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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Gabar dhaqtarad ah oo reer shangaani ah baa waxaa shaqo loogu diray Gaalkacyo.

    Markey subaxdii soo shaqo tagtay baa waxaa fisito ugu timid habar reer Gaalkacyood ah.

    Gabadhii (doctor): eedo xagee ku xanuunnaysa?

    Habartii: ma aniga?

    Doctor: haa eedo.

    Habartii: Mar Alla marka aasku madoobaado baa halkaa samada ah leyla aadaa!

    Doctor: eedo shimmee lagu soo ceshaana?

    Habartii: Naa shim-shimtaada maahene dhegeyso,

    Doctor: markaasna maxaa dhaca?

    Habartii: halkaas labada garab dhexdooda ah baa waran leyga taagaa.

    Doctor: hadda makugu jiraanaa.


    Goor ay isku rafaadsan yihiin ba habartii qofkale loogu yeeray.

  2. Xoogsade, no offence intended brother!


    It’s just beyond me how you’re wrestling with some thing as basic as the issue of looted properties and cities. Wallaahi, I feel sorry (for you) any time you try to depict me as clan hater simply because I am putting my finger in a hot issue like this. If you find any word or sentence I wrote that paints any tribe in hateful way I will promptly delete and owe apology to this lovely forum. Take the challenge saaxiib and tell me where you got it.


    I talk about looters in the south and some people may feel injured by it, I speak and articulate about issues of stolen properties in Xamar and some people just couldn’t stand it, I point the strategies of southern warlords and their intents and some people feel picked on. The south is where I come from saaxiib. It’s where I belong and I have every right to speak about it. Maahmaaho iyo sheekooyin baan soo qoray aan ula jeedo nimanka (yes southern warlords) warlords ka ah ee ina heysta fifteen years garanna la’a in haddeysan sida wax loo xukumo aqoon, oo xaraan iyo Xalaal kala ganeynin iska tagaaan. Some people may interpret it as a thin vial to attack particular clans. That I can’t help! And as I said, only Allah has the competence to make imperfect instruments work.


    You can call me Galti ( I liked the word) if you will, but don’t you imply I am here to attack clans or hate tribes saaxiib. Or is it just being this forum thing?

  3. Nur wrote: Final Category is the (Daeef ) category ( Weak hadeeth, This category is by far more reliable than the Bible ) any hadeeth who fails in the above two categories is Weak, A weak hadeeth is not advised to be followed or applied in any legal issue nor settle an ambiguity in faith matters nor business law dsiputes. Unfortunately, Many of the Hadeeths floating and causing confusion in the Muslim world belong to this last category, which promts the attack on the Sunnah and Hadeeth . This type of hadeeth, is the kind of evidence a Judge will not hesitate to throw out of his court.


    I would just add that one more category in the science of Hadeeth is Mawdluuc (موضوع), which means outright forgery (with evil intent) and phony imitation of the words of Mustafa to adulterate its meanings. This wicked practice has been halted by impossing strict requirements in accepting the narrtion of Hadeeth.


    I hold the view that the authentic Bible was infected by the same plague and corroded by its deadly virus.

  4. بكيتك لين ملتني عيوني.. صبرت وطال صبري وانتظاري..

    حرام النوم ما قارب جÙوني.. وانت للأس٠منت بداري..


    What a fulsome verses!


    Only Allah knows how and what I would’ve been had the war not broke out?

    But I would like to think that I would’ve ended up marrying to the full heavenly quota. Waking up in the midst of entire village of mine where little clones of my replica blossom and play, where loyal and docile Xaliimos with able bodies and intelligent minds practice my courtesy and surround me with their loveliness.


    Oh, Dhuubo this thread of yours sent me build my little castle in the sky and caused me dream about what could’ve been had it not been…

  5. So, what does that mean. If I am a refugee living under a Galool tree in some god forsaken foreign land; the men who had stolen my property should not be expected to surrender my stolen property; what; because of the common good-- which this means in reality is that; mate if you want peace then you should relenquish your claim to your propert!!!!!


    Is that what you are saying? If not, what is this limitation you speak of my good brother?



    A good question that could reveal how profound the curse of Xaraam affected the innate thinking of our fellow nomad!

