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Everything posted by QabiilDiid

  1. Prof. Cali Khaliif Oo Soobadhigay Hindise Ah In Sheekh Aweys laga Saaro Maxkamad Prof. Galaydh Asamara} 2.9-7 barafasooro iyo madax aad u farabadan oo ay kamid yihiin Prof Axmed Ismaaciil samatar ayaa siweyn u taageeray hindise uu soo badnhigay Prof Cali Khaliif Galaydh kaas oo gundhigiisu yahay in Col. Xasan Daahir Aweys laga saaro maxkamadaha islaamka..................................... Garabyadda Isbahaysi siyaasadeedka ee Asmara ayaa markii ugu horeeysay xogag dheeriya laga helay sababihii ay shirweynahii lagu waday inuu furmo 1-da bishan Setember dib ugu dhigeen. Madaxda sare ee Isbahaysigga Asmara ayaa la xaqiijiyay inay shirka dib ugu dhigeen,go-aan siyaasadeed ay isla qaateen,kaas oo ay ku doonayaan inay liiska ergada kaga saaraan madax sare oo ka tirsan golaha Maxaakiimta ,ayna ka mid yihiin Xasan Dahir Aweys iyo Abuu Maansuur oo dowlada Mareykanka ay ku dartay liiska argagixisada. Xasan Dahir Aweys oo golahii Maxaakiimta u qabtay hogaanka sare ee Gudoomiyenimada golaha Shuurada, haatana degan Xaafada Mai Jax jax ee Asmara ayaa todobaadkii la soo dhaafay isu sharaxay inuu noqdo shirgudoonka shirweyne jabhadeedka Asmara ee la qorsheeynayo inuu ka soo baxo urur weyne dalka Soomaaliya awood Melleteri kaga saara Ciidamada Itoobiyaanka ee ku sugan. Madax ay ka mid yihiin ,Proff Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar, Proff Cali Khaliif Galaydh,Dr Cabdi Risaaq Xaaji Xuseen, Gen. Jaamac Maxamed Qaalib,Xuseen Maxamed Ceydiid,Shariifkii xilka gudoomiyenimada baarlamaanka laga qaaday iyo Shariif Axmedka Maxaakiimta ayaa isku fikir ka noqday,hindise qabya ah oo Cali Khaliif Galaydh soo bandhigay,kaas oo gundhigiisu yahay inaan Xasan Dahir la joogin xilligii uu ka soo dhexmuuqan lahaa shaashada shirweynaha Asmara. Madax ka badan 160 masuul,ayna ku jiraan kuwa dowlada Ereteria ayaa Xasan Dahir kula taliyay inuu iska nasto,oo uusan qeyb ka noqon ergada iyo hoowlwadeenada shirweynaha loo balansan yahay Khamiista ,hase yeeshee Korneyl Aweys waxaa uu codsaday in la siiyo sedex maalmood oo ka fiirsi ah. Proff Cali Khaliif Galaydh ayaa ku taliyay in maamulka laga yagleelo Asmara uusan noqon mid ku shaqeeyo hanaankii Maxaakiimta oo kale,balse uu noqdo maamul beesha Caalamka door diblomaasiyadeed la Ciyaari kara si aan loo helin jaanisyo,lagula shabadeyn karo muuqaal argagixiso iyo cid la shaqeeysa. Widhwidh Online News Desk..Media Center
  2. With regard to the khat damage on the Somali psyche the good professor mentioned in his speech, I once found a piece of jacbur accusing the Amxaaro of deliberately pushing this drug to the Somalis the same way the British Empire forced opium on the Chinese in 17-18 centuries. It is reported in history books that the British trading companies could not penetrate a single legit market in China in 17-18 centuries while Britons were in desperate need of Chinese products such as tea and silk. To cover the trade gap, the British found out that the only possible product they can trade with China was opium which was easily plantable in some of their close-to-China colonies such as India. This was an “institutionalized policy” of if you can not beat them destroy their psyche with a product that can enslave them for you. I thought it was kind of “Middle East conspiracy theory”. But here Prof. Samatar produces documents that support the message the following piece of comic poem presents. Mijin qaada war weeye Taa wadnahaaga halaagtay Waa Shiine wuxuu Waxgaradkiisu u diidday Waayihii Ingiriisku u soo waaridday xashiishka Mililikhna ka warqaatay In uu ku weeraro "Waryaa" Warbahaarka qabiilkuna Waa oksijiin walaxdiisu Sii wayrixin mirqaanka Oo walwal dhammaceed kugu wiifin The author theorizes that Amaxaaro borrowed the British tactic and uses khat as their “institutionalized policy” to aggressively weaken the Somalis in every aspect. In fact they have succeeded. I say well done to Amxaaro…
  3. Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Afewerki would play politics and request his friends to confuse the Americans. Grand diversion indeed. Eritrea could not have asked for a better announcement. Also, today, it looks like he has scored some brownie points with the Vatican for sending the leaders of the ex-rebel Eastern Sudanese Front home to take up positions in central government in Khartoum as a result of deal mediated by Eritrea in 2006 (check todays' newswires). Thus, he can argue the reason he is keeping the Somali position groups in Eritrea is not to arm them but as a neighbor who is vulnerable to the burning sparks of Somali civil conflict, he wants to be the mediating and the rational voice of the region if and when the Tigrean militia is redeployed from Mogadishu. With such skillful background expertise in conflict resolution, he might not be seen as aid of terrorists as Washington likes to portrait him.
  4. Gudoomiyaha Fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed oo maalintii 3-aad Baydhabo ku xiran Gudoomiyaha dalada Fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed Abwaan Yuusuf Maxe'd Muumin (Yuusuf Yare) ayaa maalintii sadexaad wuxuu ku jiraa xabsiga magaalada Baydhabo ee xarunta Gobolka Baay. Abwaan Yuusuf yare oo ka mid ah Abwaaniinta waa weyn ee Soomaaliyeed waxaa lagu xusuustaa in uu ahaa abwaankii sameeyey ama alifay Riwaayadii caanka aheyd ee Yaa u Wanqaley Waqtiga taasi oo ka mid aheyd riwaayadaha sida weyn loogu daawashada badnaa. Sababaha loo xirey Abwaan Yuusuf Yare ayaa la sheegay in ay tahay ka dib markii uu mid ka mid ah xubnaha Baarlamanka uu sheegtey in uu lacag ku leeyahay Abwaanka, balse Abwaan Yuusuf Yare wuxuu si adag u beeniyey inay jirto wax lacag ah oo uu ku leeyahay xildhibaankaasi, balse isagu uu siin jirey lacag xildhibaanka. Abwaan Yuusuf Yare dhawaan ayaa loo doortey gudoomiyaha dalada fanaaniinta Soomaaliyeed, waxaana uu dalka dibadiisa ka yimid mudo ka hor, halkaasi oo uu ku noolaa sanooyinkii ay aloosnaayeen colaada Soomaaliyeed. SBC News Desk
  5. Duulimaadyadii aadi jirey kana imaan jirey Somaliland oo la joojiyay Mogadishu 26, August 07 ( Sh.M.Network) - Hay'adda Duulista iyo saadaasha hawada Somaliyeed ayaa mamnuucyday duulimaadyadii aadi jirey iyo kuwa ka imaan jirey maamulka la baxay Somaliland. Sida ku xusan qoraal ay soo saartay hay'addaan oo uu ku saxiixan yahay maareeyaha Guud ee Hay'addaasi oo la yiraahdo Max'uud Sheekh Cali ayaa waxaa lagu mamnuucay dhamaan duulimaadyadii isaga kala gooshi jirey magaalooyinka Muqdisho, Hargeysa, Muqdisho, Ber Bera iyo Hargeysa Muqdisho, ka dib markii la ogaaday in dayuuradaha ay ku xadgudbeen nidaamka dowliga ah una hogaansami waayeen awaamiirta ka soo baxday hogaanka socdaalka. Qoraalkaan oo ka koobnaa labo bog ayaa waxa uu u qornaa sidaan. Somalia bans flights to Somaliland Mogadishu 26, August.07 ( Sh.M.Network)- The organization of flights and metrology of Somalia abrogated flights from and to Somaliland, as it is mentioned in a written letter produced by this organization and whose signature it appears the general manager of that organization called Mahamud sheikh Ali. All the flight enroute to the towns of Mogadishu to Hargeisa, Mogadishu to Berbera and Hargeisa to Mogadishu were banned. This action came after they were unable to abide by the law
  6. Is the above why gacmadheer is threaatening the people of Mog.? Or does he really has a plan to restore peace and order? With all the corruption in Nairobi and the greedness of NGO to pocket whatever is donated to Somalia for personal enjoyment and luxiries, how would the TFG be able to pay the salaries of the police for sustaine period? I heard that the few Somalis the NGO hire are selected on the basis of how good they know how paly gulf. :mad: Nairobi, Khamiis , August 23 2007 SMC Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha ee dawlada Federaalka ah ee Somaaliya Mudane Mohammed Mohammoud Guleed Gacmodheere oo kusugan Caasimada dalka Kenya Ee