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Everything posted by Farmaraa

  1. ilaahayow adigaa awood leh'e u gar gaar dadkaa dhimaabtaysan, Yaa Raxamaan, ka qaad gaajada, haraadka, iyo cudurada laga soo sheegayo umada Soomaaliyeed. Ilaahayow adigaa ku baryaynaay'e faraj khayr qaba u fur dadkaas. Walaalayaal , ducadu waa wax weyn , waliba dadku markay kala maqan yihiin oo u su duceeyaan. Barkada bishan barkaysan awgeed, aan wanaaga is farno ,xumahana iska ilaalino , sadaqadana ha la ogooda ......yaan la yarasan ......qof walawba waxaad awoodo la bax . Ilaahay ha ino barakayo inagoo dhan ..Amiin.
  2. I think the best way to meet someone is through a friend ! I would not recommend to meet Aroos, Masjid, Party, or Suuq. If you looking for a future Mr.or MS right , always ask a family or closely friend members who you may feel comfortable to discuss your future plan.
  3. It is shame and shameful to say that people who live in their own country are refugees. The brothers and sisters who fled from their residences for hunger are NOT refugees in Las-Anod, but they are Somali citizens who live in Somali city. I talked with my family in Las Anod this morning and told me that people fled drough are wanted and welcome from Las-Anoders. SSC residence have already felt the painful tragedy that our families from the South regions have suffered from the drought. Aduunku waa hadhkaa labadiisa galin ........maalin ba waa cayn (si). These of us who want Somalinimo, let us come together and help these families. Ninkii SOOMAALINIMO DIIDAY wax kale ma noqon karno...!!!!!
  4. XX, You should know that these people are not refugees in other country like Refugee Camps in Kenya. Believe me, they are enjoying in their own city,Lasanod, Somalia. Las-anoders welcome them as their own families from other cities. They are in good hands and getting support from the local people. Our people who fled a severe drought in our country especially southern regions, I really feel hearbroken from their situation. Children, Women and elders are dying for hunger. My heart and prayers are with them. اللّهُمَّ اسْقِ عِبادَكَ وَبَهـائِمَك، وَانْشُـرْ رَحْمَـتَكَ وَأَحْيِي بَلَـدَكَ المَيِّـت Transliteration: “Allahummas-qi AAibadak, wabaha-imak, wanshur rahmatak, wa-ahyi baladakal-mayyit” Translation: “O Allah, provide water for Your servants and Your cattle, spread out Your mercy and resurrect Your dead land.”
  5. Fu'aadka aad sheegayso ee u shaqatay dantiisa shaqsiga ah u jooga sow maaha ninka yidhi shalay sidan, " Car waa kaasi *****(reer Hargaysa) Keligii Dawlad Ha Noqdo" Fu'aad Aadan Cadde-(Maqal) Fu'aadka aad noo sheegayo in uu yidhi Waxa dawalad la yiraahdaa ma jirto Hergaysana maamulka ka jiraa reer baa leh .......warkii oo dhamaystiran halkan ka dhagayso Mida kale, Dadkiinan Soomaalidiidka ah, awal waxaad citiraaf ku raadin jirteen ..........KOONFUR baa gubanaysa .........hadana malaha citiraafkii reerkeenu ku waashay waxay gashay Reer SSC baa is haya ........SSC waa ka soo horjeedaan SOOMAALIDIIDKA ...."SOMALILAND"=SOOMAALIDIIDKOW stop your cheap talk ...............SOOMAALIYA HA NOOLAATO !!!!
  6. Farmaraa

    ila qosol

    Af- Soomaaliga cusub !! Igu qabo = i sii I soo gali = i soo wac Gas ii sii = iga ganbiso , iga war wareeg Ey aa cunay = waa been , waa sheeko aan jirin. Film aa ii dhagan= shukaansi ayaan aadayaa , date ayaan leeyahay. Hebel bac baa ku xidhan = buufis buu qabaa.. Hebel waa naafo = qurbaha ayaa ka yimi/ka timi Dab ma laha = ma firficoona , waa slow
  7. Mustafe, I know that and everybody knows your three cities belongs to only one single Qabiil. How one clan based entity can become a nation ??? God bless Somali Republic.
