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Can you help who you fall in love with?

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Ms DD   

Can you meet someone once and know they are your other half?


Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?


Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?


Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?


We are not talking about lust here. I am talking about the feeling related to the irrationality within ourselves.


Perhaps falling in love at first sight is somewhat like a paradoxical statement.

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Can you meet someone once and know they are your other half?



Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?

No, but there could be.


Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?



Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?

Yes. Marriage without love is like tea without sugar or flavour.


We are not talking about lust here. I am talking about the feeling related to the irrationality within ourselves.

Ok smile.gif


Perhaps falling in love at first sight is somewhat like a paradoxical statement.

Perhaps. I don't think anyone has all the answers.


As to the title's question, I'm not sure, you don't wake up one day and decide you love someone, you migt realize it like that but I think a lot more must happen before you come to that realization. So, you may or may not have control over the final act of loving that person itself but you do have some control over what leads up to it. Does that make sense?

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Can you meet someone once and know they are your other half?



Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?

NOPE. I have fallen in/out of love so many times I lost count


Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?

Yes, you have to know the person otherwise it's just lust.


Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?

Yes, it's a must.

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Ms DD   



I didnt see your final paragraph. I found out a long time ago that you cant help fall in love with someone unless you remove that person from your life. The way i see it, every bloke/lady (who isnt your mahram) is potential for you to fall in love with. Or maybe you might fall in love with an aspect of his/her personality.


This whole think came about when my friend started working at this new place. She has met few people on the first day and she absolutely detested one of the blokes there. A year later, she cant live without him. How did that happen?



You see things that black and white?

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I don't know about the first two Qs. But the later two, I would have to say Yes and Yes.


Firstly, if you don't know the person, you can't really know what they like or whta ticks them. But if you know what pleases them and displeases them, you can do it like they like it or avoid the things they dislike. Thus you are assure to be loved.


Secondly, the two persons have to be crazy about each other I think. If not, the whole marriage will be bilaa milix and the man would simply take the role of cali biyoole. You know he comes home every day and fills up the tank sort of thing. No spice in that at all.


Waa laga ducaystaa kuwaasoo kale.


Tanag you edo.

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I really dnt think there is one particular perfect person out there for everyone, dats jst fanciful thinking right? I mean how HARD would it be to find that person. I guess you jst meet someone you like, grow to love dem an make it work. I believe you can grow to love someone.


I was listening to this thing on the radio the other day about all these women in WW1 who died as spinsters coz all the men died fighting the Germans. It must of been the same wid on the German side.


A whole generation widout noone to marry, I felt so bad for dem.


Anyway, yes you do need to love the person u are going to marry otherwise why agree to spend the rest of your life wid them? :confused:

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You can fall in love with someone and think you're made for each other, but that is not a real love. It takes years, may be, four years to feel a real love, if you're lucky, with your mate. So, unless you fill her tank or his tank as someone puts it, again and again, you would'nt know if your's the 'real one'. If lucky, that is when you can call each other as 'soul mates'.


My advice to ladies, keep filling him until your fourth aniversary. That's when you can sit back and reevaluate your relationship.

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^Thats complicated roob, life is simple akhi.


-Can you help who you fall in love with?

a. yes


-Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?

b. no


-Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?

c. no


-Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?

d. no


-We are not talking about lust here. I am talking about the feeling related to the irrationality within ourselves.

e. say what? me no comprende


-Perhaps falling in love at first sight is somewhat like a paradoxical statement

f. saaaaaaaaaaay whaaaaaaaaaat?


Cambarro Sharaaf u sound like a teenage girl....whats up mama? Dhoocilahaan SOL ka buuxa uu maxadareey nooh.

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Can you meet someone once and know they are your other half?


Maybe but you don't really know someone unless you've lived with them & they've left their underwear in the bathroom or ate the last cheesecake piece you've been eye-balling.


Is it there truly only one person in the entire universe for you?


NO! Who keeps spreading this ugly rumour?


Do you HAVE to know a person to be in love with them?


I would say that it is a minimum prerequisite or else it is stalking.


Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?


Marriage is a necessary ingredient for the destruction of love.


We are not talking about lust here.


Why not? :mad:

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Is love a necessary ingredient for marriage?

No, but kindness is a necessary ingredient. Too many just don't know themselves when they get married on emotional grounds more than realistic ones. This comes back to haunt them when love stops in a heartbeat ie; when the marriage gets old, you get bored, and things may not have the same old mystique and passion quite the way it used to. Like when the children are puking all at the same time, and every one has diareah and you say to him: honey can you get up and help me?

then comes the shocking response: naa ma anoo nin rag ah baa dhaybar badal i leedahay?

kadabkaa go'.. hadaanan...

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Hmmm, Nyphthys , I was under the impression that whilst these qualities can exist outside of love that patience, kindness and friendship were all attributes of love? I think people have this idea that love must be some kind of irrational, hopping on pavements, flowers and candies & fireworks exploding- lets walk on water mad sort of thing? It might be some of those things in the beginning but surely it can also be steady and ordinary and part of life? I think it has been too exaggerated and if it’s not what the TV/magazines/books tell us then it must not be love, which is totally false of course.

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Originally posted by chubacka:


I was listening to this thing on the radio the other day about all these women in WW1 who died as spinsters coz all the men died fighting the Germans. It must of been the same wid on the German side.


A whole generation widout noone to marry, I felt so bad for dem.

But boy did they have lots of fun during the war.

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