forget this has nothing to do somaliland. I sense you like this. The victum theory will not be end. Now your telling us Maxamed dheere is a victum!

    Why? It has everything with Hageisa. This is not a regional affair. The activities of Somali Federal governments concerns every somali whereever they are. P. Yuuusuf is the head of state of the Somali Federal transtional governemnt.

  11. Originally posted by Xarago:

    quote:Originally posted by Nayruus:

    There is no obligation to give notice of departure to a low grade hotel.

    Indeed , afki hogayo ba'y yiiri tobana yiiri wakan...
    Markii hore waan shakiyey oo waxa aan is idhi waar malaha ninantu waxa ay taqaan af reer baydhaboodka eh, ha ku deg degin jawaanta ilaa aad bal fahanto waxa ay soo qortay. Laakiin, markii aan ogaaday halqabadka saxiixeeda, ayaan ogaaday in ay shaqalada isku walaaqeyso. Marka, waa madmadoobe Allaa ku yaqan oo jawaab uma baahna. Qofkii gartaa ha ka jawaabo. Haddii kale ayada uun baa isla hadasahay oo isla qosleysa. ;)

  12. Originally posted by Afro:

    Its a really very estrange nation, the educated, the Jaahil, the Wadaad, the Faasiq all think the same mentality.

    I am really ashamed to be a somali. honest

    As long as qabiil aaminsantahy, waxa ma tihid, eber, zero, no principles and no moral righteousness. We know the diagnosis of our ills. But we do not like the prognosis.

  13. Originally posted by Sayyid:

    Ciyaalasuuqiin dheh, xitta gogoshi wey ka xadeen.

    Adigu ma waxa uu sheegtey baad ugu markhaati fureysaa?


    Maxamed Dheere taariikhdiisa waa la yaqaan. Waa warlord dadka jowhar qori caaraddiis ku maamula; waanna danneyste naftiisa aad ugu roon. waa dhuuni qaate; waxana uu caabudaa doolarka. waa ninkii qaybta weyn ka qaatay burburkii dowladdii Carta lagu soo dhisay ee Cabdiqaasin iyo Galayr: oo maalin cad isagoo baarlamaanku ku shirayo dugsigii booliska ee xamar intuu dhowr baabuur oo teknika ah soo kaxaystay ku hanjabay in uu gooystay gobolka shabeelaha dhexe, caddeeyena in uusan jirin wax baarlamaan iyo dowlad ahi.


    Waxa uu maanta ku hataaqayana waxa ka keennay waa dhaqaala doon; waa maxay dowladdu u tagtay Baydhaba ee doollarkii soo gali jiray degaanka jowhar uu u kala go'yaa! Isagu si toos ah iyo si dadbanba shilin baad ah baa ka soo gala dakhliga ganacsata Jowhar.


    Dadka waxma garatada ah waxa aan Eebe uga baryeynaa in ay indhuhu u furmaan. Maxamed Dheere intuu guryihii hantida qaranka ranji mariyey oo firaashyo catuush oo uu ka soo urursaday Nayroobi dhexdhigey, ayuu PM Geedi ku soo dalici jiray lacag doolar ah oo aad u farabadan bilwalba kuna hanjabi jiray in uu ka dhoofinayo golayaash oo dhan haddii aan si dhakhsa ah loo bixin biilka.


    Nin hinaasay waa isku darsamaa. bal u fiirso bilowga hadalkiisa uu ku sheegayo madaxweyne cadulaahi yuusuf in uu yahay ciyaala suuq aynana wax dowlad la yidhaahdaa aysan jirin IYO marka u danbaysa oo uu qirayo jiritaanka dowladda PM Geedi; waa marka uu lee yahay waxa aan la safanaayaa Qanyare iyo Suudi oo uu ku tilmaamayo in ay yihiin wasiiro dawladda ka mid ah. Markii waxa loogu yeeray Isbahaysiga La Dagaalanka Argagixisa ee ay Qanye Iyo Suudi kaga dhawaaqeey Xamar bishii la soo dhaafay, Maxamed Dheere saacad gudaheed ayuu dhalliil iyo taageero u muujiyey.


    There is no obligation to give notice of departure to a low grade hotel.

  14. Arab Ministerial meeting to support Somalia


    Cairo, March 4, (BNA) During a meeting held in Cairo, today, the Arab Ministerial Committee, concerned with Somalia, forwarded an Arab strategy on supporting Somalia in all fields by reinforcing the interim government institutions in a bid to bring back security and stability to Somalia.


    The Ministerial Committee, formed of eleven Arab countries and chaired by the Arab League's Secretary General, Amr Mussa, urged all Arab countries to contribute to the USD 26 million Somalia Support Fund, help the country meet its urgent needs.


    The Committee welcomed the positive developments and achievements reached by the Somali Reconciliation Operation and especially Aden Declaration, reached under the auspices of Yemeni President, Ali Abdullah Salah.


    The Committee also expressed its appreciation of the steps taken in implementing Aden Declaration such as the meeting of the Somali Parliament and the call, made to the Somali factions to cooperate positively with the Somali president and institutions in order to consummate reconciliation and build the state's institutions.