  8. kkkk.. building a nation !!! you are building Qabiil entity called themselves SOMALILAND.
  9. Subxaan allaah, ninka u daliishanaya nin ka qayb qaatay dagaal qabiil oo hada ku idha adag inuu yahay Mujaahid. Goor muu noqoday Soomaaliga soomaliga dilayaa mujahaad. Xaaji Macane yare, bal dhinicii kale oo ka soo harjeeday dadkan ilaa iyaba Soomaali kale ayay ahaayeen .....maxay noqonayaan.....bal iyagana darajo sii !!!
  10. XX, if you have a good faith , you should not give a title or called Mujaahid a man who was fight for clan ideology. This man was not fighting for ilaahay diintiisa, he was fight for your clan based Movement-the SNM. Hadii aad ka naxayso ha ugu yeedhin Mujaahid, Deyntiina ka dhiib hadaad waxa haysto. Kana jawaab the simply question that i asked .......Ma la bixiyay dayntii ????
  11. Hadii uu ahaa HALGAMAA u soo dagaallamay Qabiilkiisa SNM, maxaa isagoo da'a ah oo xanuun hayo, oo xilalka u sareeya u hayay qabiilkiisa........maxaa loogu haystay dayn ah CUNTO IYO MEEL uu seexaday. ilaahayow khaatumada khayr noogu khatim.
  12. XX, Marxuunka dayantii ma laga bixiyay???? Waxaan warka ku hayay isagoo Wasiirka Calaadada ah maamulka SNMta ee Hargeysa oo dayn loogu haysto Hotel ku yaal Adisababa. Fadlan fiiri waraysigiii uu bixiyay Talaabo intuu uu noolaa !!!
  13. A great friend of mine who is from Hargeisa told me that his younger sister had a baby with illegal immigrant from Ethiopia, there is nothing wrong about Ethiopians , but my friend did not like the decission that his sister made because of religious and culture differences. Salah and others from the three cities think about many situations like that, less worried about your follow Somali families who are fled violence from the south.
  14. It really sad to know that our follow notherners from Hargeysa are worried more displaced from south and central Somalia then people from Ethiopia ? Have you ever heard complain against from the secessionist supporters towards thousands illegal immigrants from Ethiopia who live in Hargeisa, Burco and Berbera ? !!!!
  15. Saalax, aniga ma calaacin...........waxaa calaaclaya dadka SOOMAALIDIIDKA AH .............SOOMAALIDID BAAD TAHAY, aamin dadkaaga iyo magaalooyinkaaga. Misiin diciif ah , oo calaacalaya waa la yaqaan.......waa ninka dhul iyo dad uusan lahayn isku dhajinaya .......sida adiga oo kale. Anagana ama tuulo aan lahaano ama magaalo haan ahaano..........waxaan leenahay ayaan ka hadlaynaa ............ka hadal dadkaaga iyo Sadexadaada magaalo Hargeysa , Burco iyo BARBERA waa la yaqaan SSC................
  16. If you mentoned Southerns (Reer koonfureed), you must point out other directions such NOTHERNERS( Reer Waqooyi). I was born and raised in SSC regions which part of nothern cities of Somalia, Regerdless, where Somalis are born in the country, they can live every city in our regions as citizens of the nation. Native of SSC welcome brothers and sisters who fled from other cities in our country(SOMALIA). Whether people from South and North can work , live , build and buy houses in SSC regions if they like. I don't see how they different from us ........ Mr. Inajaad, if you have an issue with Konfurians, talk about your own three cities that you inhailed. You should know that, all northerns don't hate other Somalis. We are from north and we love and care about other Somalis.
  17. Dee waalida meelo lugu daweeya ayaa jira .XX and Salax, aniga kama hadal ***** clan..........markaan ka hadalayo SSC, waa la yaqaan dadkaan ka hadalayo, waxaan ka hadlayaa Darwiishtii.............Salax, Saado waa gabadh Soomaaliyeed ......qabiilkaagana waxba kuma samayn, adigana waxba kuguma samayn ...........hadii aad aflagaado uun la rabtid HOBOLADA QARANKA SOOMAALIYEED, dee af nin leh ayuu ku yaal..........horay ayay soomaalidu u tiri " Af noolina waa hadlaa, Ey waa waa ciyaa," Afkiina idinkaa leh. Dhulkiina iyo dadkiina ka hadla hadii aad SOOMAALINIMO diideen......................Somali-diidyahow.
