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Everything posted by MoonLight1

  1. The people of Somaliland face an intriguing dilemma: which passport to hold? Somaliland declared its independence from the country of Somalia 17 years ago. Now Somaliland has its own flag, its own national anthem and its own passport. But the international community refuses to recognize the breakaway region -- which means its passport isn't recognized either. It seems reality is hitting JB in a slow motion, but I am glad the massege is getting through
  2. Absolutly they do face lots of problems, but I took the marriage as an example, it exposes ppl when they claim they don't do discrimination.
  3. What does me living anywhere got to do with the colonial actions we see? Me:if you live in an infedel country which assume yes,then who does your accountancy, where do you keep your wages or benefits? I hope not under your pillow why are you preaching the TFG something your not doing. They say "charity starts from home". Mise waa beentay. Maskexeey Ba'a
  4. sxb your denying the somali reality, your eather an ignorant of our costums or you live in a coocooland, if a man comes to a family, the first thing they will ask is his clan, if he is from an enemy clan then his chances are slim, but if he is from an "untouchable" clan then the result is BIG NO. that is what I am talking about, or are you talking about Somalis from Pluto planet Mr Ghelle.
  5. Sheekh Axmed Dahir Aweys oo ka hadlay Khawaarijta, iyo in la xurmada uu leyahay dhiiga muslimka ah. Sheekh Ahmed is the brother of Sh.Hassan Dahir Aweys, the leader of Hizbul Islam, and he just dimenteled the argument of these kaligii muslims who are killing everyone who disagrees with them. very interesting audio, enjoy it. http://www.waagacusu am
  6. A&T where are you? I will take that as a NO.
  7. I am sure Shaakirulah is living in a Infidels country counting his benefits money in one hand and proudly showing off his infidel passport on the other.
  8. Ask every somlali this quastion, Ma rumeysantahay dadka la liido in ay sax tahay? I can gurantee you even the most extream arrogant supremasist will answer you No No No, its wrong, we are all equal blah blah blah, but at the same time ask them this quastion, Will you give your doughter to a %$£& person? then wait for their reply. Don't believe what ever Hadraawi says, with great respect to him, Somalis are Somalis and ts long way to go. Now let me ask you honestly and sencierly, Would you give your doughter to a *&^%& person? be honest.
  9. Abtigiis: calm down, have you ever heard peer preasure? I am not accusing Hadraawi of this sin, but you know the level of (Hayb sooc, iyo kala faquuq) in NW somalia aka S'land, Omar dhule tested this medicine before and he runaway to muqdisho. Maybe I am wrong but that is my reading, otherwise what other excuse could Hadrawi come up with, "Dad iga magac weyn baa soo maray S'land does not stand a chance" we all love to be remembered when we die, so why did he refuse to be reveared and remembered forever.
  10. I think may be she thought Hadraawi did not want to associatte his name with a building built by "untouchable woman", we know the level of discrimination and racism against these honorouble ppl in S'land, never mind the hype we saw on her wlcm, she knows and everyone knows she was only used to highlight the 18th of MAY nothing more nothing less. Best thing would've been if she built an orphanege in her native city of Galkacyo, she would've been treate like a saint there, not "untouchable".
  11. TFG 1.0. this sounds like software versions, so Sh.Hostel is TFG 1.1. is it?lol
  12. If a pople should be secessionists it should've been the people of Bay & Bakool, they suffered the worst, 350,000 of their relatives and children perished, Baidoa become an international symbol of starvetion and suffering and yet you'll never see them calling to breakaway from the rest of Somalia, they never built a single memory status in their city centres, and they don't hate the blue flag, the s'land guys should learn from these people.