  6. Nin hungiri badnaa baa waxa la yiri Maroodigan dhaqo oo caanaha ka maal. Waxaa lagu xirey inuusan gujeyn naasaha maroodiga oo uusan caano aan ku jirin ka raadin. Wixii Alle kaa siiyo ka manaafacso baa lagula taliyey. Ninkii iimaanka la'aa waxaa la wariyey inuusan dheg jalaq usiin wixii waano loo sheegay. Gujjo ayyuu kala daalay Maroodigu maalka loogu keenay!


    Doqon nasiib-darran buu ahaaye, heshiiskii uu ka baxay sharciggiisii baa lagu qaaday. Maroodigii waa lagala noqday. Halkaasuu caanihii ku waayey. Iimaan darraa calaf seejisey!


    Asagoo tixraacayaa taariikdaas qolona u duur-xulaya buu Ayyax maxamed Dhawre (abwaankii caanka ka ahaa carriga Ciid & Hawd) aakhirkii aftamaadkii(late 1940s)wuxuu ku daray gabaygiisa taarikhiga ahaa dhowr tixood oo arrintaas ku saabsan:


    Qalanjada Maroodiga ninkii waayo lagu qeybshey

    Oo toban haruub oo qar-jaran eebe kaga quudshey

    Tolankiyo qamuunyada ninkii labadabow quuray

    Oo qaar-danbeedkiyo candhada feerka ka qaaday

    Oo caanuhuu qubay ilmadu qoysey baad noqone!


    Let Farah & Baashe decipher this!

  7. smile.gif @Olol you represent those inhabitants on these forums..


    Horn, Only if you said looters instead of inhabitants so it could still bear the negative connotation it deserves! But (I suppose) one ought (some times) be generous enough to keep the civility of the discussion and graciously accommodating to other’s raving talk.


    But that’s not why I came back to this interesting discussion. To put these issues (injustices) in perspective so we can all (another charitable word) establish correct paradigm from which we can formulate our political (oh, what I am thinking?) views is. Politics (as I know it) are the affairs of organized society: the science of winning and holding control of a government (to be precise). It’s also the art of effecting influences and tacitly guiding governmental policies. Somali politics is no different than that of other societies; it’s just little unregulated, have no moral codes, no beliefs, and it’s profoundly influenced by our clannish settings! These are all excusable in the light of fifteen years of civil war, one may argue. It’s expected that the legacy of civil war would profoundly change the psychic of our thinking (one may squabble) and permanently damage our consciousness (dammiir)! But hey, are we not first Muslims? Do we not have social values that are derived from our Islamic creed? Do the ends (bringing justice in restoring political equilibrium) justify the means (committing horrible transgressions in gross proportion)? Is it not a sheer intellectual dishonesty for any one to defend loots (past or present)?


    There lie the propping questions that make you shiver to your core given the political actualities on the ground. I have indeed lost many battles (decisive ones) in the last four years. The Somali skirmishes were not one of them. They were battles (the ones I lost were) that my side was supposed to win (I thought) but lost! They took place in far corners of the globe; in Afghanistan I have turned off the TV when the Sheikh’s hiding hole emitted smoldering smoke as a result of merciless hit; in Iraq I have mourned with the orphans and the widows as I’ve watched them suffer; in Chechnya I have grieved with them as they’re crashed with that Russian tank. There’re causes that I have virtually fought for but miserably lost. My passionate about those issues outweigh any thing else (as zealous as I sound in the positions I take). That in mind, I can do no other but to point out the crux of Somali civil war. It’s not about sharing seats, it’s not about allocation of the presidency, and neither it’s choosing the Prime Minister. No it aint that at all! If it were the old man wouldn’t have received that overwhelming majority, don’t ya say? It’s (the root cause is) the lack of remedy to the gross injustices committed during and before the civil war. Period.


    Here is where the bravery and courage is needed; to admit the mistakes and acknowledge their significance.


    Intaa ha noo joogto.

  8. First let me distant my self from the implication of that story if it ever used to generalize clans or societies (that’s not what I had in mind). I thought we were talking about warlords and lost leadership of Xamar. I would keep it though as it gains relevancy any time Col Juma peeks his head and utter those nonsensical words.


    Baashe, I am afraid it’s more than, as you put it, “few greedy menâ€. In my opinion it’s a political platform that ‘s based on clannish ideology to deliver unraveled political dominance in the south. But by what cause, I ask? Fifteen years should have been enough for that ilk (entire political establishment of USC) to realize that they’ve indeed drunk from the bog! For me, good Baashe, this issue is about Masalatu-al-xalaal wal-xaraam: the heart of our Islamic faith. It’s a gross injustice to capture cities not to rule (why not rule? I for one was ready for it) but to empty its inhabitants out and claim their properties simply because they belong to the opposing clan (some times lacking military and militia muscle was good enough to receive the curse (barawaani))! It’s equally disturbing to brag and blow the horn about it or worse yet justify it! That’s all saaxiib.


