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Everything posted by STOIC

  1. This morning i was walking down the student lounge at my school and happen to see this post that said "identity crisis in contemporary Somalia".It is lecture that will be given by a somali professor.I guess it wil be a good idea if i ask him, Sophist question of how federalism and the issue of Somaliland will be resolved.let's hope things will work out for Somalia this time.You are more than wellcome to attend if you live the state of Georgia.
  2. Thanks for the warning. I was not happy with my name analysis but then when i look and reflect on their argument based on my name it can be an acceptable beleif.They are right on some part for example i usually have difficult in assuming responsibilty for organizing people.Sullen sue now iam more confused.
  3. This is hasty generalization.What will you say about people with multiple names like me (immigration and given name).I often felt embarassed when i lie to people that my name is Hassan.I guess it is a guilt that can be overlooked at.Names are nothing but identity not identity in a sense that you can call your daughter a benz or cadillac or even camry (some people do in america).
  4. STOIC

    Sad News

    why do people like to shoot up argument on every thread?
  5. STOIC

    Sad News

    INALILAH WAINA ILAHURAJIUN.May Allah give the family involved SABR.Thanks for the piece of info.
  6. such topics shouln't be discussed on this kind of forums.But who am i to raise the red flag? just another homophobic.
  7. my answer to this thread may not satisfy the girls and it will likely provoke some. I used to work in a production line in a computer company.There were somali girls who were employed there.There is one particular Halimo who loved to put alot of smelly smelly perfume whenever she came to work.Most of the people complained that it was too strong for them to handle the smell.I am suggesting to you guys be cautious of the public when you are applying the "BARFUN".
  8. dismisal, may be. The fact that i can tell the difference between those two words does not put me in a position of know how.Some people are in a position to know their area of discipline more than others.Thanks for your kind response, May be it is time for me to gain personel autonomy and positive self-concept.
  9. it's time to differntiate between the educated and the learned.I am a product of mass labor force trained in college to land a "big job".iam not learned person but trained student. i think the era of real education has passed in America.Iam not a philosopher but i hope the few philosophers in SOL can shed a light on this topic(people like Mutakallam)
  10. who is a player? a man or a woman who has no respect for the significant other.Im not trying to sound moralistic, just confused with the word.
  11. libax when you mentioned women studies you remind me of my freind, a somali guy.whenever it is time for him to go to that class he whines and says in somali "classki huma ayankusoctha, maxa iso gartay" . Anyway my favorite class was organic chemistry and the worst was world history of? don't even know what level it was all i can remember it was about the civilization of the world.
  12. STOIC

    Help Needed

    Assalam aleikum Salafi.Thank you for clarifying for us this question of Hallal meat.i do have a question about serving people pork, i mean working in a main-line.see i work at my school dining hall and majority of the food has pork in it.I have requested from my supervisor not to put me in any pork serving section since this is against our religion to touch it(according to my understanding).is it okay to serve pork even though you don't eat it.I have an egyptian freind of mine who said that it is okay to serve it long as you don't eat it, is this not like serving liquor?.please need your clarification on this, help the brother so that i don't appeal to the popular attitude.
  13. college football is starting this weekend, atleast in my school. who is favorite team? for me it is GO DAWGS!!! SICK'EM WOOF WOOF
  14. iam somali born in kenya and i can trace back my geneology back to the last "othey" FYI.I don't have to proof to any one who iam? my somaliness is engraved in my heart.
  15. could it be a bush hating diatribe? or is it a slanted and distorted political lies? can't guess it.
  16. they will be a prosecution case against all who logged in illegally once the website is up.So brace yourself and get ready to face the famous jury (you know what jury iam talking about i forget who was involved namewise).
  17. Not all the sijui people got to do with this case, so stop the group identification.I have been against the kenyan flag for so long,it reminds me of oppression.As for the case when is the trial date and what will be the outcome?
  18. Assalam aleikum. I am currently a chemistry major in my second year.I think if we put our heads together we would be able to solve the problem(whatever that is).The first year in general chemistry kicked my butt, but thanks to god things are smooth now in my Organic chemistry class.good luck and keep on track.
  19. Underdog time is not on my side at the moment but i think we can discuss this some other time.Let me touch on the issue of education.History of education in kenya has not been kind to North eastern province.This province has always been the worst, Who lives in that province? somalis.To be brief i think no where did i compared the education of kenya to the west.i for one did benefited from the kenyan education but i think criticism of their unfair treatment to the somalis is wide open for the public .For the part of the language iam sorry if did label you what you are not.Language is something that any one can pop up and learn.
  20. did i hear minor setbacks? when you look at the history of the somali community in kenya it is a sad one.The struggle for recognition,the economic calculation,and the poor state of education.lets not divorce the reality of the state of somali people from our hearts.i was born and raised in kenya, my family goes two, three generation back, so please dont think that iam just against kenya as a country.For those who care to look the evidence is everywhere that kenya is not a good place for the somalis.don't get me wrong iam kenyati just like you people.
  21. jokes aside for a second pals, if they mistreat the somalis like this why give their flag publicity? or shall say ad.
  22. hush! all ya, lets not turn our good forums in to cybersex.I look forward to read people posting everyday but not gabbage like this. Where did the morality go?
  23. you are right Yasmine women do suffer disproportionally during and after war.This is why people with good common senses do refrain from harming women and children during war time.
  24. women will eagerly trade freedom for the sake of security.They are obsessed with protection. (iam not anti-feminist ideology, so no hate replies)
  25. i feel there is sexist attitude and behaviour exhibited by some individuals in SOL (no finger pointing).Nothing is wrong with women encouraging themselves to think before they download those innocent kids we bring to this world(sorry men are responsible too).I think SOL women or girls can encourage themselves to became self sufficient and psycologically independant before they settle for marriage.I personally admire a go getter women long as she doesn't step out of her religion boundaries.