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Did The Gedo community surrendred to Kenya ?, or did they gain power?

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This week an extraordinary meeting between the Gedo (Kacaan) community and the government of Kenya took place. Almost everyone that mattered attended the meeting. The meeting was arranged by the former prime minister Saacid who is based in Kenya since 1991, after the collapse of the Somali state. He established some businesses connected with no governmental organizations. He was aided by another former prime minister C/weli Sheekh Ahmed.





According to those who followed this meeting and others held in Nairobi for the last few weeks, Kenya got exactly what it has demanded. In the middle of January , 2016, Al-Shabaab extremists overrun a Kenyan forward military base in the small town of Ceel Cade, Gedo, Somalia. While it is hard to know the exact number of the Kenyan Casualty, unofficial figures were between 100 and 200 soldiers. Both the Kenyan government and the public could not stomach the largest military casualty suffered by Kenya in it's history.





Kenyatta Junior openly accused the Gedo community by aiding Al-Shabaab. Since they can not find a sitting duck Al-Shabaab or a village to capture from them, they decided to go after the soft targets, in this case the unarmed civilian population of Gedo. They started indiscriminate bombing of the border communities and villages. Collateral damages may happen where militants are targeted, but this indiscriminate killings of the local people by Kenya was deliberate and calculated. There were no organized local media or others brave enough to bring this crimes to the Somali public and the international audience, yet some how certain Somalis were able to document the atrocities committed by Kenya. Aided by international human right NGO's , they collected enough evidence to incriminate the Kenyan government or at least show their disregard of civilian population. Late last month, this accusation got some traction that they could attract the attention of the world.




In the background of all this is the sitting president of Kenya and his deputy were already investigated and accused of inciting genocide by the United Nations as early as last year. Another publicity and accusations with hard evidence will put the Kenyan leader in precarious situation. Now the local businessman Saacid and C/weli were hired or I should say contracted out by Kenya to made certain arrangements with the Community. They did not disappoint. They brought the supreme Ugaas of the Gedo community, elders, religious leaders, businessmen and politicians.




According to Nairobi based people, Kenya has got more than it bargained for. Here is the break down.




1- The Gedo leaders fully agreed and supported the wall Kenya is building between Kenya and the provisional border of 1963.


2-Those activists who were organizing and highlighting the Gedo genocide against the Kenyan government agreed to drop their cases and financial compensation were promised for their time spent in the issue.


3- 1200 Gedo militia will be trained by the Kenyan government inside Kenya. Those militia will be paid and controlled by that government and will be fighting Al-Shabaab along side the Kenyan military.


4- C/weli Sheekh Ahmed, the former prime minister, will be aided by Kenya in the next Somali presidential election.


5-The Gedo militia controlled by Barre Hiiraale and others will be given permanent bases in Kismayo with direct help from the Kenyan government.


6- Gedo politicians agreed to support the presence of Kenyan military in Somalia for the next few years.


7- The Gedo administration should be immediately under the direct control of the Jubba administration.




there were some more, but these ones are the major points.




In other words , the Gedo community became a client clan of Kenya. Justifying their warm relations with Kenya, those who attended the meeting, publicly explained their motivations. They rightly pointed the fingers to the federal government ,especially the President who mourned with the Kenyan soldiers during Ceel Cade killings, while ignoring the death of the Gedo civilians. They felt abandoned by the Somali government , so they took care of their clan business as every Somali would do. Certainly they are not the first Somali clan to have a meeting with a foreign government, but it could be the largest of it's kind. Ministers, Prime ministers, elders and businessmen.




To get a foot hold in the throat cut Somali power structure , one must carry the water for the new powers of 21st century. Corrupt and weak nations of the region suddenly became the indespensible mountain ( buur ku tiirsanow ma maqli jirtay).




Finally, it is too early to see how and when this community will benefit from the Kenyan help.

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Gabeedi,,,,.warka meel madaxa u saar borama news whatever


Arintu orgiga ka weyn, saxaafaddu way ogtahay in soomaaliyoo dhan qayb qayb loo iibiyay gedo yaan la suuq geyn cidina akhrisan mayso, iskaashi wax wada qabsi iyo darisnimo waarta ha la yeesheen walaalahood Kenya.


Su’aasha fiican waxay ahyd reer gedo marxuumkii wuxuu mootan yahay ku dhawaad sodon sano wayna ogyihiin inuusan dib danbe u soo noqonayn, wadankuu xuduudkiisa difaaci jirayna waa la baneeyay, sida muuqata.


