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Everything posted by Xaq

  1. he's a GENIUS. this is the best way to kill the Djibouti process
  2. http://www.waagacusub.com/news/ Gacmodheere oo dabaaldegyo ka wado Nairobi. Nayrobi 21 November /2008 Waagacusub.com Xildhibaan Mohamed Mohamud Gacmodheere ayaa dabaal degyo qarsoon ka wado Magaalada Nairobi ee Dalka Kenya,wuxuuna bilaabay qado sharafeedyo uu si kala gooni gooniya ugu sameeynayo Xildhibaano ka tirsan Baarlamaanka Federalka Somalia iyo diblomaasiyiin ajnabi. Xildhibaanka oo hore looga eryay Wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha ee Xukumadda Federalka wuxuu dadka uu la kulmayo ugu hambalyeeynayaa inuu yahay Ra'isulwasaaraha cusub ee Federalka Somalia. "Nuur Cadde waxay ugu egtahay 21 November 2008,wuxuu jirsaday sanad,Madaxweyne Yuusuf aniga ayuu marka la rido i soo magacaabayaa maxaa yeelay shalay ayuu qaldamay,sidaas darteed waxaan idinka codsanayaa inaad igu gacansiisaan meelmarinta hindiseyaasheeyda cusub" ayuu kula hadlay Gacmodheere,dadkii uu Casuumadaha u fidiyay. Lama hubo Gacmodheere inay dhab u noqon doonto riyadiisa siyaasadeed,wuxuuna walaaca jira yahay Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo hal lug ku taagan.
  3. 1) i assume by this question you mean if i were a puntlander who was made president of somalia. i would put the security of puntland on an equal footing with the security of all somalia. that is my job description after all. as president, i would be a humble figure who focuses on the reconciliation of all somalis. this will in the long term ensure the security of all of somalia including puntland. 2)if i was a puntlander who was a clan nationalist then i would want a leader that was exactly like a/y. it would give me a chance to rave about hopw great my clan is and how superior we are compared to the other "savages". if i were a puntlander who was thinking about his grandchildren then i would support anyone who shared a vision for a peaceful and prosperous somalia 3) see #2
  4. the problem with yusufism is precisely the definition that you have given it. yusufism seeks to promote a segment of the somali population in a position(president of somalia) that should be promoting the interests of all of somalia. yusufism is an exclusive movement. therefore, such movement will never be accepted outside of puntland.
  5. yeey has become an obstacle to oxygen
  6. the ethiopians have been saying that they will withdraw every day for the last month. i'm starting to think that it might all be a bluff
  7. Korneyl Yusuf,Sheekh Aweys,Shariifka iyo X.Ceydiid oo Liibiya. Liibiya19 November /2008 Waagacusub.com web page Hogaamiyaha Jamhuuriyadda Liibiya Mucaamir Al Qadaafi ayaa wado guluf xoogan oo uu doonayo inuu ku wada hadal siiyo Madaxweyne Yusuf,Gudoomiyaha garabka Asmara Xasan Dahir Aweys,Gudoomiyaha ku xigeenka golahaas Inj Xuseen Ceydiid iyo Gudoomiyaha Isbaheysiga dib u xoreynta garabka DJabouti Shariif Sheekh Ahmed,sida aanu ka helnay ila wareedyo muhiima. Mucaamir Qadaafi ayaa la xaqiijiyay inuu Casuumado u kala diray Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys,Xuseen Ceydiid iyo Shariif Sheekh Ahmed waloow aysan weli uga jawaab celin sida laga helayo xafiisyadooda. "Shariif Sheekh Ahmed ayaa laga yaabaa inuu ka cago jiido Casuumaada maxaa yeelay wuxuu noqon karaa mid lagu dhantaalayo heshiiskii DJabouti lagu kala saxiixday laakiin Hogaamiyaha Liibiya si rasmiya ayuu casuumaad ugu fidiyay waloow aan la ogayn inuu kala gooni gooni ula shirayo iyo inuu si rasmiya isu hor fariisin doono" sidaas waxaa yiri Diblomaasi ku sugan Tripoli oo la hadlay Waagacusub. Madaxweyne Qadaafi waxaa la sheegay inuu wada hadal saacad qaatay la yeeshay dhigiisa Ereteria Assiyas Afewark,isagoo kala hadlay inuu gacan ka geysto sidii la isu hor fariisin lahaa Aweys iyo Yuusuf. "Mucaamir Al Qadaafi way wada hadleen Madaxweynaha Ereteria ,waxaa u harsan inuu la xaajoodo Geellaha DJabouti.waloow ay adag tahay inuu ka aqbalo hindise uu Cabdulahi Yuusuf hal abuuray"sidaas waxaa yiri Sarkaal ka tirsan Safaaradda Somalida ee Jamhuuriyadda Liibiya. Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa Wakaaladda Wararka ee Liibiya u sheegay inuu Qadaafi ka codsaday sidii uu dalkiisa ugu martigelin lahaa hanaanka dib u heshiisiinta hada ka furan DJabouti. Qoobka Ciyaarka Cabdulahi Yuusuf wuxuu yahay mid uu kaga dabaaqtamayo hadalada qalafsan ee Xukumadda Zenawi ku bah dileyso korneylka. Ethiopia kulan deg dega oo ay isugu yeertay Wasiiro dibadeedka IGAD ayaa laga soo saaray War Murtiyeed nuxurkiisu yahay hanjabaad ku socoto Madaxweyne Cabdulahi Yuusuf,waxaana lagu sheegay Warkooda in cun qabateyn dhaqaale iyo mid socdaal la saarayo madaxda sare ee Federalka Somalia,masuulkii ku xadgudbo qodobadii lagu heshiiyay Nairobi 29 October 2008. Cabdulahi Yuusuf waxaa uu hada socdaal hoowleed ku joogaa Kampala ka gadaal markii uu gacan dhaqaale ka helay dhigiisa Liibiya oo uu garab siyaaso iyo dhaqaale hore u waydiistay.
  8. Kenya will send troops to the strife-torn Somalia, Ethiopia Foreign Minister Seyum Mesfin said here at the conclusion of a ministerial meeting of the Inter-Governmental Authority on Development (IGAD). Mesfin, who is chaired the meeting, told journalists that Kenya will send one battalion consisting of about 800 soldiers to Mogadishu. Kenya is one of the six member states of IGAD. The others are Ethiopia, Sudan, Djibouti, Somalia and Uganda. It will be the third country to send its troops to Somalia, joining Uganda and Burundi. Currently, around 3,300 Ugandan and Burundi troops are in Somalia supporting the transition government of Somalia. The troops come under the African Union mission in Somalia. The African Union has called on member states to contribute troops for its mission in Somalia. It plans to send around 8,000 peacekeeping forces. Source: APA, Nov 19, 2008
  9. http://www.hiiraan.com/news2/2008/Nov/somali_presi dent_wants_reconciliation_talks_moved_to_libya_rep ort.aspx TRIPOLI (AFP)--Visiting Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed said Tuesday he was seeking to move the venue of Somali reconciliation talks from Djibouti to Libya, the official Jana news agency reported. "I informed the brother guide (Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi) about developments in Somalia and turned over to him the file on Somali reconciliation, asking him to take personal charge of it," the visiting Yusuf was quoted as saying. He said he had asked Gadhafi to "ask Djibouti President Omar Guelleh to change the venue of the negotiations" to Libya, on the grounds that Libya has "more resources" to host the talks. Somalia has lacked an effective government since the 1991 ouster of strongman Mohamed Siad Barre touched off a bloody power struggle that has defied numerous attempts to restore stability. An agreement was reached at U.N.-sponsored talks in Djibouti last month between the transitional federal government and the main opposition alliance providing for a cessation of hostilities and a gradual pullback of Ethiopian troops currently in Somalia. However, hardline Islamists have rejected the deal and fighting has continued to rage. Ethiopian troops came to the rescue in late 2006 of the embattled transitional government which had been confined to the backwater of Baidoa and ousted the Islamic Courts Union from Mogadishu. Source: AFP, Nov 18, 2008
  10. ethiopia failed on 2 major fronts. it could not exert its will with their troops on the ground in somalia (A big slap in the face). And it could not get their puppet regime to be accepted by the southern Somalis. Therefore, what is its final option? Blame the easiest target.
  11. does Eritrea have a death wish? Djibouti is comprised almost entirely of french and american military bases.
  12. Agreement reached Ethiopian troops to leave civilian areas in Mogadishu by 21 november. A full withdrawal within 120 days of 19 august 2008.
  13. how would you differentiate between who is a somalilander and who is not? what are the laws regarding who is or is not a somalilander?
  14. Abdalla: Ethiopia Ciidda ka hor ayay baxaysaa By Harun Ma'aruf Washington 19-September-2008 VOA Ergayga gaarka ah ee Xoghayaha Guud ee QM Axmed Walad Cabdalla oo VOA-Somali wareysi siiyey, ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in dhinacyada Soomalida ee ku shirayey dalka Jabuuti ay saxiixayaan dokumenti ku saabsan xabbad joojinta iyo arrimaha amniga. Wareysigan uu siiyey Laanta Af-Soomaaliga ee VOA ayuu ku sheegay in la gaaray heshiis ah in la bilaabo diyaargarowga shir la qabto kaasi oo looga hadlayo dib u dhis iyo horumarka Soomalaiya; shirka u horreeyana waa inuu dhacaa bisha Jannaayo ee soo socota. Dhinaca siyaasadda waxay isla gaareen iyagoo gacan ka helaya odayaal halkan jooga inay horumar ka sameeyaan dhinaca nabadda. Hirgelinta heshiiskii Djibuuti aad ayey muhiim ugu ahayd Sheekh Sharif iyo Isbahaysigiisa in la bilaabo bixitaanka Itoobiya. Taasina wax diidmo ah kama iman, ha ahaato dhinaca Itoobiya, Ra'iisul Wasaaraha DKM ee Soomaaliya iyo UN-ka sababtoo ah waxaa jira heshiis ah in la bilaabo bixitanaka ciidamada Itoobiya ee magaalada Muqdishu markii la dhiso maamul uu leeyahay gobolka Banaadir. Wareysiga Ergayga halkan ka dhagayso
  15. united somali isbaaro somali people's warlords party united transitional federal 4.5 qabiil party the kursi jeceeyl coalition somalis for the continuation of the occupation front the ethiopian republican party the democratic dictatorship alliance
  16. another day, another clash. what's new?
  17. the guy who wrote the article is a crackpot. google him and have a look at some of the articles he's written.
  18. these problems in somaliland are heaven compared to what is going on in xamar
  19. as long zenawi has the support of the U.S, he won't be charged with anything. the only way this will happen is if he falls out of favor with the rulers of the world.
  20. islam is embedded in somali culture. wou can't just seperate from the state
  21. islam is embedded in somali culture. wou can't just seperate from the state
  22. if there are enough UN troops(10000) then the TFG may be able to stay alive. They will have to make a power sharing deal with the shariif group. Then only the really extreme groups will be left out. this may result in some bombings here and there. however, there aren't enough of them to cause too much trouble. hopefully then we can have elections in 2009. This is the best case scenario.