
Former South Yemen Republic Is Emerging from the ashes of Yemen's civliwar

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A New State Is Emerging in Yemen



A new country is beginning to form in the chaos and confusion of Yemen’s civil war. A coup in Aden in late January 2018 has hastened the process.


The new Yemen has its roots in the period 1990 to 1994, when the Saudi-supported North Yemen and the Cuban/Soviet-supported South were forcibly united. The united Yemen was dominated by a clique surrounding North Yemen president Abdullah Saleh.


Although he eventually appointed a southerner – Soviet-trained Maj. Gen. Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi as his vice president, Saleh ruled the country like a family enterprise. He appointed his son, nephews and other members of his family and tribe to all important positions of the military and the state.


All the power, and most of development, were concentrated in Sana’a, and the Saleh clique had the final word in every single state affair.


Saleh and his clique tended to disparage the southerners as “Eritreans” and “Indians,” because Aden was predominantly populated by people who came the region as laborers during the British colonial period.


Saleh and his clique likewise discriminated against many northerners, describing those of Zaidi origin as “backward.”


Saleh’s rule was supported by Saudi Arabia, but only to a certain degree. Keen to convert the Yemenis to their state religion – Wahabism – and also to have a plan B in the event they lost control over Saleh, the Saudis financed the movements of Yemeni Salafists. These includes the Islah Party, often described as the “Muslim Brotherhood of Yemen.”


Saleh initially cooperated with Salafists and appointed some of them to various positions of secondary importance. Before long, their growing influence became a matter of major concern for him.


In the mid-2000s, Saleh provoked a war with a movement of Zaidi youth, which became known as the Houthis. To fight the Houthis, the Yemeni military mostly deployed units affiliated with the Islah Party. For a while, the resulting war worked in Saleh’s favor, especially as both sides suffered extensive losses.


When that conflict embroiled Saudi Arabia in 2009, Saleh’s intelligence services several times attempted to have his major competitor, Islah-affiliated Maj. Gen. Ali Mohsen Al Ahmar, assassinated by way of Saudi air strikes.


There were deep rifts within the Yemeni military. These became obvious when Saleh was forced to step down in 2011. As the new president, Hadi introduced sweeping reforms of the military and the state, all designed to purge both of Saleh’s clique.


His reforms backfired. By 2014, nearly all of the military had mutinied against his rule. Other units, including much of the Yemeni air force, were still commanded by Saleh’s relatives.


During the same year, Saudi Arabia declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization. Correspondingly, it stopped all support for the power-block centered on the Islah Party.


The Houthis seized on the chaos and made an unopposed advance into the Yemeni capital in September 2014. As opportunistic as ever, Saleh quickly sided with the Houthis, forming a coalition that attracted up to 60 percent of the Yemeni military.


The rest of the military – and thus the entire country – followed in fashion. Al Ahmar’s units openly sided with the Islah block. Only a few units sided with Hadi, who never enjoyed popular support.


Furthermore, when the Houthi-Saleh coalition launched its advance into southern Yemen in March 2015, many local military units sided with various local alliances, all dominated by South Yemen separatists.


This was the situation at the time Saudi Arabia created an alliance of Arab states and launched its military intervention in Yemen.


The Saudi-led operation proved highly successful. Following three months of intensive air strikes, Saudi, Emirati and allied forces landed in Aden and then steam-rolled Houthi forces toward the north. By September 2015, they had recovered all of former South Yemen and much of central Yemen on behalf of Hadi’s government.


However, the forces deployed by the Saudi-led coalition numbered no more than 40,000 … and faced up to 200,000 combatants from the Houthi-Saleh coalition. There was no Yemeni police and no military to secure the areas behind the advancing forces of he Saudi coalition.


This resulted in a situation where diverse groups – including Al Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsular and southern separatists brought sizeable parts of southern Yemen under their control.


Obviously, this was in nobody’s interest. Correspondingly, the Saudi-led alliance was forced to stop its advance and begin work creating a new Yemeni state.


Ever since, Saudi and Emirati politics in Yemen have gotten in each other’s way.


Realizing that Hadi still enjoyed no political support, the Saudis reversed their decision on the Muslim Brotherhood. Indeed, Al Ahmar was appointed the minister of defense in Hadi’s government, thus nominally putting all Islah-affiliated military units and tribes on the side of the presidency.


