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Amina Muse Weheliye oo munaafaqnimoda Mogadishu taala runta ka sheegtay

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So what will be the punishment for Somaliland when they did the same thing that you are accusing of the Federal Government. Remember the famous quote of Somalinad politician that "a child born in Addi Ababa is Closer to me than a child born in Mogadishu".


People who are all of a sudden emotional about this issue are either qaran dumis, naive or worse qabilist. The good news is that this particular Federal government has saved hundreds of Somalis in India, America, Europe, and Ethiopia jails. As long as this government works for the best interest of Somali people everywhere, they will have the respect and support of average Farah and Xalimo.

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Somaliland iyo Somalia midowgii 1960 muusan ahayn mid Hargeisa iyo Mogadishu kali ah midow door bideen. Wuxu ka salaysna aragti ah in la raadiyo "Somaliwayn" shantii Somaliyeed.


Arinka isaga ah, waa fashilmay. Kolkii hore si "practical" ayu u fashilmay, maanta wuxu u fashilmay "morally" when they declared ONLF a terrorist organisation.


Amina Muse arinka ayay ka hadashay oo abaartay runtana ka sheegtay.


Kolka anigu shakhsi ahaan, I don't give a flying fig about what reer Koonfur say about it, because they have no say on this. But I find it interesting what my fella country men, folks like Galbeedi etc, can support on their reasoning.

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Dumarku waxay ka samaysanyihiin caadifad waxa laga yaabaa waxa ay ka hadlayso waxaan ahayn inay ka xanaaqsantahay


Raggaa laga rabaa inay akhriyaan,waa runteed xninyo beel baa laga qaadaa.


cid iska laalaada ma jirto waxaa kaliya oo la sheegaa in midnimo ka wanaagsan tahay kala tagga waana sax,haddiise la waayo,wiilka buuhoodle ku dhinta mujaahid ina mujaahida ha ugu yeerin buulkaaga ku ekow fidnada waa laga dhuuntaa.

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Awoowe, Midnimo waxa laga faa'iiday dib u dhaca ilaa maanta aan ka soo kaban kari la'nahay.


Anigu waxaan ka aaminsanahay Midnimo'da waxa si fiican u sharaxaaya Abwaan Dheeg.


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Diktoore Oodweine,


Nageeye is from Hargeisa, he is really a very good poet. I have heard a couple of his works and they are very good pieces of work.


As far as his "Pan Somali" stand, it is a case of "nin yar intu geed ka boodo ayu talo ka booda". Let him discover the world. Let him learn and experience at first hand. And afterwards, he will come to the same conclusions as did by his other elder generations namely such as Abwaan Dheeg himself.


One thing that Abwaan Dheeg hammered down was the concept of "Somali Unity". He says in his poem "It is either all for one, or all as one". Meaning, Hargeisa will only entertain a Unity based on all the Somali speaking regions as in "All for 1 nation". Or Hargeisa will go on its own, like Djibouti, opting for "All as indivitual states".


The spirit of the 1960 Union was never between Hargeisa and Mogadishu, rather it was about bringing all Somali speaking regions under the one nation state. That has spectacularly face-planted.


Abwaan Dheeg answering a Pirateland Poet named Khaliif.


Halka kan ee Xornimo meertay, ama mooday wax i seegay

Ee maahmaahdu kaa leexatay, ood meherka gaadhsiisay

Adoon hadalka miisaamin, aya wax maqolosaysaaye

Waxa maalinta loo mashxaradaayay waa calankii maandeeq

Hadii maantaba canaan igu maleegaysay,

mabda'ii lixdankii aan qabay ayaa maanta wali hayaa

Shantu magac qudha ayay leedahay oo moodaya wali

Midi intay danbayso'na xornimo waa ila mudituul

Ninka laba mideeyay, ee sadexda maqan u ooyayaa

iyo Macan'go raaskoodi, oo magac la doonayso

Inay wada mur'maan waa ku ceeb, waana kala maan!

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