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Posts posted by Duufaan

  1. "Only a person who is tribally oriented and a blind supporter of Yeey cause of the reason mentioned earlier will find this arrogant interview as a succesful one.

    If anything it showed that our president did not have plan B now since his plan A has gone to ground. He did not and does not have in mind the well being of general somali people or even for the re-establishment of a statehood, except the intention to establish a governership based on dictatorship and nepotism.

    The interview showed if anything that President Yeey is not capable of leading this Nation simply cause he does not have the vision, intend nor the willingness."


    is Jamutu is OK? noticetble out of track.


    "He did not and does not have in mind the well being of general somali people or even for the re-establishment of a statehood, except a governership based on dictatorship and nepotism


    ironiclay,what is wrong with that, compare to fake islamic court, looting the principle of Islamic faith.

    if the choose are, dictatorship and nepotism with statehood, compare to looting and road blocks with anarchy. my choose is clear.


    And where you got the statistics. somali people known very well the colonial. will he dissapoint us for the re-establishment of a statehood? time will tell. However I agree plan C is good enough for me, if has one.

  2. After 100 Days what C/laahi accomplished.


    2)Look support for individual countries, like, Yemen, Saudi, Libya and Malaysia.

    The Arabs always support the head of the government.

    3)invite the United nations organizations and NGO, From Gedo to Hiiraan


    After 100 Days what C/laahi did not accomplished.

    1)fire the sharif as soon as possible

    4)send Geedi to Moqdisho

    5)solve the Baydhabo problem one way or another


    can any one explain why? JUST MISTAKES! C/laahi is more a tradition leader from Modug than military officer. yet he do not understand the somali today is much different the one in the 60th's. policy changes, political allied are temporary and you are not the only polition. simply stay the center and do not forget your support base. I suggested a realistic plan for the next 100 days. I understod modisho warlods was not intresting a goverment and not one c/laahi yusuf is leading. the option is limited and simple.Defeat the bandits both politicaly and military, the fact is the president status gives lot of opportunity for A/laahi and it is just how to materilaze the opportunities. Anyway not too late. this are my suggestion for next 100 days


    1)fire the sharif as soon as possible

    4)send Geedi to Moqdisho

    5)solve the Baydhabo problem one way or another

  3. The adm2 have Baby face! just wonder why?. I do not think, there is need to blame one particular group. After all the 60's were good time. Only politician were corrupted.

    Want to be the ruler and Want to have road blocks is two different things.

    I Want to be the ruler with justice and fairness



  4. "guess Yey will be in Mohamed Dhere´s custody for looooooooooong time to come,"


    M.dheere is only one who control a whole city of his own with no road blocks. "SAFE" Give him credit for that. that makes the differences


    strategy and vission startes there

  5. I guest, Abdilaahe yusuf army are the former SSDF and they did not have hair cut since than. Now they are march to Modisho and they may have their dream hair cut. !!!

    Simply, every member of the tribes want share the candies , specially the UC but, C/laahi yusuf do not have enough of them.

  6. Very bad start. Things getting better, if the shariif come on board, things will move forward quickly. It seems Qanyare is tried of Cismaan Caato endless game and road blocks. Not last time but Qanyare may switch side.


    Midnimo Information Center

    mic 27 - 07 - 2005 - Wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee arrimaha Soomaaliya


    Ra’iisul Wasaare Geeddi Iyo Gudoomiyaha Barlamaanka

    Shariif Xasan Oo Isla Xiriiray


    Ra’isal wasaaraha DFKMG ee Somalai Prof Cali Maxamed Geedi iyo gudoomiyaha barlamaanka Somaaliyeed Shariif Xasan Sheekh Aadan ayaa maanta Khadka Taleefanka mar ay kuwada xiriireen waxa ay kawada hadleen sidii loo xalin lahaa khilaafaadka u dhaxeeya xubnaha Dowlada iyagoo meel wax isla dhigay.


