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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. Originally posted by Castro:

    Mayee ceeb maaha.
    Waxa ceeb ah, laakin, inuu ninka fiicnaashihiisu ku xidhnaado dumarka xumaantooda.


    Shuucinimaduna aniga iyo adigaba way inoo ficantahay, saaxib. La'aanteed waa lagu garba beeli.

    And how's that, good Fidel? Is preserving the natural structure of the genders equivalent to fattening self on the expense of female counterparts?. :confused:

  2. You see, good Castro, there are certain qualities in the so-called primitive social structure which your subverted feminist movement is in dire need. And certainly diluting your mannish qualities and adopting feministic sensitivities is not some thing that super-sonic Xiin would find appealing :D . That is not to say that feminism is a weakness of sort. Rather, Shuuciyohow :D , is to reject the mindless of feminist movement: reversing roles, breaking gender bounders, and perhaps, and in a pure coincidence, erecting a new gender-based boundaries.


    Adeer ceeb maahan inuu ninku dumarka ka duwanaado. smile.gif

  3. Baashe, you should’ve drawn a vial on this topic! Qalanjooyinkii oo dhan baad ka caraysiisey. Especially my Falxado :D .


    On a serious note, because of our mannish qualities you and me has already made to the endangered species list. And it could be a sign of the hour that good Brown deserted us when we needed him most. May be our manly stride is the only weapon left against this lynching crowd, Saaxiib. :D





    Yours reflect the attitude of behaviorally-modified and self-demoted man of this feministic age :D . Good luck with your simplistic view of the two genders, saaxiib.

  4. Baashi, ishaad ka tuurtey awoowe!


    The imposing question for me, though, is why snippets(Beslan) of Muslim violence are always used to make moral dent on the great and noble causes? Is it a loosing argument to suggest the relevance of other side’s act? Where is the cause and effect in this global struggle? Is it not a war?


    What would your answers be, good Zephy?


    What happens in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq, and Kashmir is completely different than the sporadic and mindless attacks in the western capitals. Don't ye say?

  5. SOL has gradually become a hobby for me. I liked most of its members (with whom I had virtually encountered). Some stand out with prudence and illuminate this place.


    There is Falxado who at times manages to evoke useful exchange and extract lasting wisdom from the oldies of SOL. The Falxado character is by far the most discreet of SOL and intellectually stimulating. She has capacity to accommodate the radical views of cultural warriors of my like. Without her this place would not be the same for me.


    There is pious Rahima who is open-minded enough to participate and indulge boundlessly in many varying topics yet whose judgment emanates and rests on the solid grounds of her faith. Of course there is Bishaaro whose literary ability is quiet amazing. She manages to entice my funny but virtually sealed laughter. I am crawling miles behind her proficiency in the satirical humors of our urban culture.


    Of course SOL has 800-hundred-bounds Gorilla of its own; the intellectual heavyweights, if you will. Those you need to know and read between the lines of their post.Nur is the lead of this pack. I really admire this guy (I should call him Sheikh). The man is driven by the divine orders of the Truth. Baashe is a class of his own; Artistic and analytical at same time. I need say not more on this man. There is Ngonge who is unique breed of this place. If you engage him make sure you read and comprehend every line in his post (he demands it--no kidding). And I admire Mutakallim (though I never agreed with him). He is very capable to produce thought provoking topics and stimulate heated debates in this place. Though flamboyant at times, the man is a philosopher of sort. These, plus Farah and Sophist, are intellectual pillars of SOL.


    I realize that I am getting in to trouble here by categorizing people but these are instincts of mine. There are Vikings and Jamaal11, two especial nomads. Naturally reserved, but when provoked, waa laguu baqay :D .


    In the politics section, where I foolishly play with trigger-happy nomads, the rules of SOL broke loose. It is the most entertaining section in my opinion. You have the victorious General Duke and the ever-persisting Colonel Juma . It is a virtual war zone where no body dies. I like to be there at times and contribute my two cents though it some times hurts the tender feelings of some fickle people. In this land, the admin struggles to stay relevant and periodically exercises its harsh but necessary administrative judgment.