Dadkii uu soomaalinamada u jeclaana waxay u qaybsameen dad marqaan la doorsoomay iyo kuwa neef kulul ugu abaal guday iyo aryaa idey.


Dhulkiina idinkaa iska leh ama naado ku iibsada ama difaacda ilaa taako ka mida,soomaalinimo waa catow idiin gaara.


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The Gedo community is after Kismayo, the biggest price in this political chess game. If the Gedoans can convince Kenya to slowly transfer control of the city to that community, then we can say they have succeeded in their mission.


Gedo community has gained nothing but destruction from its alliance with Al-Shabab in the last few years. The Gedoans woke up and realized their land is isolated and for the most part left behind in terms of development. It is great the leadership of that community is changing tactics. There is nothing wrong taking on Al-shabab killers with the help of Kenya.


The question still standing is, however; how will Madoobe and Gaas's community react to this new alliance? After all, they are the key power brokers in the city of Kismayo.

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Sidee qabiil gaar ah ula shiri karaan dowlad shisheeye, siiba kuwa ah cadowga Soomaaliweyn? Waxaaba ka sii daran waxee ogolyihiin in darbi laga dhiso xadbeenaadka. Sidee loo kala qeybin karaa Mandheera iyo Buulaxaawo.


Aawey dowlad ku sheegtii Xamar fadhisay. See ugu aamusi kartaa arrimo saan camal ah. Beri qole kale ayaa cirkii iyo baddii isku deyn doonto inay bixiso, dad kale u saxiixdo maxaa yeelay qolodooda ayaa 'leh' cirkaas iyo baddaas.


Doorasho, sidee la isku dooranaa iyo musharax aan ahay ayee maalin walba isku qabsadaan. Yee xukumi doonaan haddeeba dadkii tahriib, gaajo iyo abaaro la halaagmeen, dhulkiina saan la iskaga qaadanaayo.

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Side qabiil ula shiri karaa dawlad shisheeye waa su’aal fiican


Wax cusub ma’ahan in qabiil la shiro dawlada shisheeye,shariif sakiin waa la shiray, dr gaas waa la shiray,xasan sheikh waa la shiray, siilaanyo waa la shiray islaam madoobe waa la shiray, ayagoo matalaya qabiilkooda aduun weynuhuna aad buu usoo dhaweeyay, dawlad ku sheegtiina 90’kii baa noogu war dambaysay.


Maxaa cusub marka.?

Waxaa cusub aragtidayda….


Kenya waxay doonaysaa inay derbi dhisato oo sharta soomaalida ka nabad gasho.


Itoobiyana waxay doonaysaa inay qoriga dhaanto noogu bedesho oo dadka ugu faarxadda badan afrika noqono.


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Gooni, wadadan Soomaalidu way wada martay, laakiin jidka aad qaadeen cid martay ma jirto. Ugaas, Siyaasi iyo oday oo udbohoodi wata. waxa is qaban lihi waxa weeye, reer Gedo inksasta oo aay ahaayeen kuwii qaranku gacantooda ku dumay haddana beryahan dambe, gaar ahaan 15 sano ee u dambeeyey waxaa loo arkayey dad Somaalinimada danaynaya oo mitid ah oo aan marnaba isdhiibayn.


Waxa cadaanaysa in cidina cid kale ka Soomaalisanayn ee Fursad la'aan haysay.


Waxaanse la yaabay magaalo qofka degani ma guri iyo dukaan ka badan ayuu ku leeyahay. Sida ninka Hargeisa joogi uusan oramada ka xigin magaalada, ayaa Kismaayana loowada leeyahay.

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Wadada aad qaadeen loool

Waxaan filayaa xaaladda hadda joogta yaa sidaas noqotay walaal mar haddii dawlad la waayay in danahaaga reer kale kaaga soo shir qaado waa laga fiican yahay ama way dhaantaa intii mid hurdaysan magac dawladeed kugu iibin lahaa


Tan kismaayo waxaan u fahmay soomaaali baa leh waad ku saxantahay sida hargeysa iyo boorama loo wada leeyahay yaa kismaayana u wada leenahay, waa dhulkeenii hooyo wallaal.


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Not surprised at all, it is just another manifestation of somali civil cycle, Somali warlords, clans competing to in bed with the national enemy. Ethiopia, Kenya.


it is no different Putnland, Galmudug, Jubba, SL, and South West State of Somalia going to Ethiopia,Kenya, without the national government



The answer is STRONGER, inclusive National government.


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