Nairobi isagoona mar kiiisii hore ka yimid Magaalo Madaxda Dalka Somaaliya ee Muqdisho Wasiir ka ayaa shir jara'id oo ku qabtay magaalada Nairobi waxa uu kaga hadlay Arimoi badan oo Quseeya dalka uu Madaxdiisa ka mid yahay ee Somaaliya. Wasiirka ayaa sheegay in in Dawladiisu ay ku dadaali doonto sidii ay wax uga qaban lahayd Qul qulatooyinka ka jira Magaalada Muqdisho ee is kugu jira Dhaca Dilka iyo Handadaada Dadweynaha Gacmadheere oo Hadalkiisa sii watay ayaa wacad ku maray in ay cagta marin doonaan kooxaha koocdanka ka wada magaalada Muqdisho. Wasiirka Dawlada Somaaliya Ee Arimaha Gudaha oo hadalkiisa sii wata ayaa Sheegay in Mudo muddo 3 Todobaad ay wax weyn ka qaban donaan Amaanka Caasimada muqdisho isagoona sheegay in mudda 20 ka cisho ee inagu soo fool leh ay Hawl gali donaan Askar Boolis ah Oo dhawaan Tababar loo soo gaba gabeeyey oo tiro ahaan Gaaraya 4500 Wasiirka ayaa shegay in Booliskaas ay yihiin kuwo Qibrad dheraada uleh Soo Celinta Amaanka iyo Gacan ku qabashada Kooxaha Nabad Diid ka Ah. Waxaa uu wasiirku ku ee deeyay weerarada maalin kasta ka dhacaya magaalada Muqdisho in ay ka dameeyaaan kooxo uu ku tilmaamay in ay yihiin haraadigii maxkamadaha Islaamiga kuwaas oo uu sheegay in ay ku dhuumaalaysanayaan nawaaxiga magaalada Muqdisho Madax ka tirsan Dawlada Federaalka ah ee Somaaliya ayaa dhawr jeer oo hore sheegay in ay wax ka qaban donaan Ammaanka Casaimada Muqdisho balse majiraan wax saas usii weyn oo laga qabtay Nabad galayada Muqdisho. Somaliweyn Media Center (SMC) Nairobi Kenya
  7. Ciidamo Bolis Oo Kusoo Fool Leh Mag. Muqdisho ( 3.000 ) Muqdisho, Somalia ( 23-Augosto-2007 Sida ey shaaciyeen masuuliyiinka ka tirsan ciidamada boliska iyo maamulka G/Banaadir ayaa waxaa kusoo fool leh magaalada Muqdisho ciidamo bolis ah oo tababar loogu soo gabagabeeyay mid ka mid ah xerooyinka ciidamada ee duleedka Muqdisho kuwaaso lagu wado in ey kaabaan ciidamada boliska ee horay ugu sugnaa caasimadda. Ciidamada ayaa lagu sheegay in ey qeyb lixaad leh ka geysanayaan sugidda Amaanka magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo ciidankaan badankiis ka howl gali doona labada degmo ee ey qaraxyada ka geystaan kooxaha kasoo horjeeda dowladda iyo burcadda kusoo badanaya degmooyinka. Tirada ciidamadan boliska ah oo lagu sheegay 3.000 oo askari ee kusoo foolka leh caasimadda ayaa kusoo beegmay xilli ey dowladdy shaaca ka qaaday in ey wax ka badali doonto amaanka guud ee caasimadda mudo sadex isbuuc gudohood isla markaana ey ka sifeyn doonaan magaalaa kooxaha argagixisada iyo kuwa burcada ah ee caadeystay waxyeeleynta dadka rayidka ah. Amaanka guud ee caasimadda oo ah mid dagan ayaa hadana waxaa kusoo badanayay degmooyinka qaar qaraxyo iyo falal burca nimo ah oo ey badanaa wax ku noqdaan dad shacab ah oo an waxba galabsan. - Isha wararka xaqiiqda La Xiriir Xafiiska Ee Magaalada Muqdisho Xafiiska Ee Dibadda (Scandinavia) Ku Laabo Bogga Hore Xayeysiis Fanka Iyo Suugaanta
  8. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Nayruus, adeerow war raga way ku dhibsadeene adiguna un qujo-qujada ka daa.
