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Posts posted by Adna

  1. salaam to ya'alll



    let me add a bit from what i belive of this whole thing. first we all agreed that it's some thing that allah uu baneenay. second u guys know that women are twice as men in th whole world, so it's xikamad uu alle ugu talagalay,so no women should left behind. froxample as a family i'm form we are only 6 and some times i wish if we coud be more, like i have 9 uncles, and 7 aunts from my dad's side... as westernized women i think somali women are going way out of hand i can't really list them here but it really drives me nuts we should stick to our religion and culture. back home if women uu nikeeda guursado wey maseeree then he will do what ever then she will say gurigeed sax hada no no noo,,,, alaah noo naxariisto.....


    p.s from what i belive if i get marreid and my husband wants an other one i will accept for the sake of my kids i will never be a single mom unless he dies,,from what i have seen things in here i don't even wish to have kids in this crazyyy world.... i will stop right here before i say more thingss,,,, love you alll

  2. salaam i think this what is said about the little boy subxaanalaah a 16 year old boy... cajaaib somali hadaanahay i think we have had enough with police tuugo , now it's security allah noo naxariisto.

    Police Investigate Shooting by Security Guard


    The St. Paul Police Department is trying to figure out why a 16-year-old boy was shot by a security guard Sunday.


    St. Paul police officers and paramedics were called to the scene on St. Anthony Avenue around 3:00 a.m. to find the boy shot in the back. After talking with armed security guards, they learned the guards were investigating the boy's involvement with a stolen car.


    At some point during the investigation, the boy fled in the car from the guards. They managed to catch up with him, but one of them apparently shot the boy.


    The boy was taken to Regions Hospital where he underwent surgery, and is expected to survive. Two other men ages 16 and 26 inside the car at the time of the shooting were questioned and released.


    The 21-year-old guard who worked for Wolf Protective Agency and fired the shot, was arrested on probable cause and booked for aggravated assault.


    Police are investigating the shooting and looking into the status of the stolen car.

  3. salaam


    my wallet can't list them all but i know i have three debet cards and twoo credit card, pictures , phone cards usually i call ppl around don't know why? never ran out of them. hhhm can't remeber anything right now but i'wll be back with more info,,,, love you all

  4. salaam


    If you fallen in love once beleive me you don't wanna involve with any kinda of realtionship. my advice is try to get over it,,,

    Once you fall inlove, and then it doesnt work out, believe me you dont wanna fall inlove again!!

    :mad: :mad: this is trure statement if u had a true love ,,,, love you all

  5. salaam


    if i try the last question i might be wrong but i will give it a shot..

    What state is surrounded by the most water?

    i think it's minnesota you alll....

  6. salaam


    Does saaq saaq count any ways hmmm let me see i thing i'm very much same as

    CHESTNUT TREE (Honesty) of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood, loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.


    lol.......I apparently have difficulty in finding a patner, and lack confidence, but to balance these traits, i happen to be a born dimplomat,and honest being....Hmmmmm Interesting.

    other then that i will let u know latter love ya'll

  7. salaam

    happy ramadaan to all of you yeah i started to day wich is sunday the first day is over alahamdulilaah, so i hope the rest of the ppl will start tommorow, that is weird... love you all

  8. salaam


    maashaa'alaah it's chalanging but in a way i was gonna chalange my self since i do every it ramdaan. but allah hanoo naxariisto walaahi i feel so bad for my self since i memorizes the whole quran and can't be the way i knew from the biginin,,, in sha'alaah i'm in for the chalange,

    good luck every body whos gonna chalange,,love you all

  9. salaam


    i'm with u guys on this cuz some times big words don't make no sense at all, ppl u need to take it easy on this cuz like malaika said

    .nothing is better than simplicity..some people in here really need to go easy on the aint ENGLISH COMP class

    ppl need to accept the fact that nomatter how long u've been here u're still somali.. marka ka qaleeya dadka yar yar,,,, love you all

  10. salaam


    OG moti good job bro, sida sharafta aad u qiimeysay gabadh soomaliyeed, madaxaad kor alaha yeelo mala dhih jirinoo,,, once again thank you walaalo,,,



    To the poster sis don't you let us down markaleeto allah gaalo wuunaga weyniisiiyay, diinteena sharafteena, macaanta i don't see no joke in this post other then putind us down :D :mad:

  11. salaam


    looool @ dramaan


    kheyr maasha'alaah it's really interesting i think we can all afford just few minutes a day can't we,,, kheyr spit it out dee dadka pateince aa ka dhamaan rabo.. lool,. just kidding. ;)

  12. salaam

    since i don't know who's nixoon nor never met him.

    STHLM_Lady, Sue,BUH..i am ninxoon and i have changed....people, dont judge me for what i have done,I have hid behind this username for a long time is this true i ahve nothing agains the person but was just wondering.... but i beleive that can't be as above nomads described, and from what i know about sthlm lady, makes me think it can't be could it?????????? love you all

  13. salaama calykum wr wb


    nur aad ayaad u mahdsantahay walaalkiis jazaakal laah kheyral jazaaa,,,, Ameenaha anytime macaanto i know this econamy thin is based on interest allaha noo naxariisto we should avoid what ever we can,,, love you alll

  14. salaam


    i agree with Zakariye maxaa yeelay wiilasha oo idil lu baasto malaha runta hadii la shhego meeqo gabadh uu 11 leh aan arkaa every freeking day, waan ogalahay we all somali cajeelo plus saliid ku soo wada kornay laakiin wiilasha yaanan lagu ceyn caato iyo luga baasto.yaysan ku sirin gaaloos feera weyn somali maskiin lala mid dhigaa ,,, runta maala sheego westernize counteries dadka wey dhumiyeen,,,, wh don't you stick who u're muruq iyo xabad somali malagu aqoonee......

    p.s did i ofended you even if i did sorry didn't meant to,,,

  15. salaam


    I think i kinda agree with bro qac qac, because our prophet mahamed s c w, said (fathfir bithaati diini taribat yadaak) i think it all sums up what u need to know when it comes to marriage u don't wanna take any chances ku guurso qofka diintiisa not the way they look,nor their education. peace,

    yes darman why not xalimo for goodness sakes

    mizz unique saanaa maa keentay i'm gonna come got you... and teach u a lesson,,,, leave that a lone or :mad: :D

    p.s Darman bro i think ur mail is fulllllll couldn't reply u back so clean it up....

  16. salaam calaykum wr wb


    Bro nuur thank you so much for ur input, that was really helpfull,, jaaka kal kheyral jazzaa.

    walaal hada ka soo qaad qofki lacagti wuu celiyay bangiga marka qofka wuxuu go'aansaday in uu alle u towbad keeno danbigi uu galay maadaamo uu xaaraan qadcan uu ahaa, markiisi horena uu ogaa in ay danbi tahay. marka qofkaas towbadiis aqbal miyay noqoneysaa mise? i know allah said ina alaaha yaqfiru thunuuba jamiicaa,,, ilaa aakhiri ayaah,,, marka maxaa laga rabaa qfka marka uu ka towbad keenaayo. walaakiis aad ayaad u mahadsantahay waqtigaaga qaaliga ah oo ku bixisay baaritaanka,,,