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Mid-week drudgery

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Ah.. TPS reports and Office Space. The best movie ever made. Here's one of my favorite quotes:


Peter Gibbons: (on the possibility of going to prison) The most they would do is put us for a few months into a white-collar, minimum-security resort! You know, they have conjugal visits there?

Samir: They do?

Michael Bolton: Shit. I'm a free man and I haven't had a conjugal visit in six months.

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They don't send memos where I come from, only dreaded emails demanding urgent help peppered with exclamation marks!!!! Like someone needs CPR oheighthundred hours GMT yesterday only the email server's been set up incorrectly and some unknown quantity is sending emails via it and we've been put on some ban list and now our emails when eventually sent will not be received by external clients who will have by then bashed their heads with their exclamation marks and sent out two other emails inquiring as to the safe receipt of the first and the second email...and the highlight of the day is shutting down the PC and getting stared at all through bus journey by unknown quantity sitting right next to u and who has no qualms about staring at u for an average of 5 seconds for the 20 minute trip at a rate of 1/minute while u pretend that he not only doesn't exist(delete) but was never even pushed into this world by his mother.


Log report, end of.

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