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Everything posted by Baluug

  1. You are What Rejected Crayon Are You?
  2. Somerican is right.We Muslims "sponsor" miskiin children in Africa by paying our zakaah.There is no way I would send money through these christian aid organizations because,beside the obvious that they are preaching their religion to these children while they are over there,but also all of the money sent does not go to who needs it.A lot of that money goes to administration costs,and obviously salaries of those who work for them.
  3. Yeah,like MAD magazine!!
  4. I have read in xadiis that when the world is near its end,Abyssinia (the area now known as Ethiopia) will be the rulers of the world and that a very ugly,tall man from them will be the one to dismantle the Kacbah,piece by piece,so while I take these comments by a nutcase Maraykan very seriously,I have no fear of Mecca being attacked by the USA.
  5. I got a better idea...Why don't you ust LEARN af somali?From the looks of things,you're asking for the whole language!! :cool:
  6. Originally posted by Mizz-S.Lander: 10) if you pass wind consistently for 6yrs, and 9months, enough gas would be produced to create energy of an atomic bomb Gimme some more beans!!
  7. Originally posted by -Lexus: Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! Dumbedore Dies! So I guess we sould actually be calling him "Dumbledead"?
  8. Originally posted by OLOL: quote:..... funny..takin off your clothes for a fag) [/i] . for a second, I was confused there, but then it occured to me that you guys are in England where a cigarette and fag are basically the same.!! what a language!! Here, across the other side of the Atlantic, that sentence would have had some homosexual connotation....and would have sounded sickeningly bizzare.... [/QB]HEHEHEHEHEHEH olol I didn't think about that until you mentioned it and now I can't stop laughing!!!!!! In North America, we don't call a cigarette a "fag",that's what we call a q-a-n-i-i-s As for the smoking thing,I can't say much because I smoke myself.But anyone who expresses a desire to smoke should know that it's a HUGE waste of money(especially in Canada,where a pack of smokes can run you $8 to $11) and it is just not worth it.It's too bad I can't give myself that advice when I was 14. And it really doesn't matter if it's a man or woman smoking,it is equally wrong,although I can understand what Kheyr means.
  9. Originally posted by Foxy-brown: What are you reading, and how is it? and would U recommended it to members of SOL cheers.... Right now,I'm reading your post,foxy, and I found it exhilarating,exuberant,informative,and hanging on the edge of my seat.Thanx for asking. But seriously,I read the newspaper,and that's about it.
  10. I can't even begin to count how many wrenches,pliers,vise-grips,pens,pencils,or other assorted tools I have lost (or had stolen) at work because I would NEVER remember to keep my tool pouch on me or lock up my tool box.Sometimes,I even left my tools where I was working and when it was time to go home,I just left without even thnking about them!! Now I work in a place where people aren't so scandalous and don't take all my stuff.So the next day,when I come in to work,it's likely I'll hear,"Hey liibaan! You left this out yesterday!" Guess it's a good thing I have better co-workers now.
  11. Well,it's up to you if you want to associate with (mostly,not all) racist arabs that wouldn't even give you the time of day!! As for me,my link with arabs is our nabi Muhammad SCW and after that ,it ends!!
  12. Baluug


    They must be f**king nuts to appear in public anywhere!!Especially Ayaan coming to a city with large somali population.If she's smart,she'll be wearing riot gear!!
  13. Baluug

    TO ALL Somalis

    That's great,but you don't have to post the link in every bloody room,y'know!!
  14. Man,you guys are all into designing and sh!t? I'm still playing around with MS Paint!
  15. Originally posted by Afromali: I dont even have a bank account. [/QB] So what do you do then,stash all your money away under your mattress?
  16. Yeah I know eh!But what can I say eh! That's what we say in the Great White North eh!
  17. I admire OG Girl and Zephyrine for their cool avatars!!
  18. You're not 31?Oh,that must be your qaxooti age,maybe you're actually 47!! Lol just joking!!
  19. I wish the writer of the stup_id books would die
  20. Friggin yanks need to stay put where they are,instead of spreading their filth elsewhere.I hope those Itoobiyan hookers give 'em lots of good diseases.
  21. Originally posted by Fidel: a galon of milk and a pack of cigs. Grand total: $6.05. Too bad the smokes aren't that cheap here,the cigs alone cost $8 to $11!!Guess I should quit,eh? I don't know why you guys are all talking about signing for DEBIT cards(bank cards).I've never had to sign for a debit transaction in my life!Just used my PIN number,which is.....wait a minute.Maybe I shouldn't tell you that.But CREDIT cads,on the other hand...
  22. Originally posted by Goonle: Id definately use it on the fat white girl next door that thinks shes my girl because i turned her out one night after a marathon chat session. That's what you get for leading her on!!Don't talk to fat chicks for more than like 2 or 3 minutes or else they'll think you like them
  23. Stop and'd better cover your dink
  24. I'd run over the old lady and put her out of her misery....Then my best friend can call the ambulance on his cell phone,and I drive away with the hottie!!!
  25. LOOOOL I can see it already....."YOU LITTLE ******* !!! ONCE ME AND MOMMY GET SEPARATED YOU"RE A DEAD LITTLE BOY!!!"