    OLOL, yours is either a youthful indiscretion of sort or worse yet you’re a sufferer of extreme emotions who deserves our prayers. How in the world could you claim impartiality and yet defend and justify the loots?



    Johhny, where have you been saaxiib? Only Allah has the unparalleled competence to make imperfect instruments work!


    W.T, well said sxb. Cuqdaddi dawladnimo ma keento!

  9. Originally posted by Sky:

    here is a picture of the man behind the somali flag, maxamed cawaale liibaan (alle haa uu naxariisto) standing between the two men shaking each others hand; president cabdirashiid cali shermaarke at the right and his prime minister maxamed ibraahim cigaal at the left.




    Thanks Sky.

  10. Balancing the equilibrium, it was. Have I not said that, Baashi? Kaftan dhable uga har, saaxiib.


    Now, when the likes of our Col Juma, who sought after the fertile land precisely to gain political dominance, brandishes and ostentatiously displays the loots of our pillaged cities and claims to be the sole owner of it (remember I am, he says, from Burtinle and as such committing a sham of grand proportion), don’t you think my allegory is quite analogous to that city’s political impasse?

  11. We do not deem it correct to revolt against the Muslim rulers as long as they are Muslims, nor do we feel that revolutions bring about reconciliation. Rather, they corrupt the community.

    No I don't agree with this statement. It has many holes, brother.

  12. Baashow, to store the equilibrium of the Somali story telling and perhaps allow some room for OLOLe’s youthful indiscretion let me throw this one:


    Waxaa layiri gabar ugub ah oo xaamilo ah baa reerkooda fool lasoo aaday. Mar alla markay soo istaagatay baa nabarkii fooshu qabtay. Aabaheed iyo wiil walaalkeed ah keliya baa reerka jooga wax umuliso ahna meelaha kama dhawa. Odagii baa damcay inuu fooliyo sey labadii lugood bey isku qabsatay. Nagata, waa diiday. Adogii baa wiilkii wuxuu yiri war idinka isla ciyaari jirey oo aysan cawro kaa dadaneyne bal gabadha walaashaa ah fooli. Saa wiilkii baa damcay inuu soo usoo dhawaado, mase maxaa ii dhiibatey waaba kasii dartay oo labadii lugood isku qabsatay. Goor ay isku dhiman rabto baa nin waa qabi jirey oo ay kala tageen reerka soo booqday. Odagii oon hubin baa yiri war nin yahow qoftu waa isku dhiman rabtaa annagiina na diiday ee bal isku day.

    Ninkii baa inta qoslay buu xaggeeda usoo dhaq-dhaqaaqay. Intaasun hadlin bay lugihii kala furtay sidaas baa iyadii iyo ilmahiiba ku bad-baadeen:


    Xamar iyo dawladnimaduba armay inantii yihiin? Cali Mahdi iyo Cabdu-qaasimna ehelkii inanta yihiin?

  13. :D@I am sure you are one of those provincial slothful con-artists who loiter in coffee houses and reminsce "good old days ". I have seen many who boast of being past owners of mythical and luxurious mansions in Xamar Cadde!



    All I could say is that you’re a heeder of distant voices. And as they say, Dhagar-qabe dhulkaa u dhaqaaqa!

    Rationale ku lahaa?

  14. Aamiin.


    Cawaale, was a legend whose contribution to his country is everlasting (certainly hope so) and a genius whose design captures the agony of colonial divisions of his homeland and represents the innate longing for unity. I heard he went on to serve as the first chief of staff in President Aden’s government. I admire this man’s ingenuity, I really do and I will appreciate if any one gives us his biography.

  15. Baashe, Granted those are sailing and valid points and the old man is a very interesting character whose personal approach (despotic and extremely egotistic) and political views (unreasonably pro-Ethiopian) proved to be deadly combination, but don’t you realize that Somali warlords have not sorted their differences? Don’t you see the control of the land and property is the issue here? Do you not agree a Kismayo ruled by alien savage is not worthy of living? Do you not concur satisfying Mogadishu warlords whose mission is to prevent governance in their effort to permanently legalize that cursed acquisition is a goal that’s nowise possible? The old man is not a new face to us. He has been around for some time. Known are his political ambitions and the tools he devised to attain them. Arkay oo anaa iska leh (Gacaliye’s famous characterization of the late dictator) sums up his concept of government. But it all depends ones expectation of the government he heads. Disappointed will be those who’re patiently waiting to see a government of national unity, qualified technocrats, and smoothly operating institutions. Mark my word for it, it will be a long (so to speak) night for them.