    Wasiir ku xigeenka warfaafinta DFKMG ee somalia Md. Salaad Cali Jeelle oo maanta u waramayey Saxaafada ayaa sidoo kale waxa uu cadeeyey in qaar ka tirsan xildhibaanada Barlamanka Soomaaliyeed ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ay xiriir la soo sameeyeen madaxweynaha DFKMG ee Somalia C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa waxa sidoo kale ay kala hadleen sidii Somaalida Guduheeda ay qilaafka u wada xalin lahaayeen taasna ay tahay buu yiri guul u soo hooyatay umada Somaaliyeed.


    Xildhibaanada maanta la soo xiriiray madaxweynaha ayaa waxa ka mid ah Ing. Xuseen Maxamed Cadow Xildhibaan Yuusuf dheeg Xildhibaan Xuseen Caraale ayaa waxa ay madaxweynaha isku afgarteen in hab qaranimo ay kuwada shaqeeyaan . wasiirka ayaa hadalkiisa ku soo gabagabeeyay in taariiqda maanta 27.07.05 ay guul gaareen.

  7. In the end a political solution will be needed, the army needed for self defense and policing. it will be neccesary to liberate People of Baydhabo. That is all the new army can do the near future. Craeting new reginial admistration and Police, opening the schools and roads, that is the way to go and I think A/yusuf understand. The modisho warlods understand too. It is more politcal game rather military power. The one who gets most local and international support will win in the end.

  8. "Washington - Officials from Somalia's transitional government are seeking an exemption from a 13-year-old United Nations (UN) arms embargo so they can get peacekeeping and security forces in place."


    Unlike in the past, Old man doing things right, the word "exemption" with timing, save the day for him.



    "The Security Council welcomes the continued engagement of donors in supporting the establishment of a functioning government in Somalia through the mechanism of the Coordination and Monitoring Committee (CMC) and in fulfilment of the Declaration of Principles. The Security Council encourages donor countries, regional and subregional organizations to continue to contribute to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of Somalia, in particular through the mechanism of the Rapid Assistance Programme and efforts coordinated by the United Nations."


    "The Security Council urges the Transitional Federal Institutions to conclude without delay a national security and stabilization plan, to include a comprehensive and verifiable ceasefire agreement leading to final disarmament, and welcomes the willingness of the United Nations to provide advice in this regard."


    the over all draft was more favor for him, rather others. The approval could come later, he should rather focus more, creating new administration. Hiiraan,Bakool,Gedo,lower Juba and middle Juba. Action and result counts. Interanational community will see result.


    Modisho warlods? Today is Thursday, Road blocks are still there.

  9. "Yuusuf Garaad wuxuu hada ku dhex jiraa diyaarinta shahaado kale oo Master ah isagoo dhigta jaamicad Mareykan ah oo ku taalla Boston. Ali Geedi wuxuu yiri Yuusuf Garaad dad buu garab ku keenay BBC. Hadaba waxaa arin lala yaabo ah oo akhristayaal badan fajac gelinaya in dadka ka shaqeeya laanta Af Soomaaliga ee BBC wax haysta shahaado jaamacadeed inay ka jiraan Yuusuf Garaad, Maxamed Maxamuud Cade, Cathy Ciise iyo Yuusuf Xasan. Rumeyso ama ha rumeysan in afartooduba ay yihiin reer Dhuusamareeb.


    Time is over for Garaad and Dhusamareeb brothers.

    this man will do the job done.


    2 Osman Hassan

    BBC Somali Service 1962 -1977

    United Nations 1977-2004

    Geneva , Switzerland

  10. Did no I tell you?

    Do you hear Soomaliland talking about the SOOL

    conflict any more. They was told so and they listened. What a cheap crocadalis. Imika waxaa uhadhay habaar kaliya, in dowlada cabdilaahi yusuf kahirgalin koonfurta.



    Dowladda Itoobiya oo looga shakisan yahay in ay Somaliland ku amartay dib u celinta Cismaan Caato. Ruunkinet 12/07/05


    Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku waramaya in uu jiro shaki weyn oo laga qabo in dowladda Itoobiya ay amar ku siisay maamulka Soomaaliland in ay ka celiyaan garoonka magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta u ah maamulka madaxweyne Riyaale wasiirka howladda guud ee Soomaaliya.


    Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa garoonka dayuuradaha ee Hargeysa waxaa maanta uu ka celiyay Cismaan Caato asagoo ay ku khasabtay in uu u sii gudbo dalka Jabuuti.


    Shakigan ayaa la sheegay in uu ka dambeeyay kadib markii wasiirka howlaha guud xildhibaan Caato iyo dowladda Itoobiya ay si weyn isaga horyimaadeen dhinca siyaasadda ayadoo warar kalana ay sheegayaan in dowladda Riyaale ay aad uga xumaatay xiriirka wanaagsan ee dhex maray Caato iyo Jeneraal Moorgan.


    Warka ayaa intaasi ku daraya dowladda Itoobiya ay dooneyso in maamulka Soomaalilada ay la wareegto hantida Caato u taal Somaliland oo u badan makiinadaha waaweyn ee lagu dhiso wadooyinka laguna qodo ceelasha.


    Cabdullahi Xuseen, Ruunkinet, London

  11. Did no I tell you?

    Do you hear Soomaliland talking about the SOOL

    conflict any more. They was told so and they listened. What a cheap crocadalis. Imika waxaa uhadhay habaar kaliya, in dowlada cabdilaahi yusuf kahirgalin koonfurta.



    Dowladda Itoobiya oo looga shakisan yahay in ay Somaliland ku amartay dib u celinta Cismaan Caato. Ruunkinet 12/07/05


    Wararka ka imaanaya magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ku waramaya in uu jiro shaki weyn oo laga qabo in dowladda Itoobiya ay amar ku siisay maamulka Soomaaliland in ay ka celiyaan garoonka magaalada Hargeysa ee xarunta u ah maamulka madaxweyne Riyaale wasiirka howladda guud ee Soomaaliya.


    Maamulka Soomaaliland ayaa garoonka dayuuradaha ee Hargeysa waxaa maanta uu ka celiyay Cismaan Caato asagoo ay ku khasabtay in uu u sii gudbo dalka Jabuuti.


    Shakigan ayaa la sheegay in uu ka dambeeyay kadib markii wasiirka howlaha guud xildhibaan Caato iyo dowladda Itoobiya ay si weyn isaga horyimaadeen dhinca siyaasadda ayadoo warar kalana ay sheegayaan in dowladda Riyaale ay aad uga xumaatay xiriirka wanaagsan ee dhex maray Caato iyo Jeneraal Moorgan.


    Warka ayaa intaasi ku daraya dowladda Itoobiya ay dooneyso in maamulka Soomaalilada ay la wareegto hantida Caato u taal Somaliland oo u badan makiinadaha waaweyn ee lagu dhiso wadooyinka laguna qodo ceelasha.


    Cabdullahi Xuseen, Ruunkinet, London

  12. The election and installation of the government in exile marked the climax of a long effort expected to reverse the anarchy and decay that befell the state with the toppling of President Siad Barre in 1991.


    The disintegration of central political control saw the country split into numerous fiefdoms ruled by mutually hostile warlords with the aid of armed militia.


    For these reasons, Somalia has for the past 14 years been a classical example of a failed state - and a nation struggling to achieve a semblance of the political stability requisite for participation in international legal relations.


    A state is essentially a creature of the law. Statehood is a legal phenomenon that occurs only upon fulfilment of certain criteria. Under international law, an entity must possess four attributes to qualify as a state. First, it must contain a distinct community of persons forming a permanent population. Second, this community must be subject to a government - an organised political authority that possesses and displays an inherent sovereignty. Third, it must comprise a defined territory.


    Even if the precise frontiers were in dispute, there must at least be some delineated portion of territory that is indisputably under the control of the government of the said state. The fourth requirement is the capacity to enter into legal relations with other states, including the signing of treaties, the exchange of diplomatic envoys, the conferment of certain privileges and immunities and so forth.


    THE PAST decade of institutional decay has deprived Somalia of any practical semblance of the second and fourth traits. Nevertheless, it is a matter of unanimous agreement among pundits that, technically, Somalia's statehood has never been in doubt. This is for the reason that, under international law, a state does not cease to be merely for reasons of prolonged internal turbulence. Nevertheless, considering the formidable length and complex nature of Somalia's civil woes, it may have been a tenable apprehension that it could enter the annals of history as a novel exception; that first example of a state that auto-cannibalised into virtual non-existence.


    Fortunately, the transfer of the new government of president Abdulahi Yusuf from Nairobi two weeks ago holds the promise of restoring some socio-political consistency from the present state of shambles. It is instructive, however, that despite the enormous gains achieved hitherto in the effort to restore peace and order in Somalia, several legal hurdles remain to be overcome.


    Concern has been expressed that the administrative efficacy of the new government may be a nightmare in view of the numerous clusters of armed militia who still wield control of their respective enclaves.


    Doubts have similarly been voiced concerning the constitutionalism of the first government in history to be elected in exile. How does the fractional suffrage involved impact on the Somali people's collective right to self-determination? These are matters that go to the root of the question of whether the new Somali government will enjoy sufficient recognition within the international community to enable a restoration of the state in active international relations.


    Recognition of a government is a legal process by which members of the international community acknowledge the legitimacy of the political outfit alleging control over a state. The notion of recognition dictates that regimes will enjoy certain rights and privileges in the course of international relations only if they display a certain degree of legal propriety (adherence to constitutionalism) and effective control over the territory over which they assert sovereignty.


    Only a recognised government can enter agreements or make declarations that bind the state, or claim and control foreign assets that belong to the state. In other words, the capacity to enjoy the rights of a sovereign in foreign relations accrues only to political regimes that significantly wield authentic administrative authority over a state's territory.


    An apt demonstration of the legal significance of recognition of government, is the English case of Haile Sellasie vs Cable and Wireless LTD. In 1936, the Emperor of Ethiopia sued a British telecommunication company in a UK court for monies owed under a state contract. Ethiopia was at the time facing military invasion by Italian forces, but the emperor maintained control over a greater portion of Ethiopian territory, and his was therefore recognised by the UK Foreign Office as the de jure government of Ethiopia.


    He won the claim. However, two years later, as the defendant moved to the Court Of Appeal, the Italian enemy had overrun forces loyal to the emperor. The Italian government assumed the status of the new de jure sovereign of Ethiopia. Accordingly, the court of Appeal reversed the earlier ruling, finding that Haille Sellasie was no longer entitled to espouse the claim on behalf of the state of Ethiopia.


    AN APT demonstration of the legal significance of recognition of a government is a debacle that occurred in the early stages of Somalia civil unrest - the 1993 English decision of Republic of Somalia vs Woodhouse, Drake and Carey Suisse SA. The suit emanated from a shipment of rice bought by the Republic of Somalia to be delivered into its capital, Mogadishu. By the time the ship arrived offshore, the government of Siad Barre had been toppled. The port town was engulfed by civil strife. The captain of the ship deemed it too dangerous to deliver the cargo, and by order of the commercial court in London, it was sold and the proceeds deposited in court.


    In July of the same year, after the signing of the Djibouti Agreement by the concerned parties, Ali Mahdi was nominated as interim president of Somalia, whereupon he nominated Mr Qalib as his prime minister. Shortly thereafter, an application was filed in the UK High Court on the question of whether the two million pounds sterling that belonged to the republic of Somalia could be paid out to Crossman Block, the firm of solicitors acting for the interim government of Mr Qalib.


    The UK High Court declined to pay out the sum on the basis that the said regime did not fulfil the traditional legal prerequisites to the UK's recognition of a valid government - whether the regime in question is able to exercise effective control over the territory of the state concerned, and whether "it is likely to continue to do so."


    The interim government was thereby found unfit to successfully sustain the claim on behalf of the state.


    SO QUESTIONS of stability and sustainability are unavoidable and crucial. The government of president Yusuf faces the onerous challenge of asserting internal sovereignty over the hitherto chaotic landscape, thereby sustaining an agreeable level of administrative constancy and social coherence.


    On this note, it is encouraging to note that the initiative to restore peace and order in Somalia has involved enormous goodwill on the part of its East African neighbours, particularly Kenya, which spearheaded the Somali National Peace and Reconciliation Conference in 2001.


