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Turkey needs to be kicked out of NATO

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Why is it a useless thread? Is it because you don't like to hear the truth? Is it because you are a IS supporter? Is it because you are a terrorist?


The Kurds are good people and should be assisted. Anyone who is against terrorism should be befriended and helped


I am,


Abdi "I am very disappointed with Turkey" Johnson

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Yeah, I am automatically an "ISIS Supporter" and a terrorist simply because I disagree with you. And you wonder why I'm laughing at you.


Go back to the library, you're clearly in over your head here. Maybe you should research about Turkey's dilemma here, their geopolitical goals, and their relationship to the Kurds and to the region.


But no, since Turkey does something you dislike, you want them kicked out of NATO, as if NATO gives a damn about the opinion of a Farax on an internet forum.


I am,


Doctor "Wondering what Abdi Johnson is thinking" Kenney

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I am well aware of Turkey's goals and their relationship with the Kurds. And no one cares. There is a terror group that is causing havoc. They have a moral obligation to assist in crushing IS. If they don't do anything, they should be kicked out of NATO. Many NATO countries are furious Turkey is doing nothing. Turkey would rather see tens of thousands of people being slaughtered like goats just a few kilometers away than arm a few Kurds. Turkish tanks are on the border are watching Kurdish children being killed. If they are not going to arm the Kurds so they can do the work, confront IS yourself


I am,


Abdi "Don't let Turkish efforts in Mogadishu make you irrational" Johnson

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Well then why isn't the United States doing anything to combat ISIS at the moment, aside from a few airstrikes? American troops are stationed in the region, there are American warships, planes, and Drones within striking distance from ISIS, yet for some reason we don't see a massive assault on ISIS on the part of the US Troops. Why is that? Why are you singling out Turkey but ignoring the United States?


I am,


Doctor "Embarrassing these fools since 1992" Kenney

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Alpha, please stop trolling and if itsn't Alpha,

then the two of them must be from the same umblical cord (Alpha and Abdi Johnson).

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The US is at least active and doing something even though I still believe Obama the Acorn hippie is not doing enough. Turkey is doing absolutely anything.


I will not single out anyone. I love the truth.


How am I a troll if I point out Turkey's unwillingness to fight terrorism?


DoctorKenney, be more respectable of other people's opinions that are different from yours. No need to insult me. I am entitled to my views and my opinions. If you live in the West, you should already know about that


I am,


Abdi "If you dont agree go back to Africa" Johnson

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And that's actually factually false. Turkey has joined in the fight against ISIS, and they've given plenty of military and logistical support to combat this group. Funny how you don't use this same scrutiny against the United States.


Maybe you should stop reading FrontPageMag and actually consult a real news source. I'm just saying...


I am,


Doctor "If you're gonna make a claim, then back it up" Kenney

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Turkey has so far not given material support to the military coalition against ISIS.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has refused to intervene militarily or to allow Kurds from Turkey to cross the border to assist their brethren in Syria.


Turkey has given a free hand to ISIS in its attempt to wipe out Syrian Kurds


The Turkish military idly stands at the Syrian border, refusing aid to the Kurdish men, women and children trapped in Kobani.


Turkey does nothing from its side of the border with Syrian Kurdistan, while ISIS advances on Kobani and other border towns, threatening extermination of the Kurds


Turkey deserves better than the Islamist Erdogan


I am,


Abdi "Sit down Doctor Terror" Johnson

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Turkey has fought against ISIS, but they limited their actions because of the 46 Turkish hostages which ISIS had kidnapped. Again, Turkey is attempting to act in a way in which they can combat ISIS without it blowing up in their face. Turkey is next door to ISIS territory, so they have to behave much more cautiously. But now that these hostages have been released, Turkey has much more of a free hand to deal with ISIS and help crush them, and their Parliament recently voted to do just that.


If you think that destroying this Khawaarij group ISIS isn't in the interests of Turkey, then you don't know politics. And you haven't been listening to ISIS themselves who have threatened to conquer Turkey and destroy the government


And BTW, Turkey has fought against ISIS, they even fought them during the days when Obama infamously shrugged them off as a "JayVee team"


I am,


Doctor "You can do better than that Johnson" Kenney

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The "civilized nations" were and are responsible for this mess by invading Iraq and unleashing sectarian violence! Blaming Turkey for not committing and deploying its forces is intellectually dishonesty.


Why should Turkey assume all risks while Europe and America do ineffective bombing. Turkey wants Assad removed, ISIS destroyed while securing political settlement in Iraq and keep its Kurdish population in check. Whether we like or not, Turkey is looking out for their interest as any country would.


If NATO is serious, they should finance the war, commit ground forces and arm "regular Syrians." Blaming Turkey is rather simplistic analysis.

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The West will never risk pushing Turkey into the welcoming arms of Putin.


This thread, along with the mooncalf who started it, is a nonstarter!

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Wel, Mr. Johnson, NATO needs Turkey more than ever before. Turkey can't join in these coalition without first looking their interest. The weak President Obama is the one who dithered when it was perfect time to defeat Assad. Rather than please everyone and use polls to conduct foreign policy, he should have finished Assad when he was on the ropes. Just six months ago Obama was saying that the moderate Free Syrian army should be given half a Billion dollar military aid. The Americans were the ones encouraging the Saudis and others to arm the extremist factions like Al Nusra Front. This what happens when you sit in the fence on issues of great urgency.


Now Obama is coordinating with Assad to bomb ISIS. Turkey is correct on this. The United States with Turkey could put no fly zone in north east Syria and around Damascus. They can limit the Assad air power. NATO, with the help of Turkey could put troops on the ground to eliminate ISIS, and finish off Assad. Finally the goal should be the removal of Assad and installing a national government with the help of U.s and Turkey. Turkey could even guarantee a stable and responsible Syria that will not threaten the international security. The Iraqi, Saudi and other foreign Jihadist's must to be kicked out of Syria. It is a long process.


Without any discussion of the future conclusion of the conflict, and the eventual removal of Assad, means bringing the ISIS threat inside Turkey. They have a long border, many of these insurgents could destabilize Turkey easily. I will not give any credibility the hyperbole pronouncements of a newspapers looking quick fixes, by exaggerating the Kurds plights.


The Americans should listen their friend Turkey. the American strategy is short term fixes. The air power will only limit ISIS's advances , but will not eliminate. That means another two or four year insurgency in the door steps of Turkey and others.


Turkey already welcomed thousand of Kurds, and has a good relations with Kurds autonomous region of Iraq. The United States foreign policy is reactive, manipulated by cable tv. The administration is damned if they do something and damned if they don't.

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^^I agree, this entire situation was aggravated by Obama's indecisiveness and not taking advantage of the situation when he had the chance. Obama had a bad situation and he made it worse. Yet we don't see Mr "Abdi Johnson" calling for the removal of the United States from NATO.


Something's telling me "Abdi Johnson" gets his talking points from Sean Hannity at FOX News, or perhaps FrontPage Magazine or some other right-wing news source.

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