  9. Originally posted by Muj: Red Sea: Nayruus, ps. Nacayb udhimo. Mun: Red Sea, ma imka ayaa sidii habraha la is habaaray. Imaadan habaari jirin eh, ma waxa kaa wareerisay DAAMI STATE OF SOMALIA. Hargeisa is my city and when it is liberated from the gang, I will be there enjoying my Soomaalinimo and muslinimo. But hey, this is the last response from me to you. I am after the big fish you keep saying your evil prayers they may haunt you for the rest of your life and I know that deep in your heart you see the dismemberment of Somali Republic is totally wrong but you have no power because the the pressure of tribal allegiance is more powerfull than your good part. I suggest that you read the holy quran again and stop following the maddness int ay goore goor tahay>
  10. Horn, this person I call him oodda I have a very good description for him. Because I am respecting the forum, I am holding myself to not offense the sensibility of the crowd. Nobody can take away his right to defend his position and nobody is performing brain surgery on him to alter his flawed nerve cells. But he has to stop vomiting on our faces by fabricating insults and fictional stories. He is shoutmarching to recognition with lies and fabrications. So many times I forced a doze of reality prescription, he replied in Somali to his kiddoes and said “Markaa, inaadeer waxaad yeeleysaa, kan-yar, ee Neyruus layidhaahdo ha u dhaqaajin oo ha u bixin”. When cornered that is the only tactics he uses to hide his a*s*s . Now let us give him his own doze i.e. just leaves him for me. Ha u bixinna aniga ugu dhigga. I will keep stripping him in public.
  11. why me. did you have time to read above?
  12. I do not understand that logic Juje. Even the Quran is ordering us to unite and arm ouselves and become one before we start fighting. I believe if every Somali including the SNM gang are united and have one voice and love for their country as Somalis and show that to world community, fighting will not even be required. You are forgetting the only ammunition and arsenal we have is the world opinion. we can not win this alone. our institutions are destroyed. there is no single country including the moslem states taht agree that somalis settle their difference by the barrel of gun. and Mel and his amxaaro understand that very well. this is a fight to win eith brains not with guns. u will see at the end of it many innocent and not that innocent of our people are going to lose their lives while acheiving nothing, if we not stop and think. think man. look at the shabaab declaration refusing to attend asmara meeting and ideology they are trying to sell to the world. man, amxaadros have been an independent government, christian for time immemorial. they are 100% nationalists and beleive law and order. we are fragmented tribal soceity and have very narrow and limited knowledge about the role of government. Juje, just think again. no emotions. we have to win the battle in the international arena. these may help you. to remove the amxaaro troops from our soil as they are the world preconditions: 1. stop the fighting 2. disarm the insurgents 3. let peace keeping troops come to Mog. Not from the front states 4. do not disrupt the national reconciliation meeting 5. the opposition including the UIC have to join the talks. Let us fulfill these preconditions and see if amxaaro troops stay in Somalia. If they do, I do not think they will, then it will be clear to the world that Somalia is an occupied country. Let me go back to point number 2. some people may argue that if we disarm ourselves and amxaaro decides to keep our country for good, from where will we get weapons? or one tribe will dominate another. If amxaaro decides to annex our country, with world opinion with us we can join SomaliGalbeed and the forces that are fighting inside ethiopia. for the next point, although there may be domination of one tribe, the effects of that domination will not as great as for example triges (mel zenawis' tribe) have other ethnic people in ethiopia or as bad as the lifetime of siyaad bare's regime. The trick is for the federal system and I am sure I will be shouting for my DAAMI FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA in northwest. no time for editing, juje ask questions. i have more to say….
  13. I call this house of cards . It is soon going to fall apart. The Somalis people are tired of lies and nonsense political and tribal quagmire. This state’s official name is going to be DAAMI FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA and His Excellence President Yusuf must appoint a transitional governor for it as per federal charter which came as the result of international encouragement and financial help.
  14. Horn, if you follow my discussion with nor, that is what I meant. Riyaale is now spreading his legs in Mel Zenawi's office...
  15. Horn, saxib, I know you did excellent job showing the world the impossibility for some persons to dismember the Somali Republic. But I can not let wickedness and immorality unabated in our faces. Even it is an insult to the Africans and the black people of the world, if the Somalis can not live under one political system. I believe strongly that we have to fight against the SNM gang and their secessionist agenda. :mad:
  16. I don't need to because Riyaale is already in his office. Nor, do not you fellow the news?
  17. ^^^ I am sure someone is going to translate that for the Mel Zeni as the head of the current head of the SNM gang is right now has a closed door meeting with him as we are speadking.
