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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Waving that white flag was a tactical shift after all!


    I would not want to imagine living in a world devoid of cause and effect. From any angle you look at it, no event (big or small) lives a vacuum, saaxiib.


    But I realize your argument is not about the cause and effect per se. You just don’t appreciate how it factors in to terrorism and you don’t value analysis and perspectives from that view. In the spirit of productive debate, Let me concede one point though; from personal level it does not really matter what motivates an armed gang who robbed me and took my belongings. I simply want him jailed. But I happen to believe the issue of terrorism is fundamentally different than this. To me it is a global trend that can’t be easily removed from its actual causes. What makes it different is its political orientation. But again you chose to dismiss that notion as a vapor of sympathy and refused to acknowledge its significance. I see you resolved to ignore the supply side of this equation and concentrate to passionately write about its symptoms. There you stand and can do no other, or so it seems. And so I quit to indulge in to this vain exercise, saaxiib.


    But let me extract some wisdom from you, saaxiib, and meekly ask what solution (accepting the blame is a mere start) do you see for this to be halted? What are the remedies?

  2. Oh prudent Ngonge, you don’t want see it or do you? Do you understand how complex these issues are? Or you just want reduce it few imams preaching hate and intolerance!

    Do you really mean what you say or some of your writings are cracked with emotions?


    I have long accepted my inability to convince you the significance of root causes in this war! I saw you arrested your intelligence and mobilized your efforts to chase your tale, saaxiib. You seem to have forgotten that it is the responsibility of ulluma to educate Muslim masses about the issues of aggression and injustice. They preach about the Muslim pride and dignity. They point out about the unfairness of this world and how Muslim land is unjustly occupied and its people humiliated. They talk about the checkpoints, the mass arrests of Muslim youth, and the indiscriminate killings that have become daily occurrence Palestine. In the face of their utter weakness, they pray to Him for justice and help. We all amen to that. Who doesn’t?


    It is not their fault that some aroused youth set him-self off and killed innocent lives. Or is it really? This business of recasting the teachings of Qur’an and laying the blame in the wrong doors is not going to fly. As respected as you are, you seem to have missed the point in a major way. No body has so far condoned or rejoiced innocent killings. But you raised the bar for some lives and lowered for others. Your litmus test is unfairly applied, saaxiib.


    See the big picture; terrorism is always terrorism irrespective of who and how.

  3. Rahima,


    So Should we post-pond the fate of stolen properties till such god-fearing people rise to places of power and authority? Should we strip this government the right to treat this plague because it’s led by questionable men?


    Or perhaps we should take a closer look at the gist of Gods wisdom and realize that the reason the world changing on us is not that we have a bad government led by bad men rather it is we are living in a void of rule of law (any law, I dare say).


    Criminal or not if the old man and his men in power attempt and succeed to restore some normalcy in the south, I, for one, think it as a right step. The irony though is the fact that this forlorn old man is talking about security and governance yet the city that supposed to gain most out of it seems to be resisting to his stabilizing plans.


    Xoogsade, Illaahay ha ku caafiyo Saaxiib. You have a habit to confuse issues.

  4. This (this topic) is not yet a dead horse from whom we should all dislodge ourselves. Not to me at least.



    Terrorism (as a consequence of political ostracism, not religious fanaticism) is fomented "not in the mosque or the madrassas but in solitary confinement cells, torture chambers, and the environment of fear wielded by dictatorial regimes as instruments of legitimate governments."


    It's here where any genuine inquiry into the root causes of terrorism should begin, and most likely, conclude. Read on.

  5. Originally posted by General Duke:


    Q: What is the traditional Somali way of solving disputes?


    Our traditional way of solving problems is according to our religion - we put every party on oath. They have to swear that the land is theirs, and the adverse party will not contest this, because we respect our religion very much, and people are afraid of lying in such conditions. We put the party's hand on the holy Quran, and we ask him to swear. If he is not the owner of the land, he will refrain from taking the oath. Then we deliver the sentence that gives back the land to its rightful owner. Before taking the oath, we always try to convince the person that the land is not his - if he insists, we show him the legal documents of the rightful owner.

    He speaks as though occupiers and booty-fed gangs understand the fundamentals of Islam. These are worst people to deal with and are not known to heed these kinds of religious sermons.


    But it is a shoots of hope and a welcome breeze for this interview to center on land dispute. It has been neglected for a long time and for it we met our demise. This issue, I dare say, is why the Mogadishu warlords resist the restoration of law and order. It is why they fight so fiercely against the concept of governance and rule of law. And it is not just privately owned lands that are held by illegitimate hands, there is also public property that has been vandalized and misused. The ministries, universities and the properties of other governmental institutions, to name few, are either made inoperable or illegally occupied. Not to mention the farm and fertile land and the many towns of southern coast that has been raped and its communities expelled.


    Ironically this problem (rather its magnitude) does not register with the opponents of the old man and his government. They tend to minimize its significance and swear to the All-Knower that it is not that widespread! It does not deserve to be the priority of the reconciliation process, they say, and there are other pressing issues. There are even those who justify this plague and explain away by narrating similar practices in the past. The crimes of the corrupt and crooked regime of Barre could be remedied by stripping the roofs of poor and innocent Xalimos, or so the thinking of those impeded mind goes! A failing argument that can’t even persuade a first grader.


    Unless this issue is fully confronted, the future of Southern Somalia will forever remain gloomy and dark.

