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President Farmajo Busy settling score while The Country faces devastate drought

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Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir oo la geliyay go’doon dhaqaale iyo mid siyaasadeed (Warbixin)

by A M | Saturday, Mar 18, 2017 | 7791 views






March 18 (Jowhar)— Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Yuusuf Xuseen Jimcaale oo mustaqbalkiisa xileed uu mugdi ku jiro ayaa waxaa soo wajahay culeysyo baaxad leh oo uga imaanaya madaxda dowladda, iyadoo la geliyay xaalad go’doon ah.





Yuusuf Jimcaale oo si weyn ugu ololeeyay Madaxweynihii hore Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa hada ka mid ah dadka ugu horeeyay xil qaadistooda ay dhow-dahay, marka la dhiso Xukuumadda cusub.


Ilo lagu kalsoonaan karo oo ay heshay ayaa sheegaya in labadii bilood ee la soo dhaafay Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir la geliyay go’doon dhaqaale iyo mid siyaasadeed.


Labo jeer oo ay waqtiyo kooban u dhaxeeyay ayaa laga xayiray akoonadii Gobolka Banaadir ku lahaa Bankiga Dhexe, taasoo ku xaroon jirtay dakhliga Gobolka Banaadir uu ka helo Dekeda Muqdisho.


Xayiraada lagu soo rogay Akoonadii Gobolka Banaadir ayaa sababtay inay saameyn ku yeelayo howlihii Gobolka, sidoo kale waxaa muddo bilooyin ah maqan mushaaraadkii shaqaalaha Gobolka.


Sidoo kale go’doonka siyaasadeed ee uu galay Guddoomiye Madaale ayaa ah in Madaxweyne Farmaajo uu albaabada ka xirtay, dhowr jeer oo uu isku dayay inuu ku casuumo munaasabado uu Gobolka qaban lahaa ka hor-yimid in la qabto ama uu ka qeyb galo.


Guddoomiye Madaale ayaa si aad ah ugu milmay ololihii doorashada Madaxweynihii hore ee Xasan Sheekh, waxaa la xusuustaa hadaladii aan gambadka laheyn ee uu taageerada ugu muujiyay.



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Malister, saaxiib ma waxa aad tidhi " noolow ma daale.


This governor is a full member of Damujadiid. Unlike Tarzan , this man is in change of both the civilian , police and the intelligence apparatus of the capital. Yet huge security problems still persist in most neighborhood. The new leadership must bring a new blood or bring back M. Nuur Tarzan who proven himself during the difficult times .


In terms of " Xaflado", i do believe the time of useless parties thrown in Mogadishu are over. We understand that despite the change of leadership, Damujadiid are very active every where including inside the parliament. Who knows they might even have a hand in the new leadership. The reality is they should allow change and back their bags.

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Malister, saaxiib ma waxa aad tidhi " noolow ma daale.


This governor is a full member of Damujadiid. Unlike Tarzan , this man is in change of both the civilian , police and the intelligence apparatus of the capital. Yet huge security problems still persist in most neighborhood. The new leadership must bring a new blood or bring back M. Nuur Tarzan who proven himself during the difficult times .


In terms of " Xaflado", i do believe the time of useless parties thrown in Mogadishu are over. We understand that despite the change of leadership, Damujadiid are very active every where including inside the parliament. Who knows they might even have a hand in the new leadership. The reality is they should allow change and back their bags.


The Best Governor & Mayor Mogadishu ever had , The Governor literally changed the face of the city embarking major successful projects and completing it.





Caasimaada dalka Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho ayaa waxaa laga bilaabay dib u habayn lagu samaynayo bulaacadihii qaadi jiray biyaha roobka ee ku ooli jiray wadooyinka hareerahooda





Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir oo Kalsooni Ku Abuuray Shacabka Muqdisho




The Governor is very active The people support him Big Time



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xasan sheekh waa tagay maalinkii la doortay amaantaad ku bilowday yaad ku dhoofisay,waana dhaqanka soomaalida fiqo iyo tolkiis jano iskuma arkaan


duqa magaaladuna si aan gabasho lahayn yuu doorashadii xasan sheekh ugu ololeeyay umana ekayn duq magaalo


mudane farmaajo waxaa laga rabaa inuu nin soomaaliyeed oo shaqadiisa kasoo bixi kara u dhiibo magaalo madaxda soomaaliya iyo meeshii uu is leeyahay dhaxan baa ka iman karta.


gaari gacan ciid laga daadiyo dadka lagu qiimeeyo.




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xasan sheekh waa tagay maalinkii la doortay amaantaad ku bilowday yaad ku dhoofisay,waana dhaqanka soomaalida fiqo iyo tolkiis jano iskuma arkaan


duqa magaaladuna si aan gabasho lahayn yuu doorashadii xasan sheekh ugu ololeeyay umana ekayn duq magaalo


mudane farmaajo waxaa laga rabaa inuu nin soomaaliyeed oo shaqadiisa kasoo bixi kara u dhiibo magaalo madaxda soomaaliya iyo meeshii uu is leeyahay dhaxan baa ka iman karta.


gaari gacan ciid laga daadiyo dadka lagu qiimeeyo.



Labo jeer oo ay waqtiyo kooban u dhaxeeyay ayaa laga xayiray akoonadii Gobolka Banaadir ku lahaa Bankiga Dhexe, taasoo ku xaroon jirtay dakhliga Gobolka Banaadir uu ka helo Dekeda Muqdisho.


Disturbing the Mogadishu admin cash flow cutting of salary for the Police & civil service other to do list for the admn .,


Thats not why Farmajo was elected is it ? is that positive way to settle score


Have you seen or heard from Farmaajo lately



whats Farmajo Plan


Insert his close friends and circle for Power vacuum ?


What makes him different ?




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