    Source: Bahrain News Agency (BNA), Mar. 04, 2006

  15. Raadyoo Daljir waa kaa degeystay...


    Intii aan ku jiray mareegyada internetka wali ma arkin warqad dalabbeed "application form" oo urur Soomaaliyeed ka soo baxay oo Soomaalida ku casuumaya in ay ururka soo galaan...axmed iyo cabdi ismaaciil samatar waa hore ayaan ku iri waar urur noo sameeya intaya soomaalinimada jecel aad hogaanka u qabataan eh, wali ma arkin tillaabo ay qaadee.. oday tan haddii aan loo dhiman oo aan kaariiriika (careerka) looga tegin.. anigu ma aqaan sida ay ku time put application form on the net and at least see how many response you get..

  16. Originally posted by Yahoo_UK:

    if the of Somaliland was based on Islamic system them trust me we would have made strides in whole of Somalia .. become peacon of hope for the res of Somalia ..not the current ways of begging for recongination from those who will knock you down when you no longer serve their purpose

    Are you saying since the Jewish state would not pick up the phone, they have to call Iran, the most powerful Shia Muslim State on the planet earth? Yeh, I do understate there is a slight possibility for recognition if the secessionists promise Iranian president Dr Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that they will take steps to convert Hargeisa’s population to Shia discipline of Islam in a matter of months. There you get a double kill: recognition and petrodollars.


    I absolutely agree that Xarago and the other secessionist sympathizers should hold their jubilation and celebration for the successful completion of their mass suicide till the time the receptionists at the desk of the South African Presidential Palace conscientiously decide to answer the calls that are coming from the finger –countable Hargeisa’a municipal councils to create their own city state. I hear a rumor that a phone company is set up in Hargeisa for only calling African head of states. I trust, you have seen the article titled “ A.U. Hargeisa is callingâ€.


    Get me a couple of thousand American dollars and two beautiful Somali girls as couriers and I will make any “expert†in Somali Tragedy Industry to write up any report that is agreeable to your liking! Whatever you like to hear!!


    Ha haybin ha haybin waxaadan heleeen

    Ha haybin naftee halaagga ka daa

  17. Xarago, walaalo, last time I checked over the layouts of world political geography and the documents residing in the archives of the international bodies such as the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Conference and the U.N. etc, Hargeisa and Burao are part and parcel of the sovereign state of Somali Republic and every native resident of these cities is a citizen of Somalia.


    On the other hand, I agree with you nobody can change the will of the people if they are not subjected to external force such as life threatening violence. But the question is … I do not have to put it to you as a question because you are a secessionist sympathizer but will say this: NO ONE CAN ROLL BACK the fusion of the two Italian Somali and British Somali administrations in 1960 because that is the will and aspiration of the Somali people expressed in a free and democratic referendum and without power brokers. Sister, do not get anger with the world. It is just attesting to that fact.


    Castro, the point is not troops from arab states to pacify Somalia. Is Hargeisa controlled by SNM hooligans a sovereign state?


    Now let the secessionist sympathizers pump selves up by coming up with pages and pages of make-believe stories about how the north was cheated into the union and how they got back their independence from Somalia (amazing. they are Somalia: get independence from oneself).


    Take it easy, sister…

  18. This is the final nail in the coffin for the finger-countable (fara ku tiris) secessionists in power in Hargeisa!


    Midowga barlamaanka carabta oo ka codsaday beesha caalamka in la taageero dib u dhiska Soamliya


    Muqdishu, Feb 28, 2006 ( WDN) - Kulanka 12-aad ee midowga barlamaanada carabta ay ku yeesheen Badda Dhinsan (dead sea) ee wadanka Jordan, ayaa maanta halkaasi lagu soo gabagabeeyey ayadoo laga soo saaray war murtiyeed arimaha Soomaaliya taabanaya.


    Kulankan ay isugu yimaadeen midowga barlamaanada carabta ayaa waxaa ka qeyb qaatay wafuud ka kala socotay 22 dal oo carbeed oo Soomaaliya ay qeyb ka tahay, ayadoo lagu jeexjeexay intii kulankan uu soconayey arimaha ka taagan wadamada carbeed iyo sidii sare loogu qaadaa wada shaqeyn dhex marta barlamaanada carabta.


    War murtiyeedkii maanta laga soo saaray kulankan 12-aad ee midowga barlamaanada carabta, ayaa waxaa lagu soo qaaday xaalada ka taagan wadanka Soomaaliya iyo horumarka laga samaynayo isu soo dhaweynta hogaamiyaasha Soomaaliya.


    Midowga barlamaanada carabta ayaa war murtiyeedkii ay soo saareen waxa ay kaga codsadeen wadamada jaamacada carabta ku jira in Soomaaliya laga gacan siiyo soo ceshada amaanka iyo kala danbeynta iyo in laga taageero xukuumada kmg ah ee Soomaaliya sidii ay u ilaalin lahayd midnimada wadanka.

    Sidoo kale war murtiyeedka kasoo baxay midowga barlamaanada carabta ayaa waxaa lagu codsaday in iskaashi laga sameeyo la dagaalanka waxa loogu yeeri argagixisada.

    Si kastaba ha ahaatee midowga barlamaanada carabta ayaa sheegay in muhiim ay tahay in shacabka Soomaaliyeed uu helo xukuumad ilaalisa qarannimada dalka iyo midnimadiisa, isagoo shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqay in meel ay iska dhigaan qilaafka una istaagaan dib u dhiska dalkooda.


    Shir gudoonku waxaa beesha caalamka uu ka codsaday in Soomaaliya laga gacan siiyo sidii dib uu ugu dhisan lahaa hay;adihiisa qaranka.


    Xigasho: Warbaahinta Carbeed

    Maxamed Cumar Aden

    WardheerNews, Muqdishu