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The West needs to force Somalis to respect human rights

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That's not true. They're not 2 sides of the same coin; one act is acceptable as long as it's within the bounds of marriage, and the other act is completely unacceptable in all circumstances.


There is no evidence that the "Gay Gene" exists, it's all speculation and homosexuality is not genetic at all. It's a learned behavior which should be condemned. But even if it was genetic, it wouldn't make a difference...Because glaucoma (a disease which can make you blind) is also genetic. So is obesity. And so is having heart problems, mental psychosis, paranoid schizophrenia, a propensity for alcoholism, even hair loss. ALL of these problems are genetic.


Yet for some reason why are we trying to find cures and treatments for all of these issues, yet you want us to celebrate and promote homosexual behavior? It's a scientific fact that if your Father is an alcoholic, then that greatly increases the chances of you being an alcoholic as well, because of the alcoholism gene.


Yet homosexual behavior, which is harmful to one's body, which is harmful to your health and your spirituality. Which goes against the very nature in which God created you....yeah, THAT should be promoted and accepted in society am I right Tallaabo? Look, I'm not here to barge into people's homes and see what they're doing. If they keep their deviant behavior within the privacy of their own bedrooms, then no one will know and nothing can be done. But as soon as they advertise their deviant behavior and start to have "Gay Pride Marches"....well then that's where we draw the line in the sane and say this is unacceptable.

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Dr Kenny, if homosexuality is abhorrent, heterosexuality is also abhorrent as both are different variants of human sexuality. It is like condemning the black people whilst praising the white.


These reports prove the physiological basis of homosexuality:

God does not make mistakes in His creation and also would not create homosexuals just to condemn them.

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Tallaabo, I can easily find contradictory studies proving that homosexuality is not genetic at all. Scientists have not been able to identify the gay gene whatsoever.


Either way, homosexuality is a disorder just like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It's an unfortunate condition which should require treatment, but it is in no way a "normal" and "acceptable" way of life.

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The west have tried to treat people of homosexuality for centuries because they thought it was a disease which could be cured. To this day fundamentalist Christians mostly in the USA are abusing little kids because they can't accept that homosexuality is a natural part of the human being. Thankfully, the majority of the world's population and every respectable scientific and medical institution have now come to the inevitable conclusion that homosexuality existed as long as humanity existed and will continue to exist no matter what, is not a disease, is a different variant of the overall human sexuality, is also present in the animal kingdom, is not "curable", and that there is nothing wrong with being a gay or lesbian.

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Watch this short video saaxib, it goes into further detail and says it much more eloquently than I. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi is great here :D


BTW Tallaabo; lying, cheating, stealing, committing adultery, committing murder, and other such crimes have existed as long as humanity existed. What kind of rationale is that to justify homosexual behavior? And also, we're not animals we are human beings. There's a different standard expected of us as human beings. Some animals kill the offspring of their rival males, so would that be okay if human beings do the same thing? In some insect populations, the female KILLS the male after she mates with him, and then she eats him up. So would that also be okay if human beings did the same thing? It's not a good argument Tallaabo.

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Thankfully, the majority of the world's population and every respectable scientific and medical institution have now come to the inevitable conclusion that homosexuality existed as long as humanity existed and will continue to exist no matter what, is not a disease, is a different variant of the overall human sexuality.


Tallaabo, there is little conclusive evidence that homosexuality is genetic. The science to conclusively support such assertion is just not there.

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Watch this short video saaxib, it goes into further detail and says it much more eloquently than I. Shaykh Yasir Qadhi is great here


The guy is talking nonsense. You just wasted few minutes of my time with this video.



BTW Tallaabo; lying, cheating, stealing, committing adultery, committing murder, and other such crimes have existed as long as humanity existed. What kind of rationale is that to justify homosexual behavior?


What a ridiculous comparison!! The crimes you mentioned are committed by both heterosexuals and homosexuals and have nothing to do with the topic at hand which is sexual attraction between who humans. Lying and cheating do not need the deployment of sex hormones like testosterone and oestrogen in the body, whereas sexual attractions between two humans or two animals are underpinned by such major physiological mechanisms.

Ditoore, you really need to put some thought into your arguments instead of regurgitating the garbage naïve Muslim preachers and the Christian fundamentalists spout to justify their oppression of a large segment of humanity.



And also, we're not animals we are human beings.


Yes we are not animals but we are not made of plastic either. We are physiologically similar to the animal kingdom. Indeed we share over 99% of our DNA with the chimpanzees and over 96% with a host of other animals and invertebrates. So whatever natural tendencies animals have humans also usually possess the same tendenies. That is why new medicines and cosmetics are fist tested on animals before human trials are conducted. But we are different to the animals in respect to our ability to control many of our actions which are not driven by basic, powerful, and involuntary biological mechanisms such as the urge to eat, to drink, and yes to mate.



There's a different standard expected of us as human beings. Some animals kill the offspring of their rival males, so would that be okay if human beings do the same thing? In some insect populations, the female KILLS the male after she mates with him, and then she eats him up. So would that also be okay if human beings did the same thing? It's not a good argument Tallaabo.


The animals behaviours you have mentioned have no relevance in this discussion whatsoever. These strange behaviours within the animal kingdom are purely survival instincts which are used to keep their species reproducing. Obviously, humans are endowed with a more powerful brain so we do not need to do such things. However, we share a lot with these animals and insects including sexual attraction which underpins the reproduction of every animal and insect. These attractions are mostly for the opposite sex but a significant minority of humans have it for the same sex. We also share the desire to favour our own children over our rival’s children although of course no murder is involved in most cases.

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I rather have gay people being open than having suicide bombings and clan wars.


I am,


Abdi "Who wouldn't? " Johnson


LOL Johnson :D


Strangely enough, I agree with you there. :D

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