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Posts posted by Adna

  1. salaam


    Rudy mine actually not marreid at this time but was about to after his fience was cheating on him and she got marreid with the other guy. i see him once in a while we are really good friends. as a matter fect we are related that is what made us a good freinds now i think...

  2. salaam


    yeah i do have a pic of this person it's with me all the time, and exactly no body knows where i do have it. one day it was in my wallet this person saw th pic and was like who this is? i was hmmmm this person is special u don't need to kno. marka walaakiis most of the ppl don't admit or don't wanna knowa true love waxa uu yahay.

    Nuune exactly walaalkiis dad kaan wax runta u sheego ayay la'yihiin but i hope they will realize one day i hope sooner they will know what i'm saying to day. :cool:

  3. salaam


    it seems the only person understands what i'm really saying is Rudy

    tko love! i dont think, i will ever forget her but life goes on! even today, i am still haunted by it. i find myself comparing everything to her! which sucks....

    exactly that is what i'm really in to cuz i compare everything to him!!! which is really bad but i can't helped. that is what i can call a true love. so, how many of us been throught this or it's just me and rudy come on ppl let's tell the tuth i know ya'll feel like what is she talking about but the truth shall set u free. marka beleive it or not true love is once in ur life the rest are sheeko xariiro! much love to ya'll. smile.gif

  4. salaam

    proudsista sis i know what uhave said is true but the thing is i'm not saying that i hada or have a broken heart, i have to admit that i kinda losted but it never gave me a hard time or not being normal. but what i'm saying is falling in love is easy i hope but it's not gonna b as same as a true love. i have fallen in love after that and i beleive it's not gonna be as the first one we all have to admit that ur first love isn't gonna be as same as other ones. first love plays big part in ur life i beleive that. the only way you can tell the difference is if u had a true love, i know it my seem little weird but i think there is a big difference between falling in love all and true love.

    Barwaaqo sis i understand it's kinda limitting but what can u really do about when you think nothing is going to be exactly what u had in the past? atleast it's gonna be in ur mind right, exactly that what is in my mind and no one can make me frogot the whole thing. Opinionated and flying-still, i bleive fate plays big part in this whole thing and i beleive that fate is gonna bring us back to gether it's weird but i have that ate and i think it's gonna happen sooner or later, marka don't think that under any circumstance you can fall in love not at least what i think. much love to ya'll

  5. salaama calaykum


    How many of us beleive in trure love is once in a life time? if i start with my self i beleive true love is once in a life time because i have my own expereince that it's not gonna come back no matter what. so let me hear what ya'll think and How could u describe a true love? i will leave it to you guys and please don't west ur time if don't got nothing to say ok . much love to ya'll

  6. salaam



    Hold up Zakariye did u said daawo kaa yar is bad i don't think so, and i don't think ruux 15 yrs younger then their age in uu ku imaaday. tankale why only women i know this man oo ciyaalkiisa waalo yihiin marka aniga waxa'an shhegayo waa wax aan arkay not maqlay. da'da la'yareynaayo it's not only women there are lots of men who are trying to look younger just to got yoong sis, marka don't even try to say that, tankale daawada tan kaa weynbaa ruuxa wax u dhibto ma'ogiye midkaa yar makaa dhibayso, tusaale ahaan. when you're 15 and take adult medicine you are in major problem, laakiin when you're 20 and take kid's medicine it's not gonna cost you no problem. no hard feelings ok, much love to ya'll

  7. salaam


    let me see where i was born, since every one was born in city. mee geed hoostiisa, you wanna know geed ka magaciisa, have you ever heard heesta salaad darbi, which ceelbuur kuyaaleee ceentiisa leedahay. excatly that hoostiisa was my hosbital, and the funny thing is don't know what year was it. and move to kenya after that came here us and stock here in mpls.

