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Everything posted by Tillamook

  1. Nonsense. Pay or no pay, nothing gives them the right to resort to thievery. If you they are not happy with the pay, then they should quit and find some other job. You might say, there are no other jobs--but that still can't and won't justify such daylight robbery on the roads, especially wearing there government issued uniforms.
  2. If a sub clan or a sub sub clan can form a good functioning state, then they have every right to do so. They shouldn't be prevented just because their next of kin isn't willing to join them. Xaaji, I think it is you who doesn't understand how federalism works.
  3. Xaaji, you need to be patient. It will take time to see how viable a state is. This isn't a cooky cutter process or a one size fits all type of scenario. Some states will succeed, others will fail and some won't even get off the ground. Its all gonna be about the economic and social viability of such entities, and the interplay of these factors that will determine whether the current and future states of Somalia succeed or fail.
  4. General Duke;874695 wrote: Tarzan is both Mayor & Governor thus why can he not do something abou this?. Tarzan does NOT command these armed forces who have set up these roadblocks. Infact, I don't think he commands any forces of significance. I believe he has done well to highlight the problem and he should directly work with the minister of defense or interior(or however these soldiers take orders from) to lift these frivolous roadblocks. If however these are done for security reasons, then everything should be done to ensure that they do just that, and not become stations of extortion and brigandry.
  5. Federalism is the only way forward for Somalia. Federalism allows all Somalis to rebuild our nation from the grassroots level. ... this won't be accomplished overnight. It will take many years before we finally have a federal framework in place that will ensure every citizen gets what's rightfully his or hers.
  6. The president should seek input from all stakeholders and ultimately live with consequences of his final decision.
  7. ^ Lol. The notion that new president has preemptively "declared war" on 1/3 of his country's population, is truly prepostrous. I don't think the new president is that naive and everybody knows, for this government to work, all the stakeholders in Somalia should get their fair share of the governmental pie.
  8. i carry your heart with me(i carry it in) By E. E. Cummings i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
  9. Apophis, your exceptional bleat has been duly noted. Job well done, mate. Now let's all wait for the true professionals.
  10. I wanna set this thread up in advance for any anti-Puntlander who would like to cry virtual tears, bleat, rant or storm, when President Hassan DOES appoint a man hailing from Puntland for the prime ministerial job and thus prove, once and for all, that without Puntland's support, Somalia will forever remain in the doldrums; and its political, social and economic progress will continue to remain unpunctual and dilatory, to say the least. Hey if the troglodytes from the secessionist enclave in the north want to cry in advance, be my guest.
  11. Somalia;873260 wrote: Sure he did, did Abdullahi Yusuf write a poem about that too? LOL Top 3 Secessionist obsessions 1. Sayidka 2. Siad Barre 3. Abdullahi Yusuf This is undisputed. All three defeated them multiple times and installed fear in their spines. Unfortunately for them, that list will only continue to grow.
  12. ^ What do you mean? So far almost every tribe is represented.
  13. Taleexi;873573 wrote: Farmaajo, Sakiin, Abdiweli iyo Farmaajo waad mahadsantihiin ee na daaya! You've repeated Farmajos name twice. Does that mean you doubly disapprove him?
  14. What's mind boggling is that they confuse the President's reconciliatory language with willingness to succumb to their delusions.. They forget that the new President, like most sane and discerning Somalis throughtout the nation, knows when the former British and Italian Somalilands formed the union of the Somali Republic, they were entering into an enduring and permanent relationship. Love it or hate it, what was agreed upon back 1960 was a binding compact and is thus sacrosanct and beyond the calls for a redo by a few hapless troglodytes in the north. P.S President Lincoln dealt with secessionist weirdos in his day. In his inaugural speech, he said the following.... "[W]e divide upon [all our constitutional controversies] into majorities and minorities. If the minority will not acquiesce, the majority must, or the Government must cease. There is no other alternative, for continuing the Government is acquiescence on one side or the other. If a minority in such case will secede rather than acquiesce, they make a precedent which in turn will divide and ruin them, for a minority of their own will secede from them whenever a majority refuses to be controlled by such minority....Plainly the central idea of secession is the essence of anarchy..." I suggest President Hassan give a similar speech to help medicate the collective halucinations of a certain group of people on SOL..
  15. Abtigiis, sxb, what's this spiel about midlife crisis, not finding love and whatnot? Weren't you not happily married with kids not too long ago? What happened-- did the caanoboore finally do you in?
  16. This implies morticians at hospital morgues don't laugh during their shift. The naivety of some people is mind boggling.
  17. People, what good will come out bringing up claims and counterclaims about who got massacred more than who. All those unfortunate events irregardless of who it happened to more is irrelevant now. WE SHOULD MOVE FORWARD!!! Getting back to the topic at hand: Puntland has every right to pursue its interests in Xamar and with the new President. And if that interest lies in the appointment of a Puntlander as PM, then so be it. If however that does not happen, then that should be okay as well-- after all, there is a new and in my opinion more positive kind of politics sprouting in Somalia. so woe to those who try to build, or have built, their political ambitions on clan victimhood. A prime example of this is the secessionist cantrabaqash up north.
  18. It seems as if the "We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us" reality is slowly dawning up north-- and it's about time too. For far too long have those in the i-clan who know this secession nonsense is a nonstarter kept their peace. However; moving forward, expect these anti secession folk to become more vocal in the i- enclave, and expect also that buffoons like that author to rebuke, denounce and insult pragmatists like Mr Siilaanyo.
  19. ^ Apparently you lack other abilities as well.
  20. ^ Trust me, Che of all people is not the sort of dude who'd infuriate anyone to the brink, like you suggest. He's never had what it takes nor the wherewithal to illicit such a reaction.
  21. I am on the international space station and I think Somalis are AWESOME. Now take that to the bank buoy! Lol
  22. Duke, Is this Hashi the same as the Hashi who once held the presidency in Garowe?
  23. Bluelicious;871120 wrote: Lol at bikini parade imagine Maadeey at a bikini parade he would have blown up the whole event He would definitely 'blow', alright...