  13. Prof. Geeddi oo ka hadlay dagaalada Muqdisho maalin kadib markii Gurigiisa ay u dhaceen Xoogaga Mucaaradka Ra'iisul Wasaarihii hore ee Soomaaliya Prof. Cali Maxamed Geeddi ayaa ka hadlay dagaalada ka soconaya Magaalada Muqdisho, isagoona dhaliil adag u jeediyay Dowladda uu hogaamiyo Madaxweynaha Sheekh Shariif. Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo ku sugan Magaalada Nairobi ayaa sheegay in Dowladda ay lumisay fursad weyn oo ay isku difaaci kartay, taasoo ugala jeediyay inay dayacday cududii milateri ee ay uga tagtay Dowladdii uu madaxweynaha ka ahaa C/llaahi Yuusuf. "Dowladda Madaxweyne Shariif waxay lumisay fursad weyn oo ay isku difaaci kartay, kadib markii ay Dowladii Madaxweyne C/llaahi Yuusuf ka dhaxashey cudud milateri oo isugu jirta hub iyo ciidan aad u xoogan balse ma garanayo halka ay ka baxday awoodii ay Dowladii hore isku difaaci jirtay"ayuu yiri Ra'iisul Wasaare Geeddi sanadkii 2004-ta Ra'iisul Wasaare ka soo noqday Dowladii lagu dhisay Kenya. Prof. Cali Geeddi ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu dhaliil u jeediyay siyaasada ay ku howl gasha Dowladda kadib markii uu sheegay inay dayacdo fursado weyn isagoona sheegay inay haatan jirin dib u heshiisiin la yagleeli karo, bacdamaa uu sheegay inay meesha ka baxeen dadaaladii dib u heshiisiinta markii Kooxaha Islaamiyiinta ay wiiqeen inta badan awoodii Dowladda. Waxaa uu ku eedeeyay in dagaalada ay ka dambeeyay kooxo uu ku sheegay in aanay dooneyn qaranimada soomaaliya isagoona intaa ku daray in dagaalada ay ku lug leeyihiin waxa uu ugu yeeray dagaalyahano shisheeye oo dambiilayaal. Kooxaha Mucaaradka ayaa inta badan la wareegay Magaalada Muqdisho, iyagoo soo gaaray meel ay horay ugu xooganeyd markii uu Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ahaa Prof. Geeddi hase yeeshee hadalkiisan ayaa ku soo beegmaya xilli Gurigii uu ka deganaa Magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan Degmada C/casiis ay u dhaceen Kooxaha Mucaaradka markii ay soo qabsadeen inta badan Deegaanada Waqooyi.
  14. Hamza adiga kuwaa taageertid yaa kor ka maamula? Sh Osama, mise Sh Afawarki.
  15. A brainwashed bomb strapped gun waving child is very very dangerouse, no fear, no responsibily, no consiquace reflection. Its more dangerouse than the nuclear bomb and these groups are milking the opportunity.
  16. Which Hotel is that in 02:26, it looks stunning buildng.
  17. That guy ws a 1st degree warlord. by the way what was Bernard Kuchner's position in that time, was he the Foriegn minister of France???
  18. I think beerta uu sheegayo in loo diiday falashadeeda waa kuwii dadka masaakiinta lagu falanayey ee sh.hoose.
  19. Very funny interview with Yusuf Garaad. Alshabaab waa M00ryaan diimeed waxaan anigu ka mid ahaa aasaasayaashoodi. way i dheceen, guryaheygii bay iigu soo duuleen, galguduud baan tagay way iga daba tageen, shabeeleda hoosaan tagay way iigu yimaadeen /somali/news/story/2 009/07/090702_indha_ cadde.shtml
  20. Gruesome pics. http://www.waagacusu .jen.htm
  21. This pic reminds me of the film. (Four wedings and a funeral).
  22. isn`t that guy , the one who sold somali seas ? Down with him. I think there is a curse on all of those involved on the sale of the sea, they all lost their passports, first it was Shaiif sakiin's kenyati passport, then now is Mr Shakuur turn, and next it has to be Mr Sharmake losing his green card, or was it a Canadian passport.
  23. Don't worry Ethiopia will offer him a red diplomatic passport.
  24. Do you know which district the Madaxtooyada is in ? mmmumm let meguess Duke, is it in max'ud Heybe area This reminds me, I heard once there was a s'lander who came to Holland asking for assylum, he said he was from wartorn xamar, then the interviewee who had a good knowledge of Muqdisho asked the interprator to ask the man, Where does river Shabelle cross in Mugadishu? the poor guy did not hesitate to say, It crosses in the middle of the city , and he lost his case.
  25. yes indeed we used to make guns out of boxes, woods, metals, and etc. Yes Geele, and those fake guns grew up to be real guns, so that fake gun generation produced this.