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Posts posted by YoniZ

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    Now that uskag Godane is dead, ISIS can forget about ever having ISIS satellite group in Somalia.


    Who drew this map? May be the new psychopath colonists behind those amateur loose cannons.


    The term "Land of Habasha" has more to do with, the 6th century racial profiling of black Africans in the Arabian peninsula, than Ethiopian expansionist ambition.


    What baffled me most though is the Maghreb area that jolted with most of the West Africa. Slavery is still live and kicking in the minds of these ISIS psychopaths and their 'remote controller' devil mentors.

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    Hassan Dahir Aweys


    Runta iyo xaqiiqada aan isku sheegno, Godane was unknown mad extremist, his death will be anonymous as his identity was.


    What about Xasan Daahir Aweys?
    Why not try him in a
    military court?
    The legitimacy FGS depends on that. If that old shrewd man can escape justice by hiding behind his clan then so can other. The cycle continues and we are back at
    the day of warlordism.


    Celebrating the death of Godane while Hassan Dahir aweys even after in custody remains an extremist (according to anonymous sources)
    is a disgrace to our intellect.


    There is nothing to celebrate about the death of someone, even if he was as evil as Godane.


    You put a good question to Mr M S Sahaf of Mogdishu and his side kicks :)

    Will they answer it?

  3. Nuune,your logic is to not respond to the Kenyan move, that gave exploration rights for the blocks I mentioned in my earlier response. There is a clear Kenyan purloin which Somalia cannot do anything except empty protests to the companies awarded to those contracts.


    Tell me the difference between this and the Hanish case. Why SFG will keep silent? I have little doubt that Kenya have even promised to give security protection to the exploration of those blocks.


    There is an aggression, and if you can't respond militarily (which is the case now), SFG is obliged to use other venues available rather than shut up and wait the day these blocks produce oil - which will even be harder to resist.

  4. <cite>

    Emotions, emotions, oh yeah, thank you.


    You mentioned EEZ, which gives Somalia just 12 miles, and that is what Kenya and its allies are pushing for, clearly, you are being misled, and this is what our president is arguing for in that 23 pages referred to that court, EEZ is what Hassan is talking about, and he doesn't mention our 200 miles.



    If you are waiting for a court verdict to favor Somalia, embrace yourself that you have given up your territorial waters to a another nation.


    The point is, why put your rights into dispute with another NATION.


    I know you and me are on the same point on this, but clearly, president Hassan should have NEVER disputed or referred a letter to any COURT at all.


    The territorial waters of Somalia cannot be put into a dispute.


    He SHOULD HAVE TOLD KENYA TO STAY AWAY FROM SOMALIA'S WATERS, and have some balls to speak straight.


    Kenya has won on this, and our president has done what Kenya wanted since 2009, that is, to submit a letter of dispute to a rogue court, ultimately, Kenya knows it will win such outcome.



    You say, the letter Hassan submitted to the court is appropriate, is that because you believe the court will favor Somalia, because it halts exploration which was stated on paper, you are wrong, sxb, think again, all HASSAN was supposed to do or say was, no exploration on a sovereign nation's territorial waters, and no company will come there to do exploration, if ONLF can threaten many nations not to dig or explore that region's resources, then what do we expect a dowlad ku sheeg to do, write useless letters putting Somalia in danger.



    Such cheap and useless claims by Kenya can be negated by straight talk, strong words, and even counter-claim, yacni, claim Kenya's territorial waters the same way they are claiming our seas, hadal baa meesha lagu hayaa sxb, cidna cid kale kama hadal badno, but Kenya waxey aragtey xoolo banaanka yaalo, and hogaan jilicsan oo nafta ka baxeyso.






    Why is Kenya never claimed territorial waters of Somalia before 2009?


    You clearly haven't read the file submitted by FGS. Thus, your 12 miles EZZ assertion is based on your emotional outburst, rather than the contents of the filed document, or even some knowledge about the topic you are discussing here.


    Why 2009?, your answer is above if you care to read. OIL exploration.


    Somalia was in coma when the current United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) came into force in 1994. This case is one of many that any Somali government would have dealt with.


    Your suggestion is what? SFG not to take any legal step, and keep meeting with these Kenyan politicians who are busy giving new blocks to giant oil companies?


    ICJ is competent in dealing with these kind of matters. It is not as you would have liked to portray a Kenyan stooge. Eritrea vs Yemen 1998 Hanish Islands can attest to that.


    In political perspective, Kenya lost this case, the same day that Norway couldn't succeed attaining Mr Key's current position.

  5. You are just playing with emotions.


    Like it or not, there is a dispute in this matter, and Kenya awarded exploration rights for blocks (L21, L23, L24, L25) according to its parallel boundary claim. These blocks are clearly inside the Provisional Equidistance Line of Somalia.


    This latest FGS decision in referring the matter to the ICJ is appropriate after the Kenya played games with the previous TFGs.


    These kind of cases take many years to reach decision. In referring the case to ICJ, Somalia effectively stopped any further exploration in these blocks and prevented new blocks given for exploration. Hopefully by the time of the ruling, Somalia will be ready for utilising its EEZ and beyond.


    I trust Dr Abdirahman Beileh doing the right thing.


    Below is the case filed by him:



  6. The tile of the article is vague to say the least.There are missing elements when terming the phrase oil curse. The curse didn't came with oil discovery although it might have exacerbated/exploited existing hitch.


    Questions need answered in the above article:


    What was Norway GDP per capita in 1969 (the date oil discovered)


    What was the GDP per capita of the neighbouring Scandinavian countries in 1969?


    How are the above figures compared today?


    To juxtapose Norway, Nigeria, or Gulf countries is not the best option to prove so called oil curse cliché.

  7. Qabyalada ma in title been ah lasiiyo mid aan laheyn, kii xaq u lahaa title la dhinac mariyo miyey wadinayada kula gashay ya General M S Sahaf.


    Ninkaa Hawdi ah qurbaha halaga kaxeeyo. His late sadistic hate attitude toward certain segments of the society accelerated to a very dangerous level (Radio Kigali 94 would have been proud of him)

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    niyoow are you guys kidding each other? Puntland has 4 million people living there. Mogadishu which used to have 1 million is mostly abandoned, buildings destroyed and the population there is 80%
    IDP bantu
    due to civil war.


    Common shared values of staunch Qabylad based propagandists on SOL are: Racism, Sadism and Fanaticism.

  9. The condition is already there. When Gaas raised the concern about the Central state. IC was the one that rushed to explain the borders of the proposed Central state. No word from the FG either supporting or objecting the explanation IC put forward.


    The phenomenon of the sad Nomad politics is conducted not talking directly to each other. But, they always need to court someone that can force them become pragmatic and reasonable human beings.


    The inferiority level of the Somali politicians is staggering to say the least. Why can't they talk/agree without third party in the room :(

  10. Waryaa, take your pettiness and crocodile tears sobbing somewhere else.


    Nomad politicians wherever they are care more about stealing money than building roads.


    Don't be fooled by the few projects erected/funded by the international NGOs in safer zones.