Deeq A.

Somaliland's power distribution: 75% Beesha Dhexe, 25% others

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Deeq A.   

Beesha Dhexe (Madaxweyne Biixi's subclan)

1.Wasiirka Ariimaha dibada

2.Wasiirka Boosaha iyo isgaadhsinta

3.Wasiirka Warfaafinta iyo Dhaqanka

4.Wasiirka Hormarinta wadooyinka

5.Wasiir ku x Ariimaha gudaha iyo amniiga

6.Hanti dhawraha guud ee qaranka

7.Mareeyaha Hawada iyo Madaarada

8.Mareeyaha Ka hortaga Abaaraha iyo kaydka raashinka

9.Gudoomiyaha gobalka gabiley

10. Gudoomiyaha Gobalka salaal

11.Gudoomiyaha Gobalka saraar

12.Gud ku xigeenka Gobalka maroodijeex

13. Safiir ku xigeenka Ethiopia

14.Aggasimaha guud ee Madaxtooyada

15.Aggasimaha guud Ee caafimadka

16.Aggasimaha guud ee Maaliyada

17.Aggasimaha Guud Maalgashiga

18.Aggasimaha guud ee Shaqada iyo ariimaha bulshada

19.Aggasimaha guud ee qorshaynta qaranka

20.Gud ku xigeenka Haayada tayada

Beesha Dhexe (East Burco Clan)

1.Wasiirka Ariimaha gudaha iyo amniiga qaranka

2.Wasiirka Dastuurka iyo Golayaasha

3.Wasiirka Macdanta

4.Wasiirka shaqada iyo ariimaha bulshada

5.Wasiirka Xanaanada xoolaha iyo kaluumaysiga

6.Wasiir ku xigeenka caafimadka

7.Gudoomiyaha haayada Qaxoontiga

8.Gudoomiyaha gobalka Awdal

9.Gudoomiyaha gobalka maroodijeex

10.Gudoomiyaha Hayada Tayaada cuntada

11.Gudoomiye ku xigeenka hayada wadooyinka

12.Safiir ku xigeenka Dalka Kenya

13.Safiirka Midowga Africa

14.Aggasimaha guud Ariimaha dibada

15.Aggasimaha guud ee Cadaalada

16.Aggasimaha guud ee Hormariinta reer miga iyo deeganka

17.Aggasimaha guud hawlaha guud iyo guryaaynta

18.Aggasimaha Guud ee Ganacsiga warshadaha iyo dalxiiska

Beesha Dhexe (West Burco, South Hargeisa)

1.Wasiirka Maaliyada

2.Wasiirka Caafimadka

3.Wasiirka Ciyaaraha

4.Wasiirka Deganka

5.Wasiir ku xigeenka waxbarashada

6.Wasiir ku xigeenka warfaafinta

7.Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Togdheer

8.Gudoomiyaha Gobalka Hawd

9.Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Gobalka saaxil

10.Afhayeenka Madaxtooyada

11.Safiirka Ethiopia

12.Aggasimaha Boosaha

13.Aggasimaha Dastuurka iyo xidhiidhka golayasha

14.Aggasimaha Degmooyinka iyo dawlada hoose

15.Aggasimaha gadiidka

More Beesha Dhexe

1.Wasiirka Diinta iyo waqaafta

2.Wasiirka maalgashiga

3.Wasiir ku xigeenka ariimaha gudaha

4.Gudoomiyaha Gobalka sanaag

5.Safiirka Qaraamada midoobay

6.Aggasimaha Ciyaaraha

7.Aggasimaha Beeraha

Beesha Ayuub

1.Wasiir ku xigeenka xanaanada xoolaha iyo kaluumaysiga

2.Aggasimaha macdanta

3.Madaxa hormariinta Mashaaricda Dalka

Beesha Toljeclo

1.Wasiir ku xigeenka Maaliyada

Beelaha SSC

1.Wasiirka wasaarada biyaha

2.Wasiirka Hawlaha guud iyo guryaaynta

3.Wasiirka Waxbarashada iyo sayniska

4.Wasiirka Gaashandhiga qaranka

5.Wasiir ku xigeenka Hormarinta jidaadka iyo gadiidka

6.Gudoomiyaha gobalka Buhoodle

7.Aggasimaha diinta iyo waqaafta

8.Aggasima Amniiga

9.Aggasimaha Warfaafinta

10.Aggasimaha maamulka iyo lacagta koomishinka aydhiska

11.Mareeye ku xigeenka Ka hortaaga abaaraha iyo kaydka raashinka

Beesha Awdal Clan

1.Wasiirka wasaarada beeraha

2.Wasiirka wasaarada qorshaynta qaranka

3.Wasiirka Wasaarada ganacsiga,warshadaha iyo dalxiiska

4.Gudoomiyaha gobalka Saaxil

5.Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Haayada qaxoontiga

6.Aggasimaha wasaarada Biyaaha

7.Aggasimaha wasaarada tacliinta sare

8.Aggasimaha wasaarada xanaanada xoolaha iyo kaluumaysiga

Beesha Djibouti

1.Wasiirka wasaarada Cadaalada

2.Aggasimaha wasaarada waxbaraashada

Beesha Gabooye

1.Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaarada qorshaynta qaranka

Beesha HAG

1.Lataliyaha Madaxwaynaha Ariimaha bulshada

87 Digreeto

64 Beesha Dhexe total

38 Jeeganta only

26 Other Beesha Dhexe subclans

23 All other clans from Somaliland

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What does this actually translate to? It is not like the life your average person from beesha is economically better than anyone else. Everybody is dirty and poor unless you have someone abroad or connected to the business cartel. It's 'democracy' on empty stomach.

