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Posts posted by Waranle_Warrior

  1. Somalicentric, I don't know the fascination with Canjeero, its tasteless odourless and marax, you have fallen for it because of its simplicity and perhaps symbolism with Somalinimo. Somalis make great dishes and delicious food but Cajeero isn't in the list, even Canbuulo beats Canjeelo.

  2. and that this guy probably has killed many of my people



    And what tribe are you? Since its known Somali tribes that killed which other tribe, and in order substantiate the truthfulness in your story.

  3. Bidaar is actually kool unless you have a funny shaped head but is a no no for a man to have is man boob, Oba I hope you don't have a man boob? Markaa bidaarta gabdhaha salaaxa dheh waxaa daran inaad ka boob weentahay oo kaa salaaxaan.

  4. Its true, not only in education terms but also in life, whatever you may have now or today, no matter how you attempt to simplify it will multiply and harden few hours, days, years down the line.

  5. This is unfair a lot of oldies are running, also I heard Abtigis won last time and he's leading now, that's something fishy here, its vote rigging its not fair and free election. Down down the dictator we don't want the incumbent to come back, this is Mugabe and Albashiir style dictators down down.