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What is wrong with the Muslims?

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1. Murdering Christian fellow travellers despite risking their lives sneaking into a Christian continent!!

2. Begging for rescue, acceptance, aid, and hospitality from European Christians while killing their brothers in faith!!

3. Expecting humanity and mercy from Christians while lacking these fundamental qualities themselves!!

4. Relaying on the sympathy, food handouts, shelter, and other charitable acts from Catholic churches once in Italy and Malta but still killing Christians for no reason other than their faith!!

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Stop frothing at the mouth and linking together things shouldn't be. You are starting to sound like Hirsi Ali.

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What is wrong with Budhhists?

*Governments in Burma provoking violence against Minorities such as rohingya and chinese.

*Buddhist monks Attacking churches and mosques in Sri-lanka, and leading killing mobs in burma.

*The dalai lama being indifferent to all those happenings.


What is wrong with christians?


*Angola, a predominantly christian country, banning the practice of all other religions other than Christianity and destroying worship places.


What is wrong with Jews?

*Creating the world's largest concentration camp in GAZA, bombing children and civilians indiscriminately.

*Denying all human rights to palestenians living in West bank and rest of palestine....ravaging their lands, destroying their homes and farms, etc etc ...



What is wrong with Hawiye?

*committing clan-cleansing in Mogadisho in 1991


What is wrong with Hutu?

*committing one of the most disgusting genocides in contemparary history.


What is wrong with Europeans?

Over 60 Million people killed in WW2




Don't take history as dictated to you by fox news or narrow minded media, Humans have been killing each other through history. Justification is always given, May be it religious, Ethnic, National, Regional....but at the end its either , A conquered and a defender, two conquerors, or two mis-directed defenders. .... and to what I see things are going, the World needs new enemy and Muslims unfortunately happen to be the target...



About the boat story, Although I haven't read into the details, I would assume it was based on Nationalism rather than religion...Somalis Vs Ethiopian or Sudanese VS Eritrean ETC...Africans have no Religious tendencies as strong as their tribal and nationalistic ones.



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What is wrong with Muslims? ~~ Read, why are Muslims fighting the westerners/cadaan, aka my favorite people.


Munaafiq, why you groveling like this when westerners were invading Muslim lands willy nilly Iraq, Libya and countless others. Of course your weren't, they were bringing democracy and civilization you see.


These little problems you write about are just symptoms of a problem they directly caused, let the chickens come home to roost.







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The term "Islamophobia" has a purpose -- to suppress any criticism of Islam, Sharia law, Jihad, violent repression against women, Islamic intolerance of Non-Muslims when Muslims are in the minority and to suppress any criticism of Islam whether legitimate or not.

There is no such thing as ISLAMOPHOBIA! it is the right of every individual to question a religion which claims to be peaceful and yet is responsible by far for more terrorist attacks than any other religion in history.

Islamophobia is simply another name for what Muslims consider "Blasphemy". This is because in the Western world where freedom of speech and religion is guaranteed, however, to the contrary are strictly forbidden in the Muslim World. The equivalent to the term Islamophobia in the Muslim world, does not exist, instead, blatantly, in its place what they have are blasphemy laws -- where criticism of anything to do with Islam is strictly forbidden and carries the death sentence.

If you are to believe that Islamophobia does exist then you would have to believe that there is Christianophobia, Hinduophobia, Buddhophobia, Judeaophobia, Shintophobia, Baha'iophobia and apply the same standard to every other world religion, you can't cherry-pick Islam for a special treatment while portraying it as a Religion unless you don't believe Islam is a religion like any other in the world.

This was written by an Ex-Muslim (His name omitted for his protection) who was born and raised as a Muslim and renounced Islam because of its irrational ideology which is extremely dangerous to any peace-loving and harmonious society that does not desire to experience the turmoil that exists in the Middle East, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia and many countries in the world where Islamic ideology is wreaking havoc.



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The term "Islamophobia" has a purpose -- to suppress any criticism of Islam, Sharia law, Jihad, violent repression against women, Islamic intolerance of Non-Muslims when Muslims are in the minority and to suppress any criticism of Islam whether legitimate or not.

There is no such thing as ISLAMOPHOBIA! it is the right of every individual to question a religion which claims to be peaceful and yet is responsible by far for more terrorist attacks than any other religion in history.

Islamophobia is simply another name for what Muslims consider "Blasphemy". This is because in the Western world where freedom of speech and religion is guaranteed, however, to the contrary are strictly forbidden in the Muslim World. The equivalent to the term Islamophobia in the Muslim world, does not exist, instead, blatantly, in its place what they have are blasphemy laws -- where criticism of anything to do with Islam is strictly forbidden and carries the death sentence.

If you are to believe that Islamophobia does exist then you would have to believe that there is Christianophobia, Hinduophobia, Buddhophobia, Judeaophobia, Shintophobia, Baha'iophobia and apply the same standard to every other world religion, you can't cherry-pick Islam for a special treatment while portraying it as a Religion unless you don't believe Islam is a religion like any other in the world.

This was written by an Ex-Muslim (His name omitted for his protection) who was born and raised as a Muslim and renounced Islam because of its irrational ideology which is extremely dangerous to any peace-loving and harmonious society that does not desire to experience the turmoil that exists in the Middle East, Nigeria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Turkey, Indonesia and many countries in the world where Islamic ideology is wreaking havoc.

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