    Hadalka waa badiyey laakiin, ma iloobin Xoogsade and OLOL. Without them I could not function right in the politic section. My ideas wouldn’t make sense at all. They are the test grounds of my bunker-piercing bombs :D . They are respectable nomads and I appreciate their take on Somali politics.


    And how could I forget that playful JB :D. He is class of his own right. The man is enigma of sort and I have just begun to decipher his coded mind.


    Obviously I enjoy this piece of the net smile.gif .



    P.S: there are two nomads who recently left this place and about whom I could write laakiin lafaheygaan u baqay as the admin deemed personal :confused: to say any thing about them.

  6. I totally find myself in agreement with the gist of intelligent design theory; the universe is irreducibly complex system. There must be supreme designer behind this elegant world. It just could not be pure coincident (a self-driven process that seems to produce wonders of great magnitude). That much I agree. It is their approach (falsifying evolution theory) and motive (attempt to scientifically prove and validate creationism) that I found futile.


    Creationism is an article of faith for me and as such it is not subject for scientific validation. It is a divine narrative that I accepted many moons ago. And although Darwin’s evolution theory and its attempt to explain the process of how the species progressed is admirable and deserves some credit it is still an incomplete scientific enquiry that falls short on the mark as to giving a comprehensive picture of its basic assertion. It has many gaping holes as Baashe eluded. I also find it’s assertions quite insulting and wounding to my sense of who I am. I could be many things but I ain’t apes! The fact that they preclude any supernatural causes for the progression of life as a rational scientific explanation is another reason why Darwinism stinks. But be that as it may, I still don’t see why falsifying it should be the prime goal of intelligent design proponents. After all as a scientific theory, evolution must be falsifiable. But would that prove any thing? Say creationism. I don’t think so.


    Also the motive of scientifically proving (I think that is what it comes down to) God is another pointless exercise. God is above and beyond our senses of scientific methodology and He needs not be proven. The entire universe is a manifest of His grandiose design. And one needs not entertain the notion of proving Him or disproving for that matter.


    In the final analysis intelligent design theory basically conforms to the unavoidable heavenly manifestation of this universe. What else would a wise man say?


    It is astonishing to see people with reasonable degree of academic competence pledge unequivocal support for this theory and in the same breath mock and dismiss creationism; the divine narrative of human development and origin of life. I guess it boils down to your level faith.


    P.S; JB Muttakalim waagii wuu ku lumiyey saaxiib. :D

  7. ^^Right Baashe.


    But in that part of the world, which lay gasping in the agonies of death for nearly a decade, crawling is a sign of recovery indeed. What makes this report particularly interesting is the fact that they conducted a credible registration campaign by which the locals and UN representatives could escalate the process of securing fund for this project.


    And the net benefit would be to provide education to these hopeless youth and that, in turn, means less foot soldiers for Somalia’s senseless war

  8. JB, where r u going with these 'incoherent' :D thoughts saaxiib? Never mind though as you backed up by Socod-badane’s and Castro’s blemish assertions I should expect more of that rubish-spewing of urs. :D


    Dadku waa bahallo ilbaxay baad lasoo shirtag-teen. Not to mention that you are foolishly banging your head with the divine word (my be its divinity is in questions in your circles?)


    Waa inoo berri!

  9. This is good news. Slowly, but surely, some parts of Somalia are coming to their senses and beginning to invest in the future. It soothes my heart to see such initiatives undertaken by the locals (in collaboration with international institution, in this case). It is time for Somalis to own their future and think wisely. Read the following report.





    Children register 57,000 out-of-school counterparts in Puntland


    Bossaso, Northeast Somalia ('Puntland'), August 2005 -

    Fifty-seven thousand out-of-school children have since June 2005 been registered in a UNICEF-supported Child-to-Child Registration initiative in Northeast Somalia ('Puntland').


    Conceived as part of an advocacy and social mobilization strategy to boost enrolment in the Back to School Campaign, the core aim of the initiative was to find out the number of primary school age children (6-14 years) who are out of school in Puntland. Through its findings, UNICEF and partners will explore opportunities to provide education to the children. Read more.

  10. Guuleedyare; adeer gabaygaagu waa kii Ciise- cagoole! :D


    It was reported that when Ciise-cagoole was challenged by the one of the poets of Mudug and in the face of his sheer inability to get close, much less match, the net yields of literary heavyweights, he cunningly resorted to what amounted pure Cantarabaqash, all-be-it satirical and quite entertaining.


