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Posts posted by Adna

  1. salaam

    Rudy thank you bro for ur advice, but i was thinking about to do bio then minor chim. In the meantime i will be in the pre med pro gram, well actually when u're in the pre med prog, u have to have a major an a manor too. so i thought about doing bio as a major and chim as a manor, but it's hard work runtii, but i actually did atleast two yrs just taking liberal arts, but alhamdulilaah know my niyah is stabeled with this in sha'allaah i allah will make it u'all

  2. salaam


    I would say FRADAY, even out loud becaue it's our holiday i mean muslim eid plus don't wrok on friday's.when it comes on thrusday i fell like friday is coming in sha'alaah, like back hoome runti my schaduall works like xamar.... love you all smile.gif

  3. salaam


    me in sha'laah in 15 yrs i would like to see my self in xamar where else i belong specially in xaafad that i was born love runtii. let me se i hope will be a doctor and 4-6 kids and a wonderfull husband. i think flyingstil we sharedreams aren't we? i want to open a ckitcen were the poor can have some thing to eat, and i want no body would be starving to death were a live. the only thing u will be asked in aakhira is ur daris. that is what i wana see my self in 15 yrs if i'm still a life.

    love you all

  4. salaam


    I couldn't be more happier walaahi what my nomads had to put in i mean ur golden advices walaahi i'm happy to be part of this lovely family. onece again i thankyou guys so much.

    OG moti brother i'm really happy for you that you are prof at un, and i really appriciated ur ideas and ur advice. i hate to disagree with you but computer never was/is my interest. it happened to be that i had this dream for a long time wich is i want to be able to help my country my ppl. i want to be able to help the sickness or illness. alaah has a cure for us but we try to help them.

    Salafi bro ur advice is really apreciated but abowe pre med is brgram that u do all requirements or the pre requists before med school just in the meantime u can do any major just to got deploma or what ever.Once aging thank you so much I have nothing for you guys but love .Love you alll

  5. girl, my acenstors won't arab they were somali, who were their the time of the pharoahs so don't every say that we are arabs, africans yes.Because africans come are all those in the contienet of africa.

    don't got ofended what i have said but i know one thing for sure no body knows exactly somalida meesha ay ka yimaadeen? if u do let us know cuz i have asked this q many times and didn't got answer for it. plus the q is not ur ancenstors but it's aslaka walaalo. pleace

  6. salaam



    i see alot of sucking up to admins in this thread

    lol! just kidding! now that i have your undivided

    attention, i do admire one person in this site. find that one down under!



    asraa shes the bomb!



    ooo brother Rudy I admire you toooo, smile.gif Can't belive i kinda missed this thread,,

    love you all

  7. salaam



    Man was i right or what? walaahi one day i had this feeling that first 4 were the same cuz one day i read couple thread and i felt like what in the world! but didn't know for sure now i know,,

    love you all

  8. I don't see the point of this topic.

    Manofwisdom---walaal if thats your style then good for you. I hope you find what your looking for....end of subject.


    the truth is tan buurana nin rabaa jiraa...tan xiitada ahna ku rabaa move the phuck on damn it!!!

    flyingstill sis i couldn't have said it better i ahev to agree with her 110% cuz every one ther is a some out ther for them simply and end of the story that wasn't hard was it ? u tell me

    love you all

  9. salaam


    the way i see indivitualles could be attracted to one on other, the way they carry them selves, and their religion, familly,, traditional, or cultrue.

    Nafisa sis u said what i was about to say macaanto, i couldn't say it better. Personally, a person's diin and imaan would be top on the list...and also their ability of implementing it in their lives as Islam is a way of life. Their way of life in general, their intellect...we REALLY have to match emotionally and intellectually...and also, their knowledge and their patience with people and with life in general...these are just some important factors that attract me to a person but I have to admit...looks help a lot too

    love you all

  10. home girl i would say it is better off to get the nabsi then be in something u don't want any part of it. i know i did that for year thinkin i didn't wanna get nabsi, but the more u stay in that promise u made to that person the more they get their hopes high..if u doing dat for good reason u shouldn't be afraid of nasbi..

    and im sure u wouldn't be doing something bad to hurt someone for the fun of it. so waxba haka cabsan..

    if this is the case i think it's better to tell the person in face the truth, which is u don't wanna do this whole thing.and don't hold any promise if u don't want to in the first place runti that is what i think

    love you all

  11. salaam


    sis flying still macaanto i beleive what goes around comes around.macaanto nabsi lama galo axdina lagama baxo maxaayeelay wexay ka midtahay calaamadaha munaafaqiinta, allaha s w t said,,,,

    Awfu bilcahdi inal cahda kaana masuulaa. macaanto we need to be aware of that walaahi some times we do some mistakes but when it comes to axdi it's not really easy walaahi sis.

    love you all

  12. salaam



    I asked this question my self many times and i came to this coclusion. we came from and african man and a arab women. because we ae little bit lighter then agrican and we have softer hair, see that is what i think other then that nobody exactly nows where we came from. but i love my ppl

  13. salaam


    same thing here thought i was banned from here. but then i log on on my job. after that i realize there must be some thing is wrong... last but not least wlc back every one love you all

  14. salaam


    Waaw sis that is really creative maashaa'alaah finally we got some intelgent youth smile.gif what else can i say i'm very proud of so far what i read. Me i beleive we need some where we can call home that we own. Me u can count on me but u said u have to be educated does that mean u have to be graduate studen. i'm steel student but if that doesn't matter i'm in for sure.

    much love to my pp and to my lovely country.

  15. salaam



    asraa! take me with yah, please. i am tried of being a hippie!

    smile.gif Rudy brother in sha'alaah i will take you with me when ever i'm going there so would be ready any time if i tell to i'm going there?. much love to ya'll

  16. salaam


    I think if the young adult ppl like him, he will be elected like jesse ventura, cuze college students and universities thought he was coll, and the most of his vote came from them. while he didn't had any idea abou being in politics, so he got elected big deal,


    If Jesse Ventura, the WWF wrestler, was elected governor of Minnesota, then i dont see any impossibilities for a porn star to govern the biggest state in the US~

    Darman i beleive that,,,, don't see any impossibilities. much love to my nomads.

  17. salaam,


    mine is i'm wishing to be in mecca one day befor i leave this crayzy world, i hope insha'alaah one day i will be, my allah will make my dream come true. much love to my pure nomads.