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Southern Somalis given short notice to leave Ceerigaabo, Sanaag

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I think this is unnecessary, most of those people worked in shops and did not

leech off the inhabitants to begin with. The failed government of Silanyo

should worry about Oromos cannibalizing young children and spreading

diseases instead.




Dadka Koonfur Somalia Oo Ka Cabanaya Muddada Somaliland Uqabtay

Inay ka baxaan Somaliland


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oromada waxaa ka daran soomaalida afka soomaaliga ku hadasha

dumarka caruurta u dhalay soo ma kafiilan karaan?

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Aight, who advises Siiraanyo on these matters?



And isn't Erigavo losing population? Why expel people that are obviously keeping it alive and contributing to its vitality?

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Aight, who advises Siiraanyo on these matters?



And isn't Erigavo losing population? Why expel people that are obviously keeping it alive and contributing to its vitality?




Properly his wife Amina Jirde. Its just few hundreds anyway not thousands other than

the cheap goods they use to offer in the shops it won't have much effect on Erigavo.


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Properly his wife Amina Jirde. Its just few hundreds anyway not thousands other than

the cheap goods they use to offer in the shops it won't have much effect on Erigavo.


So why bother with them if they are so few ?


Nacaybkii 20 sano lagu beerayay haduu miri dalay walee. fockin madax yaro qaldaans.



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^ Kaalay, adiga saalax cardkaagi Landernimada ma gubtay waa yaab. You seem to be so against this current administration you're willing to side with Reer Koonfureed on every issue.


And would you resume your normal attacks when your clan comes to power ? Laba sano ka hor cirkaad ku socotay, rivalling ciilsuldan, but now your qunyar socod, LOL.





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Actually it was nearly 4 years ago(since the 2012 local election fiasco), I gave the gov

the benefit of the doubt in 2010 and 2011, unfortunately it is not the right gov for

Somaliland as many people realized. I don't support something that isn't in the wider

interest of Somaliland. I did not side entirely with southerners in this issue, I

said things should be prioritized first such as the illegal Ethiopian immigrants

to be deported who beg in the streets of Hargeisa and are a eye sore to the city.

Working southerners should just pay the $15 fee, its not a lot compared to what

is taken from people with Western passports when they enter Sland ($60).

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Johnny B   

The Dominating Somali clan of Northern Somalia has succeeded in expelling those who were born and breed but belonged to other clans in Ceerigaabo, Sanaag , so expelling few South-West State Somalis is not that harmful, me thinks.



According to the phony and imaginary Puntland charter:


Territory, Borders and Its Inviolability and Sacredness




The territorial sovereignty of Puntland shall extend to: East Region of Bari, Nugal, Sool, South Togdher (Buhodle District), Mudug except the Districts of Hobyo and Haradhere and Sanag Region except the District of El-Afweyn and Northeast of Erigavo District.

2. The Puntland Regional State borders are those they had previously with the regions and districts of Somali Republic before the Somali Civil War. The unity of Puntland is sacred and inviolable; land territory, territorial sea and the air space.


Somalis are wickedly funny!

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Ceerigaabo has been under SNM since 1989. It belongs to those who liberated it

from the clutches of dictator Siad Bare.Other groups are not entirely innocent

since they attempted to displace the dominate group there historically (the big

beards) with the help of Siad Bare but it backfired. Nevertheless the Sanaag

communities are in good terms today specially the big beard community and the

Badhan community, they are not known to hold grudges.

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Ceerigaabo ... belongs to those who liberated it from the clutches of dictator Siad Bare.Other groups are not entirely innocent since they attempted to displace the dominate group there historically (the big beards) with the help of Siad Bare but it backfired.

This is the problem with Somalis. this young man now wants to convince us people who reside in three districts and a half of the Sanaag region are a minority whereas those who reside not even in a single district are the majority. when did *xajis become the majority in Sanaag? they are only found in some neighbourhoods in Ceerigaabo. cakuye caqli daanyeer.


Ceerigaabo, a shared city divided along clan lines by the long road which runs in the middle of this old once cosmopolitan city.


Solely *Sangeli districts: 1) Badhan, 2) Dhahar & 3) Las Qorey.


Ceel Afweyn is the only wholly Somaliland district, yet the yarn goes on: we own it all. And for clarity, Ceel Afweyn is *jeclo district which mathematically means *xajis are only found in some neighbourhoods in Ceerigaabo and not even qualify for the minority label.

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So if I was born in the city I am not a citizen, yet the fools brought up in the North America and western Europe, as the case is of minister Caddaani, could tell its native sons and daughters to move out. some inverted logic.

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Illyria Maybe that was the calculations of Siad Bare, reality is different though.

During the British Somaliland population estimations of 1940s the entire Badhan

community was 20,000 while the Big beards + the central Sanaag community were

40,000. Ceerigaabo district has over 114,000 people and of that 65% are the big

beards + other allied groups from West Burco. The eastern Sanaag community

are only a majority in Badhan district and Dhahar, there is a reason they

refer to themselves as "Eastern Sanaag" community, as for Ceel Afweyn district

I am from there and it is a shared district the mayor of Dararweyne is the uncle

of Saalax. I guess you have a lot to learn, things are not what they

seem in Sanaag.Land size does not equate to greater population, case in point

UK is much smaller than Somalia yet it has more than 6 times the population of







All those districts in Sanaag are dominated by the Eastern Mother Yunis community

and they are not up for any negotiations.




Ceerigaabo district- Mayor Ismaaciil Xaaji Nuur belongs to the big beard community




Yufleh another district dominated by the big beards





Maydh district mayor - Abdirahman Sheikh Siciid Maydh , a large coastal district

that borders all the way near Las Qoray at Waqderiya.





Dararweyne district of central and south Sanaag mayor is Cige Xusseen







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So if I go by your non-scientific estimations, *xajis folks quadrupled since 40s where *sangelis ?

Mathematically it does not add up, does it? Could I ask how you came to the 114thou figure? Head count or phantom alchemy akin to home-grown generous pickings? For your info *sangelis are strong as ever and have grown in number and stature, but are more concentrated in Bossaso for the time being and the tide will turn sooner or later. Children of Sultan M. A. Shire are well alive and awaiting. Keep counting by the way, bu do spare a thought for the folks on the other side who are keeping their own record keeping and when the time comes to count, compare and contrast, confoundedness awaits your mal-coiffed membrana.


I am always astounded as to the claim: bigger land does not mean larger population. shockingly non-Einsteinian. It is as if of all of a sudden I am transported to a Cheyenne barn in the 17th hundred.

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It does add up when you consider the Badhan community is not a very large

community despite their large land in Eastern Sanaag, they are about the

same size as Ahmed Godane's Baligubadle/Ahmed Dhagax district community who

were also 20,000 in 1940. The 114,000 for Ceerigaabo district is from UNDP

2005 population estimations. Ceerigaabo district is the most populated district

in Sanaag followed by Ceel Afweyn district according to the UNDP. Garaad

Abdisalaan the head of the Badhan community is based in Badhan, they consider

Badhan as their capital.There is a unsaid agreement that the Badhan community can

live in Ceerigaabo but they can never try to undermine the big beards(the dominant

group there), so don't expect any power struggle over management of the city anytime

soon because it is not going to happen. Each community has a area in Sanaag where

they are dominant and that means you can't fight them over it, this is not Jubbaland

where Kenyan muscle can be used :D .

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