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General Gabre... creating the new Somalia of tomorrow.

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Waan garan karaa caaqil inaadan ku faraxsanayn balse waa boos banaan iyo fursad aan sahal ku imaan


Midda kale

lixda jamhuuriyad qabiileed midda ugu qaransan oo berigii hore laysku oran jiray soomaaliya soo aaminsanid? haday jawaabtu haa tahay, gebre macaamilka un buu noo kala bedalay sidaan horay u sheegay koonfurta wax gaara ma saarna.


Haddii aad wax tegey iyo mujaahidiintii soo gocoto , please ignore me and keep update.

allaha na xafido dhamaanteen.


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General Gabre brings his governors to the table.








DAAWO SAWIRO: Genaral Gabra oo hishiiska u meerinaya Cabdi Ileey & C/kariin Guuleed


Iyadoo dagaalo ay ka socdaan Xadka u dhexeeya Maamullada Galmudug iyo Dowlad Degaanka Soomaalida Ethiopia, ayaa waxaa soo baxaaya in xalinta colaadaasi ay qeyb weyn ka qaadanayaan Gen. Gebra iyo Axmed Madoobe.


Kulamada xalka loogu raadinaayo Colaadaasi ayaa waxaa garwadeen ka ah Gen.Gebra oo ku sugan magaalada Jigjiga iyo Axmed Madoobe oo ka shaqeeyay sida ay ku kulmi lahaayen Cabdi iley iyo C/kariin Guuleed.


C/kariin Guuleed ayaa sheegay in Ciidamada Liyuu Booliska, ay mudada uu socdo dagaalka laayen dad maati ah, taasina ay tahay mid u baahan in DSSI ay wax ka dhahdo.


Guuleed oo ku howlan kulamada arrintaani la xiriirta ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in lama huraan ay tahay in Ciidamada Liyuu Booliska laga saaro tuulooyinka ay sheeganayaan, waxa uuna Sidoo kale Guuleed ku celcelshay in degaanka Daac-dheer ee Gobolka Galguduud uu yahay mid uu ka aaminsan yahay khalad inuu ka dhaco dagaal maadaama dhulkaasi aysan ku nooleyn dad milliteri ah oo la oran karo halala dagaalamo.


Gen. Gebra iyo Axmed Madoobe ayaa iyaguna sheegay in Ciidamada DDSI aysan awood u laheyn inay xad gudub ku dhaqaaqan, waxa ayna isku raacen in loo baahan yahay in xal laga gaaro khaladaadka taagan ee xalka u baahan.


Gen. Gebra iyo Axmed Madoobe, ayaa wali ku howlan xal u raadinta Khilaafyada dhaliyay in dagaalka labada ciidan uu soo laalaabto.


Gen. Gebra, ayaa isaga ku sugan meel waliba oo ay ku kulmayaan Soomaali dooneysa inay ka shaqeeyaan masiirkooda waxa uuna wakhti waliba Gen. Gebra u taagan yahay sii kala fogeynta Soomaalida.

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^In light of the Dhaanto ciyaarka, this is a 2008 Ethiopian Dossier of Crimes Against Humanitymentioning Gen. Gabre's 2006 - 2008 achievements which the Somali leaders are celebrating in that video.



Gabre Heard, Commander of all Woyanne military forces in Somalia. General Gabre is responsible for displacement of over 2 million Somalis who have become homeless as a result of his indiscriminate bombing of civilians. He is also responsible for mass killing of civilians, gang-raping of women, and slashing the throats of Muslim religious leaders.

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Waraabuhu waa hunguri badan yahay waxaa laga yaabaa neefka jiiska ah ama laangadhaha inuu orod ku dhaafo si uu usoo qabsado kan ordaya mana dhergo isku meel buu ku cunaa aakhirka.


Gidaarkaan aad sawiraysaan qurux ma’ahan dhanka aan rinjiga la marin kala wareeg


markii sawir xun laga bixiyo koonfurta ajaanibka hortooda waxaad ku tiraahdaa anigu soomaali ma'ahi ee somaliland baan ahay then listen the reply carefully.


Warkaas kore ayaa xikmad oo dhami ku dheehantahay.


Suldaanka & Xaajiga hadii ay is moodsiiyeen in dowlada aan deriska nahay kamarantahay siyaasada iyo howl maalmeed siyaasiinta SL, riyo dheer ayey ku jiraan.


Qaabka waraabuhu u eryaday ariga ayuun baa kala duwane, meel bad qabtaa majirto.



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waa wax cajaa'ib ag.


He doesn't have a fixed address or official title. His actions are criminal in ay sense of the word. A foreign intelligence operative , who is operating openly in another country, threatening leaders, undermining the interest of the host nation and sawing discord and destruction among the people is criminal.


Any legitimate Somali leader should have arrested him on the spot and charge him with espionage, corruption, bribery and even causing total mayhem . I would have arrested my first day of the job to send clear message.


























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Any legitimate Somali leader should have arrested him on the spot and charge him with espionage, corruption, bribery and even causing total mayhem . I would have arrested my first day of the job to send clear message.

You can not get elected/selected without general Gabre's (who is the real boss) approval. Even if you got his initial backing but then start to go off course, he will give you a gentle reminder that you are his employee. Such a reminder might include you being detained and tortured by the same guys you were counting on for your planned arrest of general Gabre.

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I don't know why the koonfurian folks insist on being humiliated and colonised by their African neighbours. Instead of this unworkable clan federalism, why don't each clan/region go their separate way and become an independent state? Puntland can become an independent country. So is Jubbaland, Banaadir along with the HAG inhabited central region, and the Baydhabo folks can also be free of the rest. I am sure Somalis can't be in a worst condition than the one they are in now. There are so many mini states in the world who are doing much better than large but poor and unstable ones. Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Brunei, Singapore, Luxembourg, Malta, and many more are way better nations than many chaotic giants in the world. Djibouti is a mini state run by our own people but unlike the failed state called Somalia, it is a success story. Somalis tried a unitary and democratic state but failed, tried a unitary dictatorship but failed, tried 4.5 but failed, and have also tried clan federalism but again failed. How much more should this failure continue before we come to the conclusion that a mutually agreed partition is the best option available? I am sure four or five independent states in the former Somali Republic will not be any worst the the disaster we have today.

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Tallaabo. We can divide Somalia into million pieces but the fundamental problems that destroyed the Somali State will always be there. Ignorance, lack of leadership, tribalism, nepotism, corruption and most importantly poverty will persist.


Secession has not brought prosperity to Somaliland. It is as corrupt, tribalistic, ignorant and poor as any other Somali territory. Further fragmentation is not an answer. We will just miniaturizing problems.


Nothing will change as long as people worship idols (clans) and leaders look for legitimacy elsewhere. There needs paradigm shift.


As for Gebre, he is powerful and not powerful at the same. His position is determined by the behavior of the Somali public and the sleazy leaders that they so blindly follow to the gates of hell.

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