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Everything posted by Waranle_Warrior

  1. Well, Somalia is big and to be honest with you there other regions in Somalia that fare far too worse than Jubboyinka like Galgaduud, Hiiraan, Upper and Lower Shabele, Bay, Bakool and even Banadir which has a lot of controversy surrounding it, in fact also there are regions that are controlled by Alshabaab. The priority should have been all these other areas instead of focusing of a region that is willing to fight Alshabaab, preserve the peace, creating admin and stability. But this picture Amin Amir picture sums up where the whole problem lies:
  2. ^Well, I don't know directly but they must be delighted hearing this news and there is always some below under goings, you never know. Beelaha wada dashay ee meesha isku dagaali jiray marke dhahen maamul aan sadexda gobol usameenenaa markasaa waxa larabaa in dagalki iyo dhiigooda iska sii socda nabadna aysan kadhicin goboladaas. Mogadishu groups think the subclans in Jubbaland to fight each other benefits them greatly. But what is this latest dagaal horta? I don't think it has any links to subclan fighting but other issues or may be Ashabaab.
  3. Lol, Abtigiis iyo Moogeba Kismaayo may joogaan Bal Update-ka soo dira, what is Ahmed Blacky up to?
  4. This issue will be the greatest litmus test for Hassan Culosow's government, he says we support local initiatives and was invited to send delegates to the conference and has not responded. This will make or beak his status and credibility, the men in Kismayo seem to be a little clever and have given him five more days for Hassan Culosow to put up and present his stance, whether he's for it or against it. This will be hard for him to swim out of it, if he accepts he will anger a lot of his close entourages and Mogadishu based interest groups, if he rejects it he risks facing loss of credibility and many questioning his clanish motives and tough opposition from clans in Jubboyinka and Gedo and even may be Puntland will jump the gun, Shariciga iyo Dastuurka ayaa lagu tuntay waana ka dignay before for the reason waa kala laabanay Kalsoonida. Madaxwayne Hassan Culusow needs to think long and hard before he gets himself into useless conundrum and irrelevant shenanigans within Somalis which will only waste him time and taint his image. But at the end of the day, it will all boggle down to the constitution, what it says and who follows what? Lets wait and see
  5. The Engineer was out of touch and the other guy was talking for the heck of it. It was full of nacnac.
  6. ^Lol, not that USAID will change their policy, up or down allocations whether they are welcomed by the President or other government representative. It doesn't work like that.
  7. I don't know why for the lord of me a secessionist like Carafaat is passionately interested in the emerging state of Jubbaland.
  8. Well, if the arms embargo is lifted, who said private companies and regional administrations cannot buy weapons (not that they don't buy now) openly. The admnistrations have also the responsiblity of ensuring security in their respected areas while some are actively engaged in war with Alshabaab as we speak. The lifting of this embargo is not a good idea, it will only create more problems at this stage and brings more unnecessary arms in Somalia.
  9. ^No you are wrong, Actually both Abdiwali and Shariif inherited federalism, it was introduced in 2004. They only approved the constitution (not them technically but the 850 Somali delegates) during the reign and ended the transition. Jacphar, Alshabaab are not in Joore, anything south of Kismayo is clean they are not even in the entire region of Lower Jubba except Jamaame. But they still have bases and control large areas in Middle Jubba, notably Buale and Jilib. Also they control some areas of Gedo. Oba, one thing is for sure it will never fail as long as Unuka and their HAG allies oppose the conference and make noises, that will only embolden the initiative and make them more determined. But if they are let to have their own conference, the Villa and Mogadishu groups keep quiet, then there might be a possibility of disagreements and bickering coming out of the conference. However, Hassan Culusow and Mogadishu interest groups will never stay silent.
  10. Somali Ulemas have come from everywhere from Djibouti, Somaliland, Galkayo, Bosaso, Mogadishu and Kismayo to take part in the funeral. Ilaahay ha unaxariisto.