  6. @Dulmigiyo isgaadkiyo dilkiyo dunidan qaaceeysa

    Dul yaroo ka nabad galey fidnadan dumarka aafeeysey

    Oo Daa’inkeey dhowrey baa loo dan leeyahaye

    Ma’suuniyadu nimeey soo dirtaa loo daminayaaye

    Dharka inuu ka daadshuu rabey dirac u reebaaye

    Iimaan dihniga hor degeey wax uga diideene


    Very true indeed.

  7. Stoic,


    I don’t want them to stop having babies at all. In fact, I don’t even think having many babies is the problem here! You see, good Stoic, we have lost too many people and for us to think the solution lies in population control is chasing our tale really. So let us not go there, saaxiib. The reason poverty and diseases rained on us is not that we are producing too many children than we can support but it is simply the deprivation of basic governmental services, the collapse of public institutions, the lack of awareness. Look at the statistics saaxiib. Less than two hundred doctors for entire population of Somalia, for instance. In the entire state of Puntland there is no reliable hospital! Mogadishu has been frozen in time and despite all the cheering Somaliland is no better in that regard, saaxiib.


    Development and stability are intertwined. If there is no stability there can no be development, a very basic formula of common sense. The solution should not be dolling out contraceptives to the poverty stricken population but rather restoring normalcy and stability in their land. That is where the quality of life lies.


    As for my playful exchange with the midka coofka leh, well his, I dare say, is the hard thinking of an impeded-mind.

  8. Originally posted by Zephyrine:

    quote:To be sure, it does effectively facilitate and excite boundless sexuality. It appeals to the most animalistic behavior of ours and gets us all animated! It unties the chain of human morality and detains our ethics.

    A plain old condom does all that, huh? Talk about super powers.
    :DBahalku caadi ma'aha. Najjaasoo dhan asagaa loogu tagaa. :D

  9. ^^This is for you, little Guuleed! redface.gif


    Markii gabayga Guuleed tirshaan gaabsadoo nacaye

    Nin garaadleh waysagaa xishaa maanso gabaneed

    Goos-goosad iyo iima ah inaan gafaa jeere

    Markaad Waaqa soo gelisaybaan ka ganaanacaye

    Iska gaabso oo aamus yaan Baashe soo ganine! :D

  10. Theologian Viking writes;


    The second group of qualities are the Sifaat-Mutashabihat; they are allegorical and NOT literal. Attributes like face, soul, hands, throne etc fall into this category.


    So these are mere metaphors and NOT real attributes, Syed Viking? If yes, how did you arrive that conclusion?

  11. Fidel aka Coofleh,


    Contraceptives are no solution to the poverty and diseases, saaxiib.


    The problem emanates from the lack of political and economic stability. In our case, it’s the direct result of institutional collapse. These are the grapes of prolonged civil war and you can’t simply remedy them by doling out contraceptives. To do so is both ineffective and impractical. But even worse, it’s gloomy shoots of despair to talk about population control in a land covered by the dust of death. Somalia is practically abandoned country.


    If any thing, contraceptives promote teenage pregnancies and spread diseases. It gives false confidence for save sex. And I think Somalia would be better without these deceptive tools.


    As for the solution for this problem, I say peace and stability is the key.

  12. Orgiliqe, comm’on saaxiib. Contribute not by rambling mantras but by reasonable assessment of the region. Tell us about the prospect of success and the obstacles that lie ahead. Tell us what you would like be done in his term. Spare us from your chanting songs, saaxiib.


    As for the old man and your seemingly hopeless obsession with him, well all I can say is the man has heeded to a higher calling of sort. I, for one, am happy for his political departure from that region. He is where he truly belongs and so let him coach his former thugs, saaxiib.

  13. Seven years has passed since Puntland has notably declared its regional autonomy and separated itself from the lawless south. It was an elderly choice that addressed both administrative necessities and political and clannish sentiments (restored some lost pride in that part of the country) of that region. What followed was quite a disappointment though. A hungry wolf, as it were, was appointed to tend to the sheep. He destroyed and corrupted. He spread his clannish ills quite rapidly. And off he went to where he truly belongs.


    Unfortunately the region in general and Cadde in particular has inherited a constitutional crisis and institutional mess; the legacy of the old man. Cadde, though, seems to have an understanding of accountability, a trait of which the old man has been/is in a desperate need. He seems to have bigger plans and reforms for the region and I sense a managerial capacity in him. The anti-Islamist politics is out and the man is no Ethiopian lackey.


    Waxaanse saluugsanahay, the sluggishness of his reforms. He will go down in the history books as the man who couldn’t emerge from the shadow looms of the old man if three things can’t get completed in his term.


    1-Ansixinta dastuurka (Afti)

    2-Parliamentarian election: from clan appointed to elected MPs.

    3-Political parties.


    What you think? What are your expectations from Cadde and his agenda?

  14. Qaboobow, noo faa'idee oo noo sheeg in Waaq ahaa magac Ilaah la caabudi jirey sida Laata iyo Cuza oo kale. Ama uu ahaa eray u dhigma Allah oo loo adeegsan karo Allaah, sida God oo kale.


    Hadduu kan danbe noqdo waad iga garjoogtaa, aqoondarro iyo deg-deg baana isku kay biirsaday.


    Hadduuse kan hore noqdo xeego baad toobin ku haysaa; waxaan dux laheyn baad rabtaa inaad nagu oomiso, saaxiib, ee gar qaado.


    P.S. Guuleedyare raali ahow, ardaagaan kaa bannaday!