Naxar Nugaaleed

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Everything posted by Naxar Nugaaleed

  1. [IMG][/img]
  2. Chris Pardo Design: Elemental Architecture is a 2013 project that is located in Seattle, Washington, USA It was designed with a focus on natural light, unobstructed views, and privacy
  3. Wonderer Above the Sea of Fog is one of my favorites
  4. Indeed Justice is served, releasing a ailing 90 year old who spent his life serving his country.
  5. ruwayada meeshan ka socota, what happens if he does bring evidence? Will the speaker get ball rolling on a impeachment trial?
  6. forget you MMA, am gonna continue to believe my dairy comes from the happy caw farm in California
  7. Fair enough, but in a dormant parliament, most members concerned with their own pockets, we should support and not scorn the few who take their job serious.
  8. That this guy would sale his soul to the highest bidder is no secret. You yourself accused him of having shabaabi members in his administration. Mr. Galaydh is doing Job of holding this government accountable.
  9. MoonLight1;973734 wrote: lol comparing Mubarak's folly one man 99% referendums to an internationally observed free and fair elections is just sheer stup!dity. MB did not just win presidential, 1) The January 2012 parliamentary elections majority was won by the MB party the (FJP) by a margin of %47.2 2) The June 2012 upper house elections result was %45.4 in favour of MB. 3) the December 2012 constitution referendum which the secular objected to was voted by %68 of Egyptians in favour. So you've got 4 times the Egyptians spoke, what more proof do you need. But when they realised they could not beat the MB on the ballot box they had to use the gun, ever heard the phrase "If you can't beat him, beat him" . then you'll have 2.0 coup until the secular s get who they want. Hey hey hey, were talking numbers here, we don't to consider stuff like that. You bring 51 percent, well there is mubaraks 100
  10. Apophis;973730 wrote: To the immoral bunch who support the military takeover in Egypt, I have a simply question for you: if an MB government is elected in “democracy 2.0", will you support another coup? lol, democracy 2.0, there is no MB loool
  11. It is what it is man, Mubarak was elected by 100 percent lol
  12. Whoever is behind Riyo, are good cinematographers.
  13. ^ I doubt, I've seen too many people who think family planning is haraam lol
  14. NORF well there is a precedent in using the military to safeguard democracy. This part of the world is very familiar with the concept and Turkey and Egypt are an example. If the government betrays the ideals on which its foundations stands, then there is a need for intervention. Some places have high courts and other have the military play this role. Every, in this conflict has Hijacked Democracy except the poor people who protested Hosni Mubarak only to get Morsi. The question of who is right, was right is useless at this stage. Whats useful is for people to return to their houses, the generals to step down starting the process of installing Egyptian democracy 2.0 and for all sides to look for areas of compromise that will like to a political system that they can all be part, secular and religious, liberal and conservative, Muslim and christian.
  15. Doctor, my mind, sick or not, is cognizant of the play being played out in the streets of Cairo. Liberals (and a few Islamist) came out to demand that Hosni, a dictator step down and for Democracy. They won, but the process gets hijacked by the brotherhood, sidelining democracy and marching Egypt towards a theocracy. People are still in the streets, economy tanks, instability spreads, the president was busy with headscarf fatwas. The Solders step in to clean things up and but the country on sure footing. The Islamist take to the Streets and the liberals are on the fence simultaneously uneasy about about the harsh treatment of the Islamist but certain that there are no receptive ears for their call for democratic rights between secular despots, generals and theocratic usurpers. All in all, am not accusing anyone, just seeing a need for people to cool, compromise and absorb the lessons from neighbors like Syria and Somalia of the consequence of mindless violence. No one wins, if rather then talking and compromising, each faction takes a turn at Tahrir square. I should tweet last line lol
  16. God forbid, ten million have managed to destroy that environment, what would we do with 50 million Somalis. Somalia Has the second or third highest birth rate in the world, something like 6.3 so if only we can slow down the death rate, we wont be too far off that.
  17. Kickz, just making sure. Hobbs, masakiintan are misguided, they are not dieing for Allah or Islam but Mohamed Morsi and his political party. These protesters have brought this country to its knees economically and socially. wonder why they don't just call it a day, sure by now they see the only way forward is compromise.
  18. kickz;973694 wrote: Asinine thinking, anytime people are being massacred its of everyone's concern Does this motto apply to say Amazonian tribes being killed and displaced for their forest
  19. looool @alpha On a serious note though, there are weapons and then there is bangad, how does one swim with that in hand.
  20. we should because it worked really well so far lol
  21. ^let me second that, whats wrong with people, stop posting this.
  22. call it what you want, they give medical where its needed most, why on earth would anyone object to that:confused: