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Posts posted by YoniZ

  1. The government need to admit that, the warlords problem it is facing now is part of their short sightedness and leadership incompetence.


    The reason why Alfa is spearheading this disarming mission is the fact that both police and the military are embedded with these warlords.


    Remember the thousands of troops trained in Uganda and Djibouti. Big chunk of these men were militias earmarked for the training by these same men, and after the returning from their training, these men went back serving their masters, some providing security to the international NGOs, some manning checkpoints for their warlord, and others joining the clan warfare in Lower Shabelle.


    The warlords battling the peace and the authority of this government are not the same old warlords that predated the ICU. Daaci & Co were part of the government and got their weapon cages - in the past five years - from Sharif & HSA governments.


    Are there any guarantees that the men who are siding with the government today are not massing there weaponry cages to become future warlords, when they leave their government positions.


    There has to be a system of checks and balances where nobody even HSA cannot abuse. Arms control is needed to be effective and strict.

  2. Ladies and Gentleman we have found brand new authentic WORD to be added to the prestigious 'Somali Dictionary 2014'.


    Xaabsade = telephone booth, telephone kiosk, telephone call box, telephone box or public call box.


    Thanks to siyaasi xaabsade and his bewildering support for the improvement of his beloved language.


    Have you got change please!


    Xaabsade (aka the call box) needs coins for his services, no matter where/what/when/who

  3. Looking for 'clean water' is the prefered pretext used by the oil exploration companies in remote nomadic areas.


    Saudi Arabia's early activities is sold in that smart way to the armed Badaweens. Don't shoot us, we are just looking water for your camels :)


    They think people live in the era of early sixties.


    Creating oil protection force as per Mr Behi boasted in areas where the local communities are already divided is foolish and not the best option. This may create irrepressible far reaching chaos in the near future.

  4. How many Somali soldiers are trained in Uganda and Djibouti by the EU till today? Where are they now? What number is left from these trainees returning back to Somalia?


    I understand the point of Djibouti to get military training and advanced gear from US same as the darlings of this mission Uganda.


    US started long time ago the training/financing what it sees the future Somali security forces. If you want to know about them, look no further than PIS, RRU and Gaashaan.

  5. <cite>

    when people become so delusional, they turn into comedians. keep living the phantom dream niyoow. you obviously haven't learned anything from somali politics of the last 3 decades. haye waa ku kaas. sii wad sheekada. lol.


    Lol. is that the best you contribute on this important topic.


    I expect Elpunto and other fair minded Puntlanders to address this complicated scenario, not the one and only the General Maxamed Sacid Saxaf of Garowe :)

  6. <cite>

    loool. this YoniZ is a dreamer.


    Sxb it is better to be a DREAMER than be a MOOGE :)


    IC know the geography and fine details of Somali politics as they are the patrons these days.


    The idea of Mudug+Galguduud as one state is KEY to proper reconciliation and solid Federal Somalia. It is neither something for the benefit of H or D block nor something that to be formed before 2016.


    If you are blinded by short sighted political manoeuvres, I can assure you there are very few things that President Gaas isn't aware of in this current Somali politics, and this is not one of it.

  7. <cite>

    Yoniz, if the people of the 5 districts of Mudug aren't properly consulted regarding this, then there's definitely something wrong!


    I am with you in this Doc. Proper consultation and genuine reconciliation is a MUST.


    However, we need to come out of this small mentality qabyaalad when discussing a government system like Federalism. T


    This Central state idea need progressive thinking and far from reactionary politics. Do I think this will be achieved in a year or two? Absolutely NO. Can it be achieved in about 3-5 years after the right steps being taken? Absolutely YES.


    That is the reason why you see IC is present in the signature of that event. Maryooley think in short sighted politics when either supporting or opposing this kind of arrangement. However, this is part and parcel of the IC to create future Federal Somalia.

  8. If we look behind the qabyaalad and the simpleton mentality, this central state idea if handled justly and in correct fashion, can form a solid foundation for the new Somali Federal Republic.


    The idea of having All Mudug and All Galguduud as one state is the purest of all federal states.


    People are talking about how Mudug divided is, but they forgot that Galguduud also is one of the most diverse region in the country where you have 3 of the main 4 blocks.


    My question to the champions of the Federalism (aka Puntlanders) is, what is the fuss to have this state with Galkacyo its capital after proper reconciliation?


    Why do you give the impression that North Mudug will be marginalised where you said it is the larger party in Mudug region?


    If that is the case, D block will dominate Mudug where H block will dominate Galguduud and that will create the balance needed to work together for common goal which is a future prosperous state.

  9. <cite>

    Yoniz so you're advocating that Somalia's Government installs security cameras on every sidewalk and street corner, just like in London, UK?


    I'd prefer the Government to take a more pro-active approach to these issues, instead of being defensive. They need to be more aggressive.


    And I'd prefer that anyone who is found guilty to be working with Al Shabab or any Warlord, should be executed, instead of being imprisoned. It would send a far stronger message.


    At least with execution, the effects are permanent. You can't reverse that. But with imprisonment, the corrupt President could just sign some executive order, releasing the criminal from prison where he'd be free to continue doing what he used to do.


    Al Shabab executes those who work for the government. I don't see why the Government can't do the same thing to those who work for Al Shabab or any Militia Leader or Warlord.


    How can you convict someone being guilty without a proof?


    CCTVs play big role in both pursuing and convicting criminals. As ppl either afraid/or are not willing to talk about what they witnessed, the alternative is 24 hrs watching in main streets and important alleys.


    If something happen, the first point of call is examine both live footages and recorded ones in areas of interest.


    If someone is suspected playing double agent, he/she should be monitored using technology in its multi faced.


    One other important point is that, the government to have access to all telephone data and listing posts in areas of interest. Alkabab use mobiles to conduct their daily ops and pay their parasites on time using mobiles.


    Before anyone throws in the privacy card, security over rules these empty slogans even in the West today when it comes dealing with those mass-murderers.

  10. <cite>

    Laakiin waxaan la yaabanahay halka uu dilka ka dhacay oo ah wadada maka almukaram area aniga xamar waxay igu dambeysay 4 months ka hor wadaasi dhawr mar ayaa maray meel ka ciidan badana ma jirto xamar police ayaa meel walba joogo hadan in maalin cad xildhibaan lagu dilo hadan layska baxsado wax caadi ah ma ahan.


    Ciidan aan tababar iyo xog ururin laheyn ciidan maha, ee waxay dhaahaan waa bolonboolo meel fadhida 'sitting duck' oo sugeysa in madaxa lagu dhufto.


    I think Mogadishu's status as the seat of both government and parliament can't go on in these conditions.


    CCTVS with 24 hours human monitoring is paramount to be installed in all streets leading to and from the important government organs. Start with MakaAlmukarama road and keep installing them ins and outs of the city coordinating with special police units. The cost of these are not higher comparing to the AMISOM and other mercenaries paid millions without result.


    During the cleaning process, relocate parliament and some ministries to somewhere else outside the city until these shark infested streets put back in order.


    This need to be Somali led and financed operations. If HSA can't or not willing to do it, he should resign/removed from his post. Any other future leader should be aware if he cannot protect the government and the people he is leading, he should step aside or forced to do so.

  11. AUN Saado iyo intii gardaro lagu dilay.


    What I don't get is why until now, there is no security guards accompanied with MPs. If they system can pay expensive hotel bills for MPs why not security guards that accompany with them in their city travels.


    These cowards (Alshabaab or any other assailants) don't blank shoot the ones with security guards.

  12. Mistrust among the Nomads didn't fall from the sky. It has been seeded,feeded and nurtured by greedy politicians, businessmen and koofiyad bacle oday reer for their small tactical gains.


    Trust doesn't come easily without true concessions and mutual trust.


    Can Somaliland concede to take responsibility for the well being of all Somalis and drop their interest in becoming independent country?