    On the other hand, my expectations are very low from the old man and his government. But want thing I think he could is fight and fight. Fight with the looters in the south. Fight till he looses or wins to reverse the gains (political and otherwise) of civil war.




    As for Mogadishu and this article, this does it for me saaxxiib.


    A city which is being claimed by one clan as its property, where Somali citizens could be killed, kidnapped or their property taken away simply with total impunity, simply because they belong to a different clan, cannot be the national capital. As a former Deputy Mayor of Mogadishu, which I loved and worked very long hours, at times late into the night or during the week-ends, to serve it with total loyalty and dedication, I don’t really feel that it is my capital city anymore. Just take another concrete example: About 17 years ago, I bought a house near the old airport of Mogadishu (now closed for many years due to serious disagreements between the city’s warlords) with the money I had earned from my work here in Saudi Arabia. Today, a guy who comes from Dhusamareb city, Galgudud region (central Somalia), is occupying my property after taking it over by force during the mayhem of 1991. He says he liberated it. Liberated it from what or whom? This is looting, pure and simple, and not liberation, and I’ll, inshalla, get back my rightful property one day when law and order is restored to my former capital city..

  16. By Dr. Mahamud M. Yahye

    (Former Deputy Mayor of Mogadishu)

    Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


    There is currently a heated debate as to where Somalia’s fledgling Transitional National Federal Government (TNFG) should re-locate to after leaving Nairobi, Kenya, where it has been situated since its formation nearly six months ago. Due to security considerations, the TNFG has actually decided to move, for the time being, to a more peaceful place inside our homeland, namely, to the cities of Baidoa and Jowhar, instead of chaotic Mogadishu. As a Somali citizen and a former Deputy Mayor of Mogadishu, I wholeheartedly support this decision, and I’ve on several occasions advocated, on the BBC Somali Service and other forums, that the TNFG should not go back to Mogadishu at the present time. I’m still of that opinion for reasons that I’ll enumerate later on.


    However, before I explain why lawless Mogadishu cannot be the seat of our central government, let me make, as a preface, an important point. Contrary to what some misinformed, fanatical and tribal-minded people think, modern Mogadishu was not built with the gold, diamond, petroleum and other enormous natural wealth it posses, because it has none of that. (Because of this seriously flawed misconception, some of these fanatics believe both Mogadishu and its natives are superior to the rest of Somalia’s people and its cities. This explains why Somalia’s first president, after the collapse of Siad Barre’s regime, the former hotelier, Ali Mahdi, was said to have replied when asked why he had unilaterally installed himself as President in January 1991 upon Barre’s sudden departure: “We control Mogadishu which is the most important place, and I don’t care about the rest of the country.†But Mogadishu actually prospered because, in the first 30 years of Somalia’s independence, we, the Somalis of all clans, had poured all our wealth – both public and private, as well as financial and human – into that city to the detriment of other cities and regions of the country. Simply put, we were practically a one city State and we tried to develop Mogadishu and to equip it with all the necessary infrastructure of a modern state while basically neglecting the rest of the country’s other cities and towns. And mind you, most of the wealth with which we built Mogadishu were funds that we obtained from other nations either as donations or loans which future generations of Somalis will have to struggle with repaying them for years to come. (At present, the foreign debts of penniless Somalia stand at a staggering US $2.688 billion, a good part of which was spent by the previous governments on Mogadishu and its basic infrastructure like its modern sea port which has remained idle for years due to the infighting between the city’s warlords).


    Read on.

  17. Originally posted by Kaleidoscopic:

    , explain
    's poem to me, my Somali is limited to spoken Somali.

    Oh Dhuubo, don’t you realize that Rahima’s aint better than yours? :D This’s a classy of sort. Only those who counted at least 3 dozen moons behind them could barely attempt to decipher its coded secrets! :cool:

    But since you’ve pleaded earnestly I should generously point that this poem is a mere lamentation (with matchless artistic flavor) ) about the lost vigor of youth and a mournful cry for Salaan’s vernal days. That’s all sister; it was not about you.

