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America: Police shoot Another black kid from behind

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I've read about this. So the Police Officer shoots a black kid dead, which is a tragedy.


But then the Black residents of St Louis, decide to riot and loot and pillage and vandalize their own neighborhood as a response to this killing! Like, are you kidding me? One kid loses his life, and this gives them an excuse to break into Walmart and destroy everything, and steal PlayStations, Air Jordan shoes and other valuable stuff? They were destroying bus shelters, supermarkets, cars, everything!


We don't even know the full story yet. The autopsy report has yet to come out, so it's best we just wait for the evidence to come out and make a decision based on what happened.


This has nothing to do with race. I hate this constant race-baiting which exists in America.

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^ witness to the shooting said the kid was shot 3 times from behind, he turned around and was shot a further 5 times. To shot an unarmed civilian is wrong itself to shoot a man from behind is the definition of cowardliness. That police man is a coward . The looting and other criminal activities are wrong of cause.

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"Baroortu orgiga ka wayn", the real problem is not police killing unarmed civilians, its about civilians owning guns!...If I was a policeman in the states I will not take any chances for I could be easily shot, access to weaponry made the law enforcement vulnerable and their 'over-exaggerated' use of deadly force is justifiable. Just put yourself in their shoes.


Compare it to countries where guns are strictly controlled, The UK for instance, police officers enjoy some sense of security, thus police shootings are rare.


The other thing with black communities (not African-immigrant community to some extent) in the states is the use of "race card" in every situation.....A murderer is shot by a white policeman, the black community will only see a 'black brother shot by whites', I condone stereotyping and undoubtedly there are many cases with race as a motive, but, not every case is about race....Same goes for us Somalis and tribe!



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Coofle, getting rid of guns will never ever happen in America. It's part of the 2nd Amendment, it's in the Constitution. Guns are a part of American culture, and it's not something that will ever go away.


Guns are not the problem here. The problem is a disconnect between the Black Community and the Police.


The problem is these race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who incite racial animosity between blacks and whites. Whenever a black kid is shot by a white guy, they always shout "RACISM!" but yet they ignore the thousands of black kids being killed in Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Detroit and Los Angeles every single year. The only time a black man's life has value is when it's taken by a White Cop, that's the ONLY time it has any value in the eyes of these people.

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Black America needs to get its acts together and find purpose in life. Having said that, shooting someone who is already running away should not be ignored by the community. It could have been a Somali kid walking around these government housing complexes. It could have been your own brother chilling in the neighborhood.


Looters must be brought to justice. These animals have no right to pillage someone else's property.

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Black America needs to get its acts together and find purpose in life. Having said that, shooting someone who is already running away should not be ignored by the community. It could have been a Somali kid walking around these government housing complexes. It could have been your own brother chilling in the neighborhood.


Looters must be brought to justice. These animals have no right to pillage someone else's property.


That's very true. There should be a thorough investigation to this shooting.


But this type of behavior of looting and vandalism is just ridiculous

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Coofle, getting rid of guns will
never ever happen in America
. It's part of the 2nd Amendment, it's in the Constitution. Guns are a part of American culture, and it's not something that will ever go away.


Guns are not the problem here. The problem is a disconnect between the Black Community and the Police.


The problem is these race-baiters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who incite racial animosity between blacks and whites. Whenever a black kid is shot by a white guy, they always shout "RACISM!" but yet they ignore the
thousands of black kids being killed in Chicago, New York, Baltimore, Detroit and Los Angeles every single year.
The only time a black man's life has value is when it's taken by a White Cop, that's the ONLY time it has any value in the eyes of these people.


Early European aristocrat's definition of human rights first incorporated to serve and protect the fellow Aristocratic White man, but later stretched gradually to involve lower-class white male citizens and recently in the 20th century included women and minorities.In that same principle, the right to bear arms was simply put to ensure personal security and well being in the lawless vast lands America was. Now that need is obsolete.


If really America wants to uplift its domestic security measures, They should try to put strict (yet bounded by constitution) regulations on who can own a gun (stricter than the rules already in place)...wildly Extended waiting periods, limiting the number and type of firearms one can posses, hefty taxes, using guns in the certain places (homes) and not to carry them around..etc ... such conditions will make carrying guns unfavorable and even a burden yet the 2nd amendment is fulfilled "right to bear arms".....

That is impossible considering the lunatic gun rights activists and constant lobbying from the firearm producing corporations and don't forget politicians vying for votes.


for the black communities, its more than 40 years since the civil rights movement in the United states, they had enough respite from the the injustice and if they want to be fully american they should act as such. blaming the white system is not going to work any more. Many African-american have already abandoned the ghetto culture that I believe damages the black community.I know its wrong to judge as its all they know...but come on, I have many Somali friends in the states, most of them have been there for less than a decade and they are all functional members of society, either working or went to universities.

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Coofle, the 2nd Amendment was designed to protect the citizens against their own government, in case the Federal Government gets tyrannical. And the American Founding Fathers purposely left that Amendment in there because the entire US Constitution is based on the notion of limited government.


I don't see anything wrong with guns in America. Guns in Somalia is a different story, but Somalia and America are two very different societies and cultures.


But I completely agree. Africans from Nigeria, Sudan, Senegal, Ghana and Somalia are far more successful as a group than African Americans, who've been living in this country for much much longer. Martin Luther King Jr died almost 50 years ago. Blacks in America REALLY need to get their act together, and they have no one to blame except themselves for their failures.


The day the Black Man in America takes responsibility over his own fate, instead of blaming the White Man for his problems all the time, is the day he finally becomes a real man and not a slave.

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This is a very simple, it is about the treatment of African Americans by the police. Through experience and research, it has be proven the police unfairly targets black males because of certain look and skin color. The media also perpetuated the idea of angry black men.


When The Media Treats White Suspects And Killers Better Than Black Victims


By the way those of you condemning blacks and siding with police, it will be very unwise to side with cops without serious scrutiny. police views dark skin people not as people to serve. but simple as a threat that needs to be deal with and if necessary neutralized.





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This is a very simple, it is about the treatment of African Americans by the police. Through experience and research, it has be proven the police unfairly targets black males because of certain look and skin color. The media also perpetuated the idea of angry black men.


When The Media Treats White Suspects And Killers Better Than Black Victims


By the way those of you condemning blacks and siding with police, it will be very unwise to side with cops without serious scrutiny. police views dark skin people not as people to serve. but simple as a threat that needs to be deal with and if necessary neutralized

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Che, there have been some pro-active Black Americans who have been saying for YEARS that there should be Black Police Officers policing black communities. There's a serious disconnect between the police officers (mostly White) and the community in Ferguson, Missouri (mostly Black).


There is no question that the shooting of this young man is a tragedy, and should be thoroughly investigated. But to jump on this story without knowing all the facts sounds like race-baiting to me. To react to this incident by looting and rioting sounds like overkill to me.


There are better ways to solve your problems without behaving in this manner.

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When I was visiting my cousin in Toronto last year, there was an incident where a White Police Officer shoots this young Syrian man named "Sammy Yatim" on a Toronto streetcar. He shoots the kid like 10 times, killing him.


As a result of this shooting, people in Toronto were protesting, holding marches, and demanding an investigation, and eventually the Cop was arrested and charged for the murder of this young man.


There was no looting. There was no rioting. There was no mention of the racial background of the kid or the Cop who shot him. None of that. None of that was relevant to the story at all.


THAT is how you handle this type of incident. Instead of attempting to spark a race war in America every single time a black guy gets killed. First we have Trayvon, now we have this story.

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Doctor, things don't happen in vacuum, this has been brewing for decades and this killing was last straw. As looting, it was by a small group and community its has come out against the looting. They actually helped the victims of looting.


By the way, when the cop stopped Micheal Brown, he was not aware if Micheal robbed anything. The outcome would have been the same whether Micheal robbed anything or not

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