    Relevant Links


    East Africa

    Legal and Judicial Affairs

    Peacekeeping and Conflict Resolution

    Conflict, Peace and Security





    The recognition conferred by the East African Community from the very onset, also assures the fragile new government a degree of international status. Replicating this credibility throughout the global community of states remains the long term challenge that President Yusuf and his administration must attain to reclaim Somalia's rightful place in the international legal order.


    Mathew Kihuithia Ngugi is a researcher for Kenya Law Reports.




    Good point by Mathew Kihuithia. But what about Modisho? what degree of international status?

  13. This is biggest news of the week . The news is still devoloping. The Somaliland could not take it. No, No it may anger Malazawi. The unholy alliance is deep trouble. As they fear, they lion will eat one by one.





    Sidaa waxa Hargeysa News u xaqiijiyay ilo xogogaala oo ku dhow dhow Ciidamada Amaanka ee Somaliland.


    Sida ay ilahani sheegeen, Cismaan Caato, oo uu la socday nin kale oo aan la magacaabin, waxa uu doonayay inuu soo galo gudaha Magaalada Hargeysa, laakiin Booliska ayaa u diiday dib ayaanu ugu noqday diyaaradii siday.


    Cismaan Caato, ayaa hadda waxa uu yahay Wasiirka Hawlaha guud ee Dawladda Federaalka ku meel gaadhka ah ee dalkaKenya loogu sameeyay Soomaaliya.


    Caato, ayaa hore xidhiidh wanaagsan ula lahaa Somalilandmarkii uu tallada dalka hayay Marxuum Maxamed Ibraahim Cigaal.


    Maxamed-Rambo, Hargeisa.

    Hargaysanews Network

  14. "What a bunch of BS. Nomads, this is the other reason of why we have a long way to go in our search for peace and properity. Why would you even generalize a whole population into a despicable rationale as that? Acuudki we never stop. Sxb take those empty words back and try to see the picture as a whole. As I've said before it takes two to tango. "


    sorry, That was self critic made by dayniile.com, after the disappointment the road blocks just increasing in Modisho even the effort of Modisho warlords and business men are trying to remove them. People are not ****** ,, They know how Qanyare and Cismaan Caato became rich. Simply they want do same. Not savage but opportunities. That is human nature.






    Markab Bariis ku dajiyey Dekadda Ceel Macaan oo ka badbaaday afduub


    July 10, 2005. HornAfrik. Mogadishu, Somalia.


    Markab Bariis ku dajiyey Dekadda Ceel Macaan ayaa ka badbaaday afduub ay la damacsanaayeen kooxa ka tirsan burcada badda oo ku weerartay xeebaha Soomaaliya.


    Markabkan oo Bariis dhawaan ku dajiyey dekadda dabeeciga Ceel Macaan ee duleedka magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ka badbaaday afduub ay la damacsanaayeen kooxaha loo yaqaan burcadda Badda oo ku weerartay inta u dhaxeysa xeebta deegaanka Xarardheere iyo Hobyo.


    Burcadaas ayaa Markabkaas waxaa ka badbaadiyey ciidamada Badda ee Mareykanka ee ku sugan xeebaha Soomaaliya oo adeegsanayey diyaaradaha Helkopter-ka ah islamarkaana ay rasaas is weydaarsadeen kooxihii burcada ahaa iyo ciidmada Mareykanka sida uu HornAfrik u sheegay Guddoomiyaha Dalladda bahda Badda ee Banaadir C/raxmaan Xuseen Cabdi “Kooliâ€.


    Khubaradan ku xeel dheer arrimaha badda ee dalladaas ku bahoobay ayaa sidoo kale sheegaya in khtarta afduubka Maraakiibta ee xeebaha Soomaaliya isticmaalaya ay sii kordheysa gaar ahaan gobolada dhaxe ee dalka.


    Khubaradaas oo ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho ayaa uga digaya Maraakiibta ganacsiga ee isticmaalaya xeebaha Soomaaliya burcada badda ee afduubka u geysaneysa Maraakiibtaas. Waxayna u soo jeediyeen in ay ka fogaadaan xeebaha Soomaaliya.


    Burcadan badda oo Laba Toddobaad ka hor afduub ku heysta Markab u rarnaa hey’adda WFP oo raashin macaawino ah u siday magaalada Boosaaso ayaa weli waxaa soconaya dalaalo la doonayo in lagu sii daayo.


    Markabkan ayaa lagu heystaa xeebta deegaanka Xarardheere iyadoo halkaasna uu dhawaan gaaray wasiir ku xigeenka Gaadiidka Badda iyo dekadaha Xirsi Aadan Rooble oo la filayo inuu u howlgalo sidii lagu sii deyn lahaa Markabkaas oo kooxda heysta ay dalbadeen lacag madax furasho ah oo dhan Laba boqol oo kun oo Dolar.


    Burcada Badda ayaa laba Bil ka hor waxa ay afduubteen Markab marayey xeebaha Soomaaliya inkasta oo markii dambe ay sii daayeen.


    Beelaha USCda oo ku filnaaweyday isbaaradii Bariga hadana ku darsaday tan Badda ayagoona qudareynayo tan Cirka






    Beelaha USCda oo ah beesha kaliya markii loo fiiriyo aan lagu arkeynin hal qof oo nidaam rabo ama jecel mar uun in uu dalka ku soo noqdo xasiloonida iyo kala dambeeynta ayagoona aad moodid in ay indhaha kala qadeen waxii ka dameeyey rididi Maxamed Siyaad Bare .


    Hadaba waxaa isweydiin mudan wax ay ku noolaan jirey beelaha USCda ka hor bur burkii dalka mase waxaa loogu sheekeyey in aysanba hadii uu qaran dhasho aysan wax helynin oo risaaqadii ilaahay siiyey ay ku xirantahay qaran la aanta.


    Bal wax yar u jaleec goobaha ay gacanta ku hayaan Beelaha USCda ka soo bilaaw koonfurta Gaalkacyo markaad soo gaarto waxaad kugu soo dhacaayo in aad aqri joogtid sida ay u bur bursantahay nidaam la´´aanta ka jirto isqadarin la´´aanta ´,ku soco wadada dheer ee aado Muqdisho waxaad arke niman aad isleydahay kuwaan maxaa sidaan ilaahay uga baday oo qoryahaan ay la gaaf waregayaan may ku badashaan camal kale mase waxa ay moodaan in aysanba jirin Aaqiro sidaa doontaan fala ayaaba lagu yiri beelaha USCda mase saan ayeyba moodeen in waligeed loo noolaa jirey .


    Inta aad socotid wadada dheer waxa meel walba ayaalo Isbaaro ilaa aad ka gaartid Muqdisho mana ku arkeysid meel yar oo indhaha u roon oo aan ka aheyn dhul bur bursan daar la fiiqday iyo meeyd aan la duugin .


    Isbaarooyinka baryahaan ayaad moodaa in loo badashay xeebaha si marakiibta looga qaado qidmad ayadoona wali beelaha USCda ay qudareynayaan in ayba u sii gudbaan dhinaca Cirka oo wali la layahayba qof dhigto Isbaaro ayadoona la sheegayo in sahmis loo direy dhinaca Cirka



    Isku soo duub isbaarada ay dhaqanka ka dhigteen beelaha USCda oo aad moodid in lagu faanayo ayaa meelaha kale oo Soomalida looga yaqanaa wax xun .

  16. "I see similarities between these that are burning down tracks that are carrying Food and Goods to the warravaged peoples of that region and those that highjacked a ship carrying food Relief to Tsunami Effected regions in Somalia. What was the word that Sky used?"


    Interesting comparison from your part!. But if you read carefully the demand of ONLF, it is very simple. Let our jailed people free and leave us alone. Otherwise stay your home and we stay our home. Somali kalxishooda male ee kalbaqa ayey lethal †Somalis are not rational but fear consequences of their deeds. This more civilized action of ONLF may lead to solution or understanding between Somaliland and ONLF and people they represent.


    For the hijacked boat destinated to Boosaaso, it has nothing to do with somebody being savage, it is more imagination ,quick thinking and easy way to get reach from part of Moqdisho warlords. Sorry for Baasaaso people, they have much better way getting back what they lost