  18. ^^^Inferior complexity is treatable illness, oodda. Tell the world what is wrong with the name: “DAAMI FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA” in the northwest of the country whose capital is Hargeisa.
  19. ^^^The only place the master planners of the movement can temporarily hide is in Hargeisa. So, why you are keeping them there? Facial duality is akin to hypocrisy. :confused:
  20. When Yey comes with the mighty army of the world, I presume it will a cake walk because Mel and Tigrean militia are already in all areas of Hargeisa-Burao-Barbera region.
  21. You will find this "...and to protect the government against Islamist and other opponents" in the report below. If and when the TFG orders the SNM gangs in Hargeisa to behave and take DAAMI FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA as their state name, and the gang refuses to fellow the specific instructions of His Excellence President Abdullahi Yusuf , the UN should see them as the "other opponents" and should help the Somali government fight any unlawful insurgents that might possible take shape in the northwest of the country. Otherwise reports like this are not even worth the paper they are written on. Ali Nayruus ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UN vows to defend Somalia regime By Mark Turner at the United Nations and agencies Published: August 21 2007 00:03 | Last updated: August 21 2007 00:03 The United Nations Security Council has warned it will “take measures” against anyone threatening Somalia’s western-backed transitional government and told Ban Ki-moon, secretary-general, to draw up plans for a possible UN takeover from African Union troops there. In a resolution unanimously adopted on Monday, it authorised AU peacekeepers to stay for another six months to provide security for a National Reconciliation Congress and to protect the government against Islamist and other opponents. The Council’s warning follows suggestions last week by a senior US state department official that Eritrea, which has been accused of supplying weapons to Somali Islamists, might be placed on the US list of ‘state sponsors’ of terrorism. “We have to put together the case against them. That information is being collected right now,” Jendayi Frazer, assistant secretary of state for African affairs, last week said­. “The information so far that we’ve collected is fairly convincing about their activities in terms of ‘state sponsor’ in Somalia.” Isaias Afwerki, the Eritrean president, responded by accusing the US of fuelling conflict in the Horn of Africa. “The US attempt to put into effect its strategy of monopoly and dominance through fomenting confrontation among peoples is leading the world to a dangerous path,” he was reported as saying by the ministry of information. The Council asked Mr Ban to report back in 30 days on how the UN might support the AU mission, and to develop contingency planning for a peacekeeping mission – although diplomats say political and security conditions are not yet in place. The UN will also examine how it can bolster reconciliation talks, which are being boycotted by Islamist leaders, and will report on obstacles to their success. Copyright The Financial Times Limited 2007
  22. oodda Apparently, the shock therapy you have BEEN subjected to is working. You have one more obstacle to pass through, though. Try a little harder to realize that word DAAMI has 100% more SOOMAALINIMO in it than the word LAND . I know the fault lies with the saacadaale teachers when you were in Sheik Secondary School in your teenage years. But, hey, do not be afraid His Excellence President Yusuf will understand that and will rescue us from ourselves.
  23. OOD, So, you do not agree with “DUNBULUQ FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA”, the name I have suggested for our Hargeisa-Burao-Barbara Triangle region of the Somali Republic, and your preference is, instead, DAAMI FEDERAL STATE OF SOMALIA. I am a man of consensus, not an extremist like you. But the writing of the application is on you. Write the petition to the TFG and let us wait for the approval from his Excellence President Abdulahi Yusuf and his MP Ali Geed. Make sure to spell DAAMI in Somali script correctly. If the SNM gangs do not go along with us, our deal is over. I will only accept either “DUNBULUQ or DAAMI”, no other name for our state. How about that? Do we have a deal?
  24. O- Proponents, no one has so far challenged the history and I know lot of you have learned a bit of Somali history. That is better. But O-pro, please understand it is easier to change the name than to change the minds of million of Somalis who do not agree with you on it. Even Mel Zenawi knows how destructive that naming is. He is so confidant that in the foreseeable future he will be ruling SomaliGalbeed and because of that they do not need to divide the Somalis there into tribal lines. What does he call our land? “Gobolka itoobiya oo Soomalidu degto”. When he or his future generations feel that there is potential threat coming from Somalis, they will reopen their divide and rule dust-gathering manuals to set a sub clan against another. In this age of trial and tribulations, it is my opinion that we’ve to stay together and show the world we are a one nation under one flag. Solidarity is the best tool for our survival.