    Najjisyahow najjis-ku dhalay sidaad iigusoo baxdaad kuugu soo baxaye.

    :D .......................

    I could see a matching analogous in your embarrassing effort to close the distance between us.


    Adeer wax badan baa kuu dhimman.

  11. Originally posted by HornAfrique:

    HOWEVER it is most definetely not the 1990's anymore.

    Boowe aa la tahay! :D


    It is a sign of these trying times that good people would just blunder like that!

    What has changed? Has the passing decade misled you in to believing you could forever hold the loot, saaxiib? What is the source of this confidence?


    Peaceful coexistent is something. But unrealistic political ambitions and seeking dominance in a region where the numbers are not your side is some thing else; a classic lugooyo for a community I dearly care.


    P.S; I thought Qanyare was the only one who gets a failing grade in the basic political arithmetic. I was indeed wrong :mad: .

  12. Modesty, we all hope that.


    Syed Ngonge, yours is very good read; other side of the coin. When the Zionists come back to their senses and give up the biblical prophesies the two communities will naturally coexist as they were before the madness begun.


    Jamaal11, runtaa weeye awoowe laakiin gaaladu gob maaha. Nin gunihina geesi maaha, saaxiib. :D


    You are absolutely right though the old butcher still harbors his evil intents. But don’t you think it is a mission impossible. Israel is a welfare state with very limited resources and it will all be about economics. Add on top of that the ever-increasing Palestinian resistance. Time is essence here, saaxiib.

  13. Tolstoy, we are all defeated saaxiib :D . But I have long settled to give a breathing room for the likes of you who are unfortunately cracked with emotions; a grief-stricken lot whose political thinking is cloaked with that sorrowful past of ours. That you don’t appreciate, much less foresee, the value of Somali union is a lamentable reality. Although the current political arrangement in the north is fine with me (peaceful and politically stable, but unrecognized) mark my words saaxiib, the political gravity of the south is inescapable one and when the clannish sentiment subside you will be on my side :cool: .


    Baashow, harmless uga har.


    Inta geed ah geel-waaqista ugu guduud roono

    Hadday gaajo xooluhu qabaan goosanmahayyaane

    Halla kuuma galo roobladhucu waase shey gobehe

  14. Awoowe, laguu warran.


    Ina yeey waayahaa hayya. He failed to cross the river. He keeps talking the talk but unable to walk the walk. He wants to rule on the cheap. The land that matters most remains to be in the hands of his opponents; the Kismayos, the Baydhobos, and the rest of the coastal towns. Dawladiisu waa gu’ iyo siyaado jir welina waa fadhiid. Ilaahay ceebtiisa ma asturin; remember Nin ani yiri dad iska saar. He told us he knows how to do this. But that he is the man for this job is beginning to gather doubts. though I am not abandoning the mission yet,Nevertheless, I can see and read the posts on the road; my properties are to be held for some time to come.


    On the question of Mogadishu warlords, that is simple saaxiib. They still dancing around the decomposing loot; qurunkeedana kuma dhintaan!


    As for the secessionist camp, theirs is a legitimate dream. Adba saad yeeli laheyd haddii Waxaan oo kale alle wax kuugu daro?


    As for Barre and his confused ilk; Kismayo is the city they marked. Weligeedba duulaan lahayn ha iska daaqeen. And they slowly coming to their kill, I sensed.


    Cadde is beginning to fail saaxiib. Si baa wax ka yihiin ninka. Isma raacsana oo si buu dhutinayaa. I am beginning to give up on him. But not yet.



    Waa kaa warkii Xiin. War dayro, that is.

  15. Nin begsaday ma fulay baa?

    Boqol aan u turihayn,

    Kan beegsadaa ma geesaa?


    Nimanku gobonnimo (muslinimo) iyo laandheer-nimo bay isku darsadeen! :D

    Haddii aanan daas weyn ka dhalan amase deyr xoog leh

    Dibnaheyga waa xiran lahaa sida dad qaarkiise!


    Their daring bravery is driven by conviction of victory. Ina Kilwa’s questions need not apply on this. :D


    And trust thee, you are on top of it as always.