  11. Daawo: Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Umal oo ka tacsiyeyay Dilkii Sheekh C/qaadir Nuur Faarax Sheekh Maxamed Cabdi Umal oo ka tacsiyeeyay dilkii loo geystay Allaha u naxariistee Sheekh C/qaadir Nuur Faarax (Gacamey) oo shal galab Gacan ka xaq daran ku dishay Masjid gudahiisa isagoo ku jiro Salaada Casar Magaalada Garowe . Sheekh Umal baa sheekeeyay marxuum Sheekh C/qaadir Gacamey taariikhdiisa iyo waxqabadkiisii dhanka dacwada. Innaa Lilaahi wa inaa illayhi raajicuun. Hoos ka daawo:
  12. War Deg Deg ah– Wasiirada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Wasiirka Maaliyada Dowlada FS oo Garowe kasoo degay Waxaa si weyn u socda qabanqaabada aaska Shiekh Cabdulqaadir, waxaana Garowe kusoo qulqulaya Culumo iyo Wafuud kakala socda Jabuuti, Soomaliland, Muqdisho iyo dhamaan deegaanada Puntland. Waxaa goor dhaweyd kasoo degay Garoonka diyaaradaha Garowe wafdi ka socda Dowlada Federaalka oo uu hor kacayo Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Cabdikariim Xuseen Guuleed oo uu ka mid yahay Wasiirka Maaliyada Maxamuud Xasan Saleebaan(Cawil) iyo Culumo ay hor kacayaan. Dhinaca Hargeysa ilaa Borame waxaa kakala yimid Culumo fara badan, Boqolaal Culumo ah ayaa Bosaso ka yimid, Gaalkacyo iyo Qardhana sidoo kale. Waxaa gabi ahaan la adkeeyey amaanka Magaalada. faahfaahinta kala soco Puntlandi.com
  13. Inaa-Lilaahi Waa Inaa Ilaahi Raajicuun Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xassan Sh. Maxamuud ayaa ku tilmaamay dilkii loo geystay Sh. Cabdulqaadir Nuur Faarax mid aad looga naxo lagana xumaado oo ka baxsan bini aadanimadda.Wuxuuna uga tacsiyeynayaa dhamaan ummadda Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan qoyskii, iyo asxaabtii uu ka geeriyooday Allaha u naxariisto Marxuum Sheekh Cabdiqaadir Nuur Faarax (Gacamey) oo xubin weyn ka ahaa culumada Soomaaliyeed. Sheekha ayaa waxaa dishay gacan ka xaq daran goor uu cibaadeysanayay. Madaxweynaha ayaa wuxuu ku tilmaamay Sheekha geeriyooday inuu ahaa Sheekh fidinta diinta Islaamka qeyb weyn ka qaatay. Wuxuuna Alle uga baryayaa inuu Janatul Fardawsa ka waraabiyo anagana iyo eheladiisana samar iyo iimaan naga wada siiyo. AAMIN, AAMIN,AAMIN.
  14. This is tragedy, and Sheikha ilaahay ha unaxariisto reerkiisana samir iyo Iimaan haka siiyo. Let's not let the criminals issues overshadow this Tasci and this sad moment. Whether its a mob justice or good justice, that discussion should be for another day.
  15. ^Any better you said? One doesn't have to be any better when dealing with Alshabaab nor show a better side in punishing the Kharijites.
  16. She was very boring, predictable and added nothing original to the table. It seemed, inay iska aheed aniga aan hadlo but the other was at least passionate and charismatic. Iyaduse was just... there are those people that you fell sleep when they speak.