  18. Nin Ilaah yaqaan oo sharciga, ku isticmaalayaa

    Ashahaado loo qoray nimaan, kala allaaweynin

    Oo aan inkirahayn xaq waa, la oggolaadaaye

    Nin salaadda awqaadda faral, u addimoonaaya

    Oo dagada oofinahayoo, ugubka dhiibaaya

    Oo aan bakhaylnimo abkiis, lagu ishaareynin


    Nimaan diinta aafo u geleyn, aakhiruu sabanka

    Oo aan amxaarada sidii, obo u yaacaynin

    Oo gaalka ooradu ku taal, u askaraynnaynin


    Nimaan abuurka Soomaliyeed, ka anfi taageynin

    Oo aan ajuurada kufriga, ugu adeegeynin

    Oo aan ardiga beesadeed, u ashtakooneynin


    Nin jahaad ohoominahayoo, ubaxa loo saaray

    Ingiriiska eygaa ninkii, ugu uneexaaya

    Oo libin ajri leh soo heloo, or iyo geeraar leh


    Nimanyahow aqoonxumadu, waa ardaalnimo e

    Asaraar ma fiicnee runbaan, lagu arooraaye

    Ninkii aynigaa lagu yaqaan, saw islaan ma aha?



    Shir aguugay waayeel abyamay, tala ashaaddowdey

    Irda jiqa albaabo isku xidhan, eel la bixin waayay

    Xaajadaas afraha duubatee, loo olmami waayay


    Nin aqoon leh aw iyo haddii, odayo loo saaro

    In kastoo ayyaan iyo ayyaan, lagu aloollaado

    Ninkii maalintaa ka aarinsha, caaqil aw ma aha?



    Uu uuda qaylada haddii, uubatadu yeedho

    Sengootida ilwaadda leh haddii, agabta loo qaato

    Awaaraha buska leh maalintuu, xamar abraaraayo


    Maantii warmaha oofta iyo, adhaxda lays gooyo

    maantuu aboodigu ku lalo, ubaxa loo daadshay

    Maantii isaaya la dhaco, idil dagaalkeeda


    Maantii fuluu naga ordoo, alabasoo rooro

    Maantii raggaan loo ileyn, naga ugaadhoobo

    Mantaa ninkii aarsan sow, aarka dhacay ma aha?



    Nimaan edebdarrooneya xil, waa laga ajoodaaye

    Aflagaadda aan jirin nimaan, kuula imaneynin

    Oo kaa asluubanahayoo, kaa istixyoonaaya


    Ab uu yahayba aadniga ninkii, same ekeynaaya

    Abtirsiinya kii xigay nimaan, iriq u dheeraynin

    Addoomaha Ilaahy nimaan, kala irdhaynaynin


    Ninkii aamusoo shib ah haddii, eray xun loo geysto

    Aan kula ekeekamin intuu, urur ku soo joojo

    Aan xaaja awawgeed la gubay, ubucda jeexaynin


    Anfaaciga adduunyada nimaan, ku anfariiraynin

    Oo xeedhyo soor lagu akhtimay, eber ka yeelaynin

    Oo sida ardaal wax u cunee, alam ka siineynin


    Intuu aqalka baanjiyo nimaan aradda guulguullin

    Aagaanta ciirtaa nimaan, aaska dhiganaynin

    Oo aan qumbaha awdanoo, ilaxidhkow jiidan


    Aaqibadii loo galo nimaan, kala illaaweynin

    Oo kuu ixsaan fali intuu, edeg adduun joogo

    Oo aan abaaldhaca aqoon sow ikhyaar maaha?



    Adhi badan lo' iyo geel intii, mulug adduunyaada

    Ugub dhalaya qaalmaha umulee, laga unnun gooyey

    Eeraan fardood iyo gammaan, aradka duulaaya


    Aqal weyn aroos bilic leh oo ilaxidh loo yeelay

    Inan quruxsan oo lagu ashbahay uunsi iyo khayli

    Oo qool asliya loo gashoo jalamtu eedaami


    Nasteexiyo wanaag iyo ninkii ilindi kuu keenay

    umuurtii aad leedahay ninkii, kuu abaynaaya

    Adduunka iyo aakhiro ninkii, kuu aslaaxinaya


    Ninkii maalintaad iillaan tahay, aana kugu qaataa

    Oo aan abaarahakan dhacay, oodda kugu jiidin

    Itaalxumana aan kaaga tegin, sow ikhwaan ma aha?