  16. Oday Baashow waxay taagantahay;

    Allaylehe bagaa laysku dilay dad is-baran waaye!

    May be they though Palestinians would quit in the end?


    Wiilashii taangiyada lasoo siiyey have finally retreated. As to the Buchanan’s peculiar character, I admire his courage to speak against America’s support to this movement. Where the right went wrong, his critique of the war on Iraq is good read indeed.


    P.S:And staying with your literary come back, all be it western one, the tone is not far from BB King’s ‘the thrill is gone’ and, as he says, ‘it is gone away for good.’

  17. Kashafa, you are right on. What the Palestinians could not achieve through weaponry they will sure make up by sheer numbers.


    Fidel, if one formulates his/her thinking solely on apparent massive imbalance of power, one surely would arrive on the same conclusions as you did. But the lyrics, as it were, are better than the music and this is the beginning of the shoots of hope for Palestine. Don’t get mesmerized by the zeal and determination of these mindless Zionist, saaxiib. Remember about Algeria and S. Africa, saaxiib.


    LZ, granted these are very complex issues but their thorniness should not obstruct you to see the looming defeat. The biblical prophecies failed to materialize and certainly settelers did not have and will never have a good night sleeps. The booty they sit on is indeed moldy!

  18. Nomads;

    As many prudent people anticipated the Zionist movement is confronted with the sheer irrationality of building their shallow state on the fringes of land that is not theirs. Establishing a modern suburban on the leafy hills of Gaza seems to have become a flight of imagination that has quickly evaporated before their eyes. The single-family homes with Mediterranean peach fronts are forever gone; the underlying theme of the saturated pictures that we’ve bombarded with. The irony is the robber is winning praises for succumbing to the realities and abandoning his evil plans.


    But the bigger question I have is whether this is the beginning of the much-awaited Zionist crush or a tactical move that is going to prolong and delay the eventual defeat?


    I have always believed that such gross injustice could never be sustained. And that it is a matter of time when this black dot in the modernity will receive a cleansing dose. The gathering of settlers has been to me a peculiar craziness from Zionist fanatics.


    Vent if you will, but be sensible. Fill me in this, saaxiibayaal.

  19. Terrorism is an immoral and illegitimate weapon of war. But the original sin that ignited this war was the illegal – indeed, insane – seizure of and settlement on Palestinian land, and the stubborn refusal by Israel to conclude a peace when they held the whip hand, which they will not hold forever. Read on.


    Where there is no vision, the people perish.

  20. Friday never sucks for me. It is a joyful day and every one around me seems to be happy.In every Friday, I get to go to the Friday prayer and see friends and fellow Muslims. Although my work does not end in my cube and often follows me home, I still feel relieved when I get home knowing that I am gonna put extra hours in my sleeping time (unless of course my electronic leash wakes me up and leads me back to the very same office). So I enjoy Fridays.


    In my growing days, I loved Fridays. We all loved Fridays. Of course it was the official rest day for Somalia (when there was Somalia) and every body appreciated its significance. Students loved it, teachers loved it, soldiers loved it, and government workers loved. The sheikhs and religious people loved it even more. For them it was not just a resting day, it represented particularly blessed day. The prince of the week, so to say, whose arrival is celebrated and whose presence honored. There were activities to signify it sacredness. Does any one remember what they were?

  21. The author of this piece (the chief of the general section) seems to have gotten right in his emphasis on the universality of moral values in general and good habits in particular. In the pre-Islamic Arabia, one could argue, people possessed more commendable habits, for instance, than its inhabitants today. The bravery and commitment to worthy causes were amongst the numerous praiseworthy habits of that society and the absence of such admirable habits is painfully felt. Truth has always been a virtue and conformity to the standard. Likewise modesty and humility have throughout the ages been beneficial qualities in both genders. Chastity and purity in women had, since the dawn of man, been the standard of right and a measure of moral excellence. On the other hand the vile has never been a virtue. No one with sanity can claim that adultery had ever been a blessed habit.