  18. Why wonder the SNM supporters like XX and Salah are worried about SSC land? You are not from there, you guys don't belong to these regions, and you don't have families so, you must not talk about places and people that you never being there with. Are you crazy or what ?? !!! The issue is not about SSC population, the problem is our families were displaced by your clan maltia (SNM). Since 2007, Sool residence fled from the SNM gangs about that
  19. XX, please stop lying about SSC. UNDP never worked in SSC regions so if even the UNDP posted some numbers they got from SNM administration in Hargeysa. Truely, there is/was not single staff from the international org. However, if there are 1 milion people or 40,000 in sool or not, that is not the case. Sool residence fled from their home because of the SNM gangs invation.
  20. Somaliland baa dal gaar ah ahaan jirtay 1960 ka hor !!! Ma waxaa laga danbaysiiyay Odaygii Isaaqa dhalay ayaa SOOMAALI oo idil ku abtirsataa ??.......what a lie !!! Aniga waxaan maqli jiray Sheikhan aad sheegaysaan waxaa uu ka yimi XABASHI oo ah qabiil ka mid ah dadka Ethiopia daga. Dad baa taariikhdooda aan aqoon oo marba wax laga xishooda oo aan raad lahayn soo saraaya.
  21. Aaliyyah, don't waste your time with crazy people who are dreaming unachievable secessionist goal ! The SNM malitia occupation of SSC will never bring peace in the region. Mr. XX, we have family members in the SSC and you want to tell us what is happening in there. Shame on you my dear !!! Walaahay, I know the fact on the ground, more than 100,000 people fled their homes in Sool's captial city, Lasanod because of the SNM gangs inventions of the city.If you want facts, my own family members were displaced there by your clan maltia.
  22. Mr. XX, please stop your false claim about SSC. You can't speak on behalf of these there regions (SSC), if you wish, you may advacate for the three cities that you are inhailed from. It is fact that SSC and its people are part of Somalia and they will be remain part and parcel of Somalia regredless what has happened in our country. About the question on the thread, the all Northerns don't want to secede from Somalia .I think you should know that NORTH is not only three cities- Hargeysa, Burco, or Barbara and more importantly are there different clans!! REER HERGEYSA clan are seeking secessionist, not SSC people. I think we should know that Somaliland is one clan project.
  23. Mr. XX, please stop your false claim about SSC. You can't speak on behalf of these there regions (SSC), if you wish, you may advacate for the three cities that you are inhailed from. It is fact that SSC and its people are part of Somalia and they will be remain part and parcel of Somalia regredless what has happened in our country. About the question on the thread, the all Northerns don't want to secede from Somalia .I think you should know that NORTH is not only three cities- Hargeysa, Burco, or Barbara and more importantly are there different clans!! REER HERGEYSA clan are seeking secessionist, not SSC people. I think we should know that Somaliland is one clan project.
  24. Mr. XX, Mahiga and Musevani never hate about Somalia , but you are the ones who always talk about bad things about Somali Republic and its citizens. These leaders you metioned at least are advocating a peace and governance in Somalia as they do in public everyday. Musevani recogonizes the Somali goverment and Legitimate president of the country. ......Somalia SOOMAALI BAA LEH ! Let me clear this , beleive me, your hateness does not take you any where ....Whether your 3 cities will become a tiny country or not. Somalis are your bothers and sisters. HA habaarin, u ducee, in nabad ay helaan SOOMAALIDA oo dhan ........God bless SOMALIS no exception !!!
  25. Mr. XX, if you want know our President, the president of Somali republic , his excellency is Sharif Sheikh Ahmed. I wonder why somebody worried about a country where he always thinks is not a his country. Mr. XX, you should not care about Somalia and their leaders and policts, just stay with your own three cities(Burco, Hargysa, and Barbara) called "Somaliland" and let alone our own beloved country Somalia.............I love Somalia ................God bless Somalis and Somalia !!!!