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Che -Guevara

A letter from EU, IGAD and UN to Abdiwali Gas

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the question is why the 18 states each one cant be a federal state?? instead of creating havoc among tribes like the pull and push games.each tribe wants to add a neighboring state which he feels more like a majority. puntland should be blamed for insisting that federal state must be formed by two states or more in garowe accord 1&2...may be the chicked has came home to roost. Mudug cant be dived and it should be joined to either puntland or the new formed central state period

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this letter clearly states that The central state is confined to koonfurta Mudug And Galgaduud . However the bigger question which nick Kay and the Xamarawis have made is a State which consist of 1 and half region. This fight between Puntlanders and the Moqadishans will continue for another day we shall see who wins the constitution question . :-)

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No fight here, lad. These guys have only affirmed what we've been saying all along and it was only political mooncalves such as yourself who where claiming that the UN had blessed the breakaway of Mudug from Puntland.


As everyone can now see for themselves, the UN and other diplomatic representatives of the international community have distanced themselves from such petty buffoonery and wholeheartedly apologized to his "Excellency" Gaas. :D


And now for your last baseless assertion that Kay &CO, by refuting the claims of Puntland territory being a part of this new Central State, have now inadvertently somehow --once again--given their blessing to just Galgaduud and South Mudug forming a federal state, and thereby give this new Central State a raincheck on NOT fullfuling the '2 or more' clause in the federal constitution...What a load bollocks, mate!


At this moment, the federal constitution is inviolable. Once the Ahlulsunna, GalMudug and Ximin&Xeeb reconcile and decide to jump on the federal bandwagon, whether as a whole or separately, they will still have to adhere to the "only 2 or more provinces clause" without affecting the territorial integrity of existing federal member states such as Puntland.


I've said once and I'll say it again: Puntland is the Federal heavyweight Champion of Somalia, and any featherweight who tries to look its way, gets the fcuk knockout!!!


The ball is in your court, kid! :D

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Fedearaalka puntland doonayso haddii la qaato weligeed la is aamini maayo,laysuna imaan maayo anna waykan baa soconaysa iyo kalsoonidii waa la noqonay


Gaalkacyo makala xirna waa magaalo dadku isku dhex jiro,waxa kuu sawiran iyo waaqaca ama runta dhulka taala way kala duwan tahay hogaankaa kala qaybsan dadku Makala qaybsana.


Dr gaas haduusan kursiga soomaaliya meel doog leh geyn Karin ama isku dayi Karin, oday fadhi ku dirirka yaqaan maslaxadda reerkana difaaca haku wareejiyo kursiga garoowe, ama dhaqan aqoonyahan oo hufan ha la yimaado.


Mudug iyo gal gaduud haddii laysku daro waxay fure u noqanaysaa is dhex galaka iyo maamul wadaaga iyo isu soo dhawashada hogaanka kala qaybsan


Laga yaabee inaad is weydiiso haddaad waqooyiga gaalkcyo kasoo jeedo see maamul dhisan loogu daraa meel iyo gobolo aan habaysnayn, waxaadse ogaataa markaad wadan dhisayso inay ka duwan tahay markaad qoys dhisayso,Sacrifice badana loo baahan yahay.



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Saaxiib, Gooni, sheekada raqiiska-ah meeshaan kala tag!


Mudug, uma baahna Galgaduud.


Mudug waxay isku maamul yihiin gobollada Nuguul, Bari, Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn...waa hadii aad indha is-tirayn!

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SOMALIA: “Puntland ready to open talks with the Federal government” repeats Puntland president


Posted on August 18, 2014Somali News


RBC ( Garowe) Puntland president Dr Abdiweli Mohamed Ali gaas has repeated his government’s willingness to open talks with the federal government of the country.


Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, the president of Somalia’s semi autonomous state of Puntland has said that Puntland has been toiling and pleading for Somalia’s unity and is ready to invite the federal government on the dialogue table to instigate the cooperation between the two sides after the state has cut its ties with the central government.


President Gaas has several other times called on the federal government on talks to reinstate the cooperation with Somalia’s foreign troops backed government, since Puntland government has suspended their cooperation with the Federal government after learning the establishment of regional state for central regions including Puntland territories.


Puntland has alleged the federal government of Somalia of not acting in accordance with the Somali provincial constitution which Somali people have agreed on and rather creating crisis in the country that has suffered quarter century of civil war and chaos.

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Waa isu baahanahay wallaale wiil yar oo shaah kulul loo dhiibay ha noqon, wax farqi ah oo noo dhaxeeya ma jiraan ,galgaduud hiiraan mudug iyo sh/dhexe ilaa xataa bari waa gobolo isku dhinac isuna furan dhaqaalaha iyo is dhex galkuna ka dhaxeeyo


Waxaa kaliya oo loo baahan yahay dhinaca siyaasadda in wax laga badelo oo la helo aqoonyahan xukun qabiill iskala weyn ama si qarsoodi ah hoosta uga aaminsan haduu caroodana aan dumarka iyo caruurta ogaysiin.


Waxaa ila wanaagsan aragtidayda in xayndaabka si tartiib tartiiba ah loo durjiyo, kan isku tashan karana wax la qabto kan kale geed dhinac ka qoyan harkiisu ma dhama saaxiib haddaadan waraabin inta qoyan baa qalali,,,akiid.


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