  17. Somalia at this moment and specially in this current status does not need nacamlayn or guulwadeen for the President. Respect the President and follow his orders but criticize him when he's wrong and do away with the irrelevant useless praises. This Sheikh may have lived or educated in those little Arab dictatorial regimes like Libya's Gadhafi or Saleh's Yemen where every one had to sing praises for the great leader including and led by the Sheikhs themselves, and thinks that Hassan Sheikh is about to create his little Arab style dictator corner in Somalia. This has not worked in the Arab world where we have seen waves of revolutions and is now shaking the gulf states. This Sheikh should have known better and used this opportunity to give the President Nasiixa, to encourage him to be on the right path, with the xaq and to be just to all, to have given him constructive criticism if the President had done wrong or made mistakes. Of course the President is human and will make mistakes as he goes along but who will correct him, if not our Ulema or the Sheikhs or the traditional elders or those that have greater responsibility and respect within our society. This Sheikh should have put this opportunity (when the President was in attendance) to better use instead of praise, praise, praise and more praising.
  18. Ina lilahi wa ina ilayhi rajicun. AUN Sheikh Abdulqadir Janatul firdowsa hageeyo. Little kid or not, I have no sympathy for the killer whatsoever and he's a mass murderer and may have killed many other innocents. If he killed an innocent Sheikh in the Masjid in the middle of Salat, I don't know what's he's capable of doing and how many other people he killed. In fact, I think he should by lynched in public execution style and his body cut piece by piece till death gets him painfully while all people are watching in Garowe football ground. Alshabaab haku quusqaateen, they commit the worst crimes and people treat them lightly when caught, that was wrong message to Alshabaab all along, nothing less than like the American torture in Guantamo Bay suffices or even worse techniques.
  19. Having been a silent reader for a long time I was accustomed to Oodwayne's long post and passionate support for SL, all along I though he was the laandheere's of SL ileen waa laangaab
  20. Tragedy, AUN. These events need not be ignored should we all need to find permanent cure. Such crimes need to brought to our eyes daily and to remind us of such heinous crimes and of the horrors and to never repeat the same and also to bring the perpetrators to justice.
  21. The former Somalia Prime minister Abdi Wali has done a great job, served short time and left a great legacy, during his time the Road map was implemented, the constitution completed and ended the transition. He passionately argued and fought against the 4.5 formula, raised and championed the issues of woman went as far as promising to nominate lady Prime minister if he won the Presidency. He contested the presidential race and lost coming third to the then incumbent Shariif and President Hassan. Then leaving Somali politics with grace, he now has all the time to tour the world, take holiday or pursue whatever career he wishes. Well done, Abdiwali.
  22. ^What you said may be true, but then again this is a question of balancing the equation. Without a proper Somali army that's well trained, well disciplined, inclusive of all Somalis and fully equipped you won't defeat Alshabaab nor will be able to secure the country from M0oryaan Isbaaro addicts and will always depend on foreign force to clear such nuisance and defeat the bad guyz. Where should the line be drawn?
  23. ^Lol, warya calm down. The President's performance has not been bad thus far, although there was little activity on the ground and this government was going the slowest pace one can imagine but at least the President's public performance and frequent travels outside have not been bad. But I agree, Saacid needs to do more than counting the doors of the Villa, he's the Prime minister of the country and heavy load of responsibility are on his shoulders and should up his game. History is written and this is his time and chance to shine and contribute to the wellbeing of this country.
  24. Abwaan, Ethiopia ciidamadeeda hadaba waa joogaan gobolada Somalia. The issue is very simple sxb, sidii shalay loo lahaa ciidankii Puntland laga soo aruuriyay ma ahan ciidan dowladeed ee waa qabiil ayaa kuwa Banadir laga aruuriyayna la oranayaa inaad taas taageertidna waa hypocrisy saan kuu sheegay. Waxaa loo baahanyahay in gobolada Somaaliya oo dhan min Raas caseer ilaa Raas Kambooni ciidanka laga soo qoro si isku mid ah loo tababaro loona qalabeeyo. Waa intaas waxa laleeyahay marka maxaad taas kudiidantahay ama dowladu ayan taas usamaynayn. Warka oo gaaban waa in dowladu sidaas sameesaa inta aan arms embargo laqaadin ama xataa plan-ki diyaarisaa noocaas lagu sameen lahaa markaas laqaadaa hubka.