On the contrary, the Emiratis intensified their cooperation with the southerners, foremost the separatists and the Hadramawt Confederation. Emirati and allied forces spent most of 2016 and 2017 fighting AQAP in southern Yemen and strengthening their grip over this part of the country through the creation of the Southern Transitional Council – a de-facto new government of southern Yemen.


Unsurprisingly considering their different aims, the two emerging power blocks were at odds before long. Their mutual differences were what led to the latest coup against Hadi’s government in Aden in late January 2018.


Because of their persistent insistence on Hadi as the legitimate president of Yemen, neither the Saudis nor the Emiratis are in a position to drop the official government. Therefore, and despite the success of the Emirati-supported forces, we can expect the situation to soon return to what it was before the coup.


The only difference will be that Hadi loyalists will have no effective power in Aden any longer.


The net result could be the creation of a statelet comparable to Somaliland — an independent, Emirati-supported South Yemen, indirectly allied with the United States, but not recognized by any outside powers.

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This is where a split is best option. Yemenis have seen nothing but war ever since the re-uniting of Yemen.

And in most cases the wars are from North. Houthi and government have been at it for ages and now the governmet and houthi in alliance against the banana republic of Saudi kingdom yemen led in nsame only by southerner.


The South could be like Djibouti. They have great location. The North can also be successful with natural resources if they have peace. Overthrow Saudis, recover the two provinces up north if situation permits later on.


Let the people have a break from war destruction mindless corruption all in the name of unity.

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They should not have joined in the first place. BUT UAE is active and trying to help separatist movement in the MUslim world,  Libya, SOMALILAND , Balochistan of Pakistan, and this case Yemen.



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4 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

They should not have joined in the first place. BUT UAE is active and trying to help separatist movement in the MUslim world,  Libya, SOMALILAND , Balochistan of Pakistan, and this case Yemen.



Absolutely yes, but everywhere the UAE is doing this have had festering problems prior when UAE was just camel country.

Me thinks its still Europeans doing this and is not out of the sphere of Britain.

The reasons and background common to all places you mentioned is mostly based on what happened in 19-20 century when colonialism was introduced.

Libya is looking bleak the opportunity to put it back together. The British, French and Italians are tearing it apart because no one of them can prevail as absolute influencer.


Its unfortunate, but in Yemens case split is best option where the Houthi will be satisfied with influence they will have in the North, and hopefully peace.




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This actions proves that the UAE is a hostile nation bent on destroying Muslim nations.


They are probably the ones manipulating Saudi Arabia.  They are contracted to do the dirty job of others. 


Somali Hawala business must leave Dubai as soon as possible. There are other international banks that could do the job. Somali government should give them time to relocate their assets before it is too late. 


This evil nation is danger to our survival



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30 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

This actions proves that the UAE is a hostile nation bent on destroying Muslim nations.


 This evil nation is danger to our survival




This time there is no alternative to Dubai that can immediately take over. And Yes UAE is acting the same way the British empire entered the Somalis. Use terrorism and competeling war lords, use corruption to create where some tools do not exist.


Now that UAE has bankrupted Saudi they will soon become friends to Qatar and dismantle Turkish plans. That is what America wants and that is what Britain wants.

Stay low profile and have some rudimentary contacts with UAE is what I would advice SFG to do. Since UAE will always have easy reach to Somalis, has more money and more support from America, its better for SFG to be close. Turkey cannot replace all this, but Turkey will remain most trusty and reliable to Somalia.


Keep your friends close, And  even your enemies closer.



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The fake government of Saudi Arabia in Yemen will soon relocate outside of the South.


The former president of South Yemen, Ali Nasir Mohamed Husani, urged southern forces to resume dialogue and not to become “promoters of these wars”. Nasir, who remains a widely revered political figure, held that the ouster of the Bin Daghr government would not solve the problems of the nation and the Yemeni people. Nor would any new government be able to resolve the crisis in the absence of a comprehensive solution for Yemen, both north and south.

He called for the creation of a new leadership and a national unity government and called on all armed factions to lay down their weapons and surrender them to the Ministry of Defense of the national unity government so as to pave the way for the establishment of a bi-regional federal state for a specified period of time, during which the people of the south would be able to exercise their right to self-determination.

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