  8. salaam


    st paul chick thatis so right, i know even guy's these days don't like to tell the truth of threir age, hmmmmm,,, horay aa looyiri what goes around comes around,,,, awal wexay eheed naagaha wey is yareeyaan hada guy's ha idinka saarto ,, i hate to mension names but this bro that i know he was like aniga i'm only 22, i was like ok who cares, in my mind i was think at least 25 or over, marka i don't know what is wrong with ppl ani i feel like i'm not proud of who i'm or how old i'm hadaan qariyo, to be honest with u guys i know so many ppl who at least older then me but at the same time claims they are younger ani markaa lajoogo i'm ayeeyo,,, looool.. marka the funiest thing onday this old man was haye habar yar and i said haye awoowe, he was what aniga oo kaa yaraaa,,, i have shut my mouth now i'm gettin sleepy let me get out of here,,,

  9. salaam.



    age is nothing but number that is so true but the big q is why ppl specially women like to lie about their age? i my self think they really should be happy about the long life they got cuz some ppl my not live long.


    Og girl, sis i think 22 is so young are u really willling to get married younger then 22. that is not me, and even if u're older then 22 you should be happy and there will be some one who would care about you and not warry abot ur age. don't listen the ppl who are saying ur too old if u're 20+more u grow up more muture will be.

  10. salaam,,



    Asraa, you are tired and bored and at work? You should join us. We will make you work 60 hr/week non stop and you wouldn't even notice the time. We are close to a mall and movie theatre.

    lool at loyan, that sounds little fun ,, i'm afraid i will not be able to such long hours like that, did u said 60/week i will be dead by that time,ha'i soo marin maba naxeysid bee iyaaa,,,

  11. salaam

    i would say BAD BOYS 2 For now but in sha'alaah i'm might see Legally Blonde 2 , much love to ya'll, will update in sha'alaah after i see that one.

  12. salaam


    i wanna try the new ride in valley fair, i heard it's really scary, but i wanna give it a shot. one friend of mine told he al most through up,,, matag ha'igu sheegin. Flying still you wanna come wih me it will be fun hon.

  13. salaam


    oooh boy am i glad that H.S is over waaw,,, let me figure it out i will be class of 2005,i'm happy i will not see any more the mean old lady, the principal,, shiit she was jews,, ooh boy talk about hater she was #1 hate on muslim,, thank god,,,ooops did i 4 got what class i was not too far 02....

  14. salaam


    loooooooool,, Loyan i have must be mistaken when i said sis,, i think i was tired and bored at work as i'm now,, so, no hard feelings bro ok,,,,

    i'my self was here fo long enough known as Deeqa once agin well come back,,, much love the rest of you

  15. salaam



    wlc Zakariye make ur self home and enjoy with us,when i first saw ur name i thought u might be my younger brother,,, ooops,,, but i hope not, he aint the old now at least,,, much love to ya'lll

  16. slaam


    welcome back sis, i truely agree with you when i first regestered and now ther is a big different, and there are a lof of new nomads here,, i can't beleive i'm a member in here for a year waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw,,,, :cool: much love

  17. salaama calaykum


    actually i'm not sure what my name would be, but i think it's the name of women that BREAS FEED nabiga S.C.W. after the death of his mother, i'm not sure but i will come back with more detail, and i don't what does it mean in arabic too,,, so OG GRIL,,, START THINKING UNTILL I CAME BACK,, MUCH LOVE

  18. salaama calaykum


    i have changed my nick name it used to be deeqa, and i chaged cuze i got personal attack cuz this other chick had a same nick as mine and plus had her pic in the cummunity so ppl couldn't figure it out that we are two different ppl.i have decided to change it after i got sick and tired of PM, walaahi beleive me i used to got 1-5 pm every day,, i felt like what the heck is going on ,, finally alhamdulilaah no more attacks and no more pm ,,, Asraa yaa heli karo now,,, jsut kiding much love to ya'll

  19. salaama calaykum



    :mad: NAAYAA AAAAAAAA,, NIYAABAN,, Why are you trying to got some excuses for that disrespectful word and i some times wonder what is wrong with u al ways you sound like agains of all the nomads never seen ur posts in positive, brother chill out, and watch for dacas hadiiba isla fiican tahay, i think kool kat worn you,,, care fulll,,,,

    much love to ya'lll

  20. salaama calaykum

    ilaahay inti muslim ah haka badnaadiyo aids subhaana laah,,, nuune that is funny

    explossion or exploding stuffs,well i don't mind reading stuffs but capital letters kills me to hargab

    walaahi some tims i feel like that , much love to ya'll