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  1. 3 points
    Absolutely. He is a no frills man but doing a lot of work behind the scenes. Maalin ba dal ayaynu baraynaa qadaadweynta.
  2. 3 points
    kkk Cheeseman bilo ayaa u hadhay, maxay kale ayaad ka filanaysay?
  3. 3 points
    UK, Denmark and Netherlands approve agreements with Somaliland Government on critical infrastructure to improve people’s lives - GOV.UK WWW.GOV.UK The new agreements, supporting projects on roads, agricultural systems, water facilities and fisheries, will spur...
  4. 2 points
    @Khadafi Awoowe, Burundi iyo Gambia... at least Gambia is a Muslim Country. They are credited for standing up for the Rohingha refugees and were able to strip the Nobel Peace Price from Ang Su Si Ji (Whatever her name was). A Burundi fufu will meet & greet you at Mogadishu Airport... strip search you and even touch your private parts while doing so. Ha caayin dadka kaleeto ee kaa sharaf badan.
  5. 2 points
    Chinese (Taiwanese) tourists in Somaliland - a documentary.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    I am starting this thread to keep track of Somaliland's Foreign Minister Dr. Yasin Haji. Mohamoud Hiir (Faratoon).
  8. 1 point
    If you are still a pseudo unionist, nationalist, one of those crying Somaliyeey tooso B.S. I have message for you.
  9. 1 point
    Dhibkeeda ee leedahay marki qofka taarikhda meel khalad oo ka bilaabo. When the english gaalo cadaanka left and the Italians left, Aadan Cadde met the respected somali nationalists. They wanted unfication. Aadan Cadde wuxuu ku jawaabay "walaalayal ma is qaadna". Meaning can we do it. And they did it. And old english hag, the british should not divide somalis. Thats my opinion. Regarding the xaasidnimo. Somaliland had peace and stability while the south was in turmoil and is still is some way. I guess you get political legitmacy by invoking xiqd and xasiidnimo. That explains whye Muuse Biixi in a bizarre interview was saying "KOONFURTA ayaa na so weerereyso, afweyne". My friend most of those people in that epoch are either old or senile. Silaanyo was minister, most of the p senile /very old political elite served in the republic. Like it or not. Most public roads, dekedda berbera all major infrastracture was built by somali tax money. The question you should direct your anger towards to is 30 waa waa wakhti dheer., What have they accomplished in terms of public schools, basic health care, being self-sufficent. The south is much worse but whats lacking in you in self criticism. Look at Suldaankas post. Boasting about the poor african countrey "gambia" discussed about Somaliland and potraying that as if it somekind of a blessing from god. Hold your leaders to account. Soomaliweyn waa wanaag. ee maaha khasab., In my personal opinion the triangle town can secceede if they want. Laakin qabaailada kale ma ku qaysbaysin? Bal ka warama iyaga hadday rebaan in ey idinka rabaan in ey idinka na goaan. The circle arguements continues. Nothing changed. 200 years your grand fathers were sitting under trees and using poems in your clan feuds. Now its clan feuds. While Banaadir was producing religious literacy and religious settlements and lived in peace. Your people were praising religious liturgy made fron Baraawe. Xaasidnimo meeshan ma jiree ee waa jaahilnimo.
  10. 1 point
    absolutely way ku sintay sida loo galay... bahdilaad.com
  11. 1 point
    The fraudulent pseudo unionists' days are numbered. Here is another Unionists lamenting that they are withering away into irrelevancy.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Masha Allah. I agree Somaliland's coastal communities (most underutilised resource) have been neglected far too long especially by way of infra structure development. Travelling from Ceerigaabo to Maydh or Xiis is an undertaking to say the least. Investing in roads/tunnels like Tabca, leading to these communities, should be a priority. The tourism potential should also not be under estimated.
  16. 1 point
    Seems the Iranians, Pakistanis and god knows who else, aren't abiding by said dastuur either.
  17. 1 point
    Cheeseman is cowering inside Villa AMISom. He is still shaking from the near miss of the mortar attack the other day on Stadium Mogadishu.
  18. 1 point
    This is getting interesting.. The Chinese made an offer to Somaliland if Somaliland stopped dealing with Taiwan. Somaliland rejected the offer. ----- Breaking – Somaliland rebuffed a Chinese Government offer to prevent a diplomatic relationship with Taiwan | Somaliland Chronicle SOMALILANDCHRONICLE.COM According to multiple sources, the Chinese Ambassador in Somalia Mr. Qin Jian visited the Republic of Somaliland twice to try to convince the Somaliland government to cease its activities with Taiw…
  19. 1 point
    A number of key infrastructure that will certainly contribute the economy and most importantly will create employment and unlock opportunities.
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