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Posts posted by YoniZ

  1. M-sadiiq3, welcome bro.


    It is better to put things in perspective rather than blanket generalisation.


    I would love to know based on your long observations, your idea on how to solve this myth, and give SOL politics section the opportunity to gain Fundamental Principles.


    Good question for you think about is: How many topics opened in March and the number of the pioneers in these topics.


    There is constant abuse in SOL politics section by very view HYPERACTIVE nomad posters. The blame of this should squarely be put at the door of the moderators/owners.


    In my opinion, the cure for this section to fulfil its potential is either, KILL it (as it has no worth to read in this current form),or REFORM it taking these steps:

    * Actively moderate.

    * Limit the number of topics started simultaneously by our handful hyperactive nomads brothers.

    * Add reputation button after each topic started.

    * Attract back the old principled members.


    That is just my two cents......

  2. <cite>

    I am opposed to Scotland to break away i have read allot about them they actually have allot of good ideas for Britain u have to view it from an British point of view.


    Well, then you have to respect the people who are against the break away of Somaliland. What the English did to the highlanders in order to keep them under their rule is far worse than anything happened between the Nomads.

  3. Thanks Mooge,

    My point is not about how incompetent the FGS is or the letter per se, but the above list of demands from the monitoring group.


    Besides your criticism towards Hassan Sheekh, do you see these demands are acceptable to any government?


    This already has passed the low point of 'Afkaaga fur aan ilkahaaga tiriyo', and even worse than the hand search carried against a drug dealer.


    If Hassan Sheekh has been given the above list of demands, and he got the balls to rightly refuse it...he has my respect and should get the respect of any leader who succeed him.

  4. Cadale,


    So you think we are not already under the modern UN trusteeship?


    Grab a dictionary, see the definition, replace the word 'state' with representative and let me know what you have in your mind.





  5. Waxaan filayaa in aysan jirin cid kufaraxsan sida ay wax udhaceen, iyo 55 xubin oo qol qaadaba laheyn, iska daa in la maamulo.


    Qofka wax fiican kasugayey madaxweyne kufaraxsan in marka uu xaajo gudanayo ay tahay in askari Ugandhees ah uu sii kaxeeyo, markii horeba wuu qaldanaa.


    Ayadoo ay taasi jirto, hadana waxa naga maqan hadii aan Maryooley nahay, qaab dhaqanka umadaha jabka uu kudhacay iyo sida ay uga baxaan jabkaas.


    Waxa muhiim ah badbaadinta jiilasha soo socda oo ah waajib saaran jiilka maanta jooga ama siyaasad toos ha uu jiraan, ama cyberka ha kaga jiraanbee, talaabooyinka lama huraanka ah waa:


    1- In la qiro lana rumeysto in Maryooley ay jabtay dhinac kasta.


    2- In la ogolaado sida hadda ay xaaladu tahay - Madaxweynaha wadanka waa Nick Kays, ciidanka rasmiga ah waa Amisom, wasaaradaha rasmiga ah waa hey'adaha qaramada midoobey ee wadanka ka howlgala.


    3- In laga shaqeeyo sidii wax looga badeli lahaa xaalada dhabta ah ee jirta, lana qaado talaabooyinka la awoodo hadda, kuwa aan la awoodina waqtigeeda iyo jiilkeeda loo gudbiyo si ay ayagu halkaa uga sii wadaan.


    4- Isbedel walba oo dadka loo diyaarinayo waa inuu ku dhisan yahay:


    - Nabad. mid aan dagaal lagu gaarin, maadaama umadan ay u baahantahay in ay kasoo kabsato dhiig bixii badnaa iyo wayraxa uu keenay dagaalka badan, si

    jiil maskax fiyow oo nabad ku barbaara loo helo.


    - Isfahan. iscafin buuxda, iyo isfahan dhab ah oo la dhix dhigo umada ayadoo lagabilaabayo heer degmo, heer gobol, heer qabiilo. Waxa asaas u ah isfahanka, in dadka la fahansiiyo xaalada dhabta ah ee wadanka ka jirta.