    Can Puntland stop their psuedo federal project that benefit them as they have the head start but harm and put the spot light on the central regions?


    Can mogadishu get over the notion that, everyone should be in tatters until the capital goes back to its lost highdays era?


    Unless everyside relinquish some of their sacred political positions, nobody should expect any change soon. Ppl try to put tricky questions under the carpet hopping some kind of magical leader will come with magical solutions.


    We have no short of diaspora/NGO nurtured gutless politicians who will carry that fortified poisoned positions whith new entuthiasm and militancy in Mistrust politics.


    Warka oo kooban, Soomaali nin walba qumanihiisa ayaa qoorta ugu jira, waxay u baahantahay in kuushaas falan laga jaro.

  13. Soodhoweyn iyo sagootin, kadibna hadal maran iyo faan aan meel buuxin.


    Welcome Eng Cadde. Sheekadii madaxda Somalida wax dheer ma sheegtay?


    Tell me what the guy has done in his position of responsibility for the past six months to warrant that welcome?


    Please, Don't even start bragging off about that Italian tooth pick runway aid project, and not that he met some international NGO fat cats visiting to tick some boxes.


    The guy is failure just like any other politician from this rotten era. He can't manage his necessary daily tasks. The only thing they are good at is - talk nonsense at the face of those clapping fools.


    He even can't manage the 20+ Bosaso airport workers - No uniform, No proper admin, and Militia men roaming around the terminal in mismatched military fatigues with open buttons - one minute asking you bribes in threatening manners, and the next minute begging you sheepishly to give them part of the cafashka laguu sarifay maadaama aysan mushahar ku filan qaadan.

  14. <cite>



    Tribalism is everywhere and it is not any less stinky than tribalism in Mogadishu. One will be fooling himself if he thinks people in Mogadishu are more tribalistic than those in other parts of Somalia.


    Due to its unique role in Somalia, Mogadishu's problems are far more complex than say those of Hargeisa, Garowe, Baydhabo, etc. This multi-layered complexity is what magnifies tribalism in Mogadishu.


    I second that.


    Galbeedi, Awowe iyaantan emotions are running high, sidee wax u jiraan? Soonka miyaa ku dawakhiyey?


    Soo adigaa sidii CidS, Dr0 iyo, Gen Maxamed Sacid Alsaxaf, sidoodii hadba mowduuc calool xumo ah meesha soo qotimiyey.

  15. This government badly need someone with common sense to advice them how to present their case to the media and to the public at large.


    See the picture of this captured Shabab insider responsible for the last two attacks against Villa Somalia - what is wrong with the pic!!!




    What is this late madness of Mogadishu about the big Sofas and why nobody looks serious about the tragic events!!!


  16. You must be laughing or have very short memory...tell me what people thought about Siyad when he came to power.


    Good dictator!!! What put us in the mess in the first place? Who guarantees, a good dictator will not turn to our old bad habits? Don't be fooled by the Soviet spending spree (schools, factories, army) that pampered the cracks until the shit hit the fan.


    We are from society, no short of brainless illiterates that give blank cheques to fools that can easily manipulate using short tactical ideologies (Scientific science, Alshabab doctrine), with bit of well-oiled cash machinery (Soviet cash, Jehadi cash).


    I honestly believe we have reached the bottom, and from now on, things should go should be in upward trend even-though in painstakingly slow fashion. The past decade (2004-2014, the transitional decade) was improvement from the prior one (1994-2004, the SS decade)and the next decade (2014-2024, haywire federations) should be an advancement that will pave the road to better future.


    Let the society keep in this topsy-turvy way till it balances and we have something workable. No short cuts, and definitely no going back to the dark ages of semi-illiterate strong men. Good leaders will come being shaped by the future events.


    Finally, don't be short-termist and think that if you will not live to see that day, it is not worth doing it (Odayada soomaaliyed dhaqanka lagu yaqaan...Selfish). Your children should benefit from the seeds you plant today.