Positions of authority only benefit the guys who are occupying them. All that the clan is left is a hallow pride.

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This is very dangerous politics. In Ethiopia:

The Amhara never mention government, but only military and intelligence to show Tigray domination

The Amhara and Oromo never go colonel and below in the Military, because they know its balanced to that level

The Oromo only focus on the 70% Amhara in government and want short cut by making Oromo language Federal instead of teaching their children Amharic and balance that way

Its very easy to create hate, suspicion in third world.

In all of American history only one Catholic president has ever been elected and he even did not finish one term

In both US and Canada its British and Germans and British and French that dominate everything

Some things are historical reasons and not easily fixable, example: If fighters of a clan were 90% well this will continue for a generation, before it can be reasobnably balanced.



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2 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

What does this actually translate to? It is not like the life your average person from beesha is economically better than anyone else. Everybody is dirty and poor unless you have someone abroad or connected to the business cartel. It's 'democracy' on empty stomach.

Positions of authority only benefit the guys who are occupying them. All that the clan is left is a hallow pride.

Its true but other corrupt politicians from other clans will use this negatively and create friction, mistrust and suspicion and bring the whole house down, instead of doing it constructively and lift everybody up.

Its like lowering test scores in America to accept certain groups, gender etc to schools or organizations. Instead should have been specialization where the strength is. The Russians, French, British, Dutch, Spanish, Portueguese...were all empires, but there are areas where each had strength and weaknesses, be it cultural, religion, social, education etc based.


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4 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

What does this actually translate to? It is not like the life your average person from beesha is economically better than anyone else. Everybody is dirty and poor unless you have someone abroad or connected to the business cartel. It's 'democracy' on empty stomach.

Positions of authority only benefit the guys who are occupying them. All that the clan is left is a hallow pride.

1. What do the ministers of maalgashiga  iyo deegaanka responsible for? 

2. Wasiirka boosaha?? Other than the privately owned DHL, there is no postal service in Somaliland. 

3. Wasiirka biyaha?? Guddida biyoolayaasha has more responsibility and influence than this waste of money minister and his ministry. 

4. Ciyaaraha?? Even Hargeisa has got not a single publicly owned open space for kids to play football. 

5. Wasiirka diinta iyo waqaafta?? Dawladdu dadka diintooda faraha ha kala baxdo. Enough with political wadaado. 

6. Wasiirka hawada? Don't know what he does now but anyway it seems he is facing redundancy with no pay as Mr Cheese and co are gaining control of the airspace. 

7. Wasiirka caafimaadka?? They are really making mockery of the sick and vulnerable people. If only they were able to stop expired drugs being sold in pharmacies up and down the country. 

8. Wasiirka hawlaha guud iyo guryaynta?? I know guryaynta part of his portfolio is a fraud as the reality in Somaliland is such- you either have your own house, can afford rent, or sleep out with the stray dogs. But what is the first part of his portfolio?

9. There are oblivious many other waste of money ministers but I guess there is no point in me whining about it. 

  • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 1

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15 minutes ago, Tallaabo said:

1. What do the ministers of maalgashiga  iyo deegaanka responsible for? 

2. Wasiirka boosaha?? Other than the privately owned DHL, there is no postal service in Somaliland. 

3. Wasiirka biyaha?? Guddida biyoolayaasha has more responsibility and influence than this waste of money minister and his ministry. 

4. Ciyaaraha?? Even Hargeisa has got not a single publicly owned open space for kids to play football. 

5. Wasiirka diinta iyo waqaafta?? Dawladdu dadka diintooda faraha ha kala baxdo. Enough with political wadaado. 

6. Wasiirka hawada? Don't know what he does now but anyway it seems he is facing redundancy with no pay as Mr Cheese and co are gaining control of the airspace. 

7. Wasiirka caafimaadka?? They are really making mockery of the sick and vulnerable people. If only they were able to stop expired drugs being sold in pharmacies up and down the country. 

8. Wasiirka hawlaha guud iyo guryaynta?? I know guryaynta part of his portfolio is a fraud as the reality in Somaliland is such- you either have your own house, can afford rent, or sleep out with the stray dogs. But what is the first part of his portfolio?

9. There are oblivious many other waste of money ministers but I guess there is no point in me whining about it. 

You can literally apply to any other Somali region. No monies go into social services. They indeed mock Somalis and we let them.

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