    5- La dagaalanka jahliga. sabata ugu weyn ee maanta Maryooley loo heysto waa aqoon la'aanta dhicyada nolosha oo dhan. Howshan waxa masuuliyda ugu wayn ay saarantahay dadka waxbartay oo inta badan dibada ku dhaqan, waxa ugu yaraan ay dadka gudaha lawadaagi karaan sida umadaha kale u noolyihiin iyo waxa bud-dhiga u ah nolol ku dhisan, ixtiraam, isfaham, iyo wada noolaansho bulsho.


    6- Abuurid fursado shaqo, qof kasta oo aqoon leh, xoogaana heli kara, ha isku dayo inu abuuro fursad shaqo ay kafaa'iideysan karaan in kabadan hal qof, shrikad hadii aad wax ku darsanaysid su'aalaha ugu muhiimsan haka mid noqoto, inta shaqo ay wadanka gudihiisa ka abuurayso shirkadaas.


    7- Baahin niyad/rajo waanaag. dadka dibada jooga iyo kuwa gudaha jooga ee waxbartay, waxa saaran waajib ah in ay baahiyaan niyad wanaagsan iyo rajo

    fiican, si jiilasha soo korayo ay ugu barbaaraan jawi fiyow. Hadii, eedeyn, rajo xumo, xumaan sheeg, iyo ciil iyo cuqdad abuurid ay wax dhisi karaan, waxa maanta aan heyno waa miraha arimahaas.


    Su'aasha aan rabo in aan weydiiyo saaxibada kor arigtidooda ku cabiray iyo reer SOL dhamaan waa:


    Waad aragtaan meesha xaalku marayo, shakhsi ahaan muxuu yahay waajibka ku saaran, si aad xaalkaas wax uga badashid?

  6. What are the similarities in the three cases?


    You are comparing apples to oranges here. Both Eritrea and S Sudan have been in bad shape comparing to Ethiopia and Sudan even before they become countries.


    Tell me about the mental framework of a young 20 years old police recruit grown-up in Mogadishu? Compare that to a young police recruit in Hargeisa. Considering just not the dress they wear, but the two different experiences they have gone through in their childhood life.


    Do you see the differences?

  7. Lack of job opportunities for the youth is the main reason for this kind of protests. The trigger can be anything, as long as, there are hundreds or even thousands of unemployed youth wondering around the city centres.


    AfricaOwn;992198 wrote:

    4. I find the none-Somalilanders discussing Somaliland internal affairs annoying (I don't know why)

    Unlike Somalilanders discussing South topics with constant badmouthing and dehumanising fashion, I find the non-Somalilanders who commented so far in this topic respectful and balanced. This should of course discount the man who rightly classified himself as the Marfuc-al-qalam.


    The other commendable point is this topic being started by non other than Saalax. The reverse norm could have been non-Somalilander starting this topic two days ago with Iskudir and ceebeyn fashion.


    Will our Xaaji & in a lesser extent Saalax take few lessons from this?

  8. Abti, good idea. :)


    Give me that last paragraph everyday of the week and just keep the nomad recently adopted immorality phrase 'greed is cool' out of the window.


    It is miles better than the common NGO culture of boiling stomach (maxaan wax ku cunaa)

  9. Well, as they say, we are so far a part and, in two different worlds.


    I'm not into share dealing, not at-least for the past five years.


    So, I wish you good luck with your investments.

  10. No more dysfunctional former government officials.

    No to corrupted-to-teeth NGO xaaraan kunaaxayaal.

    Even worse, No to former Godfathers of the current AS changed tag in convenience.

    Never again to ma dharge qurbo-joog full of hot-air and empty promises.


    The person who is best positioned to lead this time, should be a clean and concious business man. Someone, who can run the affairs of the state with prudence of businessman and the conciousness of caring father figure.


    My gut feeling tells me that this time it will be different and, definitely CHANGE for the better.


    VOTE for Shire Haji Farah.



  11. As nomad the most lucrative returns (over 20% ROI) can be found in both Somalia and the East Africa in general.


    That of course, involve risks and it will need your personal attention.


    On the plus side, the investment should create jobs, contribute to the well being of local people and, lastly but not least, open for you future opportunities in those markets to shine your mind and intellect.

  12. Nin-Yaaban, have you heard the word 'numbers don't lie'.....you have done good job for the 'protest vote' camp.


    My vote goes to the long fallen General Duke :)


    Here is an other protest vote to highlight the dissipated quality of SOL in 2013.