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Everything posted by Xaq

  1. 'white eyes', a clown of the highest order. bozo has nothing on this guy
  2. he will survive, IA. didn't you hear, there are AC130s flying around.
  3. hats off to the pirates. i like the way they operate. no ideology or fanaticism. it's all about the MONEY. well done
  4. shabab are good fighters. but they don't have the firepower to overrun the ugandans(they have REAL tanks).
  5. Ciidamada Militry-ga dowladda oo kasoo saaray Alshabaab Laanta Horseed. http://www.mareeg.co m/fidsan.php?sid=119 58&tirsan=2 Ciidamada Military-ga dowladda oo saakay kusoo biiray Dhinaca Ciidamada Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa xaqiijiyay guulo ay ka gaareen dagaaladaasi. Ciidamada Militariga waxa ay ka saareen Ciidamada Alshabaab iyo kuwa Xisbul Islam laanta Horseed ee Suuq bacaad iyo isgoyska 4-ta Jardiino, waxaana loo dhaqaajiyay dhanka Towfiiq iyaga oo halkaasina kasii aaday Isbartiibada. Waxaa isaga baxay Isbartiibada Ciidamadii Maxkamadaha Islaamiga waxaana Ciidamada Alshabaab ay isku uruuriyeen Isbartiibada kadib markii laga soo saaray Suuq Bacaad iyo Towfiiq. Ciidamada Militariga ee uu hoggaaminayo Taliye Gacmadulle ayaa fuulay iminka dhanka dabaqa loo yaqaan ayaan daran taasi oo sababtay in shabaabka iyo Xisbul Islam ay ka cararaan goobihii ay Towfiiq kajoogeen. Ciidamada dowladda ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay iminka abaabul xoogan ay soo sameeyeen oo ay sii riixayaan Xisbul Islam iyo Alshabaab oo iskaashanaya oo habeenkii xalay dhigay dagaalkii ugu xooganaa oo sababay in dad rayid ah ay kuwaxyeeloobaan.
  6. I must say, I didn't expect the government soldiers to be so good. They surprised me a lot. If they can defeat the shabab and xizbul-islam, then they will be very popular. I will have to rethink my previous stance on A/Y.
  7. watch the video of the welcoming ceremony for sheikh shariif
  8. Turkey pledges support for Somalia security forces website ANKARA (AFP) — Turkey will assist Somalia in establishing and training its security forces after years of bloody conflict and political turmoil in the African country, President Abdullah Gul said Friday. "Turkey will provide support to Somalia in establishing and training its security forces and in meeting their needs," Gul said after talks with visiting Somali President Sharif Aheikh Ahmed. Ankara would also help to improve health services and education in the country, he said. Ahmed was elected president in January following UN-brokered reconciliation talks aimed at stabilising a country that had had no effective central authority since civil war erupted in 1991. The Somali leader spoke of "great progress and improvement" in his country in recent months, urging more international support for reconstruction efforts. "We will definitely not allow... unrest in Somalia again," he said. Ahmed expressed "regret" for the spate of piracy attacks off Somalia, which have prompted the international community, including Turkey, to deploy war ships in the region to protect commercial vessels. "This problem can be resolved inside the country, but we also need the support of the international community," he said. An international meeting, sponsored by the United Nations and the European Union, is to be held next week in Brussels with the aim of boosting aid to Somalia. Copyright © 2009 AFP. All rights reserved. More »
  9. Malcolm X supports Somaliland's independence
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/somali/news/story/2009/01/090 127_au.shtml Jean Ping: Waa laga yaabaa in Ethiopia ay soo noqoto Jean Ping oo ah madaxa gudiga midowga Afrika ayaa sheegay in laga yaabo in Ethiopia ay dib ugu dirto ciidamo Somalia, hadii ay awooda maleeshiyiinta xagjirka ah ay aad u sii kororto. Mr Ping ayaa hadlayay Kadib markii ururka Alshabaab ay la wareegeen magaalada Baydhabo. Mr Ping wuxuu sheegay in qabsashada Baydhabo aysan ahayn wax filan waa ah, iyadoo ay ciidamada kooban ee nabad ilaalinta ee Midowga Afrika aysan suurto gal u ahayn in ay meel walba oo Somalia ka mid ah ay joogaan.
  11. apparently, all Somalis going to Mogadishu are terrorists
  12. web page Ciidamo taabacsan Isbahaysiga Dib u xoreynta garabka Casmara ayaa la wareegay dhawr goobood oo ay caawa ka guureen Ciidamada Itoobiya kuwaasi oo kala haa Warshadii hore ee Baastada , Xayla bariise, Warshadii Barafuunka ,Kooka Koola iyo Goobo kale. Ciidamadaan oo uu wato Shiikh Yuusuf Maxamad Siyaad Indhacade ayaa maalmihii la soo dhaafay waxaa ay u diyaargaroobayeen la wareegitaanka fadhiisimadaas iyagoo dhufaysyo ka qotay gobo aan u dheerayn. Shiikh Yuusuf Indhacade oo wax yar ka dib markii Ciidamadiisu la wareegeen fadhiisimadaasi u waramayay Idaacada Hornafrik ayaa sheegay in aanay aqoonsanayn lana shaqaynaynin Isbahaysuga jabuuti ee uu horkacayo Shiikh Shariif. Ciidamadaasi ka amarqaata indhacade ee hoostaga Shiikh Cumar Iimaan oo dhawaan loo magacaabay Gudoomiyaha Golaha Fulinta maxkamdaha Islaamka ayaa sidoo kale waxaa ay gaareen ilaa deegaanka caymiska . Lama oga waxa ay ka yeelayaan Ciidamada isbahaysiga garabka jabuuti iyo kuwa dawlada Federaalka Soomaaliya oo dhawaanahaanba shaacinayay in ay diyaar u yihiin la wareegida Goobaha ay ka guuraan Itoobiyaanku. Mid kamida Ciidamada ka amarqaata Shiikh Cabdulqaadir cali Cumar laguna xanto in ay si aad ah isugu dhawyihiin Isbahaysiga uu hogaamiyo Shiikh Shariif kuna sugnaa saldhiga Heliwaaaa oo u waramay Raadtv International Xaafiiskiisa Muqdisho ayaa iska bari yeelay la midoobida Ciidamada dawlada TFG da . Talaabadaan Kabixitaanka Ciidamada Itoobiya qaybo kamida Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa laga yaabaa in ay nafis siiso Shacabka ku dhaqan Deegaanka Heliwaa oo iyagu horey uga barakacay guryahoodii. Mas uul u hadlay Gudiga Isku dhafka ah ee shirka jabuuti ayaa ku eedeeyay kooxaha islaamiyiinta ah in ay mas uul ka yihiin kabixitaan la aanta Ciidamada Itoobiya oo ay iyagu albaabada u fadhiyaan. Warar aan kahelnay ilo kale ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Itoobiyaanku ka baxeen Intabadan Magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo goob joogayaal ku sugnaa Stadio Muqdisho iyo aaga xamar jadiid ay sheegeen in ay arkayeen Ciidamo badan oo wata gaadiidka taangiyada xambaara ay ka soo baxayeen Stadio Muqdisho . Isbahaysiga Shiikh Shariif Shiikh Axmad ee dhawaan heshiiska Lagalay Dawlada TFG da halis ugu jiray in uu kalsooni ka waayo bulshada Muqdisho iyo Ciidamada maxkamadaha islaamka ee isaga taageersanaa waxaana jiray muddo loo qabtay oo ku ekayd 16-ka bishaan. Ciidamada maxkamdaha ee isaga taageersan ayaa laga cabsi qabay in ay bilaabaan xabada kadib markii ay dhamaatay mudadii loogu talagalay balse isbahaysiga jabuuti ayaa dalbaday in muddo gaaban loogu daro taasi oo ay ka harsanayd afar malain oo qura. Kabixitaanka Ciidamada Itoobiya gudaha Soomaaliya ayaan la ogayn xilligaan waxa ay ku soo kordhinkarto nabada Soomaaliya maadaama islaamiyiintii la filayay in ay kamidoobaan dib u dhiska Soomaaliya ay qoryaha isu sitaan islamarkaana ku dagaalamayaan awooda iyo sidii midba midka kale ugu awood sheeganlahaa. Raadtv.Com : Xassan Cadde Cadde09@Hotmail.Com Xaafiiska Wararka Raadtv London
  13. don't judge the man untill he is actually in office
  14. the new and improved Somali uniform is looking great. congratulations to our boys and i hope they win on monday in order to reach the next round
  15. the new and improved Somali uniform is looking great. congratulations to our boys and i hope they win on monday in order to reach the next round
  16. ethio withdrawal: i will believe it when i see it
  17. this is embarrassing. i can imagine the tigres sitting in their office laughing and shaking their heads, saying "these somalis are so easy".
  18. same old crap. everyone's philosophy is if my uncle is not president then I don't support the government. it's a grand old Somali tradition.
  19. Puntlanders need to relax. the next president or PM will be a puntlander. however, he will be a more eloquent and accomodating figure than the old general. the 4.5 system almost gaurantees this. i hate to say it but you can't have a government in Somalia without a puntlander as president or PM.
  20. what happened to the ethio pull out? only 2 weeks untill december 31 and there is no tangible sign that they will leave. this withdrawal was another bluff in a long line of bluffs made by the ethios in order to extract more money from donors.
  21. UN chief rules out Somalia force link Mr Ban said the conditions were not in place for sending peacekeepers On Tuesday US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called for a UN force to be sent to the conflict-hit nation. But Mr Ban said the situation in Somalia was too risky and there was no peace to keep. There was also very limited world support for a multinational stabilisation force, he added, with few countries prepared to take part. He had contacted 50 nations - but none had agreed to lead such a force and only one or two were willing to send troops, he said. Somalia has not had an effective national government for 17 years, leading to a collapse of law and order. Ethiopia-backed government forces have been fighting Islamist insurgents for the last two years, but the Ethiopian troops are due to pull out next month - leaving only the 3,200-strong African Union peacekeeping force behind. 'No peace to keep' The danger of anarchy in Somalia was "clear and present", Mr Ban said, and action must be taken. But he said conditions were not in place for sending peacekeepers. "If there is no peace to keep, peacekeeping operations are not supposed to be there," the UN chief said. Instead, he said, more efforts were needed on an inter-Somali peace process and to bolster the current African Union force. His comments came a day after the Security Council unanimously approved a resolution allowing foreign military forces to pursue pirates on land in Somalia. Pirates there are currently holding more than a dozen hijacked ships, while attacks in seas off Somalia have increased dramatically in recent months. The resolution gives authority for one year for countries to use "all necessary measures" by land or air to stop anyone using Somali territory for piracy.