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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    ^Walaaleey adigu, sida reer Mudugii, indho-adeyga waan kugu bartay ee bal ragga qurmuunka raqiiska ah ka tanaasulley ha af lagaadeenin. Saalax iyo Tallaabo boqol kii iyo boqol ayee ka geesiisanyihiin fulayiinta cagaha wax ka dayey.
  2. 1 point
    Qatar has lost value in the eyes of the world in recent years. they abuse migrant workers as they host the most superficial world cup in living memory. its meddles in other countries affairs. its currently facing its greatest diplomatic crisis. its a small and evil emirship. the list could go on. but if this is a reminder of what we Somalis can take note off, i would like to remind you that such flashy, hollow and aesthetically appalling structures will not heal the years of social crisis, internal strife, clan-based politics.
  3. 1 point
    Is our SOL Oodweyne going to welcome him there What happened to Oodweyne, anyway? I was hoping he will come back with election analysis?
  4. 1 point
    These rare earths, stones minerals are most dangerous. DRC can never recover from the problem. Some companies from America and Europe simply hire mercenaries make some deals with a local and kill some other people. Remember the cutting hands mercenaries in Cameroon for diamond until the world threatened and Debeers now hides in Israel. These are products that come with worst consequence than benefit.
  5. 1 point
    Holac, normal people, unless they have psychotic episode(which means not guilty), don't do the above charges, unless under the influence of Alcohol or drugs.
  6. 1 point
    Very true, Alcohol must be involved, Not sure, why like indigenous red Indian community, SOMALI and Alcohol don't go together. While others drink and behave, SOMALIS go mad.
  7. 1 point
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