    In the same breath one can’t easily scoff the fact that virtues are indeed deeply rooted in divine guidance and that religion has always played a large role in shaping human behavior. It had truly been the mission of the prophet to leave a lasting contribution to the house of good habits. This, he said, is the essence of the Islamic message. And although, as Ngonge correctly pointed out, good habits existed before the Islamic message arrived, the moral deviation of pre-Islamic Arabs had indeed reached the zenith of its deterioration. It was the habit of the old non-believers to bury live and kicking girls of their blood in fear of shame and poverty (do you see parallel in this day’s abortion practices?). Gambling and excessive drinking were manly activities that few could dare not to participate. Killing was a fun of sort. In pre-Islamic Persia the moral picture was even worse. It was part of the culture for one to marry his sisters and aunts. One of the famous kings of Persia, it was reported, had twelve thousand females exclusive reserved for him! So Islam had indeed rescued large portion of humanity from an epoch of decomposing morals!


    How can one sustain and recreate good habits? Be true to the values of your Islamic faith (not a faith or any faith), I say. Reject the trend of moral relativism and understand that all values have religion as their sources. Make sure you befriend with people whose habits are admirable and estimable. It was Abu-Tamaam, I think, who correctly said.

    إذا جاريت بخلق دنيى

    Ùأنت ومن تجاريه سواؤ


    رأيت الحر يجتب المخازي

    ويحميه من القدر الوÙاؤ

    Do I have bad habits that I am willing to share? Hell no. But mine are numerous to count and not admirable at all. I have been riding these bad habits for some time. Pray for me that I get dismounted from them with ease.

  22. It has been a cherished nomadic tradition that one abstains from using his literary power against his fellow female nomads. To do so was a free fall from the literary seat and a conquering self-defeat that could lie to rest all the literary talents of the said person. I sense some parallels in this thread. And though the limping and floppy poems of little guuleed could hardly grant him any seat in the nomadic literature his attempt, nevertheless, to mark some scores evoked my sleepy (though some times lethal) gabay.

    The irony is the man is so beginner in this regard that he could care less than what I write and probably won’t be (he won’t even feel, I dare say) injured by its piercing.

    Such novice shouldn’t threaten the Qalanjo of SOL after all.


    Guuleed anshaxi waa ka tegey iyo gabay asluubeede

    Wuxu nagu asqaysiinayaa waa eray xumaaneedee

    Gabdhaheenna wada ugubsan ee wada ilwaadaaya

    Sida ubax udgoon iyo carfoon lagu ikraameeyeey

    Ashqaraar kuwan wada ifee qurux ashaashoobey

    Ardaagaan kuwii nuuriye yara iftiimeeyey

    Kulligeen kuwaan eeganee sheeda ka arkoonay

    Inuu haatan maaguu rabaa oo edabdarroodaaye

    Awliyada Ilaahay ninkii maaga la inkaarye

    Arladdaan Ilaahay wasacay ee aadanuhu buuxshey

    Haddaan ogohay guuleed halkuu edeg-saduu jiifo

    Sow uma direen aalad aan yara astaameeyeey

    Anoo dhaawac iimeysan iyo aafo-belo geysan :D

    Sow maan eryeen tan iyo oomasoor qarafah!


    Afartaa intii Nuune iyo eray Jamaal-eed dheh

    Baashiyo afkaartiisiyo middii oday Ngong-aad dheh

    Erayadii Bishaariyo Hibiyo hadal ikhyaareed dheh

    Odoygii ardaagaan iyo haluu Faarax soo urushey

    Iclaan gaaara,ogeysiis iyo arrin xukuumaad dheh.


    Afar kalena waa ..........


    Should need be, I would add few instructing stanzas so the beginner should be kept in check and his tenderfoot nature in the literature frontier remain exposed.


    P.S: Guuleed-yare cantara baqashka waa naga deyn-waayey marakan in odoyaashu gabyaan baa gar noqotay.

  23. Thanks HA. That is very definite linguistic justification for the usage of the word. Awalba inaad dadka ka weyneyd waan ogaa :D . May be Jamaal was referring to you when he offered helping arbiter in this regard :D .


    BUT I still happen to think using it signifies some thing pre-Islamic of sort specially when it is used in the context of which it has been used in this case.


    Guuleedyare ma inaan kuusoo baxaad rabtaa? saaxiib. Maad aayartid affarreyda dee! :mad: