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Posts posted by Adna

  1. salaam


    as i see most of the ppl don't beleive true love does exist, as some ppl said ture lovedoesn'exist marka i don't wanna tell it is exist or not. form the begining my question was how many of beleive a true love? so simplayt i don't have problem and life goes on if i even did in the past it's not now i moved on. so express ur self i know most of u will ignore but thte fact is u will fall i love one way or an other. if u don't love now u wil one day. all wat it's is if u had in the pas then u know what i'm talking about if not then u will see in the furue i hope. much love to ya'll

  2. salaam


    I couldn't agree more bro king. Education is important but you can't hold ur life just because he doesn't have what u have you know. flying still sis tell ur cousin follow ur heart not for education. i belave no matter what kind of degree he got it will good for him not for her marka abaayo typical gentelman who can take responsbilities i beleive he will be fine. much love to ya'll

  3. salaam


    Since i'm too lazy to read all that info, so flying still sill could u tell me where is it? and just let me know cuz ur sis is lazy reader. much love ,

  4. salaam


    Wellcome sis mizz make ur self home as other nomads wellcomed u. guriga gurigaada waaye ha'is martiyeeyninok This is a very lovely family so enjoy with us as long as u can stay smile.gif .


    Any ways Rudy finally ur back man was i worried about that little dancing kid smile.gif marka walalkiis wellcome back.

    much love to ya'll

  5. salaam


    Underdog afkaaga caano lagu qabay soo lama dhihi jirin walaakiis you are so right i caouldn't agree more, like imperial-lady said this froum shoul be more help full and meaningfull. marka walaahi some times i feel like why do we need all this complains? :mad: much love to ya'll

  6. salaam


    i think this what gos with my birhtday


    You know what's right and what's wrong. You are cheerful and out going. It's hard for you to find the one you want, but once you find the right person, you won't be able to fall in love again for a long time.

  7. salaam


    sis Balsam is Guur ku siduusuba waa calaf and know that u know that. walaashiis have fate as all the nomads said you don't need to put ur self in a danger situation cuze u can't say i need to got maary whom ever knocks my door. macaanto allah bari and he knows what all best for us. I know and i'm aware of that dumurku waqtigoodu in uu yahay wax kooban and our time keep tickeling marka as sis xaliimo said i never saw who doesn't want to gor mareid.All in all we need to admit the fact that i'ts petter for us to have familly in young age. Our periority should be our feture not some thing else but the other way you can't forgot ur education i know every women can have familly and educate her self. I couldn't emagine one day i met this lady she is an Rn nurse she has 4 kids i thing she went school when she was having her kids marka walaalo anaga ayaa iska dhigeeno daciif ma'ogiye we can do it can't we? marka sis have fate and allah knows what is best for you. ma'salaama

  8. salaam


    I see what ur saying but i'm still lost here. What does ur project have to do This form specially my topic or the professor said he needs to see how the nomad got mad on each other....lool

    or u wanted something will keep u up all night long should i keep on going on, I need a valid reason u know i'm not gonna buy a cheap one ok. any ways i'm dead serious and need far waa weyn in wax la'iigu qoro :cool:

    King bro see how this ppl ruing mt beautiful topic

    plust the admin in ay raali ka yihiin but it's all in the house. much love to ya'll

  9. salaam


    I'm lost right here did Og girl said what i just read :D after giving me blood preasure huh, ruing my u said admin knew that here we go again Every one of the admins owes me an abology now. i can't beleive they let u ruing my topic :mad: ther no cadaalad in here why didn't u post ur own instead of mine, they will let you get away with it impossible i'm ver very disappointed here i need xaal you know maxaan xaal u rabaa Geel oo cimaamad lagu soo xiray . Any ways it's all good as long as no body is hurt no one is bleeding cuze i was about to got my sakiin what else would u expect from ciyaal OG girl Now u're happy ur project is done one thing u need to do send some medicine for me cuze my blood is high :cool: just kidding ok. No Hard Feeling ok. much love to ya'll

  10. salaam



    I couldn't agree more than mwhat magoonagirl said, sis maa sha'alaah weel said. i know there are some few families still have their golden culture, but allahayow dadkeena soo hanuuni specially women subxaanan laaah. me can't wait to be house wife and run after my babies yaa heli karo runta ha'laisku sheegee, maxaa yeaalya i know what shif and work is like i'hve worked somany yrs and yet not become millioner yet. why can't we stay hoome and baby sit? yaa rabi, i will be like what my mom was, even thought i have to cauch up with school.much love

  11. salaam


    Thank you for all of you who took the time to respone to my question. also i understand what ya'll suggesting but at this point i'm not ready to tell him or not. it's past and not gonna come back period. you know what i mean it has been some time in the past of few yrs.Barwaaqo i see what ur saying and i agree with you cuze i seem have changed so is the other partner too. that is what makes the decision of move on. in the meantime can't frogot but it's not some thing that u can conrol. Do wee all agree as rudy stated the first cut is deepest an nothing can be compared? Og girl accept ur apology but sis there is nothing we could argue with all i can say it was mis understanding plus ppl say what u say and what other person interpers could be really different, Hadal nina si' u dheh nina si' u qaaday. so sis no one can ever heart my feelings no body never did and never you didn't ok.take it easy words could be meant in 10000 differnt ways. ma'salaama

  12. salaam


    Lucky you well come macaanto i really appreciate with your psotive remarka macaanto i hate to argue with ppl walaahi. once again thank you.


    p.s sis this psot i have got it as email i can emali it to it's really long i only posted part of if u like it i can email it to you, just tell me ur email by pm,

  13. salaam


    Lucky thank you sis for understanding see the psotive pple who doesn't have any issues are like lucky . My statement was if u don't gor nothing good to say well don't :rolleyes:

    IF u read me in other forum and thinking that i am playing that lil trick i gave it to u and was trying to

    Test ur IQ , guess what , I am dead serious here, i am ,I mean every word I am saying here!!

    even if played some tricks on some ppl aint me as matter fact i never saw what u are talking about i think you have must be mistaken by some arab ppl with me. I never replayed any of your post i think. marka sis chill out and drink a cup of tea or cofee, when you come back make sure you are ok and have some abolagy with you and psotive remarks.


    [ July 30, 2003, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: BARWAAQO ]

  14. * Camels will no longer be used as a means of transport;


    * People will ride on saddles that aren't saddles (cars?)


    * The distance on earth will become short;


    * Horses will not be used in wars;


    * Muslims will defeat the Byzantines which will end with the conquest of Constantinople(Istanbul);


    * The Jews will gather again to live in Bilad Canaan;


    * Very tall buildings will be built;


    * The disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance, with much killing;


    * Adultery will become widespread, and the drinking of wine will become common;


    * The number of men will decrease and the number of women will increase until there are 50 women to be looked after by one man.


    * Islam will become worn out like clothes are, until no one will know what fasting, prayer, charity and rituals are;


    * Allah will send a disease to fornicators that will have no cure (Aids?);


    * People will begin to believe in the stars and reject AL QADAR




    * Men will pass by people's graves and say: "I wish that I were in


    his place"; (large amount of suicidal deaths?)


    * The Euphrates will uncover a mountain of gold for which people


    will fight over (the river of Alfurat that lies near Syria);


    * Two large groups of people will fight one another, and there will be many casualties; they will both be following the same religion


    (World War II?);


    * Approximately 30 DAJJALS will appear, each one claiming to be the


    messenger of ALLAH;


    * Earthquakes will increase;


    * Time will pass quickly;


    * Afflictions will appear;


    * Killing will increase;


    * Wealth will increase;


    * Women will be wearing clothes but not wearing clothes








    * When a trust becomes a means of making profit;


    * When paying ZAKKAT becomes a burden;


    * When voices are raised in the mosque;


    * When the leader of a people is the worst of them; When people


    >>treat a man with respect because they that he may do;


    * When much wine is drunk; red wind or the earth swallow them, or to be transformed into animals."

  15. ISLAM


    If we could get arrested for being a Muslim, would the police have enough evidence to bring us in?

    Why is it so hard to tell the truth but yet so easy to tell a lie?

    Why are we so sleepy in mosque but right when the prayer is over we suddenly wake up?

    Why is it so hard to talk about God but yet so easy to talk about the latest releases, and what the sports scores are?

    Why is it so boring to look at an Islamic Article but yet so easy to look at pictures of Jennifer Lopez?

    Why is it so easy to delete a Godly e-mail but yet we forward all of the humerous one?

    Why are the mosque's getting smaller but yet the and dance clubs are getting larger?

  16. THE POEM

    I knelt to pray but not for long,

    I had too much to do.

    I had to hurry and get to work

    For bills would soon be due.

    So I knelt and said a hurried prayer,

    And jumped up off my knees.

    My Muslim duty was now done

    My soul could rest at ease.

    All day long I had no time

    To spread a word of cheer.

    No time to speak of Allah to friends,

    They'd laugh at me I'd fear.

    No time, no time, too much to do,

    That was my constant cry,

    No time to give to souls in need

    But at last the time, the time to die.

    I went before the Lord,

    I came, I stood with downcast eyes.

    For in his hands God held a book;

    It was the book of life.

    God looked into his book and said

    Your name I cannot find.

    I once was going to write it down...

    But never found the time"

  17. salaam


    Og girl i think u misunderstood what i ahve said after u stated this,

    Is this nice, polite way to shut or zip people's mouth who disagree ur hidding difination of love?? I bet

    did i really sounded like i was shuting or ziping ppl'z mouth sis u gota read carefully before u say any thing ok. i said this

    i will leave it to you guys and please don't west ur time if don't got nothing to say ok . much love to ya'll

    , does it seem that i'm trying to shut or zip any mouth now sis i think u got some probelm which i really don't did i said agree or dis agree with me wlaahi cajaa ib dadkaan yaab ee lee yihiin,

  18. salaam


    Rudy thanks what u have said but i'm not going to do that cuz it was atleast ages ago. i mean long 2 yrs so it's hard to plant or in lasoo nooleeyo some thing that aaduugtay marhore u see what i mean he is my brother and to tell the truth there is problem wich was why we in first place had to broke up. i hope u understand.